Dart_Lenin Опубликовано 13 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 13 апреля, 2015 Собственно, дамы и господа, уже сгенерировавшие своих персонажей могут добавлять сюда листы для них. Делается это по следующему образцу: Имя Параметры Предрасположенности, навыки, черты и таланты Инвентарь. История изменений листа, куда вы будете записывать все положительные и отрицательные вещи, происходившие с вашим персонажем Также прошу учесть, что со старта все персонажи имеют значение Славы в 20 единиц. Еще желательно пожалеть мышку Ильича и убирать самые объемные части листа под спойлер, чтобы не пришлось прокручивать ненужные данные. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Miralynx Опубликовано 13 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 13 апреля, 2015 (изменено) "Моника"Моника Ле'Бей WS 50 BS 25 S 30 T 30 A 40(+1) I 40 Per 30 Wp 50 Fel 45 Gl 30 Переносимый вес: 36 кг. Очки безумия: 5. Очки порчи: 17. "Навыки:"Avareness+10 Charm+10 Command+10 Common lore (Adepta Sororitas) Dodge Inquiry Parry Stealh+10 Survival+20 "Таланты:" COMBAT FORMATION-200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 40 Aptitudes: Leadership, Fieldcraft The character makes sure the Squad is constantly alert and prepared for danger, planning out their actions for many contingencies if attacked. All members of the Squad (including the character) add +1 to their Initiative rolls. Any member of the Squad may also choose to use the Intelligence Bonus of this character for their Initiative roll rather than their own Agility Bonus. Counter Attack - 450 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The Acolyte’s lightning ripostes are things of deadly beauty; swift and invisible as the wind. Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack. Double team Увеличивает бонус при окружении врага. За роль. Heroic Inspiration - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 35, Command Aptitudes: Leadership, Social This character is exceptionally skilled at knowing just what to say to bring out the best in his squad mates and keep them on task in the worst of situations, though whether this is through wise words, fiery rhetoric, or mild provocation depends on the individual and the situation. Once per Turn, this character can use the Inspire Special Use of the Command Skill as a Half Action instead of a Full Action (see page 119 of the Only War Core Rulebook). Inescapable Attack(melee)-450 Врагу сложнее уклониться настолько, насколько удачна атака. Lighting reflexes - за родной мир Roll 2 dice for initiative and discard lesser. Peer(Valhalla) После первой же стычки с местной фаунтой на Архее валлхальцы признали, что доверять Монике можно. Удачное стечение обстоятельств, ничего более. Weapon training (Flame, power) 2 тренинга бесплатно каждому. Sway the masses! За 1 ОС автоматом проходятся тесты на Charm, Command и Intimidate со степенями успеха, равными бонусу Силы Воли персонажа. Whirlwind of death - 450 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse When facing massed opponents in close quarters, the Acolyte becomes a streak of blows, moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading his enemies with ceaseless fury. As a Half Action, the character may make one Standard Attack action (see page 224) with a melee weapon against a foe, plus one additional Standard Attack action with the same weapon targeting each other foe also engaged in melee combat with the character beyond the first (to a maximum number of attacks up to his Weapon Skill bonus). Duelist - 300 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill Thanks to extensive practice in ritualised duels, years of fighting in impromptu rings, or other specific training, this character is particularly skilled at engaging single opponents on his own. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests. RADIANT PRESENCE - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership There is something strong and inspiring about the character, the way he holds himself and the look in his eyes, that puts people at ease, filling them with confidence. Everyone within 20 metres that can see the character feels inspired just by being near them and suffers lessened effects from things that would upset or distress them. Those affected gain a +10 to Willpower Tests to resist Fear or against Intimidation attempts. This ability affects all allies close to the character, though not the character himself. SURE STRIKE - 300 Tier: 1 Category: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). "Инвентарь:"Личные вещи Косметика. Комплект карт Имперского Таро. Клок дымчатой шерсти, перевязанной суровой ниткой. Литровая фляга с водой. Часы. Миска с именем "Ликдис", явно сделанная не руками Моники. Чётки из светлого металла. Набор для ухода за копьём. Аквила на цепочке. Семейный пикт, на котором узнаётся владелица фотографии во времена её детства, в компании родителей и сестёр. На обороте пикта имеется рисунок, на котором Моника изображена в строю Боевых Сестёр. Надпись под рисунком сделана на языке, который, кроме Моники, на планете знают всего два живых существа. Несколько благовонных свечей. Маленький бутылёк освящённого масла. Записная книжка с почеркушками, из которой можно сделать вывод, что к походу Моника готовилась долго и мучительно. Килограмма на 3 барахла, короче. Мрачные вести 2 кг Клинок в виде полумесяца, укреплённый под прямой рукоятью. По неизвестной причине Моника называет это оружие так, и никак иначе. А ещё с энтузиазмом применяет его в бытовых целях типа расчистки пути. Лулзный предмет от ГМа. Считается ножом из набора выживальщика, если кому-то это мешает. Ryboth Travel Survival Kit (Survival+20) 15 kg Комплект для выживания используется для комплектации различных транспортных средств для спасения жизней пилотов и пассажиров, если вдруг случится беда. Содержит рыболовные снасти, ловушки для животных, средства для разведения огня, сигнальный фонарь, сигнальное зеркало, средство для очистки воды, антибиотики и противоядия, репеллент от насекомых, гель от солнца, ограниченную аптечку, комплект одежды для данного типа местности, мультиключ, пистолет, буклет с советами по выживанию, молитвенные свитки, громкоговоритель, боевой нож и многое другое. Также имеются пищевые рационы простого состава, которых вполне хватит, чтобы продержаться до прихода помощи. Комплект даёт владельцу (+20) к тестам на Survival, давая инструменты (но не знания) для выживания в природе. Это вещь высшего качества. По тесту на реквизицию. Blackbone Bracing Моника была опасно близка к смерти, когда её подобрали с обломков пассажирского кора[эх жаль]. Потребовалась операция. Слова, произнесённые пациенткой в бреду, заставили одного из магосов вспомнить прошлые приключения на её родной планете, и в результате операция по спасению жизни стала небольшим усовершенствованием. Повреждённый опорно-двигательный аппарат был усилен керамикой, в результате чего Моника стала несколько "прочнее", чем была до этого. Получены таланты "Bulging Biceps" and "Iron Jaw Talents", а также бонус (+2) к урону атаками без оружия. По тесту на реквизицию. Interkeraric Implants Моника ещё не догадывается, что её глаза тоже подверглись улучшениям. Дополнительные слои, имплантированные в роговую оболочку глаз, позволят видеть даже при самом скудном освещении. Опять же, это к лучшему. Моника следит за своей внешностью и против очевидной аугментации. Characters with interkeratic implants gain the Dark Sight Trait and are immune to the effects of photon flash grenades. 7 очков Power Stake Melee — 1d10+7 E 5 3 kg Power Field, Unbalanced, Sanctified На первый взгляд - посох, выполненный из железа холодной ковки, украшенный набалдашником в виде аквилы. На деле - выкидное трёхлезвийное силовое копьё. Рукоять украшена искусно выгравированными восхвалениями в адрес Императора на высоком готике, спиралью охватывающими её целиком. Лезвия, будучи выпущенными, холодно поблёскивают. Улучшения: Adamantine Hilt Guard Навершие из кованого адамантия в виде аквилы. Бесплатно за правило "Чтоб блестело!" Discharge Pack Устройство для преобразования энергии батарей в шокирующий удар. Бесплатно за правило "Чтоб блестело!" 15 очков Sanctified Carapace All 6 18 kg Панцирная броня, сделанная для нужд Экклезиархии. Цельный комплект, что удивительно. Чёрный фон, белый орнамент, красные геральдические знаки. 15 очков Скатка 4 kg Лёгким движением руки превращается в походную постель. Комплектуется чехлом. 4 очка Хамелеолиновая накидка 0,5 кг Маскирующая накидка, достаточная по размеру, чтобы скрыть воина в панцирной броне. +20 к стелсу. Чай, не на параде. 10 очков Combat Vest 2 кг Система креплений, предназначенная для ношения поверх доспехов. Очень напоминает по схеме расположения крепёжных элементов ново-уральские аналоги. 7 очков Взрывающийся ошейник С детонатором. Есть один тау... 7 очков. Микро-бусинка 5 очков. Clip/Drop Harness 2 kg Система креплений, чтобы не навернуться с ветки. 4 очка Advanced Medi-kit 5kg Rare Аптечка, тщательно укомплектованная различными лекарственными препаратами. 10 очков. Toxin Wands 0.2kg Scarce Easy to use by untrained personnel, toxin wands work to detect poisons and recommend counter-agents and immunisers. A character can use a toxin wand to determine whether or not someone has been poisoned or not by succeeding at a Challenging (+0) Perception Test or a Routine (+20) Medicae Test. Success by two or more degrees also grants enough information to identify an antidote (if one exists). Стр. 184 Into the Storm 7 очков Physic kit 2 kg Ножнички, иголочки, прочие приспособы хорошего качества. Though indeed primitive, in skilled hands it can operate as effectively as any advanced medikit. Filled with basics such as needles, scalpels, bandages, antiseptics, gauze, pain-killers, synthetic flesh spray, wound glue, and more, it is ideal for most minor wounds suffered in combat. This Physik Kit grants +20 when using the Medicae skill for first-aid treatment. 7 очков Tool Mount Common 100 гр Приспособление для крепления на броне разного оборудования. Взято 12 штук. Hostile Aquisition 64 "Дневник изменений." Этап 1 (генерация). 14. 07. 2015 г. Склонности: За роль иерофанта Fellowship Offence Social Toughtness Willpower За бэкграунд мутанта Fieldcraft Unnatural agility (1) Приключения, пережитые Моникой в 16й партии, оставили свой след. За родной мир Weapon skill (Вместо повторяющейся Toughtness) Дарёная аптитуда Leadership а) Моня начинает с 25 базой, получает + воспр + стойкость - фел от десу ворлда. Она хитрая, и солит 500 экспы в банку на раскорм Ликдиса до нормал миньона. "Грейтер миньон? Не, не слышала!" - скажет она. Ничего не изменилось, и в старой версии я тратил резерв злого Ликдиса на нужды Мони. Стартовые статы Апнутые статы Конечные статы WS 25 WS 40(+15) WS 50 BS 25 BS 25(+__) BS 25 S 25 S 25(+__) S 30 T 30 T 30(+__) T 30 A 25 A 30(+5_) A 40 I 25 I 40(+15) I 40 Per 30 Per 30(+__) Per 30 Wp 25 WP 40(+15) Wp 50 Fel 20 Fel 30(+10) Fel 45 б) 60 очков раскиданы в столбик "Апнутые статы". Моня так и не научилась стрелять, зато резко взялась за ум. в) Наши аптитуды: Fellowship, Offence, Social, Toughtness, Weapon Skill, Willpower, Fieldcraft, Leadership, Psyker. Филдкрафт за бэкграунд, випон скилл за двойную аптитуду стойкости (роль+родной мир), Псайкер за илит адванс. 7900 на распределение (7500 база, 1200 за первый день, из них на миньона 500, на илит адванс 300) Моня занедорого покупает адвансы по характеристикам: Випон скилл (2 аптитуды, +10) = 350 экспы Сила (1 аптитуда, +5) = 250 экспы Ловкость (1 аптитуда, +10 = 750 экспы Няшность (2 аптитуды, +15) = 850 экспы. Воля (2 аптитуды, +10) = 350 экспы Итого: 2550 экспы. г)Дальше мы вносим всё из бэкграунда и роли: Acrobatics, Awareness, Forbidden Lore (mutants), Deceive, Survival и талант Double Team. И хватаем необходимый минимум скилов: Avareness+10 (1 аптитуда) = 400 экспы. Charm+10 (2 аптитуды) = 300 экспы. Command+10 (2 аптитуды) = 300 экспы Dodge (0 аптитуд) = 300 экспы Inquiry (2 аптитуды) = 300 экспы. Parry (1 аптитуда) = 200 экспы. Stealh+10 (1 аптитуда) = 600 экспы. Survival+10 (1 аптитуда) = 400 экспы. Итого 2800 экспы. "Таланты"APT T1 T2 T3 Two 200 xp 300 xp 400 xp One 300 xp 450 xp 600 xp Zero 600 xp 900 xp 1,200 xp COMBAT FORMATION-200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 40 Aptitudes: Leadership, Fieldcraft The character makes sure the Squad is constantly alert and prepared for danger, planning out their actions for many contingencies if attacked. All members of the Squad (including the character) add +1 to their Initiative rolls. Any member of the Squad may also choose to use the Intelligence Bonus of this character for their Initiative roll rather than their own Agility Bonus. Counter Attack - 450 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The Acolyte’s lightning ripostes are things of deadly beauty; swift and invisible as the wind. Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack. Double team Увеличивает бонус при окружении врага. За роль. Heroic Inspiration - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 35, Command Aptitudes: Leadership, Social This character is exceptionally skilled at knowing just what to say to bring out the best in his squad mates and keep them on task in the worst of situations, though whether this is through wise words, fiery rhetoric, or mild provocation depends on the individual and the situation. Once per Turn, this character can use the Inspire Special Use of the Command Skill as a Half Action instead of a Full Action (see page 119 of the Only War Core Rulebook). Inescapable Attack(melee)-450 Врагу сложнее уклониться настолько, насколько удачна атака. Lighting reflexes - за родной мир Roll 2 dice for initiative and discard lesser. Peer(Valhalla) После первой же стычки с местной фаунтой на Архее валлхальцы признали, что доверять Монике можно. Удачное стечение обстоятельств, ничего более. Weapon training (Flame, power) 2 тренинга бесплатно каждому. Sway the masses! За 1 ОС автоматом проходятся тесты на Charm, Command и Intimidate со степенями успеха, равными бонусу Силы Воли персонажа. Whirlwind of death - 450 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse When facing massed opponents in close quarters, the Acolyte becomes a streak of blows, moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading his enemies with ceaseless fury. As a Half Action, the character may make one Standard Attack action (see page 224) with a melee weapon against a foe, plus one additional Standard Attack action with the same weapon targeting each other foe also engaged in melee combat with the character beyond the first (to a maximum number of attacks up to his Weapon Skill bonus). Duelist - 300 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill Thanks to extensive practice in ritualised duels, years of fighting in impromptu rings, or other specific training, this character is particularly skilled at engaging single opponents on his own. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests. RADIANT PRESENCE - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership There is something strong and inspiring about the character, the way he holds himself and the look in his eyes, that puts people at ease, filling them with confidence. Everyone within 20 metres that can see the character feels inspired just by being near them and suffers lessened effects from things that would upset or distress them. Those affected gain a +10 to Willpower Tests to resist Fear or against Intimidation attempts. This ability affects all allies close to the character, though not the character himself. SURE STRIKE - 300 Tier: 1 Category: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). Итого: 2550 экспы. "Таланты на будущее" AIR OF AUTHORITY - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character was born to command, either motivating or terrifying those under their charge. When making Command Skill Tests, the character may affect a number of targets equal to 100 times their Fellowship Bonus rather than just 10. If the character is giving an Order to his Squad, the order’s range is increased by 100 metres. This Talent has no effect on hostile targets and only affects NPCs. Beloved Leader - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Charm, Fellowship 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Whether due to brainwashing, charisma, hypno-doctrination, or even a blessing from Slaanesh himself, this Heretic’s Minions are devoutly loyal. This Heretic’s Minions are extraordinarily dedicated to completing tasks to his satisfaction, whether through fear of punishment or a desire to please. The character increases the Loyalty of all his Minions by +10. Tear ‘em ter Bits! Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Strength 50; Monica Ильич разрешил. Это компенсация за то, что Моня не официальный командир и сроду никем не командовала. Без 50 силы не сработает. Aptitudes: Strength; Offence Once per encounter, when character inflicts Critical Damage on an enemy by dealing Damage in excess of the enemy Wounds, he may spend a Fate Point to instantly skay his foe in an exceptionally gruesome manner. He gains Fear (2) Trait against all foes who witnessed this savage display until the end of encounter. Ambidextrous-300 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill This talent does not represent true ambidexterity so much as sufficient training with both hands to make the distinction moot. When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder talent, the penalty for making attacks with both weapons in the same turn drops to –10. MASTER ORATOR - 400 Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Inspire Wrath Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character has learned the techniques required to influence large audiences. When the character uses the Charm or Intimidate Skill to affect more than one person, they may affect a number of people up to a 100 times their Fellowship Bonus rather than just 10. Frenzy - 300 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The Acolyte’s temper and passion boil just below the surface of his psyche, mostly held in check by his rational mind, but easily released when needed. If he spends one full round fuelling his anger—by flagellation, drugs, or other means—on the next round, he goes into an uncontrolled rage, gaining a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, and Fellowship. Note that characteristic penalties are different from characteristic damage (see page 188), and cannot reduce a characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the character must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat if possible. If he is not engaged with the nearest enemy, he must move towards that enemy and engage it if possible. He will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off a building in order to engage someone on the ground, but he will take any actions that offer a reasonable opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy. While Frenzied, he is immune to Fear, Pinning, Stunning effects, and the effects of Fatigue; he cannot Parry, retreat, or flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of the combat, and cannot use psychic powers while Frenzied. After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy targets for the character to attack,he can make a Willpower test to snap out of his Frenzy. If he fails, he must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each successive round, however, he can make another Willpower test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, he cannot Frenzy again for at least an hour, as he recovers his mental and physical strength. Battle rage - 900 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Frenzy Aptitudes: Strength, Defence Long experience and indomitable will have allowed the character to master the beast within, directing its rage while keeping his head, despite the howling bloodlust in his mind. The Acolyte can Parry while Frenzied, and can re-roll a failed test to snap out of Frenzy or resist entering Frenzy if he so chooses. Mental Rage - 400 Tier:3 Prerequisites: Frenzy Aptitudes: Offence, Psyker The character’s madness and hate open his mind to the warp, allowing the character to use its power with little conscious thought. While in a Frenzied state, the character may use his Psychic Powers normally. 24.04. Получено 5 безумия за хитрый ход ГМа. Проведён р[мордашки]нс Ликдиса. 20.05. Получен перк Peer(Valhalla) за стычку с дейнонихами. 11.07.2015 Первый день закончен. +10 славы, +1200 экспы. 14.07.2015 Пересоздание чаров без ущерба первоначальному концепту. "Ликдис"Ликдис WS 40 BS - S 30 T 30 A 40(+4) I 20 Per 40 Wil 40 Fel 10 ОС: 1 Лояльность 55 "Skills:" Acrobatic - за роль Climb - за роль Некоторые умники считают, что рыси не лазают по деревьям. Брехня, ещё как лазают! Климб вместо атлетики взят потому, что из рыси до 5 размера атлета не выйдет. Dodge - за роль Чтобы не попасть под удар и не попортить шубку, нужно быть ловким и уклоняться от ударов. В Восьмом легионе тоже не любили танковать, тащемта. Sleight of paws-за отыгрыш Вострозубый, востроглазый Был он вором и пролазой. И, бывало, каждый день Крал цыплят из деревень (ц). Linguistics (Low Gothic, High Gothic) -за роль Удивительно, но эта рысь умеет разговаривать. По части языков она уверенно уделывает свою "хозяйку", зная низкий и высокий готики, а также ностраманский и ново-уральский языки (третий никто не отличит от рассерженного шипения, а четвёртый на всей планете знает только Моника, так что никому они не помешают). Forbidden Lore (The Long War, Chaos Space Marines) - за роль Благодаря своему прошлому, Ликдис является настоящим кладезем знаний о Долгой Войне и космодесантниках-предателях. Наверно, он лучший специалист в этой области во всей 20й ролевой. Awareness (+10) Знать, что вокруг происходит, желает каждая рысь. От этого зависит обед и спокойный сон, знаете ли. Stealh(+30) Подкрадывание к добыче и засады - общая для рысей и ночников тактика. Survival(+10) Выживать приходится на подножном корму. То на неполных обоймах к болтерам и запчастях от брони, то на пойманных зверушках. В первом случае не даст соврать АДБ, во втором - я. Dodge+20 Рысьи шкурки очень ценные. Как правило, больше всех такие шкурки ценят сами рыси, которые их носят. 9 скилов, ранг не выше (+30: аварнесс (2), стелс (3), сурвивал (2) додж (2). "Talents:"Heightened Senses (sight) Жёлтые рысьи гляделки Ликдиса легко замечают добычу и нехитрые развлечения, из которых и состоит его мир. Gain +10 bonus to this sense. Ambidextrous Рыси - весьма ловкие создания. Ликдис с одинаковой лёгкостью владеет обеими передними лапами, если нужно что-то сделать. Duelist Ликдис - типичный ночник. Подкрасться, накинуться, отоварить по-быстрому - его всё. Кроме честного боя он ничего не признаёт. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests. Ambush Лучшая тактика - это засада. Не ожидающему подлянки врагу можно засадить глубже, чем ожидающему. Это знает весь 8-й Легион. This character’s attacks against Unaware Targets inflict 1 additional Damage for every 2 Degrees of Success on the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test beyond the first. Catfall - за роль Ликдис мягко приземляется на все четыре лапки, когда прыгает или падает. Да, такое тоже случается. Crushing Blow Ликдис знает, что для уверенности в успехе надо запустить когти поглубже в плоть врага. He adds half his Weapon Skill bonus (rounding up) to damage he inflicts with melee attacks Jaded Эта злая серая рысь раньше была воином 8-го Легиона, именуемого Повелителями Ночи. Ликдис сохранил хладнокровие и циничность даже после переноса в новое тело. Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations, and other unnatural effects still affect him normally. Inescapable Attack Иногда атаки Ликдиса оказываются для цели неожиданными. Attacker imposes penalty on DoS from Evasion test equal to DoS his initial attack. Lightning Reflexes Невероятное проворство нового тела Ликдис без устали совершенствует, чтобы ни одна неожиданность больше не застала его врасплох. Roll twice and take highest for Initiative rolls. Two-Weapon Wielder Кусает эта рысь только наверняка. До этого в дело идут удары когтистыми лапами. И если задние лапы Ликдис использует для поддержания равновесия, то передние всегда свободны для молниеносной атаки. Count as "may fight with two weapons". Claw dancer Готовность подпрыгнуть, сменить направление движения, перекатиться или сместиться в сторону превращает Ликдиса в клубок меха за частоколом из когтей, непредсказуемым образом перемещающийся по полю боя. When armed with two single-handed melee weapons with the Balanced Quality, the character reduces the penalties for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0. Sure bite The character’s eyes, hand, and jaws act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). Whirlwind of death Кружащийся вихрь из клыков и когтей прокладывает себе дорогу сквозь толпы врагов. As a Half Action, the character may make one Standard Attack action (see page 224) with a melee weapon against a foe, plus one additional Standard Attack action with the same weapon targeting each other foe also engaged in melee combat with the character beyond the first (to a maximum number of attacks up to his Weapon Skill bonus). Всего 11 талантов. "Traits:"Arboreal The treetop canopy of vast forests and jungles is home for Arboreal creatures. Such species are native to an environment far above the ground, and seem at times to have as much kinship with flying beasts as those lumbering along on the ground below. Such creatures are automatically trained in Acrobatics, Climb, and Dodge, and gain +20 to Tests with those Skills. They also receive the Catfall Talent. Arboreal creatures double their climbing speed on any Simple Climb, as described on page 266 of the ROGUE TRADER Core Rulebook. Multiple instances of this Trait have no effect. Dark Sight A creature with this trait sees normally even in areas of total darkness, and never takes a penalty for fighting in areas of dim or no lighting. Deadly natural weapons Эта рысь вооружена клыками и когтями. Урон рассчитывается по профилю 1d10+SB, pen 0. Quadruped Quadrupeds are much quicker over a distance than their bipedal counterparts. There movement is double that normally indicated by their Agility Bonus (see page 39). Unnatural Agility (4) Это крайне ловкая и проворная рысь. Unnatural Weapon Skill (4) Оружие, которым располагает Ликдис, чем-то напоминает пиломеч. Он уже привык. Unnatural Strenght (4) Под красивой пятнистой шубкой скрывается сила, не свойственная рысям Нового Урала. Изменено 31 июля, 2015 пользователем Miralynx Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Aльфа Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 (изменено) "Штайнер"WS 25 BS 50 (Abhorrence Unchained) S 25 T 35 A 40 I 30 Per 25 Wil 30 Fel 40 Wounds:10 Highborn Atitudes: BG - Renegade Ro - Desperado: Agility, Ballistic Skill, Defence, Fellowship, Finesse MC - Неделимый: Willpower, Leadership Skills: Awareness(+30) Dodge(+30) Command(+30) Common Lore( Imperial Guard) Forbidden Lore(Xenos: Orks) Linguistics (Low Gothic) Athletics Operate (Surface) Navigate (Surface) Talents: Abhorrence Unchained Weapon Trainig(Las,Low-Tech) Disarm Quick Draw Rapid Reload Marksman Mighty Shot Step Aside Target Selection AIR OF AUTHORITY Wargear: Lasgun - 4 Hot-shot Lasgun - 10 Omniscope - 10 (на хотшот-лазган) Enforcer Light Carapace -10 2xHot-shot Lasgun Cell - 14 3xLasgun Cell - 9 Auspex - 7 Micro-bead - 5 Combat Vest - 7 6xRation Pack - 9 Good Photo-visors - 15 Тант"Внешность ""Дневник изменений " BS+15 +15(850) T+15 Ag+15 Per+5 Fellow+10 Total: 60 Dodge(1000) Command(1000) Awarnes(2000) Disarm(300) Rapid Reload(300) Marksman(300) Mighty Shot(600) Step Aside(400) Target Selection(400) AIR OF AUTHORITY(200) Total 7350 Free 150 Изменено 12 мая, 2015 пользователем Aльфа Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Rost_Light Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Изменено 7 сентября, 2015 пользователем Rost_Light Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
HiveTyrant Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 (изменено) "RIP""Картинка""Ороро"ХарактеристикиWS - 25 BS - 30 S - 20 T - 40 Ag - 30 In - 50 Pr - 30 WP - 55 FE - 40 Gl - 20 Wounds - 11 Предрасположенности Atitudes: BG - Rogue Psyker - Ro - Seeker: Fellowship, Intelligence, Perception, Social, Tech MC - Tzeench: Intelligence (Willpower за повторение), Knowledge, Psyker Улучшения характеристик WP +15 = 850exp In +10 = 350exp FE +5 = 100 Пси-силы Psy-Rating 2 PR 5 = 600+800+1000 = 2400exp Telepathic Link = 100exp Telekinetic Control = 100exp Assail = 200exp Telekine Shield = 200exp Crush = 300exp Telekine Dome = 300exp Таланты Weapon Training (Las, Low-Tech) Keen Intuition Favoured by the Warp = 400exp Скилы Awareness Linguistics (Low Gothic) Common Lore (Tech) Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica) Forbidden Lore (Demonology) Forbidden Lore (the Warp) Interrogation Psyniscience Trade (Technomat) Forbidden Lore (Demonology) +30 = 900exp Tech-Use +20 = 600exp Charm +20 = 600exp Scholastic Lore (Occult) = 100exp "Инвентарь"Clothing - 1 Imperial Guard Flak Armour - 7 Good Photo-visors - 15 Ration Pack - 3 Broken Micro-bead - 3 Combi-tool - 10 Psy Focus - 5 Truncheon - 3 Spellbook #1 - 25 Spellbook #2 - 25 Writing Kit - 3 --------------------- Laspistol 2xPower Cells Refractor Field Ratin Pack Max WT - 36 kg Cur WT - = 32 (Книги заклинаний посчитал, что весят по 3 кг каждая) "Текущее состояние"Wounds - 6 из 11 Критикал эффект:The attack causes energy to course through the target’s arm. He is Stunned for 1 round, and the arm is Useless until the target receives medical treatment. Truncheon (Core 159)CLASS RANGE DAM PEN SPECIAL Melee — 1d10 I 0 Primitive (7) Laspistol (Core 172)CLASS RANGE ROF DAM PEN CLIP RLD SPECIAL Pistol 30m S/2/– 1d10+2 E 0 30 Half Reliable2xPower Cells Max WT - 36 kg Cur WT - = 5 Изменено 30 июня, 2015 пользователем HiveTyrant Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Dammerung Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Эльбегаста, можно просто Эль "статы" WS 50 BS 30 S 25 T 30 A 50 I 30 P 30 WP 30 Fel 30 Glory 33 Приобретено за экспу: WS +5, +10 A +5, +10 Carrying Weight = 20/27 kg Wounds = 9/9 Glory Points = 3/3 Fatigue 0 Fullness 27 Insanity 3 Movement: Half 8 Full 24 (16+8 Sprint) Charge 24 Run 48 may double - Sprint +8 as free action (Battle Focus), "Аптитуды, скиллы, таланты" Aptitudes: WS, Agility, Social, Finesse, Fieldcraft, Willpower Skills: Acrobatics+10 Awareness Charm Common Lore (Eldar) Deceive Dodge Lingustics (Eldar, Low Gothic) Parry Scrutiny Stealth Survival Trade (Performancer) Talents: Assassin Strike (After making a melee attack, a successful Challenging (+0) Acrobatics skill test allows the character to move at half rate as a Free Action. He may only make this move once per round, and the character’s opponent does not receive a free attack resulting from this move.) Catfall (automatically reduces the effective distance of all falls by a number of metres equal to Agility bonus, adds +20 to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling) Exotic Weapon Training (Harlequin's Kiss) Heightened senses (Sight, Sound) (The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically involving this sense) Inescapable Attack (Melee) (After making a successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack, or Stun action, the character imposes a penalty on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the attack test.) Leap Up (Stand up as a Free Action.) Sprint (When taking a Full Move action can move an extra number of metres equal to Agility bonus. Whenever he takes a Run action, he may move double the normal distance. If he did so in the previous round, however, he suffers 1 level of Fatigue.) Step Aside (Can make an additional Evasion attempt (either a Dodge or a Parry) once per round. Only attempt a single Dodge or Parry against each individual attack.) Sure Strike + Precise Blow (no penalty for Called Shot in melee) Swift Attack (+0 Weapon Skill test. One hit with melee weapon for the initial degree of success, plus one hit for every two additional degree of success, no more than Weapon Skill bonus, extra hits can either be allocated to the original target or any other targets the character is in melee with, provided none of the new targets would have been harder to hit than the original target) Quick Draw (As a Free Action, the character may draw and ready a Pistol or Basic weapon, or a one-handed Melee weapon.) Weapon Training (Shuriken) Особые черты: Battle Focus (once per round, on his turn, the Guardian can move a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus as a Free Action) Unnatural Agility(+3) Unnatural Perception (+2) "Маски жаждут сцены"Каждую игровую сессию, Арлекин может выбрать одну из масок богов и начать играть его роль. Каждая маска предоставляет особый бонус, однако при определенных условиях она также дает штрафы. Также, тесты на Trade(Performancer) проходятся по Fel, а не Int. Кхаин: Маска Кроваворукого бога взывает к древней крови, пролитой во имя великой расы. При использовании этой маски, персонаж получает черты Unnatural WS(2), Unnatural Strength(2), Brutal Charge (3) и Deadly Natural Weapons. Персонаж не может уклоняться, только парировать. Также тесты, основывающиеся на Интеллекте, Общительности (кроме навыка Command), Стойкости и Восприятии проводятся с дополнительным штрафом в -20. При бегстве из боя, персонаж выходит из роли и получает 1d10+5 очков безумия. Цегорах: Носители маски Смеющегося бога никогда не действуют напрямик и очертя голову, но создают утонченные пьесы, которые показывают, что жизнь, воистину, - игра. Персонаж получает +20 ко всем тестам на Charm, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Dodge, Fellowship, Scrutiny, Acrobatics. Также, в течение боя, за каждую отпущенную в адрес противника шутку, над которой посмеялся Мастер, персонаж получает +5 на ближайший тест. За каждую неудачную шутку, к ближайшему тесту будет добавлен штраф в -5. К тому же, если персонаж по какой-либо причине впадет в Ярость или его замысел проваливается, то выступление неудачно и Арлекин теряет 5 Славы. Азуриан: Воплощения Азуриана нечасто исполняются качественно, а оттого редки на театральных подмостках. Когда же Маска [ну уж нет]одит своего владельца, то все окружающие начинают чувствовать какие-то чуждые, но могучие силы, которые стоят за пределами их понимания. Носитель этой Маски получает +10 к Силе Воли и тестам на Awareness, а также черты Baneful Presence (10), Blind и Unnatural Senses(PerX2), From Beyond. Также Арлекин получает возможность использовать навык Psyniscience. Во время исполнения роли, исполнитель не может принимать пищу и воду, а также должен проходить тест на Силу Воли каждый час или получить Уровень Усталости. Ваул: Исполнителей роли Бога-Кузнеца чувствуют, как их умы наполняют знания, руки сами тянутся к инструментам, а тела словно закаляются в пламени горна. Исполнитель роли Ваула получает талант Die Hard, Resistance(Flame), черты Sturdy и Unnatural Tougness(1), однако при этом все тесты, основанные на Per и Ag получают штраф в -10. Также при помощи во время крафта персонаж дает дополнительные +10 бонуса. Иша: Скорбящая Мать всего народа Эльдар - одна из самых печальных ролей всех постановок. Исполнитель этой роли получает +10 ко всем тестам на Charm, Survival и Medicae, а раненые, [ну уж нет]одящиеся под присмотром исполнителя этой восстанавливают свои раны вдвое быстрее. Когда носитель этой маски использует навык Command, чтобы вдохновить своих союзников, он может распространить этот бонус на количество союзников равное половине его бонуса общительности. Однако, носитель этой роли не спосбен к боевым действиям. "Инвентарий" Постоянно при себе: Улыбка (Shuriken Pistol) Оскал (Harlequin's Kiss) Касперель (тканевая наручная кукла) Hallucinogen grenades (3) Mesh Cloak + Mesh Cowl Holo-suit Flip-belt Mask Мелочи: зеркало, колода карт, две шестигранные кости, несколько тюбиков красок разного цвета, кисточка, фляжка трос с крюком, светящаяся сфера, затычки-фильтры для носа хорошего качества, стуммер, ксеносский боевой нож высшего качества, две обоймы к пистолету "Статы и свойства вещей, а также нагрузка" Вес вещей в кг: броня 3, капюшон 0.5, пояс 2, голокостюм 2, гранаты 0.5 штука, пистолет 1.2, поцелуй 1, нож 1, кукла 0.5, мелочи 0.8, фляга 2 в наполненном состоянии, трос 2, сфера 0.5, фильтры 0, стуммер 2 = итого 20 кг Shuriken Pistol Range 20m, S/3/5, 1d10+2 R, Pen 4, Clip 40, Reload 2 Full, Reliable Harlequins Kiss 1d10+8 R, Pen 10, Tearing, не включает в урон бонус силы Xenos fighting knife 1d5+5R; Pen 2, +10 к тестам на WS Hallucinogen Grenade Range SBx3, S/–/–, no damage, Pen 0, Blast (6), Hallucinogenic (2) Mesh Cloak - Arms, Body, Legs - Armour 4 - Max Agility 60 Mesh Cowl - Head - Armour 3 Flip Belt: The user ignores penalties for Difficult Terrain and can reroll failed Dodge Tests. Holo-suit: The holo-suit generates multiple images of the user. This is treated as a Force Field with a field rating of 35 that cannot be overloaded. Glow-globe Can illuminate an area a dozen or so metres in radius, lasts roughly five hours before power packs need recharging or replacing. Grapnel & line Can fire a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at an overhead target up to 100m away. A user can manually climb the line or activate a powered winch that can lift the user roughly 5m per round. Can hold 150kg. Filtration Plugs, Good quality +30 bonus to any Toughness test made to resist the effects of damaging gases. Stummer Blankets sound within 5m through sonic detection and dampening projectors. A character carrying an active stummer gains a +30 bonus to Stealth tests. A stummer typically has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged, a process that takes about one hour. "Дневник изменений" 3000 стартовой экспы потрачено до нуля на следующее (в скобках аптитуды) Навыки: Awareness (Fieldcraft) – 200 Dodge (Agility) – 200 Lingustics – Low Gothic (General) – 200 Parry (WS) – 200 Survival (Fieldcraft) – 200 Таланты: Swift Attack, tier2 (Weapon Skill, Finesse) – 300 Step Aside, tier3 (Agility) – 600 Характеристики: +10 Agility (350) +10 WS (750) По итогам тестов на реквизицию получила четыре штуки разных вещей. Ауспекс ушел варлоку как самому прозорливому. По итогам первого дня приключений получено 900 экспы и 8 славы. Экспа полностью потрачена на: Sure Strike, tier1 (Weapon Skill, Finesse) - 200 Precise Blow, tier2 (Weapon Skill, Finesse) - 300 Assassin Strike, tier3 (Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft) - 400 Изменено 17 мая, 2015 пользователем Dammerung Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Гиар Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 14 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Эзреал, можно просто Эз =) Возраст: 5000 лет "Статы"Weapon Skill: 25 Ballistic Skill: 50 Strength: 25 Toughness: 30 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 30 Perception: 40 Willpower: 35 Fellowship: 20 +Glory Seim-Hann: +Agility, +Glory, -Toughness Раны: 8+1d5 Aptitudes: Agility, Perception, BS, Fieldcraft, Finesse, Int. Особые черты: Unnatural Agility(+3), Unnatural Perception (+2) "Скилы"Skills: Acrobatics+10, Awareness, Stealth, Scrutiny, Operate (Aeronautica), Battle Focus (Once per round, on his turn, the Guardian can move a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus as a Free Action), Common Lore (Eldar), Common Lore(War),Linguistics (Eldar), Dodge(2лвл), Medicae, Survival, Navigate, сooking "Таланты"Catfall(automatically reduces the effective distance of all falls by a number of metres equal to Agility bonus, adds +20 to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling) , Spint(When taking a Full Move action can move an extra number of metres equal to Agility bonus. Whenever he takes a Run action, he may move double the normal distance. If he did so in the previous round, however, he suffers 1 level of Fatigue.) , Heightened senses (Sight, Sound) (The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically involving this sense) , Bulging Biceps(Remove bracing requirement from Heavy weapons) , Disturbing Voice(+10 на страх, -10 на дружелюбное общение) , Leap Up(Stand up as a Free Action.) , Призрачное присутствие(Теневой спектр получает +10 к тестам на скрытность, когда использует свой прыжковый ранец, чтобы получить способность Полет), , , , ,Inescapable Attack(After making a successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack, or Stun action, the character imposes a penalty on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the attack test.) , Step Aside(Can make an additional Evasion attempt (either a Dodge or a Parry) once per round. Only attempt a single Dodge or Parry against each individual attack.) , Marksmen(No penalties for firing at long or extreme range) Deathdealer(Add Per bonus to damage inflicted in combat(к критам)) Target Selection(May shoot into melee without penalty) "инвентарь" доспех(аспектного воина) с ранцем(как у роста) и щитом(Personal Holo-field: These exotic devices break up the image of the wearer as he moves, making him difficult to target with any accuracy. Enemies suffer a –20 to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests when attacking the wearer. Additionally, when stationary the holo-suit user gains +30 bonus to any Concealment Tests.), пуха(Prism Rifle† (30m; S/-/-; 2d10+4E; Pen 12;Clip 60; Reload Full, Reliable)) с 4 обоймами, диагностор(просили хз откуда- относится и ко след.(вроде дх2)), хороший меднабор, детокс, псифокус, рюкзак с 6 порциями еды, прейсенс очки и хамелеолиновый плащ 300 экспы в остатке. сытость 55 усталость 0 инсанити 8 глори 33 НА ПЕРЕГЕНЕРЕЖКЕ Изменено 30 июля, 2015 пользователем Гиар Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
The Steel Dragon Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Андуин, можно Анди. "Статы"WS (25) BS (25) S (20) 25б-5м T (30) 20б+10р (-1 за пперила 29) A (40) 30б+5м+5р I (30) 25б+5р Per (45) 30б +5м+5р+5э Wil (45) 25б+15р+5э Fel (45) 20б+20р+5э Gl (28) Вунды: 12 Экспа: 100 Сытость: 45. Инсанити: 0. Коррапт: 2+1. Уровни усталости: 1 за тяжесть. б - база, м -бонус/штраф мира, р - распределение, э - взято за экспу Доп. характеристики: WP +5, Fel +5, Per +5."Всё, что нужно для вычисления цен"Alaitoc Характеристики: +Agility, +Perception, -Strength Aptitude: Perception, Willpower, Leadership, Social, Knowledge, Offence, Psyker. "Властелин варпа"Пси-левел: 4 Пси силы: "Предсказатель"1) Варп восприятие (+0): за половинку получить Невероятные чувства (ПР). 100 2) Предвидение (+0): за половинку все союзники в 3ПР получают бонус 2ПР к ВС и БС. 200 3) Ясновидение (+0): за полчаса попытаться увидеть будущее 200 4) Предчувствие (-10): позволяет псайкеру проходить тест на уклонение по восприятию. 200"Большой мозг"1) Телепатическая связь (-10): читать мысли и всё такое. 100 2) Стирание памяти (+0): за полное действие стирает 10ПР минут, произошедшие в течение ПР часов. 100 3) Контроль: (+0): за полное действие заставляет ПР/2 существ выполнить по одному простому приказу. 200 "Скилы, таланты, черты тому подобное"Особые черты: Unnatural Agility(+3), Unnatural Perception (+2), Battle Focus Навыки: Common Lore (Eldar),Common Lore (Imperial Guard), Linguistics (Eldar), Scrutiny, Awareness, Dodge, Forbidden Lore(Psykers, The Warp), Psyniscience +10., Survival. Таланты: Catfall, Spint, Heightened senses (Sight, Sound), Warp Sense, Resistance(Psychic Powers), Strong Minded. "Вооружение""Боевое"1)Ведьмин клинок: оружие ближнего боя, урон: 1д10+1+БС, бронебойность 3, специальные правила: Ведьмин клинок, Кастомизация (+5 УД владельцу, штраф -5 всем остальним). 15 2)Рунный доспех: All AP: 6 Wt: 8 kg. Специальный доспех, изготовляемый для вступивших на путь Провидца с нанесёнными редкими рунами и мистическими оберегами. Подобная защита позволяет игнорировать бронебойность вражеского оружия (Pen ->0), до тех пор, пока не сменится владелец брони. 40 3)Шлем призрака: этот шлем способен защитить владельца от опасностей Варпа. Если носитель шлема вызывает Психический Феномен или Опасность в Варпе, то он может пройти обычный тест на Силу воли, чтобы защитить персонально себя от любых последствий. 25 4)Камень душ: содержит души умерших магов или смотрящих в даль. Один раз за битву носитель может использовать камень душ, чтобы использовать одну из своих психических сил за Свободное действие. 0 5)Камень истинного взора (ауспекс): увеличивает концентрацию владельца, позволяя замечать скрытых противников практически моментально. Если смотреть на мир через камень , то можно увидеть любого врага даже сквозь стены или деревья. +20 к тестам на Внимательность и обнаружение врагов в 50 метрах. Дала Даммерун 6)Мешочек с рунами (псифокус): во время использования псисил маг достаёт из мешочка нужную руну, устанавливает её в воздухе и концентрирует с её помощью потоки варпа. +10 на псифокус тесты. Нашёл ГиарНабор выживальщика (просто таскаю): даёт +10 к тестам на Выживание. 10"Белка Стрелка"WS (5) BS (0) S (10) T (20) A (20) I (5) Per (30) Wil (5) Fel (5) Вунды:7 Скилы: Awareness, Dodge, Survival, Stealth. Трейты: Size(1), Natural Armour (1), Parasite. Таланты: Catfall, Resistance (Cold), Sound Constitution (3) "Дневник изменений" к концу генерёжки 300 экспы было 8мая -200 экспы на белку. 11 мая Получено 1000 экспы и 8 очков Славы. Баланс 1100 экспы и 28 славы. 800 экспы для получения 4ПР и 200 для получения сурвайва. Баланс 100. Изменено 14 августа, 2015 пользователем Одинокий Волк Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Mokare Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 (изменено) "Генри Стонер, Чемпион Отчаяния"Стартовые статы Апнутые статы Конечные статы WS 25 WS 40(+15) WS 50 BS 25 BS 25(+__) BS 25 S 25 S 40(+15) S 50 T 25 T 40(+10+) T 60 A 25 A 25(+__) A 30 I 25 I 25(+__) I 25 Per 25 Per 35(+10_) Per 35 Wp 25 WP 40(+10+) Wp 40 Fel 25 Fel 20(+_-) Fel 20 Стартовые Навыки: Лингвистика (Низкий Готик), Ремесло (Любое), Общие знания (Любое), Запретное знание(Любое). Очки опыта: 7000+500 Вунды 10+1d5(3)+4(Таланты)=17 Повышение характеристик: +10 WS -350 +10 S -350 +20 T -1600 +5 А -100 Итого 7500-2400=5100 Путь поклонения: Нургл Характеристики: +Toughness, + WP, - Fel Предрасположенности: Defence, Toughness As a Reaction, a Nurgle Follower may make a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test. If he succeeds, he reduces the Damage from the next hit he suffers before the beginning of his next Turn by 1 per Degree of Success he scores on the Test. If he reduces the Damage to 0 this way, he gains the Fear (1) Trait to the foe whose attack he so easily withstood. Раны: 10+ 1d5. Роль: Воин - Ballistic Skill, Defence, Offence, Strength, Weapon Skill Итоговые аптитуды: Ballistic Skill, Defence, Offence, Strength, Weapon Skill, Toughness, Defence (Willpower за повтор) Прошлое: Renegade Находчивость: Во время процесса Создания Персонажа игрок за Ренегата может выбрать одну Характеристику (T) . В течение игры, персонаж получает дополнительную степень успеха на всех тестах, связанных с этой характеристикой. Скиллы: Linguistics (Low Gothic) Trade (Morticator) Common Lore (War) Common Lore (Imperial Guard) Forbidden Lore (Mutants) Operate (Surface) Navigate (Surface) Command Parry (+30) -1000 эксп Athletics (+10) -200эксп 5100-1200=3900 Weapon Training (Exotic) Weapon Training (Power) "Таланты"Таланты: Т1: Disarm -200эксп Prerequisites: Ag 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence As a Full Action, the character may make an Opposed Weapon Skill test against one target with whom he is engaged. If the Heretic wins the test, the enemy drops his weapon to the ground. Should the Heretic score three or more degrees of success, he can take the enemy’s weapon from him. Iron Jaw -200эксп Prerequisites: T 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Whenever this character becomes Stunned, he may make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test as a Free Action to ignore the effects. Frenzy "Чемпион Отчаяния" -200 Prerequisites: - Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Enter psychotic rage to gain combat bonuses. (+10 WS, S, T, W; -20 BS, Int, Fel) Immune to to Fear, Pinning, Stunning effects, and the effects of Fatigue; he cannot Parry, retreat, or flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of the combat, and cannot use psychic powers while Frenzied. After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy targets for the character to attack, he can make a Willpower test to snap out of his Frenzy. If he fails, he must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each successive round, however, he can make another Willpower test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, he cannot Frenzy again for at least an hour, as he recovers his mental and physical strength. Sound Constitution (х4) -800 Prerequisites: - Aptitudes: Toughness, General Gain an additional wound. Т2: Combat Master -300эксп Prerequisites: WS 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence Opponents get no bonus for outnumbering the character. Counter Attack -300эксп Prerequisites: WS 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack. Battle Rage "Чемпион Отчаяния" -300 Prerequisites: Frenzy Aptitudes: Strength, Defence The Heretic can Parry while Frenzied, and can re-roll a failed test to snap out of Frenzy or resist entering Frenzy if he so chooses. Inescapable Attack† -450 эксп Prerequisites: BS 40 or WS 40, Per 35 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill/Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character imposes a penalty on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against sucsessful attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the attack test. Deny the Witch -300 Prerequisites: WP 35 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Can use Willpower to Evade against psychic attacks. Т3: True Grit -400эксп Prerequisites: T 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Heretic is able to shrug off wounds that would fell lesser men. Whenever he suffers Critical damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), reduce the amount by his Toughness bonus (to a minimum of 1 damage). Crushing Blow -400эксп Prerequisites: WS 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Add half WS bonus to damage inflicted in melee. 3900-200-200-200-800-300-300-300-300-450-400-400=50 :Р "Инвентарь"Militarum Tempestus Carapace, заботливо покрашеный в плесневелые цвета - 15 Militarum Tempestus Carapace, Броня: All 6, Макс Агила: 45, Вес: 15 kg Херетеколдовское поле (Conversion Field) - 25 Conversion Field, Рейтинг защиты: 50, Вес: 1 kg When a character wearing an active field is attacked, but before Evasion tests are made, roll 1d100. If the result is lower than or equal to the field’s protection rating, the attack is nullified and has no effect on the protected character. If the conversion field blocks more than 12 points of damage from a single attack, the release of light is strong enough to act as a photon flash grenade burst centred on the wearer. The character wearing the conversion field is unaffected by this burst. Power Fist на левую руку - 15 Power Fist Melee — 2d10††† E 9 Power Field, Unwieldy 13kg Power Fists add the user’s SBx2 to the damage. Plague Blade "Corpse King" в пузе под правую руку - 40 "Legacy Weapon"• A Legacy Weapon adds one half its owner’s Infamy Bonus (rounded up) to both Damage and Penetration. • A Legacy Weapon loses the Primitive Quality, if it had it. • A Legacy Weapon that does not possess the Power Field Quality only has a 10% chance of being destroyed when it Parries or is Parried by a weapon with that Quality, rather than the usual 75% chance. • A Legacy Weapon is treated as being one step higher in Craftsmanship. Plague Sword 1d10+7, Pen 0, Toxic (2), 6kg Legacy Of Plague A target that the weapon wounds must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or suffer 1d5–2 temporary Damage to Strength, Toughness, and Agility (roll once and apply the result to all three) for the duration of the combat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legacy Ability Pattern - Vigilance 20 OC - Indefatigable When used defensively, the weapon’s weight almost seems to shift of its own accord as the Heretic parries and weaves, helping to move him out of harm’s way or intercept the enemy’s blows. When the Heretic uses the Guarded Attack or Defensive Stance actions, he may re-roll Evasion Tests until the start of his next Turn. Clothing, старая и лучше б вам не знать чем пропитаная - 1 Medi-kit, с большим содержанием ниток - 4 Наролял Voss Pattern Flamer, 20m, 1d10+5 E, Pen 2, Clip 3, Rld 2Full, Flame, Toxic, 6kg Micro-bead Ration Pack 2 kg, 2шт. Второй ролл на шмот: Survival Kit Physical Kit 0.5 kg Фонарик glow-globe/stablight 0.5 kg Just as the Inquisition acts as a light against soul-devouring darkness, so these small portable lamps act against the physical darkness of night. Glow-globes are roughly the size of a clenched fist, and can illuminate an area a dozen or so metres in radius, while cylindrical stablights can project a narrower, conical beam but at twice that distance. Both last roughly five hours before their power packs need recharging or replacing Vox Tracker 6 kg Roughly the size of a backpack, this device can give a direction and approximate distance for vox transmissions. The tracker is ineffective in locations where the volume of vox traffic will not allow parsing of one signal from the rest. The interceptor array requires 2d5 Rounds to assemble, and must be in a location where the signal’s strength allows for reception. The quality of the information obtained depends on the degrees of success on a Tech-Use Test Канистра прометиума 1кг"Особая Нурглитская Зараза "Хватка Смерти" и правила на нее" A character is exposed to a Disease whenever he suffers Damage from a weapon imbued with that Disease or a specific effect of the disease triggers an exposure. Alternatively, сharacters can be exposed by inhaling, ingesting, or making direct contact with infected substances (at the GM’s discretion). Typically, a character must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test when exposed to a Disease to avoid catching it. Death’s Grasp Victim’s unfortunate to contract Death’s Grasp live a pathetic life at the very edge of death. Sapped of all energy, any task they perform might be their last. Effects: A character infected with this Disease cannot remove Levels of Fatigue. Whenever he gains a level of Fatigue, each other character within 1d10 metres is also exposed to the Disease (and must make the Test to resist it). If a character slips into Unconsciousness due to excessive levels of Fatigue while infected with this Disease, he perishes. Characters dedicated to Nurgle can carry this Disease, but can still remove levels of Fatigue as normal while infected. Treatment: Curing Death’s Grasp requires constant rest for at least a week, at the end of which the character may make a Routine (+20) Toughness Test; if he succeeds, he recovers, but if he fails, he remains infected and gains 1 level of Fatigue. Лапа спавна - 3кгОбщий вес - 65"Оттакенная морда""Мутации"ICON OF BLASPHEMY The character embodies all that is blasphemous to those who blindly worship the False Emperor of Mankind. His blasphemies take many forms, from iconoclastic scripts tattooed upon his skin to a mocking resemblance to a figure such as an Imperial Saint. Some are capable of channelling their very essence into their blasphemies, and these are truly a scourge on the weakling Imperium of Man. Once per session, the character may unveil or unleash his blasphemy upon his foe. For one round, he gains the Fear 3 (Horrifying) Trait. Nurgle: By passing a Hard (–20) Toughness Test, the character may extend the length of the effect for an additional Round."Логи" ОС: 20 *тут будет регресс персонажа* Стырил здоровенную отгрызанную лапу непонятной твари, когтистую и брутальную +3кг в мешок Получил пузырь Death's Grasp (cм. инвентарь). Применил на Себя, Чумной Клинок, Паверфист и Огнемет, осталась 1 доза. --- (чтоб не забыть - 12 кхорну 10 дедушке 2 слаанёху 4 аналайнд) --- 08.08.15 получает Ап Мутация - Icon Of Blasphemy (Nurglish) +15 коррапта (15 всего) +10 славы (30 всего) +1000 эксп - МУЧИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ВЫБОР! -450 Two-Weapon Wielder -200 Ambidextrous -??? -??? Изменено 9 августа, 2015 пользователем Mokare Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Iron Duke Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Тайкус Хенедли, наемник, охотник за головами, бывший силовик Инквизиции в этом кампейне скорее всего рип, но благо Гомункул его вернул к жизни да ) "Статы" 15 ран (10 за мир + 4 накинуто +1 за таланты) Weapon Skill: 45 Ballistic Skill: 50 Strength: 50 Toughness: 55 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 25 Perception: 30 Willpower: 35 Fellowship: 20 изначально было без скиллов так: Weapon Skill: 30 Ballistic Skill: 40 Strength: 40 Toughness: 40 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 25 Perception: 30 Willpower: 35 Fellowship: 20 "скилы и таланты" trained toughness 850 intermediate BS 750 trained WS 850 intermediate strength 850 Athletics experiensed600 Intimidate trained 600 Survival trained 600 Awareness trained 600 weapon training (bolter) weapon training (shock maul) known Sleight of Hand за ауткаста known Deceive, Dodge за ауткаста known Stealth за ауткаста Die Hard 300 Hammer Blow 400 Sound Constitution 200 Hip Shooting 450 Prosanguine 450 rapid reload за варриора Lightning Reflexes за десворлд Common Lore Imperial Guard Common Lore Imperial Creed "Варгир: пушки броники сигары " Boltgun 15 pts, 7 kg red-dot laser sight 7 pts, 0.5 kg 2 free ammo clip 1.4 rg 1 ammo clip 7 pts, 0.7 kg 2 frag grenades 8 pts, 1 kg 1 stun grenade 4 pts, 0.5 kg shock maul 7 pts, 2.5 kg amasek 5 pts, 1 kg 2 ration packs 6 pts 4 kg good Lho-Sticks (cigars) 7 pts Recaf 3 pts Cybernetics Autosanguine 15 ”Kasrkin” Storm Trooper Carapace All 15 kg built in auspex, attachments for a grav-chute, rebreather, photo-visor, encrypted micro-bead, and a clip attachment on the side of the helmet for either a lamp pack or a vid-recorder. 15 pts Личные вещи: зажигалка ZippO серебряная, зубочистки, музыкальный плеер с наушниками, колода карт, пачка презервативов итого 100 птс и 43.6 кг что прокинулось 1) Laspistol with 2 free clips 2) Laspistol clips x 2 3) Backpack сигар осталось 23 Изменено 10 июля, 2015 пользователем Magni Bronzebeard Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Kargath_Bladefist Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Тундрак Статы РаспределениеWeapon Skill: 35 +5 = 40 Ballistic Skill: 15 - 5 = 10 Strength: 35 +5 = 40 Toughness: 35 +5 = 40 +10 = 50 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 15 +25= 40 Perception: 25 + 5 = 30 +10 = 40 Willpower: 25 +15 = 40 +10 = 50 Fellowship: 20 Max Carrying Weight - 112 кг Wounds = 17 Fate Points Итого - Weapon Skill:-- 40 Ballistic Skill: ---10 Strength:--------40 Toughness:-----50 Agility:------------20 Intelligence:----40 Perception:------40 Willpower:-------50 Fellowship:----- 20 Апттд Snakebites "КЛАН"Модификаторы характеристик: + Восприятие, + Стойкость, - Навык Стрельбы Clan Bonus: Survival(Per), Awareness (Per), Navigate (Per) Orks of the Snakebite clan increase the value of their Unnatural Toughness Trait by 1. Additionally, they gain the Natural Armour (1). They also gain Resistance (Poisons) Talent. Предрасположенность: Toughness, Perception, Defense, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Willpower Skills: "Скилы"Survival(+0) Awareness (+0) Сommon Lore (Ork) Сommon Lore (War) Weapon Training ( Ork ) Resistance (Psychic Powers) Resistance (Poison) Navigate Linguistics ( Ork ) Trade ( Cooking ) Talents: "перки" Favoured by the Warp Hardy Особые черты: "Трейты"‘Ard Make it work! Might makes right Mob Rule Unnatural toughness (3) Natural Armour (1) Psy Raiting (3) ИНВЕНТАРЬ- Power Claw(ItS, стр 144) (+ Sparky Knobz(ItS 145) + Zappy Gubbinz(HA, стр 59) + Kustom Grip(DHCRb, стр 162)) = 15 очков ( 23кг ) - Gastral Bionics(ItS 141 стр) - 7 очков (5кг) - Tusk Squigknife(NP, 131 стр) - 10 очков (2кг) - Psychic Hood(OW HoE, стр 124) - 25 очков (1кг) - Psy-Fokus(DHCRb, стр 177) - 5 очков -Infernal Star(The Tome of Blood, стр 44) - 25 очков (2кг) - Ryboth Travel Survival Kit(ItS, стр 138) - 10 очков (15кг) - Squighide(ItS, стр 145) - 3 очка (4кг) Итого - 100 очков, 56 кг ПО ТЕСТАМ - -Survival Suit(DHCRb, стр 172) - Good KMS -Photo Visor(DHCRb, стр 171) - + - Respirator(DHCRb, стр 172) - + Художественно оформленный инвентарь - Сокрушитель - каунт эс Power Claw, дамаг - ИМПАКТ - молот-врагобой, собственноручно сделанный шаманом из дерева Камня и кожаных ремней. Резонанс психической энергии шамана и закаленного излучением Мозго-сквига Камня придает этому оружию невероятную мощь и пробивную силу - Страж - каунт эс Psychic Hood и Infernal Star в одном лице - пояс из одиннадцати инкрустированных шаманских черепов, обьединяющий и усиливающий их прижизненную мощь. Символ ненависти шамана к конкурентам, позволяющий нарушать планы псайкеров противника и отражать выстрелы врагов. - Зуб - каунт эс Tusk Squigknife и Psy-Fokus в одном лице - старый друг и первый помошник шамана. За десятилетия изменился несильно - к навершию примотан небольшой Камень. Очень важный предмет в инвентаре, дорог как память. - Безымянная роба - каунт эс Squighide и Survive Suit - плащ с капюшоном, изготовленный из шкуры Мозго-сквига. Абсолютно не подверженна износу, в отличии от предыдущих семнадцати. -Ryboth Travel Survival Kit - набор из множества ножей для разделки пищи - каменные, костяные, металлические, ножи-пилы, также набор лесок, крючков и множество полезных мелочей. Gastral bionics - на протяжении своей жизни, желудок шамана испытал невероятные, даже для орка-Змеекуса, лишения. В результате яды и токсины не имеют больше над ним власти. Photo Visor - долгое время под землей, в абсолютной тьме сделало ночное зрение шамана невероятно острым. Кроме того, теперь он недолюбливает дневной свет, и не снимает днем низко надвинутого на глаза капюшона. Глаза его, в силу неизвестных причин, светятся неярким красным светом. Respirator - странные грибы, не встречающиеся на поверхности, проросли в носоглотке шамана. Признав родню, теперь они фильтруют проходящий через них воздух, жадно пожирая любые примеси. - "Логи"Траты экспы T+10 = 350 WP+10 = 350 Favoured by the Warp = 400 Hardy = 300 Psy Raiting (3) = 400+600 = 1000 Психосилы - Frazzle -100 (NP - 105стр) - Up an at Em! - 100 (NP - 105стр) - Warpath - 200 (NP - 106стр) ИТОГО - 400 Итого = 4250 - 2400 = 1450 (ОТКЛАДЫВАЮ НА ОРОЧЬИ ПЕРКИ) Изменено 24 апреля, 2015 пользователем Kargath_Bladefist Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Гиар Опубликовано 19 апреля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 19 апреля, 2015 (изменено) Кэпитан Урк, Ужасный Баальшой Сильний и Громкий!Вааагх!!! Бывший Клан: Snakebites Роль: Самый лучший Cлава: 20 Переносимый вес: 67kg Weapon Skill: 50 Ballistic Skill: 10 Strength: 40 Toughness: 50 Agility: 20 Intelligence: 25 Perception: 40 Willpower: 35 Fellowship: 50 Остаток экспы: 100 Особенности: Unnatural toughness (3) Natural Armour (1) Apptitudez:Toughness, Perception, Fellowship, Finesse, Social, Perception(заменить на офенс), Weapon Skill "скилы"Скиллы: Operate(300), Athletics (Т)(100), Command (Fel)(200), Survival(Per), Awareness (Per), Navigate (Per), Medicae "Таланты"Таланты: Из дх2: Frenzy(300), Takedown(200), Battle Rage(900), Training(200), Blademaster(400) Из твой темы про самопалы: BERSERK CHARGE(300), DISTURBING VOICE(200), Make it work!, Might makes right, Mob Rule, Lissen Ta Me, Cos I’z Da Biggest(Помимо этого, когда ноб накапливает 5.000 потраченного на навыки опыта, он может увеличить свой размер до 5, а при 25.000 – до 6. При каждом увеличении размера ноб также увеличивает свои значения Unnatural Strength и Unnatural Toughness на 1. Стартовый опыт не учитывается при подсчете работы этой способности.), Resistance (Poisons) "Инвентарь"Инвентарь: байк(7+10 за печку для всего топлива(горючего)), inertional hammer poor(25)( + Sparky Knobz(scare+7 очей))(Очень бальшая чоппа!!!), зовется "Крушитель мазгов!", gastral bionic(scare)+7, poor eavy armor(scare)+5, боспол(10 очей)(+10 на командование), Combat Vest 2 кг 7 очков, рюкзак с 2 порциями еды(6+сколько-то там), poor Physic kit 2 kg 7 очков,2шт топливо (комон) 2 kg +8 очей Итого: 99(тзинч, одобряэ) Изменено 24 мая, 2015 пользователем Гиар Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Temeluchas Опубликовано 18 мая, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 18 мая, 2015 (изменено) Ронериас Craftworld Biel-Tan Ranger "Характеристики"Weapon Skill: 25 Ballistic Skill: 50 Strength: 30 Toughness: 30 Agility: 40 Intelligence: 40 Perception: 40 Willpower: 30 Fellowship: 15 Glory: 30 Wounds: 10/10 OC: 3/3 Сытость: 84 "Аптитуды"Agility, BS, Fieldcraft, Finesse, Perception, Strength. Intelligence "Навыки" Acrobatics, Awareness, Common Lore (Eldar, War), Dodge, Medicae, Navigate (surface), Linguistics (Eldar), Scrutiny Stealth (+10), Survival Tech-use Trade (Cook) (+10) "Таланты" - Ambush This character’s attacks against Unaware Targets inflict 1 additional Damage for every 2 Degrees of Success on the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test beyond the first, - Catfall He automatically reduces the effective distance of all falls by a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus, ignoring this distance as if it did not exist. He also adds +20 to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling. - Deadeye Shot When making a Called Shot (see page 244) ranged attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). - Deathdealer (Ranged) When the character’s attack inflicts Critical damage, he adds his Perception bonus to the damage result. - Death Serves the Righteous Once per Combat Encounter, this character may spend a Fate Point in order to change a result of 1 on a single Damage die from a ranged attack to a result of 10. This can inflict Righteous Fury as normal. - Excelent Cook Once per game session, this character may make a Challenging (+0) Trade (Cook) Test. This Action requires at least several minutes. At the Game Master’s discretion, the character might gain a bonus to this Test for acquiring certain ingredients to truly enhance the meal. If he succeeds, all members of the Squad gain a +5 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning until the end of the next encounter. If the cook succeeds by five or more Degrees of Success, the first time each member of the Squad uses a Fate Point before the end of the next encounter, that character rolls 1d10. On a result of 10, that character still gains the benefit of using the Fate Point, but the Fate Point does not count as having been expended. - Exotic weapon training (Ranger Long Rifle) - Heightened senses (Sight, Sound), The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically involving this sense. - Living Ghost The Ranger scores two extra degrees of success on successful Stealth tests - Marksman Distance is no protection against the character’s marksmanship, and he suffers no penalties for making Ballistic Skill tests at Long or Extreme range. - Mighty shot The Acolyte knows the weak points in every type of armour and material, and has the skill to ensure that his shots land exactly where they can do the most damage. He adds half his Ballistic Skill bonus (rounded up) to damage he inflicts with ranged weapons. - Ranged Weapon Expert (Ranger Long Rifle) Once per combat encounter, this character may take an Aim Action as a Free Action before making an attack with a weapon of the chosen group. A character must possess the corresponding Weapon Training. - Sharpshooter, When making a Called Shot (see page 244), the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). When combined with Deadeye Shot, this reduces the penalty to 0. - Sprint The character moves at great speeds, and when taking a Full Move action can move an extra number of metres equal to his Agility bonus. Additionally, whenever he takes a Run action, he may move double the normal distance. If he did so in the previous round, however, he suffers 1 level of Fatigue. - Stealth sniper Whenever this character makes a Standard Ranged Attack Action or Ranged Called Shot Action against an enemy while he is in Cover or otherwise Concealed, he may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Stealth Test, opposed by the Awareness Skill of any foes who might hear or see the shot. If he succeeds, he remains hidden from his enemies. The GM should adjust the Difficulty of the character’s Stealth Test or the enemy’s Awareness Test depending on the noise made by the weapon the character uses and any other environmental factors. - Weapon Training (Melee) "Трейты"- Unnatural Agility(+3), - Unnatural Perception (+2), - Battle Focus Once per round, on his turn, the Guardian can move a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus as a Free Action "Инвентарь"Максимальный носимый вес: 36 кг Текущая нагрузка: 34.14 кг "Оружие"-Ranger Long Rifle Basic, Range 250 m, S/-/-, D 1d10+12 (E), Pen 2, Clip 18, Rld 1 full ,Weight 4,5 Kg. Special: Accurate, Felling (2), Reliable 5 spare Clips -Custom grip -Modified Stock -Red-dot sight (по DH2, без возможности для цели заметить точку) - Xenos fighting knife Melee, D 1d5+4 ®; Pen 4, Weight 1,2 Kg - Mono - Reinforced - Sacred inscritions - Shuriken Pistol Range 20m, S/3/5, 1d10+2 R, Pen 4, Clip 40, Reload 2 Full, Reliable, Weight 3 Kg 2 spare Clips - Custom grip - Mono-sight - Forearm Weapon Mounting - Eldar Plasma grenade 1 шт D 1d10+6, Pen 6, Blast (1) Weight 0,5 Kg "Броня, одежда и сумки"- Ranger Mesh Armor Arms, Body, Legs, Head - Armour 4 - Max Agility 60, Weight 5.5 Kg - Impact Gel Sells - Blur field - Deflecting construction - Chameleonine Cloak The wearer gains a +20 bonus to Stealth tests. If he remains stationary during his turn, Ballistic Skill tests targeting him suffer a –30 penalty until the beginning of his next turn. Weight 0,5 kg - Combat vest Визуально - грузовые контейнеры, встроенные в броню на груди и брюхе, пара креплений по бокам и небольшой "горб" в броне на спине для небоевой мелочи. Поверх носится плащик. While this outerwear vest offers no additional protection, it does include numerous pouches and straps to keep extra weapon clips, sidearms, and grenades within easy reach. Common styles include hip packs, holsters, bandoliers, and vests and can hold 15 kg comfortably. Items held in the combat vest can be drawn as a Free Action during the character’s turn. Only one backpack or combat vest can be worn at a time. Weight 2 Kg "Оборудование и апгрейды"- Preysense goggles This eyewear device reveals thermal images so that the wearer can detect things that would be otherwise hidden in obscuring mists and shadow. A character wearing these goggles suffers no penalties due to darkness, and gains a +20 bonus to vision-based Perception tests at night. Weight 0.5 Kg - Grapnel & Line Закреплен на предплечье A combination of clip-harness and gas-powered pistol, this can fire a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at an overhead target up to 100m away. Once the grapnel attaches to the desired spot such as a rooftop, a user can manually climb the line or activate a powered winch that can lift the user roughly 5m per round. Can hold up to 150 Kg. Weight 2 Kg - Silencer Awareness Tests to hear shots made with a silenced weapon suffer an additional –20 penalty and can only be attempted at half the normal distance. Weight +0,5 Kg к винтовке - Respirator A character wearing a respirator gains a +30 bonus to a Toughness test made to resist the effects of gas and can re-roll the test if failed. Weight 0,5 Kg - Combi-tool A character using a combi-tool gains a +10 bonus to Tech-Use tests. Weight 1 kg - Medi-kit Grants a +10 bonus to Medicae tests so long as the user possesses the Medicae skill. Weight 2 kg "Расходники"- Ration Pack В комментариях не нуждается. "Мелочь"-Spirit stone -Вертел телескопический, для жарки на костре. -Огниво эльдарское -Фляжка с водой -Кисет с 6 видами специй -Плоский котелок (узкий и высокий, скорее) "История изменений"60 очков на распределение (+10 BS, +10 P, +15 Int, +5 WP, +10 A, +10 T) Траты экспы: Старт (3750\3750): Stealth sniper (300) Sharpshooter (300) BS +10 (350) Ranged Weapon Expert (400) Trade (Cook +10), (300) Deathdealer (Ranged) (400) Death Serves the Righteous (600) Excelent Cook (200) Tech-use (100) Medicae (100) Navigate (100) Mighty shot (600) Изменено 6 августа, 2015 пользователем Temeluchas Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Dammerung Опубликовано 21 мая, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 21 мая, 2015 (изменено) Уркл МакРифф, орк-мек "Текущее состояние"Опыт = 150 Нагрузка = 49.5/78 кг Раны = 19/19 Сытость = 80 Безумие = 0 Обойма 9/10 "Характеристики" Аптитуды: Agility, Fieldcraft, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower Клан - Death Skulls Модификаторы характеристик: +Ловкость, + Интеллект, - Стойкость Clan Bonus: Orks of the Deathskull clan increase their Agility and Fellowship Characteristics by +5. They also gain the Deceive (Fel), Stealth (Ag), and Tech-Use (Int) Skills at the Trained Rank. Trait: A +5 bonus to any Test involving a weapon, vehicle, or item of wargear that is painted blue (as it is lucky!). Статы WS 40 BS 50 S 40 T 40 A 40 I 45 Per 30 WP 30 Fel 25 "Генерация" Weapon Skill: 35, +5 на распределении Ballistic Skill: 15, +25 на распределении, +5 за 500, +5 за 750 Strength: 35, +5 на распределении Toughness: 35, - 5 за клан, +10 на распределении Agility: 20, +5 на распределении, + 5 за клан, +5 особый бонус клана, +5 за 250 Intelligence: 15, +15 на распределении, +5 за клан, +5 за 100, +5 за 250 Perception: 25, + 5 за 100 Willpower: 25, +5 за 250 Fellowship: 20, +5 особый бонус клана Навыки Common Lore (Orks) Deceive Dodge Linguistics (Orks) Medicae Security Stealth Survival Tech-Use+10 Trade (Armourer) "Генерация"Deceive, Stealth, Tech-Use достались бесплатно от клана, на остальные потрачено: Dodge – 200 Medicae – 100 Security – 100 Survival – 200 Trade (Armourer) – 100 апгрейд Tech-Use - 200 Таланты Ambidextrous (за роль, не используется) Armour-Monger - +1 к броне на всех локациях (куплено за 300) Exotic Weapon Training (Механотопор) Iron Jaw - Whenever this character becomes Stunned, he may make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test as a Free Action to ignore the effects. За оркость Mek Implants (=Mechanicus Implants, куплено за 300) Technical Knock - Once per round, he may attempt to unjam a gun as a Half Action rather than a Full Action. He must touch the weapon to make use of this talent. (куплено за 200) True Grit - Whenever he suffers Critical damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), reduce the amount by his Toughness bonus (to a minimum of 1 damage). За оркость Weapon-Tech - Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action, this character may enhance any Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic weapon he is personally wielding. This increases the weapon’s damage and penetration by an amount equal to the character’s Intelligence bonus until the end of the round. (куплено за 200) Weapon Training (Plasma) Особый талант мека: Bodgin’: Before battle, a Mekboy can modify a number of Ork weapons up to half of his Intelligence Bonus. These weapons gain the Shocking Quality and increase their Damage by +1d5 until the end of the combat encounter Трейты Sturdy Unnatural Toughness (+2) "Общие орочьи черты" ‘Ard Orks are extremely resilient, their bodies capable of withstanding and surviving injury that would kill humans, and recovering swiftly enough from even the most grievous wounds to get back into the fight within days. Orks gain the Unnatural Toughness (+2) and Sturdy Traits, and the Iron Jaw and True Grit Talents. Additionally, all Medicae tests to treat the injuries of an Ork gain a +20 bonus, due to the Ork’s robust physiology Make it work! Unreliable Ork weapons are not Unreliable in an Ork’s hands. Might makes right An Ork may use the Intimidate Skill to perform the actions listed under the Command Skill, when commanding other Orks, Gretchin, Squigs, or Snotlings. Mob Rule All Orks and Gretchin are latently psychic—an ability which increases in strength the more of them there are in one place. This bolsters their confidence and courage to nearfearless levels when they gather en masse. For every additional Ork within 10m, an Ork gains a +10 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. This Trait works identically for Gretchin, thought they gain the bonus from other nearby Gretchin, not Orks. Очков Опыта: 4250 Стартовые раны: 14+1d5 "Инвентарь" Валына – профиль Kustom Blasta (Basic; 100m; S/2/–; 2d10+5E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Reload 1 Full; Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing), 16 kg "Апгрейды (по сути сводятся к +10 на баллистик во всех ситуациях)"Motion Predictor A motion predictor adds a +10 bonus to any Ballistic Skill test made as part of a Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst action. Red Light Though this Kustom Bit is little more than a small red light bulb, Orks swear it improves a weapon’s accuracy. This upgrade functions as a Red-Dot Laser Sight (+10 bonus to any Ballistic Skill test for single shot). На первый взгляд эта вещь выглядит как волынка из раскрашенной в крупную клетку шкуры сквига с металлическими дудками, к которой прикреплены шланги и кабели. Из месива деталей торчит одинокая красная лампочка. Стоит Урклу дунуть в эту волынку, как из ее труб с ужасным, отдаленно напоминающим музыку воем вырывается раскаленная плазма. Механотопор Ковыряла – профиль Omnissian Axe (Melee — 2d10+4E; Pen 6, Power Field, Unbalanced), 8kg Also functions as a combi-tool and is a two-handed melee weapon. Огромная ржавая труба, обмотанная искрящими проводами, увенчана тяжелым стальным шаром, из которого как попало торчат отвертки, гаечные ключи, сверла и тому подобные инструменты, а также лезвие топора, окутанное трескучим силовым полем. Доспехи: ‘Eavy Armor - Body, Legs - 4, 8kg Iron Gob - Head - 2, 5kg Обыкновенные орочьи доспехи – то есть приваренные друг к другу бронепластины с заклепками, плюс железная челюсть. Дополнены килтом из клетчатой ткани (сине-красной расцветки). Бионика: - Gastral Bionics (Into the Storm 141 стр), 5кг Давным-давно внедренный в организм Уркла луженый желудок позволяет жрать что ни попадя и пить до упаду. - Mind Inmpulse Unit, Good Good models grant a +10 bonus to commune with machine spirits and for Tech-Use, Operate, Logic, Inquiry, and Ballistic Skill tests made as part of interfacing with the MIU systems. - MIU Weapon Interface This system allows the user to fire the linked ranged weapon as a Free Action during his turn. Note that he can still only take a single Action with the Attack subtype during his turn. This additional weapon must be connected to the user via the MIU weapon interface, and is usually equipped as a shoulder mount. Обе системы MIU подключены к Волыне посредством пучка проводов, выходящих из туловища мека. Medicae Mechadendrite Grants a +10 bonus to Medicae and Interrogation tests. The mechadendrite houses six injector pistons, each of which may be filled with one dose of a drug. In addition to providing first aid, the mechadendrite’s flesh staplers may be used to staunch Blood Loss as a Half Action. A small chainscalpel attachment reduces the difficulty of limb amputation to Challenging (+0). Once per round, the character can utilise this mechadendrite as a weapon by spending a Half Action or a Reaction to make a Standard Attack action. It counts as a melee weapon with the Balanced quality that inflicts 1d5 Rending damage, Pen 0. Автадок - устрашающего вида бионическая конечность, перевязанная бинтами и вооруженная шприцами и скальпелями. Optical Mechadendrite This contains pict-capture and other sensory devices for inspection and detection. It is long for a mechadendrite, extending to 3 metres, and grants a +10 bonus to all vision-based Perception tests. The mounted pictdevices allow it to examine surfaces at a microscopic level or to be used as telescopic sight. It contains an infrared torch and sensors with a range of 40m, and so within this area the user ignores combat or other penalties due to darkness. The mechadendrite is also fitted with a stablight that can be tinted a variety of different colours depending on the controller’s whim. Манокыль - подвижный шланг, к концу которого голыми проводами примотаны обшарпанные фонарик, видеокамера и лупа. Прочее Три килограмма разных пружин, шестеренок, рычажков, зубцов и прочей металлической ерунды. 2 литра синей краски. Два баллона плазмы для Валыны (10 выстрелов каждый) "Закупка"Kustom Blasta - Very Rare (15 очков) Aпгрейды один very rare, а другой rare - оба бесплатные Omnissian Axe - Extremely Rare (25 очков) ‘Eavy Armor - для орков Scarce (7 очков) Iron Gob - для орков Scarce (7 очков) Gastral Bionics - Scarce (7 очков) Mind Inmpulse Unit, Good – Extremely Rare (25 очков) MIU Weapon Interface – Rare (10 очков) На оставшиеся 4 очка накуплено 3 кг разных деталей и бидон синей краски весом 5 кг Реквизировано по тестам: рюкзак 2 кг, ауспекс 0.5 кг, медицинский дендрит, оптический дендрит "Дневник изменений"День 1 - покрашены в синий цвет Валына и Ковыряла, +5 к тестам с их применением, -3 литра краски (рожа тоже теперь синяя) Изменено 4 июня, 2015 пользователем Dammerung Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Miralynx Опубликовано 23 мая, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 23 мая, 2015 (изменено) Гуманитарная помощь Каргату Бурнаш, орк-камандо "Статы, инвентарь и прочее."Сир Бурнаш Клан: Дес Скулз Роль: Камандо Cлава: 20 Переносимый вес: 90 кг. Экспы 0. Параметры WS 50 BS 15 S 40 T 40 A 50 I 20 Per 50 Wp 35 Fel 20 "Инвентарь" Краски 1 кг Остатки синей, фиолетовой и красной красок, которыми Бурнаш украшал своё барахло. Burna Basic 15m S/–/– 1d10+7 X Pen 3 Clip 8 Rld 2 Full Inaccurate, Unreliable, Flame 18 kg Very Rare 15 очков Big Choppa Melee 2d10 Pen 2 Tearing, Unbalanced 10 kg (уже включено в общий вес) Прелесть. Любимое оружие Бурнаша - поджига с приделанной алебардой. Прекрасно подходит для внезапных отжигов. Когда кончается горючка, есть чем отмахаться от наседающих врагов. Украшена изолентой и синей краской. Для обеспечения такого оружия взят апгрейд "комби-шута" (Into the Storm 145). В далёкой перспективе Бурнаш прокачает трейнинг (силовое) и сможет использовать Прелесть вот с таким параметром: Burning Blade Melee 1d10+5, Pen4, Power Field, Balanced (Into the Storm, 124) Апгрейды за правило "Чтоб блестело!" (положено 2, 1 ушёл на алебарду): Ekstra kaboom! Загущённая горючая смесь из баков Прелести не только даёт устойчивый факел, но и имеет взрывной эффект, когда разгорится. Чаще всего это происходит на уже горящем противнике. The weapon’s damage type becomes Explosive and it gains the Tearing Quality. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon. Nephium Fuel Tank Very rare. - Инто зе Шторм 128. +2 урона, -10 на тесте уклонения. Браня Cadian-pattern ”Kasrkin” Storm Trooper Carapace All 6 36 kg Very Rare (15 очков) Когда-то эту броню носил кадианский штурмовик. Каким путём она попала к Урвегу, неизвестно, но к Бурнашу - от Урвега. Немало усилий было приложено, чтобы собрать набор целиком, и чтобы он хоть как-то прикрывал орочью тушку, но результат того стоил: Браня давала такую же защиту, как и трофейный панцирный доспех, и не стесняла движений. За недолгий сезон набегов и обменов Бурнаш сумел привести её в относительно годный вид. До орочьих размеров броня увеличена за счёт вставок из других трофеев, а вместо забрала шлема приделана маска сварщика. Встроенное оборудование: integral auspex unit, attachments for a grav-chute, rebreather, photo-visor, encrypted micro-bead, and a clip attachment on the side of the helmet for either a lamp pack or a vid-recorder. These systems are powered by a small charge pack (equivalent in size and cost to a lasgun charge pack) that must be replaced after a week of continuous use. Улучшения за правило "Чтоб блестело!": Power Assisted +15 kg Very Rare Hostile Acquisitions p. 64 - +10 к силе, во время включения не считается вес самой брони. 1д5 часов за заряд. MaskBodyglove Body, Arms, Legs 6 kg 650 Rare Radical p. 154 - обнаружение инфракрасным визором и прочими подобными устройствами сложнее на (+20). Хамелеолиновая накидка 10 очков Камандо - самыи низаметныи. Если набрать маскировочной формы уманов, извести её на ленточки, сплести из них сеточку - то другие уманы тебя в кустах не заметят. Проверено. страница 170 ДХ2. Combat Vest 2 кг 7 очков У зажиточного парня много барахла. У истинного сира - ещё больше. Чтобы барахло не крали гроты и другие парни, нужно всегда держать его при себе. А чтобы не отобрал босс - прикрывать сеточкой. 170 ДХ2 Advanced Medi-kit 5kg Rare 10 очков Орочьи народные средства типа загустевшего прометия, разных корешков, паутины, жил специально откормленного сквига, различных шкурок, синей изоленты, куска сушёного мяса и, конечно же, гвоздей. Изолента рарная, так что её самый кропаль - на крайний случай. 178 ДХ2. Ryboth Travel Survival Kit (Survival+10) 15 kg 10 очков Походный шатёр сира Бурнаша. Оруженосцы у него бывают редко, так что приходится устраивать свой быт самому. Чтобы перещеголять уманских "лыцарев", этот орк даже в походе носит с собой постельные принадлежности и столовые приборы. До кучи в набор входят всякие инструменты для дворни, которой у Бурнаша пока что нет. Into the Storm 138 Physic kit 2 kg 7 очков Набор ключей для обслуживания Прелести. Пилка. Фильтр для горючки. Черпак для перемешивания горючей смеси. Насос для нагнетания давления. Рулончик ткани. Ножницы. Иглы для зашивания ран. Суровые нитки и лески. Резервный моток изоленты(тоже маленький, но больше, чем для себя). This Physik Kit grants +20 when using the Medicae skill for first-aid treatment. Сушёные грибы с красными шляпками в синюю крапинку. Дают инверт 1 броска. Прометий (Scarce) 1 kg 7 очков - боеприпасы для Very Rare пушки Очищенный прометий, разбодяженный сквиговым маслом и ещё кое-какими секретными ингредиентами Бурнаша. 3 штуки. Lho-Sticks 4 очка Сигары, к которым Бурнаш пристрастился в путешествиях с Асобым Атрядом. 24 штуки. Alcohol† 0.5 kg Scarce (Good) - бесплатно за "вишенку на торте" 7 очков Трофейное уманское бухло. Вкуснее, потому что трофейное. 3 бутылки. Clip/Drop Harness 2 kg - бесплатно за "вишенку на торте" Если лазать к врагам через стены и скалы, можно навернуться. А это позор для камандо, так что Бурнаш носит при себе такую штукенцию. Grapnel & Line 2 kg - бесплатно за "вишенку на торте" А лебёдка помогает там, где нужно затащить наверх кого-то или что-то, не желающее затаскиваться. Magnoculars 0.5 kg(best) - бесплатно за "вишенку на торте" Подарок от Атряда, компенсировать некоторую орочью близорукость. Skillz: Deceive Stealth (+10) Tech-Use Awareness (+10) Parry Survival(+10) Итого 2600 экспы. 2650 экспы на скилы "Talentz:"Поджигай! 450 экспы Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Willpower 35, Weapon Training (Flame) Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower Бурнаш - пироманьяк. Любая возможность использовать излюбленный способ ведения войны приносит ему радость. When this character hits an enemy with an attack from a weapon with the Flame Quality, that enemy suffers a –20 penalty on his Agility Test to avoid catching fire. Additionally, when this character inflicts Righteous Fury on an attack with a weapon with the Flame Quality, the target is automatically set on fire. Devastating assault 450 экспы Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Хорошенько вмазать врагу любит любой орк, и Бурнаш - не исключение. А когда можно вмазать дважды... Once per turn, after resolving an All Out Attack action that successfully hits, the character may make a second All Out Attack action against the same target as a Free Action, with the same bonuses and penalties as the first. Ударь наверняка! Tier: 1 Category: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse Иногда надо бить очень точно. Например, в щщи. Бурнаш это ценит и любит. The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). Честное урочье певепе 200 экспы Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill Бурнаш часто спрашивает, что такое честное урочье певепе, у кандидатов в Асобый Атряд. Правильный ответ - когда не менее пяти наших на одного врага. За неправильный ответ этот орк пробивает в грызло. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests. Jaded - за роль И где только не был Бурнаш... И чего только не отведал. Иной раз ему кажется, что он повидал достаточно на своём веку, но реальность раз за разом преподносит ему новые проблемы. Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations, and other unnatural effects still affect him normally. Rapid Reload 200 экспы Prerequisites: - Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Быстро поменять опустевший баллон с горючкой иногда значит не махать остаток дня чоппой, добивая врагов. Reduce reload time. Sacred Flame 600 экспы Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Cleanse and Purify (Поджигай!) Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower Огонь! Этот прекрасный дар Горка и Морка оркам! Как хорошо он жжёт! Как ярко горит! Как визжат враги, которых он коснётся! This character inflicts Righteous Fury on a result of 9 or 10 on Damage Rolls from weapons with the Flame Quality. Traitz: Сверхъестественная сила(1) До ноба Бурнаш не дорос, но несколько сильнее обычного бойза. Эффект от улучшения "синтемускулы", полученного бесплатно за "вишенку". Ded Sneaky During any turn in which the Ork Kommando begins unseen by his enemy and chooses to reveal itself and attack them, he counts as having the Fear (1) Trait—or if he already has the Fear Trait, he counts his Fear Trait as one higher than normal. ‘Ard Orks are extremely resilient, their bodies capable of withstanding and surviving injury that would kill humans, and recovering swiftly enough from even the most grievous wounds to get back into the fight within days. Orks gain the Unnatural Toughness (+2) and Sturdy Traits, and the Iron Jaw and True Grit Talents. Additionally, all Medicae tests to treat the injuries of an Ork gain a +20 bonus, due to the Ork’s robust physiology Lucky! A +5 bonus to any Test involving a weapon, vehicle, or item of wargear that is painted blue (as itis lucky!). Make it work! Unreliable Ork weapons are not Unreliable in an Ork’s hands. Might makes right An Ork may use the Intimidate Skill to perform the actions listed under the Command Skill, when commanding other Orks, Gretchin, Squigs, or Snotlings. Mob Rule All Orks and Gretchin are latently psychic—an ability which increases in strength the more of them there are in one place. This bolsters their confidence and courage to nearfearless levels when they gather en masse. For every additional Ork within 10m, an Ork gains a +10 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. This Trait works identically for Gretchin, thought they gain the bonus from other nearby Gretchin, not Orks. "Дневник изменений"Apptitudez: Death Skulz Agility, Fieldcraft Kommando Agility, Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft, Finesse, Perception За парные аптитуды беру Strenght и Offence 60 очков распределены так: Стартовые статы Апнутые статы WS 35 WS 40(+5 ) BS 15 BS 15( ) S 35 S 40(+5 ) T 30 T 40(+10) A 25 A 40(+15) I 20 I 20(+ ) Per 25 Per 40(+15) Wp 25 WP 35(+10) Fel 20 Fel 20(+ ) За экспу куплено вот что: Куплено-нажито WS 50(+10) = 350 BS 15 S 40(+ ) = T 40(+ ) = A 50(+10) = 350 I 20 Per 50(+10) = 350 Wp 35 Fel 20(+ ) Итого 1050 экспы Скилы: За прошлое: Deceive Tech-use Stealth За экспу: Awareness(+10) 300 экспы Parry 200 экспы Survival(+10) 300 экспы Stealth(+10) 300 экспы Итого: 1100 экспы Talentz: Поджигай! 450 экспы Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Willpower 35, Weapon Training (Flame) Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower Бурнаш - пироманьяк. Любая возможность использовать излюбленный способ ведения войны приносит ему радость. When this character hits an enemy with an attack from a weapon with the Flame Quality, that enemy suffers a –20 penalty on his Agility Test to avoid catching fire. Additionally, when this character inflicts Righteous Fury on an attack with a weapon with the Flame Quality, the target is automatically set on fire. Devastating assault 450 экспы Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Хорошенько вмазать врагу любит любой орк, и Бурнаш - не исключение. А когда можно вмазать дважды... Once per turn, after resolving an All Out Attack action that successfully hits, the character may make a second All Out Attack action against the same target as a Free Action, with the same bonuses and penalties as the first. Ударь наверняка! Tier: 1 Category: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse Иногда надо бить очень точно. Например, в щщи. Бурнаш это ценит и любит. The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). Честное урочье певепе 200 экспы Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill Бурнаш часто спрашивает, что такое честное урочье певепе, у кандидатов в Асобый Атряд. Правильный ответ - когда не менее пяти наших на одного врага. За неправильный ответ этот орк пробивает в грызло. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests. Jaded - за роль И где только не был Бурнаш... И чего только не отведал. Иной раз ему кажется, что он повидал достаточно на своём веку, но реальность раз за разом преподносит ему новые проблемы. Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations, and other unnatural effects still affect him normally. Rapid Reload 200 экспы Prerequisites: - Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Быстро поменять опустевший баллон с горючкой иногда значит не махать остаток дня чоппой, добивая врагов. Reduce reload time. Sacred Flame 600 экспы Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Cleanse and Purify (Поджигай!) Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower Огонь! Этот прекрасный дар Горка и Морка оркам! Как хорошо он жжёт! Как ярко горит! Как визжат враги, которых он коснётся! This character inflicts Righteous Fury on a result of 9 or 10 on Damage Rolls from weapons with the Flame Quality. Traitz: Сверхъестественная сила(1) До ноба Бурнаш не дорос, но несколько сильнее обычного бойза. Ded Sneaky During any turn in which the Ork Kommando begins unseen by his enemy and chooses to reveal itself and attack them, he counts as having the Fear (1) Trait—or if he already has the Fear Trait, he counts his Fear Trait as one higher than normal. ‘Ard Orks are extremely resilient, their bodies capable of withstanding and surviving injury that would kill humans, and recovering swiftly enough from even the most grievous wounds to get back into the fight within days. Orks gain the Unnatural Toughness (+2) and Sturdy Traits, and the Iron Jaw and True Grit Talents. Additionally, all Medicae tests to treat the injuries of an Ork gain a +20 bonus, due to the Ork’s robust physiology Lucky! A +5 bonus to any Test involving a weapon, vehicle, or item of wargear that is painted blue (as itis lucky!). Make it work! Unreliable Ork weapons are not Unreliable in an Ork’s hands. Might makes right An Ork may use the Intimidate Skill to perform the actions listed under the Command Skill, when commanding other Orks, Gretchin, Squigs, or Snotlings. Mob Rule All Orks and Gretchin are latently psychic—an ability which increases in strength the more of them there are in one place. This bolsters their confidence and courage to nearfearless levels when they gather en masse. For every additional Ork within 10m, an Ork gains a +10 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. This Trait works identically for Gretchin, thought they gain the bonus from other nearby Gretchin, not Orks. Изменено 11 июля, 2015 пользователем Miralynx Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Temeluchas Опубликовано 24 мая, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 24 мая, 2015 Борг "Консерва" Грозгар Evil Sunz Driva "Характеристики"Weapon Skill: 45 Ballistic Skill: 40 Strength: 30 Toughness: 35 Agility: 30 Intelligence: 30 Perception: 30 Willpower: 25 Fellowship: 30 Glory: 20 Wounds: 18 "Аптитуды"Agility WS (за повторяющийся Agility) Fieldcraft Intelligence Offence Willpower Tech "Трейты"‘Ard Orks are extremely resilient, their bodies capable of withstanding and surviving injury that would kill humans, and recovering swiftly enough from even the most grievous wounds to get back into the fight within days. Orks gain the Unnatural Toughness (+2) and Sturdy Traits, and the Iron Jaw and True Grit Talents. Additionally, all Medicae tests to treat the injuries of an Ork gain a +20 bonus, due to the Ork’s robust physiology Make it work! Unreliable Ork weapons are not Unreliable in an Ork’s hands. Код Might makes right An Ork may use the Intimidate Skill to perform the actions listed under the Command Skill, when commanding other Orks, Gretchin, Squigs, or Snotlings. Mob Rule All Orks and Gretchin are latently psychic—an ability which increases in strength the more of them there are in one place. This bolsters their confidence and courage to nearfearless levels when they gather en masse. For every additional Ork within 10m, an Ork gains a +10 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning. This Trait works identically for Gretchin, thought they gain the bonus from other nearby Gretchin, not Orks. Evil Sunz Any vehicle piloted by a member of the Evil Sunz has its Tactical Speed increased by 5 metres and its Cruising Speed increased by 10 kph. Da Red Goez FASTA: A Kustom Red Paint Job can be applied to any Ork vehicle, increasing its Tactical Speed by 3m and its Cruising Speed by 15 kph. "Навыки"Operate (Surface, Aeronautica) Common Lore (Orkz, Meks) Tech-use Intimidate "Таланты" FURIOUS ASSAULT The character’s speed and martial prowess allow him to land several blows where lesser combatants land one. If the character successfully hits his target using the All Out Attack Action, they may spend their Reaction (and thus cannot Parry or Dodge until their next Turn) to make an additional Attack using the same bonuses or penalties as the original attack. Hotshot Pilot The character can pilot or drive vehicles as if they were extensions of his own body and has a natural understanding of anything that needs steering. The character counts as having all Operate Skills at Rank 1 (Known) (basically they can drive or fly anything). If they wish to later improve their Operate Skills, these Advances must be bought using Experience Points (from Rank 1) as normal. Such is their skill they also add one Degree of Success to any successful Operate Tests. Iron Jaw Whenever this character becomes Stunned, he may make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test as a Free Action to ignore the effects. Runtz 1 Gretchin\1 Attack Squig\2 Snotling minion True Grit Whenever he suffers Critical damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), reduce the amount by his Toughness bonus (to a minimum of 1 damage). Weapon-Tech Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action, this character may enhance any Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic weapon he is personally wielding. This increases the weapon’s damage and penetration by an amount equal to the character’s Intelligence bonus until the end of the round. Weapon Training (Melee, SP) "История изменений"Evil Sunz +Ловкость, + Интеллект, -Сила. 60 на распределение: +5 WS +25 BS +5 Ag +5 Per +10 Int +10 Fel 1000 стартовой экспы: Runtz 300 Tech-use 100 Intimidate 200 FURIOUS ASSAULT 300 +5 WS 100 Инвентарь "Дефф Дред "Грхотало""Монструозная размалеванная красным утюгообразная конструкция, почти типичная для орочьего Дефф Дреда. Основных внешних отличий два: Во-первых, бронированная будка в задней верхней части корпуса. Как правило, из нее видна ухымляющаяся морда гретчина, который, сидя в своей коробке, управляется с установленной на крыше "Грохоталы" бигшутой. Во вторых, громадный зев печки в нижней части правого борта, ближе к корме. Кроме того, Борг хотел написать на носу машины "Грохотала", чтобы уманы его знали и заранее боялись, но пропустил букву. Что, его, впрочем, не напрягает. Кроме того, помимо смотровых щелей, в броне прорезаны четыре открывающиеся изнутри бронефорточки: спереди, в передней части обоих бортов и в бронекоробку гретчина. Через эти форточки Борг может ругаться и, при желании, заранее показывать врагам, что он с ними сейчас сделает. В ящике на корме хранятся ноги Борга. Это позволяет ему довольно удобно к ним подключаться, когда он решает выйти, так как люк для выхода располагается также на корме машины. "Характеристики"Ballistic Skill: * Strength: 55 Toughness: - Agility: 20 Intelligence: * Perception: * Willpower: * Fellowship: * *As operator Type: Walker Tactical Speed: 8 m (16 с учетом трейтов) Cruising Speed: 25 kph (50 c учетом трейтов) Manoeuvrability: +10 Structural Integrity: 25 Size: Enormous Armour: Front 30, Side 30, Rear 25 Carrying Capacity: None. 27 кг по правилам для пихотов. Ждем, что надумает Ильич. "Трейты "Грхоталы""Enclosed Сrew and passengers cannot be specifically targeted by those outside the vehicle (unless there is a particularly good reason, such as a mind-based Psychic Attack). Ponderous A Ponderous Vehicle may not use the Floor It! Action and moving its Tactical Speed requires a Full Action (therefore it can never move twice its Tactical Speed). If a vehicle has both the Ponderous Vehicle Trait and the Enhanced Motive Systems Vehicle Trait, then these two Traits cancel each other out and it may move as a regular vehicle. (отключен Контролируемым сквигом впрыском) "Ramshackle" When rolling Righteous Fury against a vehicle with the Ramshackle Vehicle Trait, the player rolls 1d10 rather than 1d5. The vehicle takes twice the rolled Damage against itself when attempting a Ram Action against another vehicle, building, or something equally solid. Repairing a vehicle with the Ramshackle Vehicle Trait takes half the listed time, and Tests to implement these repairs gain a +20 bonus. Damaged vehicles with the Ramshackle Vehicle Trait are always treated as Lightly Damaged unless they have taken Critical Damage. "Walker" The following rules apply to a vehicle with the Walker Trait: • Vehicles with the Walker Trait are able to ignore many types of Difficult Terrain due to their large feet and heavy legs. Vehicles with the Walker Vehicle Trait treat conditions such as rockslides, tank traps, allen trees, and basic rubble and ruins as Open Ground. It is up to the GM to determine what other types of terrain a walker can ignore. • Vehicles with the Walker Trait cannot make use of the Ram Action. They make a standard Charge Action instead. Charge distance = Tactical Speed • Far more combat capable than most other vehicle types, walkers (or rather their pilots) are better able to turn to face their opponents in the midst of a melee. A vehicle with the Walker Trait has Armour and Facings just like all vehicles and when engaged in melee combat it should always be clear to the GM and the players which direction it is facing for the purposes of working out which armour value its opponents must attempt to penetrate, as well as which direction the walker may make its attacks. Any vehicle with the Walker Trait may turn to face its melee opponents at the end of its Turn as a Free Action. This does not count as a form of movement and it may in fact put other attackers in a better position if the Walker is fighting multiple opponents in melee. • Vehicles with the Walker Trait may turn as many times as they like when moving, regardless of how far they move. "Dread" • Dreads may not use the following Combat Actions: Brace Heavy Weapon, Jump or Leap, Ready, Reload, Run, Mount, and Stun. • When calculating movement, use Dread’s Tactical Speed as its Half Action Move distance, not its Agility Bonus. • Dreads are not affected by Blood Loss or Fatigue • Dreads have no fi ne manipulators (i.e., fingers) and cannot complete tasks that require fine manual dexterity. Dreads without a Close Combat weapon have no hands at all. • Dreads can only be healed (repaired) using the Tech-use Skill (this functions for all intents and purposes as the Medicae Skill for recovering lost wounds and repairing critical damage). • Dreads suffer a –30 penalty on all tests when attempting the following skills: Climb, Concealment, Shadowing, Silent Move, Wrangling. • Dreads cannot use the following Skills at all and automatically fail them should they try: Acrobatics, Contortionist, Sleight of Hand, and Swim. • Dreads count as having the Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee) Talent, the Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic) Talent, and the Ambidextrous Talent, meaning that they can attack with up to two Melee or Ranged Weapons in the same turn with a –10 penalty, or one without a penalty. • Dreads (and their pilots) are Fearless. • Dreads always count as Trained in any weapons they can carry. • Any attacks that reduce a Characteristic automatically fail against the Dread or its pilot. • When it comes to taking damage and moving long distances (using the Cruising Speed Characteristic) Dreads are treated in the same way as vehicles. • Dreads can benefit from Skills and Talents their pilots possess. За исключением указанных мастеров. Sturdy +20 bonus to Tests made to resist grappling and uses of the Takedown Talent. "Вооружение"Kustom mega-blasta Front Facing; 100m; S/2/–; 4d10+7 E; Pen 6; Clip 10; Reload 3 Full; Blast (2), Inaccurate, Overheats, Shocking, Unreliable 5 запасных магазинов Skorcha Front Facing; 30m; S/–/–; 1d10+7 X; Pen 3; Clip –; Reload –; Flame, Spray, Tearing, Unreliable. Работает от топливной системы Дреда "Апгрейд: Ekstra Kaboom"Explosive ammunition makes for bigger wounds on the enemy and louder noises when the gun fires. The weapon’s damage type becomes Explosive and it gains the Tearing Quality. Power klaw Melee; 2d10+17 R; Pen 7; Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, -5 WS "Апгрейд: Ekstra Rippy"Chains of razor-sharp teeth line the weapon, attached to a smoke-belching motor. The weapon increases its damage by 1 and gains the Tearing Quality. If it already has the Tearing Quality, increase the damage by 3 instead. However, the weapon becomes Unwieldy. If it is already Unwieldy, it imposes a –5 penalty to all attack rolls made with the weapon. Buzz saw Melee; 2d10+14 R; Pen 5; Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy. "Апгрейд"A strange contraption beyond the understanding of most Orks, this weapon is fitted with whirling, sparking protrusions that crackle with green lightning. These devices discharge as the wielder attacks, burning through armour and scorching flesh. A melee weapon with this upgrade gains the Power Field quality and increases its damage and Penetration by 2. Big shoota (Турельная, управляется гретчином) 120m; –/–/10; 2d10+5 I; Pen 2; Clip 120; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable 5 запасных магазинов "Апгрейды"Печка Страшный грохочущий агрегат, способный измельчить, зажечь и превратить в "гарючий газ" (по словам Урвега), практически любое дерево и вообще почти все, что горит и крошится. Позволяет заправляться дровами, углем и прочим хламом. Kustom Red Paint Job Da Red Goez FASTA: Tactical Speed +3m and its Cruising Speed +15 kph. Бронекоробка Жилое помещение для гретчина. Именно здесь обитает Луди, Отсюда е и защищает Дред своего хозяина. Открыта сверху, со всех остальных проекций обеспечивает гретчину броню (4). Поражение коробки наносит урон только гретчину и ее содержимому. Дред отделен от нее кормовой броней. Управляемый сквигом впрыск гарючего газа. Устраняет эффект трейта Ponderous. Laud Hailer 4 kg Матюгальник, он и у орков матюгальник. Включается ударом по специальной педали в кабине. Выключается также, но не всегда. "Снаряжение Борга"Переносимый вес - 36 кг Текущий вес - 13,4 кг Ноги (Poor) Lumbering affairs that reduce a character’s Movement rate by 1, and when running, the user must succeed on an Ordinary (+10) Agility test or fall Prone at the end of his movement. Clothing (2 кг) Обычная, слегка драная и промасленная майка. Grotwhip (5 кг) Melee 3m 1d10+3 R 0 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive (6) Slugga (2 кг) (Pistol; 20m; S/3/–; 1d10+4 I; Pen 0; Clip 18; Reload Full; Inaccurate, Unreliable) 2 запасных магазина Combi-tool (2 кг) (Сумка с ключами и отвертками) A character using a combi-tool gains a +10 bonus to Tech-Use tests. 2х Ration pack (2 кг каждый) "Гретчин Луди"WS 20 BS 35 S 15 T 18 Ag 44 Int 33 Per 35 Wp 16 Fel 24 Wounds: 5 Size: Scrawny Skills Awareness Stealth Dodge Tech-use Sleight of Hand Trade (Cook) Talents Weapon training (Melee, SP) Heightened Senses (Hearing) Traits Mob rule Unnatural Toughness (2) Снаряжение Носимый вес: 4,5 кг Текущий вес: 1,8 кг +? Stub Revolver 1.5kg Pistol; 30m; S/–/–; 1d10+3 I; Pen 0; Clip 6; Rld 2 Full; Reliable 12 запасных патронов. Засапожный нож гретчина Melee, 1d5+1 R. Причем в дамаг уже включен бонус силы. Сколько весит - неизвестно. Судя по листу грота - он при нем всегда. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
HiveTyrant Опубликовано 4 июня, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 4 июня, 2015 (изменено) "Delayed"Торглаф (MoS - 20) Раны: 13WS - 25 - 25 BS - 50 - 25+15s+10e S - 30 - 25+5s T - 30 - 25+5s Ag - 50 - 25+15s+10e In - 25 - 25 Pr - 40 - 25+5m+10s WP - 20 - 25-5m FE - 50 - 25+5m+10s+10e "Aptitudes"MC - Slaanesh: Finesse, Perception BG - Hidden Agent: - RO - Leader: Fellowship, Finesse (Agility), Social, Willpower , Ballistic Skill Total - Finesse, Perception, Fellowship, Agility, Social, Willpower , Ballistic Skill---------"Char. adv."Fe+10(350) (MoS+2) Ag+10(350) Bs+10(350) =1050---------"Bonuses"Once per session, a Hidden Agent may substitute his Deceive Skill during an Infamy Test for the purposes of Obtaining Services and Manipulating Others. Exceptional Leader: As a free action once per round, the character may grant an ally that he can see and who can hear him a +10 bonus to any one test. Stunning Scream: Once per combat encounter, a Noise Marine may spend a Glory Point to to force everyone within 20m to make a Hard (– 20) Willpower Test to resist the effects of the Noise Marine’s choice of either Fear (2), 1d5 levels of Fatigue, or becoming Sunned for 2 rounds.---------"Talents"Resistance(Fear) AIR OF AUTHORITY(300) (MoS+1) Ambidextrous(300) Leap up(200) (MoS+1) LIGHTNING REFLEXES(300) (MoS+1) Mimic(200) (MoS+1) UNREMARKABLE(200) (MoS+1) HEIGHTENED SENSES (All) (Mark of Slaanesh) Hard target(450) (MoS+1) Two-Weapon Wielder(Range)(300) Two-Weapon Master (600) Sprint (Good Bionic Legs) =2850---------"Skills"Linguistics (Low Gotic) Trade (Performancer) Forbidden Lore (Criminal Cartels and Smugglers) Common Lore (Imperium,Underworld) Sleight of Hand Deceive+20 (500) (MoS+2) Dodge+20 (1000) (MoS+2) Stealth Acrobatics+30(1000) (MoS+4) Charm+30(1000) (MoS+4) Inquiry(100) =3600---------"Traits"Mark of Slaanesh: Unnatural Fellowship (2)---------"Inventory"Ghibelline Shrieking Pistol (10) (Tome of Excess, p36) Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+4E 4 12 Full Concussive (0), Overcharge 8kg Ghibelline Shrieking Pistol (10) (Tome of Excess) Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+4E 4 12 Full Concussive (0), Overcharge 8kg "Overcharge"A weapon with this Quality may expend three times the regular ammunition usage to gain the Concussive (2), Devastating (2), Overheats (on a roll of 86 or higher instead of 91), and Recharge Qualities. If the weapon already has either the Concussive or Devastating Qualities, then add the two together (eg. a Devastating [3] weapon becomes Devastating [5]). Chameleoline Cloak (10) (p170) Chameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the coloration of the wearer into their surroundings, and is the garb of choice for snipers. The wearer gains a +20 bonus to Stealth tests. If he remains stationary during his turn, Ballistic Skill tests targeting him suffer a –30 penalty until the beginning of his next turn. Synskin (15) (p172) Synskin is a bio-reactive body glove with an inert non-reflective surface that moulds itself to the wearer’s form. It grants 2 Armour points to all locations not already armoured and the wearer gains a +10 bonus to Stealth tests. It also renders the wearer invisible to the use of preysense goggles and those with the Dark-sight trait. Synthmuscle (10) (p185) Ropey strands of vat-grown muscle tissue, thick with slurried nutrients and laced with flakweave, are woven into existing muscle groups, granting increased strength of varying levels. This implant grants the Unnatural Strength (1) trait; Best craftsmanship grafts instead grant the Unnatural Strength (4) trait but also impose a –10 penalty on Agility tests due to the newly misshapen and unnatural body form. Subskin Armour (15) (p185) Thin carapace plating is inserted under the skin in various locations, giving the user added protection against damage. While not as impressive as most augmentations and sometimes uncomfortable, subskin armour is very reliable. This implant adds +2 Armour points to the Arms, Body, and Legs locations, which stacks with any other Armour points for these locations. 2xGood Lho-Sticks (2x5) (p173) A mild narcotic, each stick contains dried and cured plant leaves that release a scented, stimulating smoke when ignited and inhaled through a cheap tube that burns away with the drug. As the leaves vary with the planet, lho-sticks can vary from world to world as well, often making them useful trade items. 3xAmasec (3x5) (p172) This refreshment is made from distilled wine or other fermented beverages, and is popular in many regions of the Imperium. It is usually a fine-quality product, with some well-aged vintages renowned across the sector for bouquet and flavour. Micro-bead (5) (p177) Also known as a bead-comm, these small devices are worn in the ear and allow for short-range communications out to roughly 1 kilometre (depending on weather conditions and intervening terrain). Each fits discreetly in the ear, with higher Craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual inspection. Red-Dot Laser Sight (7) (p164) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Red-Dot Laser Sight (7) (p164) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Clothing (1) (p170) Clothing styles vary greatly across the Imperium, some as basic protection with no thought to aesthetics, some purely ornamental with no concern for environmental or other lesser worries. For some, clothing styles are set at birth or through factory dictates. Others adopt the styles of their gang, sect, house, or other affiliation. While basic clothing common to a setting should be simple to acquire, more elaborate garb of either higher status or specialised function should be more difficult, with the GM acting as final arbiter on Availability or creation. Good Photo-Visors/Contacts (10) (p171) These can be worn as corneal lenses or as outer eyewear, and amplify any low-level light to allow the wearer to see as if normal lighting was present. Characters wearing these gain the Dark-sight trait (see page 135). Good craftsmanship visors also dampen the effects of photon flash grenades, making the wearer immune to their effects. Good Bionic Legs (10) (p181) Good craftsmanship bionic legs grant the owner the Sprint talent, and add a +20 bonus to Agility tests that he makes when attempting to jump or leap. Cur W - 40 Max W - 45 --------- To Roll: MIU Weapon Interface (Rare) MIU Weapon Interface (Rare) Ration Pack (Plantefull) Ration Pack (Plantefull) Ration Pack (Plantefull) "Текущее состояние" Раны: 13 из 13 WS - 25 BS - 50 S - 30 T - 30 Ag - 50 In - 25 Pr - 40 WP - 20 FE - 50 ---------"Bonuses"Once per session, a Hidden Agent may substitute his Deceive Skill during an Infamy Test for the purposes of Obtaining Services and Manipulating Others. Exceptional Leader: As a free action once per round, the character may grant an ally that he can see and who can hear him a +10 bonus to any one test. Stunning Scream: Once per combat encounter, a Noise Marine may spend a Glory Point to to force everyone within 20m to make a Hard (– 20) Willpower Test to resist the effects of the Noise Marine’s choice of either Fear (2), 1d5 levels of Fatigue, or becoming Sunned for 2 rounds.---------"Talents"Resistance(Fear) AIR OF AUTHORITY Ambidextrous Leap up LIGHTNING REFLEXES Mimic UNREMARKABLE HEIGHTENED SENSES (All) Hard target Two-Weapon Wielder (Range) Two-Weapon Master Sprint---------"Skills"Linguistics (Low Gotic) Trade (Performancer) Forbidden Lore (Criminal Cartels and Smugglers) Common Lore (Imperium,Underworld) Sleight of Hand Deceive+20 Dodge+20 Stealth Acrobatics+30 Charm+30 Inquiry---------"Traits"Mark of Slaanesh: Unnatural Fellowship (2)---------"Inventory"Ghibelline Shrieking Pistol (Tome of Excess, p36) Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+4E 4 12 Full Concussive (0), Overcharge 8kg Ghibelline Shrieking Pistol (Tome of Excess) Pistol 40m S/–/– 1d10+4E 4 12 Full Concussive (0), Overcharge 8kg "Overcharge"A weapon with this Quality may expend three times the regular ammunition usage to gain the Concussive (2), Devastating (2), Overheats (on a roll of 86 or higher instead of 91), and Recharge Qualities. If the weapon already has either the Concussive or Devastating Qualities, then add the two together (eg. a Devastating [3] weapon becomes Devastating [5]). Chameleoline Cloak (p170) Chameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the coloration of the wearer into their surroundings, and is the garb of choice for snipers. The wearer gains a +20 bonus to Stealth tests. If he remains stationary during his turn, Ballistic Skill tests targeting him suffer a –30 penalty until the beginning of his next turn. Synskin (p172) Synskin is a bio-reactive body glove with an inert non-reflective surface that moulds itself to the wearer’s form. It grants 2 Armour points to all locations not already armoured and the wearer gains a +10 bonus to Stealth tests. It also renders the wearer invisible to the use of preysense goggles and those with the Dark-sight trait. Synthmuscle (p185) Ropey strands of vat-grown muscle tissue, thick with slurried nutrients and laced with flakweave, are woven into existing muscle groups, granting increased strength of varying levels. This implant grants the Unnatural Strength (1) trait; Best craftsmanship grafts instead grant the Unnatural Strength (4) trait but also impose a –10 penalty on Agility tests due to the newly misshapen and unnatural body form. Subskin Armour (p185) Thin carapace plating is inserted under the skin in various locations, giving the user added protection against damage. While not as impressive as most augmentations and sometimes uncomfortable, subskin armour is very reliable. This implant adds +2 Armour points to the Arms, Body, and Legs locations, which stacks with any other Armour points for these locations. 2xGood Lho-Sticks (p173) A mild narcotic, each stick contains dried and cured plant leaves that release a scented, stimulating smoke when ignited and inhaled through a cheap tube that burns away with the drug. As the leaves vary with the planet, lho-sticks can vary from world to world as well, often making them useful trade items. 3xAmasec (p172) This refreshment is made from distilled wine or other fermented beverages, and is popular in many regions of the Imperium. It is usually a fine-quality product, with some well-aged vintages renowned across the sector for bouquet and flavour. Micro-bead (p177) Also known as a bead-comm, these small devices are worn in the ear and allow for short-range communications out to roughly 1 kilometre (depending on weather conditions and intervening terrain). Each fits discreetly in the ear, with higher Craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual inspection. Red-Dot Laser Sight (p164) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Red-Dot Laser Sight (p164) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Clothing (p170) Clothing styles vary greatly across the Imperium, some as basic protection with no thought to aesthetics, some purely ornamental with no concern for environmental or other lesser worries. For some, clothing styles are set at birth or through factory dictates. Others adopt the styles of their gang, sect, house, or other affiliation. While basic clothing common to a setting should be simple to acquire, more elaborate garb of either higher status or specialised function should be more difficult, with the GM acting as final arbiter on Availability or creation. Good Photo-Visors/Contacts (p171) These can be worn as corneal lenses or as outer eyewear, and amplify any low-level light to allow the wearer to see as if normal lighting was present. Characters wearing these gain the Dark-sight trait (see page 135). Good craftsmanship visors also dampen the effects of photon flash grenades, making the wearer immune to their effects. Good Bionic Legs (p181) Good craftsmanship bionic legs grant the owner the Sprint talent, and add a +20 bonus to Agility tests that he makes when attempting to jump or leap. MIU Weapon Interface (p184) Unlike the more advanced MIU version normally only granted to priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this model is more simplified, allowing the user to remotely operate a single weapon which is attached user’s body. While not as elaborate, it is easier to use and a favourite of many militant professions. This system allows the user to fire the linked ranged weapon as a Free Action during his turn. Note that he can still only take a single Action with the Attack subtype during his turn. This additional weapon must be connected to the user via the MIU weapon interface, and is usually equipped as a shoulder mount. MIU Weapon Interface (p184) Unlike the more advanced MIU version normally only granted to priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this model is more simplified, allowing the user to remotely operate a single weapon which is attached user’s body. While not as elaborate, it is easier to use and a favourite of many militant professions. This system allows the user to fire the linked ranged weapon as a Free Action during his turn. Note that he can still only take a single Action with the Attack subtype during his turn. This additional weapon must be connected to the user via the MIU weapon interface, and is usually equipped as a shoulder mount. Cur W - 40 Max W - 45"Журнал изменений" Изменено 1 июля, 2015 пользователем HiveTyrant Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Умный и осторожный Трус Опубликовано 15 июня, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 15 июня, 2015 (изменено) Имя: Порций "Айзек" Тарквиний Возраст: 26 лет Родной мир: Penal World Бэкграунд: Moritat (count as Adepta Sororitas) Роль: Assassin "Статы и техническая информация:" i Уведомление: Итоговые характеристики: WS 40(++_)=50 BS 25(___)=25 S 40(___)=40 T 30(___)=30 A 40(++_)=50 I 25 (___)=25 Per 30(++_)=40 Wp 40(___)=40 Fel 25(___)=25 Glr 15+10 (+__)=25 Раны: 12 Безумие: 5 Порча: 0 Переносимый вес: Carry: Lift: Push: 45kg 90kg 180kg "Скиллы, таланты и трейты"Умения: Athletics Acrobatics +20 Awareness Dodge +30 Intimidate Common Lore (Imperial Creed) Forbidden Lore (Moritat) Linguistics (Secret Tongue and Cyphers, Moritat) Linguistics (Low Gothic) Navigate (Surface) Parry +30 Scrutiny Stealth +10 Survival Trade: Chymist Таланты: Assassin Strike Blademaster Blind Fighting Catfall Combat Master Hard Target Inescapable Attack Jaded Leap Up Lightning Reflexes Quick Draw Rapid Reload Rapid Reaction Sprint Step Aside Swift Attack Weapon Trainig: Melee (Low-Tech) Weapon Training: Ranged (Low-Tech) Whirlwind of Death Специальные правила: The Bloody Edge The Moritat disdain many modern weapons as crude and spiritually unfulfilling, preferring instead the sacred edge of the blade. As a result, they must pass a Hard (–20) Willpower Test to use any weapon lacking an ”edge” in combat (thrown blades, knives and arrows are fine) unless they obviously have no chance of harming their enemy otherwise. However, such is their deadly artistry at bloodletting, any edged weapon wielded by them counts as having the Tearing quality when used against living targets. Larcenous Hailing from worlds where the black market is the only market, penal colonists are skilled at obtaining illicit items, whether to sell, on or for their own purposes. Penal colony characters add a +10 to all Logistics Tests made to acquire illegal or contraband items. Sure Kill In addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), when an Assassin successfully hits with an attack, he may spend a Fate point to inflict additional damage equal to his degrees of success on the attack roll on the first hit the attack inflicts. Взаимопомощь Во время хода одного из представителей человеческой расы, персонаж и его союзник могут заявить Взаимопомощь. Как только это действие заявлено, персонажи сливают свои действия в единое целое, таким образом, группа людей получает количество общих Полных Действий, равное количеству заявивших Взаимопомощь игроков. Группа людей также получает бонус к действиям за Assistance. На весь фонд Действий распространяется ограничение на одно действие типа «Атака» и «Концентрация». Действия производятся по самой низкой из заявивших персонажей Инициативе. "Вещи и штуки"Инвентарь: "Избавление" Best Quality Long-Sabre Melee — 1d10+6 R 5 Balanced, Razor Sharp 3kg Lathe Blade, Custom Grip, Tox Dispenser "Искупление" Deliverance Light Crossbow Pistol 15m S/–/– 1d10 R 0 1 Half Primitive (7) 1kg Forearm Weapon Mounting, Custom Grip, Red-Dot Laser Sight, Vox-Operated "Прибежище" Best Quality Armored Bodyglove (count as Xeno Mesh) 5 AP All 1kg Lathe-Wrought, Impact Gel Cells, Deflective Construction, Cameleoline Coating Подкожная броня +2 AP to Arms, Body and Legs Синтемускулы Gives Unnatural Strenght (1) trait Синтекожа +10 to all Stealth tests, invisible to preysense and Dark Sight Инъектор Coldfire Frenzon: users gain the Frenzy and Battle Rage Talents, lasting for 3d10 rounds per dose. Гранаты 3 Blind Grenade, 2 Smoke Grenade, 2 Stun Grenade, 2 Photon Flash Grenade, 2 Choke Gas Grenade Микробусина Компактное устройство связи Стаммер A character carrying an active stummer gains a +30 bonus to Stealth tests. A stummer typically has enough power for 20 minutes of continuous use before needing to be recharged, a process that takes about one hour. Stummer charge packs (6) Кошка и трос A combination of clip-harness and gas-powered pistol, this can fire a hook or magnetic clasp attached to a thin, strong wire at an overhead target up to 100m away. Once the grapnel attaches to the desired spot such as a rooftop, a user can manually climb the line or activate a powered winch that can lift the user roughly 5m per round. Common sets can hold 150kg Медицинский набор +20 to Medicae tests Личные вещи Ножи, фляжки, и т.д. "Дневник изменений" i Уведомление: Aptitudes: Agility Weapon Skill Fieldcraft Finesse Perception Offence (Moritat, count as Adepta Sororitas) Defence (Penal world=Agility, double) Стартовые статы WS 25 BS 25 S 30 T 25 A 30 I 25 Per 25 Wp 25 Fel 25 Glory 15 Распределение (60) WS 25(+15)=40 BS 25(___)=25 S 30(+10)=40 T 25( +5)=30 A 30(+10)=40 I 25(___)=25 Per 25( +5)=30 Wp 25(+15)=40 Fel 25(___)=25 Glr 15(___)=15 i Уведомление: Взяты характеристики: WS*2=350 Ag*2=350 Per*2=350 =1050 i Уведомление: Взяты скиллы Dodge*4=1000 Acrobatics*3=600 Stealth*2=300 Survival*1=100 Parry*3=900 Awareness*1=100 Navigate(Surface)*1=200 Scrutiny*1=100 =3300 i Уведомление: Взяты таланты: Blind Fighting = 200 Quick Draw = 200 Rapid Reload = 200 Leap Up =200 Catfall=200 Combat Master=300 Inescapable Attack=300 Swift Attack=300 Whirlwind of Death=300 Assassin Strike=400 Blademaster=400 Step Aside=400 Sprint=400 Hard Target=300 Lightning Reflexes=200 Rapid Reaction=300 =4600 А Т1 T2 T3 Two 200 xp 300 xp 400 xp One 300 xp 450 xp 600 xp Zero 600 xp 900 xp 1,200 xp Потрачено опыта: 8950 Всего опыта: 8950 Осталось опыта: 0 0 i Уведомление: Взяты предметы: Long Sabre (стр. 98 DH1:IH), Very Rare (-15)+Lathe Blade (Very Rare, Free)+Custom Grip(Rare, Free)+Tox Dispenser (Rare, Free) Deliverance Light Crossbow (стр. 43 DH2:EW), Rare (-10)+Custom Grip(Rare, Free)+Forearm Weapon Mounting(Scarce, Free)+Red Dot Sight(Scarce)+Vox-Operated(Rare, Free) Best QUality Armored Bodyglove (count as Xeno Mesh, стр. 146 DH1), Nearly Unique (-40)+Cameleoline Coating (Very Rare, Free)+Impact Gel Cells(Rare, Free)+Deflective Construction (Scarce, Free)+Lathe-Wrought(Nearly Unique, Free) Synskin (стр. 173 DH2), Very Rare (-15) Blind Grenades (стр. 158 DH2), Scarce (-7) Smoke Grenades (стр. 159 DH2), Common (-4) Stun Grenades (стр. 159 DH2), Common (-4) Micro-Bead (стр. 178 DH2), Average (-5) Injector (стр. 177 DH2), Common (-4) Coldfire Frenzon (стр. 134 RT:ItS), Very Rare (-15) Personal effects (-), None (-1) Slip Vest (Rare) -10 Caltrops (Common) -4 Advanced Helmet Systems (Very Rare) -15 =149 i Уведомление: Реквезишн тесты: Успешно: Subskin Armour Synt-Muscle Stummer(6) Grapnel and Line Crossbow Bolts (Primitive) (7) Crossbow Bolts (Mono) (5) Heretic's Match Bolts (2) Emperor's Wrath Bolts (2) Medikit Photon Flash Grenades (2) Choke Gas Grenades (2) Провалено: Conversion Field Heretic's Match Rebreather Изменено 16 августа, 2015 пользователем Умный и осторожный Трус Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Iron Duke Опубликовано 30 июня, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 30 июня, 2015 (изменено) Альтрон исправленный вариант, выношу на обсуждение общественности. Имя: Альрик Тронтхейм "Альтрон" Возраст: 197 лет, рост 2.24 сантиметра Родной мир: Forge World Бэкграунд: Adeptus Mechanicus Роль: Warrior Статус Celerius Ран 8+1 Инсейн 3 "Характеристики"WS - 25 - 5 - 10 = 40 BS - 25 - 5 - 20 = 50 S - 30 -0 -10 = 40 T - 30 - 0 -10 = 40 Ag - 20 - 15 -5 = 40 In - 25 - 5 -10 = 40 Pr - 25 - 15 - 0 = 40 WP - 25 - 15 - 0 = 40 FE - 25 - 0 - 0 = 25 "Аптитуды"Aptitudes Ballistic Skill, Defence, Offence, Strength, Weapon Skill, Knowledge Intelligence, finesse "адвансы характеристик"Characteristic Advances intermediate int - 350 intermediate WS - 350 Proficient BS - 1600 intermediate str - 350 intermediate toughness -750 simple agility - 250 "адвансы скилов" Skill Advances Known Awareness, 0 Known Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), 0 Known Logic, 0 Known Security, 0 Known Tech-Use 0 Trained Dodge - 600 Trade (Armourer) "Таланты и воскрешение"Good cyber res - 500 Autosanguine Prosanguine Chem Geld Disturbing Voice Resistance (Cold) Resistance (Fear) Resistance (Toxins) Known weapon treaning plasma Known weapon treaning power Talents Weapon Tech - FW 0 Mechanicus implants - AM 0 Mechedendride use - AM 0 Weap Train solid projectile - AM 0 Weap Train plasma 0 Weap Train power 0 Iron Jaw - Warrior 0 Jaded (T1, 1Apt) 300 Armour-Monger (T2, 1Apt) 450 Inescapable Attack† (T2, 2Apt) 300 Luminen Shock (T2, 1Apt) 450 Precision Killer (T2, 2Apt) 300 Luminen Blast (T3, 1Apt) 600 Infused Knowledge (T3, 2Apt) 400 Step Aside (T3, 1Apt) 600 Target Selection (T3, 2Apt) 400 "Трейты" Traits Machine (2) "Варгир"Dragonscale armor -25 upg lathe wrought (15) Power Sword - 15 Plasma Gun - 15 Common conversion field 25 2 free power clips Mechadendrite† (BS) - 7 Cranial Armour - 4 Interface Port - 5 Good Luminen Capacitor† - 15 Subskin Armour - 7 Vitae supplacement 5 в сумме 128 птс и 2 птс осталось 38.4 КГ Изменено 8 августа, 2015 пользователем Vladof Arms Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
HiveTyrant Опубликовано 1 июля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 1 июля, 2015 (изменено) Аутрис Бланк "Характеристики"Раны: 9+1d5. WS - 25 - 25 BS - 25 - 25 S - 30 - 25+5s T - 30 - 25-5w+10s Ag - 30 - 25+5s In - 55 - 25+15s+15e Pr - 25 - 25 WP - 40 - 25+15s FE - 50 - 25+5w+10s+10e Gl - 35 - 25+5w+5g Atitudes: HW - Highborn: Fellowship BG - Adeptus Administratum: Social RO - Sage: Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower Total - Fellowship, Social, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower 7500exp --------- Fe+10(350) In+15(850) =1200 "Traits"Breeding Counts: Any time a highborn character would reduce his Influence, he reduces it by 1 less (to a minimum reduction of 1). Master of Paperwork: An Adeptus Administratum character counts the Availability of all items as one level more available (Very Rare items count as Rare, Average items count as Common, etc.). Quest for Knowledge: In addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), a Sage character may spend a Fate point to automatically succeed at a Logic or any Lore skill test with a number of degrees of success equal to his Intelligence bonus. Unnatural Intelligence (2) (Good Cerebral Implants) "Talants"Ambidextrous Weapon Training (Las) POLYGLOT(300) Minion(450) Minion(450) FORESIGHT(300) Infused knowledge (400) =1900 "Skills"Linguistics(Low Gotic, High Gothic, Tau)(100) Trade(Linguist,Loremancer,Archaeologist)(200) Medicae Common Lore(Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Administratum, Askellon Sector, Chartist Captains, Collegia Titanicus, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Imperium, Navigators, Planetary Defence Forces, Rogue Traders, Schola Progenium, Tech, Underworld, War) Logic+20(500) Scholastic Lore(Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Cryptology, Heraldry, Imperial Warrants, Judgement, Legend, Numerology, Occult, Philosophy, Tactica Imperialis) Scholastic Lore(Philosophy)+30(900) Forbidden Lore(Archaeotech)(100) Forbidden Lore(Tau)+30(1000) Deceive+10(300) Commerce+10(300) Charm+20(600) Tech-Use+30(1000) Security+10(300) =5300 "Inventory"Calculus Logi Upgrade (Core 182) These bionics are internal cogitator implants which aid in data retention and processing. The user can rapidly sift through stacked dataslates and parchments, applying intuition to vast reams of data far beyond the capabilities of a normal man. This implant grants the user a +10 bonus to Literacy, Logic, and Scholastic Lore tests. Good Cerebral Implants (Core 182) Commonly used to repair a severely damaged brain or (hopefully) augment its abilities, these often-risky implant systems represent a major step from simply replacing a limb to altering a character from human to mechanism. Common-level implants can restore paralysed and brain-damaged users to a semblance of normality, but with a permanent loss of 1d10 points from the character’s Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill, Agility, Intelligence, and Fellowship characteristics. Good cerebral implants are very rare even among high ranking Imperial officials, and are exceedingly difficult to acquire, becoming Near Unique in Availability. These grant the user the Unnatural Intelligence (2) trait (see page 139) and a +20 bonus to Logic and Lore tests, thanks to the superior mental capabilities he now enjoys. Memorance Implant (Core 184) This implant is a neurally-linked datavault and pict-capture array, often incorporating augmetic replacement of one or both eyes, that records information on people or scenes viewed. It can then later replay that information, or overlay the present view with additional data on people and objects viewed. It is a tool of chroniclers, loremancers, and masters of ceremonies, as well as factors or nobles who like to see the secrets of their rivals overlaid upon their view of the negotiating table. It provides a +10 bonus to Trade (Loremancer) tests or other tests in social situations where the recorded information provides leverage or value. Scribe-tines (Core 185) The hand and lower forearm are replaced with specialised and sensitive tools ideal for manipulating parchment, autoscribing, dataslate tuning, and other efforts to record and preserve information. While somewhat disquieting in appearance, they are viewed with favour by hive-world scholars and lexmechanics. This implant gives the user a +10 bonus to all Lore skill tests. 2xLaspistol Pistol (Core 152) 2x1.5 kg 30m S/2/– 1d10+2 E 0 30 Half Reliable 3xLaspistol Power Cell 3x0.15 kg 2xRed-dot laser sight (Core 164) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Flak Cloak (Core 167) 8 kg Arms, Body, Legs 3 55 Good Conversion Field (Core 169) 1 kg PROTECTION RATING - 50 If the conversion field blocks more than 12 points of damage from a single attack, the release of light is strong enough to act as a photon flash grenade burst centred on the wearer (see page 158). The character wearing the conversion field is unaffected by this burst. Best Clothing (Core 170) Clothing styles vary greatly across the Imperium, some as basic protection with no thought to aesthetics, some purely ornamental with no concern for environmental or other lesser worries. For some, clothing styles are set at birth or through factory dictates. Others adopt the styles of their gang, sect, house, or other affiliation. While basic clothing common to a setting should be simple to acquire, more elaborate garb of either higher status or specialised function should be more difficult, with the GM acting as final arbiter on Availability or creation. Good Screamer (Core 177) 2 kg These proximity alarms set off a piercing wail when they detect intruders. Screamers can detect sound, movement, and even odours. To activate, the player must succeed on a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test, but the GM rolls this test in secret; players will not know how well the device is working until later on. Once set, a screamer has a Perception of 75 for the purposes of detecting sounds or motions. If it detects an intruder, it sounds its alarm, which can be heard anywhere out to one kilometre. Doors, walls, and other barriers reduce the alarm’s range. Poor craftsmanship models only detect loud noises or fast movements nearby. Good versions can detect specific sounds, movement, or even odour ranges, and can also have more subtle warning methods (such as screaming only into vox channels). Micro-bead (Core 177) Also known as a bead-comm, these small devices are worn in the ear and allow for short-range communications out to roughly 1 kilometre (depending on weather conditions and intervening terrain). Each fits discreetly in the ear, with higher Craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual inspection. Combi-tool (Core 175) 1 kg Most combi-tools are small, compact devices filled with foldout and extending probes, blades, hooks, and socket-plugs. They are ideal for coaxing operation from recalcitrant machinery, repairing damaged devices, and in general bending errant machine spirits to the will of the user. A character using a combi-tool gains a +10 bonus to Tech-Use tests. Field Suture (Core 176) 0.5 kg Common implements found on battlefields across the Imperium, field sutures are used to quickly sew shut wounds to prevent blood loss. They can vary in form, from a simple needle and thread to archaic devices which staple shut the injury. Field sutures provide a +30 bonus for Medicae tests used to staunch Blood Loss. Auto Quill (Core 175) Often elaborate devices of ink-stained brass and vat-grown or artificial quills, these devices allow a user to copy text or transcribe speech with impressive speed and accuracy. Many scribes carry portable units, suitable for recording interrogation sessions or xenos translations. A character with a relevant Trade skill can use it to gain a +10 to his tests involving this skill when recording data. Respirator/Gas Mask (Core 171) 0.5 kg A simple breathing mask that covers the nose and mouth or entire face, these offer much better protection than filtration plugs. A character wearing a respirator gains a +30 bonus to a Toughness test made to resist the effects of gas and can re-roll the test if failed. Good craftsmanship models add another +10 bonus, while Poor models must be replaced after 10 hours of usage as the filter becomes clogged and unusable. Chameleoline Cloak 0.5 kg Chameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the coloration of the wearer into their surroundings, and is the garb of choice for snipers. The wearer gains a +20 bonus to Stealth tests. If he remains stationary during his turn, Ballistic Skill tests targeting him suffer a –30 penalty until the beginning of his next turn. 13хRecaf (Core 173) 1.95 kg These common beverages offer a mild stimulant effect as well as pleasing taste. Hot recaf starts many days across the sector, from Imperial Guardsmen fighting on combat lines against the xenos threat to Acolytes striving to stay alert on an all-night vigil near a suspected cult hideout. Consuming recaf helps to hone senses dulled by exhaustion, and a dose removes one level of Fatigue from the character. The cumulative penalty to Toughness tests taken for consuming additional doses of recaf is –20 instead of the normal –10. Ration Pack (Core 173) 6х2 kg These small pouches contain concentrated or dehydrated foodstuffs suitable for one complete meal, and also include vitamin supplements, water puri-tabs, a protein bar, and heating pellets. Well-made packs are actually quite palatable, but even a master Ratling chef would have difficulty with the poor ingredients used in cheaper packs. Besides the benefits of holding off starvation, ration packs can help to keep an Acolyte effective in the field. Eating one or more ration packs (or other, comparable meals) during a period of rest of at least two hours removes one additional level of Fatigue. 7xHot-Shot Charge Packs (Core 166) 7x0.15 kg This is a powerful charge pack for a las weapon, favoured by snipers in some Imperial Guard regiments. Each hot-shot charge pack is good for only a single shot. Effect: A weapon using a hot-shot charge adds 1 to its damage, gains the Tearing quality, and gains a penetration of 4. The weapon also loses its Reliable quality, and its clip size is reduced to 1. Used With: Laspistols, lascarbines, lasguns, and long las weapons. Cur W - 32kg Max W - 36kg --------- To Roll: Combi-tool (Scarce) - 1 Field Suture (Common) - 1 Ration Pack (Abundant) "Виктор - DEAD"Wounds 11 WS - 4 BS - 1 S - 10 T - 30 Ag - 35 In - 15 Pr - 35 WP - 35 FE - 10 Dodge+10 Linguistics(Low Gotic, Tau) Awarness+10 Weapon Training(Flame) Resistance(Fear) UNSHAKEABLE FAITH Rapid Reload Leap Up Cleanse and Purify Sound Constitution Fear (1) Unnatural Toughness (2) Unnatural Agylity (2) Enforcer Light Carapace (Core 152) All 5 45 15 kg Rare Heavy Flamer (Core 167) Heavy 30m S/–/– 1d10+5 E 4 10 2 Full Flame, Spray 45kg Rare Good Rebreather (Core 171) 1 kg These devices store and recycle breathable air via a mask and external supply tank, making the user to immune to toxic atmospheres, even allowing him to survive underwater. The air canister lasts only for about one hour and then must be replaced, which takes a Full Action. Good craftsmanship models last two hours, while Poor ones take two Full Actions to replace the canister. Replacement canisters are Scarce. "Борис"Wounds 10 WS - 35 BS - - S - 30 T - 30 Ag - 30 In - 5 Pr - 10 WP - 35 FE - 5 Parry+10 Linguistics(Low Gotic, Tau) Frenzy Battle Rage BERSERK CHARGE Devastating assault Weapon Training(Power) Sound Constitution(2) Unnatural Weapon Skill (1) Unnatural Toughness (1) Unnatural Agylity (3) Enforcer Light Carapace (Core 167) All 5 45 15 kg Rare Power Sword (Core 159) Melee — 1d10+5 E 5 Balanced, Power Field 3kg Very Rare "Журнал" +500 экспы и +5 славы +400 экспы Потратил: Trade(Archaeologist) 100 Forbidden Lore(Archaeotech) 100 Tech-Use+20 300 Tech-Use+30 400 "Это было давно и неправда""Характеристики"Раны: 9+1d5. WS - 25 - 25 BS - 25 - 25 S - 30 - 25+5s T - 30 - 25-5w+10s Ag - 30 - 25+5s In - 55 - 25+15s+15e Pr - 25 - 25 WP - 40 - 25+15s FE - 50 - 25+5w+10s+10e Gl - 30 - 25+5w Atitudes: HW - Highborn: Fellowship BG - Adeptus Administratum: Social RO - Sage: Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower Total - Fellowship, Social, Intelligence, Knowledge, Perception, Tech, Willpower 7500exp --------- Fe+10(350) In+15(850) =1200 "Traits"Breeding Counts: Any time a highborn character would reduce his Influence, he reduces it by 1 less (to a minimum reduction of 1). Master of Paperwork: An Adeptus Administratum character counts the Availability of all items as one level more available (Very Rare items count as Rare, Average items count as Common, etc.). Quest for Knowledge: In addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293), a Sage character may spend a Fate point to automatically succeed at a Logic or any Lore skill test with a number of degrees of success equal to his Intelligence bonus. Unnatural Intelligence (2) (Good Cerebral Implants) "Talants"Ambidextrous Weapon Training (Las) POLYGLOT(300) Minion(450) Minion(450) FORESIGHT(300) Infused knowledge (400) =1900 "Skills"Linguistics(Low Gotic, High Gothic, Tau)(100) Trade(Linguist,Loremancer)(100) Medicae Common Lore(Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Administratum, Askellon Sector, Chartist Captains, Collegia Titanicus, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Imperium, Navigators, Planetary Defence Forces, Rogue Traders, Schola Progenium, Tech, Underworld, War) Logic+20(500) Scholastic Lore(Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Cryptology, Heraldry, Imperial Warrants, Judgement, Legend, Numerology, Occult, Philosophy, Tactica Imperialis) Scholastic Lore(Philosophy)+30(900) Forbidden Lore(Tau)+30(1000) Deceive+10(300) Commerce+10(300) Charm+20(600) Tech-Use+10(300) Security+10(300) =4400 "Inventory"Calculus Logi Upgrade (Core 182) - 10 These bionics are internal cogitator implants which aid in data retention and processing. The user can rapidly sift through stacked dataslates and parchments, applying intuition to vast reams of data far beyond the capabilities of a normal man. This implant grants the user a +10 bonus to Literacy, Logic, and Scholastic Lore tests. Good Cerebral Implants (Core 182) - 25 Commonly used to repair a severely damaged brain or (hopefully) augment its abilities, these often-risky implant systems represent a major step from simply replacing a limb to altering a character from human to mechanism. Common-level implants can restore paralysed and brain-damaged users to a semblance of normality, but with a permanent loss of 1d10 points from the character’s Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill, Agility, Intelligence, and Fellowship characteristics. Good cerebral implants are very rare even among high ranking Imperial officials, and are exceedingly difficult to acquire, becoming Near Unique in Availability. These grant the user the Unnatural Intelligence (2) trait (see page 139) and a +20 bonus to Logic and Lore tests, thanks to the superior mental capabilities he now enjoys. Memorance Implant (Core 184) - 7 This implant is a neurally-linked datavault and pict-capture array, often incorporating augmetic replacement of one or both eyes, that records information on people or scenes viewed. It can then later replay that information, or overlay the present view with additional data on people and objects viewed. It is a tool of chroniclers, loremancers, and masters of ceremonies, as well as factors or nobles who like to see the secrets of their rivals overlaid upon their view of the negotiating table. It provides a +10 bonus to Trade (Loremancer) tests or other tests in social situations where the recorded information provides leverage or value. Scribe-tines (Core 185) - 7 The hand and lower forearm are replaced with specialised and sensitive tools ideal for manipulating parchment, autoscribing, dataslate tuning, and other efforts to record and preserve information. While somewhat disquieting in appearance, they are viewed with favour by hive-world scholars and lexmechanics. This implant gives the user a +10 bonus to all Lore skill tests. Laspistol Pistol (Core 152) - 3 1.5kg 30m S/2/– 1d10+2 E 0 30 Half Reliable 2xLaspistol Power Cell 2x0.15kg Red-dot laser sight (Core 164)- 5 (2 доплата) This small, crimson laser sight is common on many guns, where it aids in both targeting and intimidating foe. It grants a +10 bonus to Ballistic Skill tests when firing a single shot. Flak Cloak (Core 167) - 5 8 kg Arms, Body, Legs 3 55 Good Conversion Field (Core 169) - 25 1 kg PROTECTION RATING - 50 If the conversion field blocks more than 12 points of damage from a single attack, the release of light is strong enough to act as a photon flash grenade burst centred on the wearer (see page 158). The character wearing the conversion field is unaffected by this burst. Best Clothing (Core 170) -3 Clothing styles vary greatly across the Imperium, some as basic protection with no thought to aesthetics, some purely ornamental with no concern for environmental or other lesser worries. For some, clothing styles are set at birth or through factory dictates. Others adopt the styles of their gang, sect, house, or other affiliation. While basic clothing common to a setting should be simple to acquire, more elaborate garb of either higher status or specialised function should be more difficult, with the GM acting as final arbiter on Availability or creation. Good Screamer (Core 177) - 7 2 kg These proximity alarms set off a piercing wail when they detect intruders. Screamers can detect sound, movement, and even odours. To activate, the player must succeed on a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test, but the GM rolls this test in secret; players will not know how well the device is working until later on. Once set, a screamer has a Perception of 75 for the purposes of detecting sounds or motions. If it detects an intruder, it sounds its alarm, which can be heard anywhere out to one kilometre. Doors, walls, and other barriers reduce the alarm’s range. Poor craftsmanship models only detect loud noises or fast movements nearby. Good versions can detect specific sounds, movement, or even odour ranges, and can also have more subtle warning methods (such as screaming only into vox channels). Micro-bead (Core 177) - 3 Also known as a bead-comm, these small devices are worn in the ear and allow for short-range communications out to roughly 1 kilometre (depending on weather conditions and intervening terrain). Each fits discreetly in the ear, with higher Craftsmanship models nearly undetectable in casual inspection. Ration Pack (Core 173) - 2 2 kg These small pouches contain concentrated or dehydrated foodstuffs suitable for one complete meal, and also include vitamin supplements, water puri-tabs, a protein bar, and heating pellets. Well-made packs are actually quite palatable, but even a master Ratling chef would have difficulty with the poor ingredients used in cheaper packs. Besides the benefits of holding off starvation, ration packs can help to keep an Acolyte effective in the field. Eating one or more ration packs (or other, comparable meals) during a period of rest of at least two hours removes one additional level of Fatigue. Recaf (Core 173) - 1 These common beverages offer a mild stimulant effect as well as pleasing taste. Hot recaf starts many days across the sector, from Imperial Guardsmen fighting on combat lines against the xenos threat to Acolytes striving to stay alert on an all-night vigil near a suspected cult hideout. Consuming recaf helps to hone senses dulled by exhaustion, and a dose removes one level of Fatigue from the character. The cumulative penalty to Toughness tests taken for consuming additional doses of recaf is –20 instead of the normal –10. Cur W - 14.8kg Max W - 36kg --------- To Roll: hot-shot Charge PaCks (Average) - 7 hot-shot Charge PaCks (Average) Combi-tool (Scarce) - 1 Field Suture (Common) - 1 Ration Pack (Abundant) "Виктор - DEAD"Wounds 11 WS - 4 BS - 1 S - 10 T - 30 Ag - 35 In - 15 Pr - 35 WP - 35 FE - 10 Dodge+10 Linguistics(Low Gotic, Tau) Awarness+10 Weapon Training(Flame) Resistance(Fear) UNSHAKEABLE FAITH Rapid Reload Leap Up Cleanse and Purify Sound Constitution Fear (1) Unnatural Toughness (2) Unnatural Agylity (2) Enforcer Light Carapace (Core 152) All 5 45 15 kg Rare Heavy Flamer (Core 167) Heavy 30m S/–/– 1d10+5 E 4 10 2 Full Flame, Spray 45kg Rare Good Rebreather (Core 171) 1 kg These devices store and recycle breathable air via a mask and external supply tank, making the user to immune to toxic atmospheres, even allowing him to survive underwater. The air canister lasts only for about one hour and then must be replaced, which takes a Full Action. Good craftsmanship models last two hours, while Poor ones take two Full Actions to replace the canister. Replacement canisters are Scarce. "Борис"Wounds 10 WS - 35 BS - - S - 30 T - 30 Ag - 30 In - 5 Pr - 10 WP - 35 FE - 5 Parry+10 Linguistics(Low Gotic, Tau) Frenzy Battle Rage BERSERK CHARGE Devastating assault Weapon Training(Power) Sound Constitution(2) Unnatural Weapon Skill (1) Unnatural Toughness (1) Unnatural Agylity (3) Enforcer Light Carapace (Core 167) All 5 45 15 kg Rare Power Sword (Core 159) Melee — 1d10+5 E 5 Balanced, Power Field 3kg Very Rare Изменено 22 сентября, 2015 пользователем HiveTyrant Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Miralynx Опубликовано 22 июля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 22 июля, 2015 (изменено) "Гуманитарная помощь Макару"В пати к социальному нурглиту просится агросоциальный слаанешит! Встречайте Асаетлина, по прозвищу "З[ну уж нет]арь". Выглядит он как настоящий индеец, а по характеру... Ну какой может быть характер у слаанешита? Он ненормален. Он норкоман. Он садист и убийца, когда у него срывает планку. Он худощав и жилист. Если бы не завывающие заводы планеты Гибеллин, он бы наверно был силён - но увы, близость Варпа выпила из него все соки. Он лёгок и проворен. Он довольно наблюдателен и сообразителен, и вполне себе раскачался в химика (отож, упарываться надо! Госпожа одобряе!), медика (суровая необходимость зарабатывать на жизнь. Втайне мечтает познать секреты Астартес) и пилота (это уже влияние Нового Урала). В компанию к нурглиту его занесёт несчастный случай по пути к шефу, а там - как судьба сложится. Как и многие служители Хаоса, это двойной агент. Для тех, кто не в курсе относительно летательного аппарата: это легкобронированный агрегат о двух турби[ну уж нет], на которых отомороженные (даже по меркам борды) бандюки пытаются выпилить главгероев. Весьма опасные противники на последней сложности получаются."Краткая история"Асаетлин и сам не помнит, на какой планете родился. В детские годы (не счастливые, нет) его родной мир стал ареной войны с орками, которые, как известно, вездесущи и неистребимы. Всё бы хорошо, и люди бы отбились, но вслед за зеленокожими гостями на огонёк пожаловали почитатели Госпожи Удовольствий. Нескончаемый поток культистов, демонеток и техники, ничуть не уступающей скиновской в плане головокружительной скорости и хрупкости... и десантники-предатели, вооружённые пугающе прекрасным оружием. Услышав вой Сирены Рока, Асаетлин безвозвратно погиб для лояльного Империума. Юноше не светило бы ничего, кроме места среди культистов, используемых в качестве пушечного мяса, но каприз судьбы позволил ему забраться повыше ожидаемого. На верфи и заводы планеты Гибеллин всегда требовались рабочие, и вместо армии он попал туда, где волнующие звуки его новой страсти раздавались каждый день. Это был долгий и трудный путь - сильные погибали, умные выживали. А должность контролёра качества была достаточным стимулом для самосовершенствования(да, это был каприз шумовых десантников: ни одно оружие не должно было покинуть заводов без проверки. Только совершенство! Только высшее качество! И пусть истощение от работы грозило ему смертью - молодой воин умер бы счастливым, слушая Роковые Сирены, выпускаемые заводом для божественных Астартес, а смерти тех, на ком оружие испытывалось, не имели для него значения. А затем... Космодесантник по имени Эмилиус Азилум (и Асаетлин рассердится на любого, назвавшего его патрона истинным именем!) разглядел в молодом человеке что-то этакое. Нет, Астартес из Асаетлина не сделали - был он мелковат, а Азилум был не в настроении. Но вот агентом по особым поручениям он стал запросто, заполучив в своё распоряжение то, от чего его душа трепетала в восторге. Собственное оружие производства заводов, на которых Асаетлин ранее работал! А главное, обещание исполнить то, о чём молили Госпожу бессчётные миллионы рабов - приблизиться к Ней настолько, насколько в силах смертного существа, рождённого среди людей. От такой перспективы дух захватывало. Кто бы сказал Асаетлину, что его хозяин - переменчивая сволочь, часто не помнящая данных накануне обещаний? Как закинули беднягу на Новый Урал, так и оставили. Следи, Асаетлин, за Акирой Вайну. Ну, он и следил. Вернее, искал. Ни одного намёка, ни единой зацепки! Говорят, сложно найти чёрную кошку в тёмной комнате. Оказалось, что Варповую Рысь найти тоже непросто. Хотя, казалось бы, целый космодесантник... В поисках главного врага своего господина З[ну уж нет]арь прибился к кланерам - последней надежде на успех. Отведал ново-уральской воды, кланерского гостеприимства... И орочьего вторжения. Волей-неволей пришлось Асаетлину возвращать должок зеленокожим. И там, где регулярная армия не преуспела, клановые бойцы легко справлялись со скинами, применяя засады, отступления и снова засады. Единственной проблемой стали боеприпасы к подаренным пистолетам. Они кончились, а орки нет. Так З[ну уж нет]арь переквалифицировался в стрелка из лазгана - простого, надёжного и безотказного, а пистолеты продал, поддавшись минутному порыву. Они вообще непостоянны, эти последователи Слаанеш. А потом кланеры раскопали какой-то образец старинного летательного аппарата, и потребовался доброволец для испытания. На свою беду, перед этим З[ну уж нет]арь упился местной водки и пребывал в полубессознательном состоянии, так что его, беднягу, в аппарат и запихнули. Ширнули клановым стимулятором, дали опохмелиться, и запустили в синие ново-уральские небеса. Вой двигателей заменил Асаетлину завывание ультразвукового оружия, и у пилотов дефф копт появлся первый серьёзный конкурент. Но это были немногочисленные светлые моменты в жизни З[ну уж нет]аря. Суровой реальности было значительно больше. Много лет он провёл практически в изгнании, и теперь, наконец, спешит к хозяину с новостями, которых тот ждёт уже много лет. Но как поступит Эмилиус Азилум, узнав, что враг его мёртв, а нора его пуста? И стоило ли всё пережитое измены тому, во что он верил раньше? "Первый вылет"Пилоты по обе стороны Долгой Войны обычно до крайностей гордятся своими умениями и могучими боевыми машинами, которыми они управляют. Кланеры с Нового Урала отличались от них недостатком гордыни - её возмещала необходимость выживать, чтобы сражаться. Ну и обеспечение у них было не сравнимое ни с Имперским Флотом, ни даже с варбандами служителей Хаоса. Вместо заводских летательных аппаратов у детей Нового Урала были максимум какие-то агрегаты, собранные из того, что было. К счастью, у кланеров не было контактов с механикусами, а то бы быть всем им казнёнными за техноересь. Итак, в необжитых лесах на северо-запад от Каменного кольца несколько кланеров готовили к взлёту нечто, похожее на скелет личного наземного транспорта с турбинами от прыжкового ранца космодесанта. Переругиваясь, несколько спецов под неусыпным надзором воинов копались в двигателях, что-то проверяли, подкручивали... Затем все кинулись врассыпную - виной тому были знакомые звуки, издаваемые дефф коптами, равно как вой турбин аппарата, запрограммированных на взлёт. Орки были всё ближе, а летательный аппарат кланеров и не думал подниматься. Раздалась ругань, воины начали искать укрытия... Раздавшийся дикий вой заставил их залечь, спасая свои жизни- одна копта уже заходила на цель. Вот к вою добавился грохот даккагана, и одна из пуль со звоном отрикошетила от страннного летательного аппарата, и главный техник кланеров с проклятьями нажал какую-то кнопку на пульте. Летательный аппарат с гулом и скрежетом ушёл в небо, раскручиваясь вокруг своей оси... Асаетлин пришёл в себя от надоедливого писка. Голова раскалывалась, во рту как нурглиты ночевали, а всё тело ломило - как обычно после попойки. Перед глазами мельтешило что-то, напоминающее бешено вращающийся калейдоскоп из неба, леса и орочьих леталок. Причём первое удалялось, а второе и третье приближались. "Да я же падаю!" - подумал Асаетлин и задёргался. Бесполезно! Он был накрепко привязан к креслу какого-то примитивного летательного аппарата, а руки были зафиксированы на рычагах управления. Ноги тоже отказывались повиноваться - похоже, они были закреплены на каких-то педалях. На сгибах локтей виднелись какие-то капельницы, и З[ну уж нет]арь с удивлением прислушался к своим ощущениям: то ли наркотик, то ли какой-то лекарственный препарат уже прочищал его сознание. Движение рукой - и суматошное мельтешение земли и неба сменилось. Движение второй - возобновилось, как раньше. Движение обеими в разные стороны... нет-нет-нет, только не вверх ногами! Наоборот! Пальцы З[ну уж нет]аря инстинктивно легли на гашетки, но как стрелять, когда на оружии нет прицельных приспособлений? Любой слаанешит знал на это ответ. Да никак! И в орков полетел шквал свинца. Разумеется, Асаетлин не попал - он же не орк, в конце концов. Но общее представление о стрельбе с летательного аппарата получил. Завязалась настоящая воздушная дуэль. Зрители подбадривали своего пилота громкими выкриками и стрельбой, а орки, казалось, забыли обо всём, пытаясь уничтожить похожего на них конкурента. Когда упала первая дефф копта, все решили, что это просто случайность. Когда вторая - удивились. Когда третью копту настиг залп ракет, выпущенный в упор после неуклюжего манёвра, орки поняли, что дело нечисто. После пятой - кинулись наутёк. Последнюю, седьмую, Асаетлин сбил уже далеко от позиций кланеров, и едва вернулся на базу. Как сажать свою машину, он понятия не имел. Но судьба в очередной раз избавила его от выбора, и выработавшая топливо машина, кружась, рухнула в лес. Пилота из неё выковыривали с опаской: неестественно расширенные зрачки, суматошное сердцебиение и пена на губах свидетельствовали о крайней степени наркотического опьянения. Своих "спасителей" Асаетлин встретил требовательным воем "Ещё!"."Выполненое задание?"Асаетлин бежал, спасая свою жизнь. Несмотря на серьёзную опасность пораниться, он прижимал к себе мешок с трепыхающейся добычей - так крепко, чтобы та не трепыхалась, но недостаточно для того, чтобы придушить. Наниматель желал получить свою игрушку живой. Несмотря на усталость, воин торопился изо всех сил, спиной ощущая приближение погони из разгневанных детей клана Ворона и подсознательно ожидая услышать хриплое карканье созданий, которых эти ненормальные приручили, несмотря на потерянные пальцы и глаза. Но нет - фора, подаренная соперниками Воронов, была достаточной, чтобы добраться до места встречи задолго до преследоватей. Асаетлин выбежал из леса, забыв даже проверить, нет ли чего подозрительного в заброшенной деревне. И опять удача была на его стороне - мёртвая деревня была тиха и пуста, и, как в прошлый раз, мрачно чернела в предрассветных сумерках давно оставленная прихожанами церковь в середине поселения. Беглец кинулся на кладбище, где его ждал наниматель, и огляделся. Пусто! Молчаливые надгробия, запустение и тишина. Но нет, что это? За одной могилой явно следили, но времени изучать её не было - Асаетлин огляделся, выискивая следы присутствия врагов или иные признаки опасности. Лишь после этого любопытный последователь Слаанеш позволил себе косой взгляд на надгробие, и сердце его учащённо забилось. Казалось бы, ничего необычного не было в каменной плите с надписью на готике, но имена похороненных под ней людей... "Теодор Вайну. Милица Вайну" - шёпотом прочёл вырезанное на камне слаанешит и радостно оскалился. Вот она, первая зацепка! Господин будет доволен - через столько-то лет. Урчащий голос, с голодным интересом произнёсший "Принёс?" вывел его из оцепенения, а добыча забилась в мешке, явно узнав говорившего. - Конечно принёс. Давай, говори. Наниматель сказал. Услышанное настолько поразило Асаетлина, что тот попросил повторить. Затем ещё раз, и ещё... Но услышанное просто не укладывалось в голове, так что З[ну уж нет]арь автоматически выполнил требование нанимателя, выпустив добычу. Пленённый острокрыл был хорош - выпущенный из мешка, он сразу же сориентировался и пошёл на взлёт, совместив это действие с попыткой выпустить своему похитителю кишки. Тут бы одуревшему от услышанного Асаетлину и крышка, но наниматель оказался ещё быстрее. С громким мявом схватил он вожделённую добычу, встряхнул её, выпуская дух, и принялся ощипывать. Прошло совсем немного времени, и от птицы остались только перья, и тут... Наниматель испуганно заозирался, прижав уши, и порскнул в кусты. Асаетлин, не обладавший такими острыми чувствами, увидел врагов позже. Воины клана Ворона полукольцом окружили заброшенную деревню, не решаясь приблизиться. И то, что напугало их, сидело на крыше заброшенной церкви, нагло пялясь на З[ну уж нет]аря с чувством собственного превосходства. А вторая тварь, копия первой и увеличенная версия недавнего нанимателя, крадучись приближалась к слаанешиту с другой стороны леса, и всё вокруг знало, что от неё не убежать. Что мы имеем от генерации:За родной мирОкраинный Мир Frontier world characters gain the Combat Sense or Quick Draw Talent. Раны: 8+1d5 За марку Слаанеш: +Per, + Fellowship, -WP Предрасположенности: Finesse, Perception Stunning Scream:Once per combat encounter, a heretic may spend a Glory Point to to force everyone within 20m to make a Hard (– 20) Willpower Test to resist the effects of the Noise Marine’s choice of either Fear (2), 1d5 levels of Fatigue, or becoming Sunned for 2 rounds. Раны: 8+ 1d5. За роль Пилот Предрасположенности: Agility, Willpower, Tech, Intelligence, Fieldcraft Role Talent: Iron Jaw or Weapon-Tech Adept Maneuvering: After a successful attack test is made against the vehicle the character is operating, but before hit locations are determined, the character makes an Operate Skill test (based on the type of vehicle being operated). If the Operate test succeeds, the character can change the facing struck by the attack to a facing of his choice. This does not affect the positioning of the vehicle. Особенности: Renegade Находчивость: Во время процесса Создания Персонажа игрок за Ренегата может выбрать одну Характеристику (навык стрельбы). В течение игры, персонаж получает дополнительную степень успеха на всех тестах, связанных с этой характеристикой. Быстрый или Мертвый: Все Еретики получают бонус +2 к броскам на Инициативу. Стартовые Навыки: Лингвистика (Низкий Готик), Ремесло (Оружейник), Общие знания (Война, Техника), Запретное знание(Космодесантники-предатели). APT T1 T2 T3 Two 200 xp 300 xp 400 xp One 300 xp 450 xp 600 xp Zero 600 xp 900 xp 1,200 xp Стартовые статы Апнутые статы Конечные статы WS 25 WS 25(+__) WS 25 BS 25 BS 40(+15) BS 50 S 25 S 30(+5_) S 30 T 25 T 30(+5_) T 30 A 25 A 35(+10) A 45 I 25 I 35(+10) I 45 Per 30 Per 30(+__) Per 40 Wp 20 WP 35(+15) Wp 40 Fel 30 Fel 30(+__) Fel 30 Адвансы характеристик: BS +10 = 350 Ag +10 = 350 Int +10 = 350 Per +10 = 350 WP + 5 = 250 Итого 1650 Адвансы навыков: Athletics - бг Acrobatics 100 Command - бг Common Lore (Imperial Guard, War, Tech) Dodge 200 Medicae+20 500 (1 лвл от бг) Navigate (Surface) - бг Operate (Aeronautica+20) 600 Security 100 Stealth 100 Tech-use+20 600 Survival+10 300 Awareness 100 Trade (armourer, chymist, cook) 300 Итого: 2900 Адвансы талантов (1600): Weapon training (Las,Solid projectile, Heavy(200) - бесплатно за генерацию. Способность пользоваться указанными категориями оружия без штрафов. Quick draw - за родной мир (фронтир) Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse The Acolyte has practised so frequently with his weapons that they practically leap into his hands in response to a simple thought. As a Free Action, the character may draw and ready a Pistol or Basic weapon, or a one-handed Melee weapon. Jaded - 300 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Acolyte’s wide travels have shown him both wonders and horrors beyond the ken of most. The galaxy has thrown its worst at him and he has yet to flinch. Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations, and other unnatural effects still affect him normally. LIGHTNING REFLEXES- 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The character always expects trouble, even in the most innocuous situations, allowing them to act quickly when needed. When making an Initiative roll, the character may roll twice and add the higher of the two dice results to his Agility Bonus. HEIGHTENED SENSES- 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Sight Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Either genetics or augmetics have made one of the character’s senses superior to others. When the character gains this Talent, select one of the five senses: The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically involving this sense. Thus, Heightened Senses (Sight) would apply to an Awareness Test to see a distant flock of Shale Crows, but not to a Ballistic Skill Test or a Weapon Skill Test because the character is not just using their eyes. This Talent may be taken more than once, each time with a different specialisation. Weapon-tech - за роль пилота Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Tech Use +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte calls upon the blessings of the Omnissiah, channelling his faith into his weapon and performing armament rituals to more readily smite his foes. Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action, this character may enhance any Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic weapon he is personally wielding. This increases the weapon’s damage and penetration by an amount equal to the character’s Intelligence bonus until the end of the round. Rapid reload - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The firing ranges and weapon drill chambers are the Acolyte’s constant abode. Hours of reloading countless magazines or power cells means that he can replace them without looking and without thinking, even in the middle of combat. He halves all reload times, rounding down. Thus, a Half Action reload becomes a Free Action, a Full Action reload becomes a Half Action, and so on. Аrmour-monger - 300 Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Intelligence 35, Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer) Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte is a skilled armourer, and constantly tinkers and improves his armour, or keeps it in pristine shape by repairing the slightest damage it sustains. With years of training, he has even learned to enhance the protection afforded by his armour and how to use it to its optimum. The character gains an extra amount of Armour points equal to his Intelligence bonus, which he can distribute to any locations that his armour would normally cover, as long as he has at least an hour each day to clean and repair it or make minor modifications. This bonus applies only to armour when the Acolyte is wearing it, as it combines his training with his skill at armoury. Mighty shot - 400 Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence The Acolyte knows the weak points in every type of armour and material, and has the skill to ensure that his shots land exactly where they can do the most damage. He adds half his Ballistic Skill bonus (rounded up) to damage he inflicts with ranged weapons. Solid Projectile Weapon Expertise - 300 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35, Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Though most Guardsmen wield some variant of the redoubtable lasgun, which many representatives and propaganda parcels from the Departmento Munitorum assure them is the most potent weapon available for use in the field, some regiments or individuals prefer to use solid projectile weapons, despite their relative ammunition limitations. Troopers can learn to overcome this weakness, however, and become extremely adept at clearing jams without sacrificing all of their ammunition. When this character clears a jam from any Solid Projectile weapon (such as an autopistol, a shotgun, an autogun, or a vanquisher battle cannon), he may also reload the weapon as a Free Action as part of the Action to unjam it. Additionally, only one Round from the weapon’s current clip is lost instead of the entire clip. Solid Projectile Weapon Mastery - 400 Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Solid Projectile Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Some troopers hone their skills with solid projectile weapons despite their apparently primitive construction, becoming as well-versed in their use as their most adept lasgun-wielding counterparts are with their own firearms. When this character fires a Solid Projectile weapon (such as an autopistol, a shotgun, an autogun, or a vanquisher battle cannon), it gains the Proven (X) Quality, where X is equal to half of his Ballistic Skill Bonus (rounded up). Superior Chirurgeon Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Rank 2 in the Medicae skill Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft The Acolyte’s advanced medical training enables him to knit flesh with deft mastery, essential for treating combat casualties. His exceptional education in use of the Narthecium, Med-Slate, and supplemental drugs give his patients an enormous advantage. He gains a +20 bonus on all Medicae skill tests. When providing first aid, he ignores the penalties for Heavily Damaged patients and only suffers a –10 penalty for those suffering Critical damage. Swift Suture Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Medicae Aptitudes: Finesse, Intelligence This character knows the deleterious effects of letting blood seep from an injury too long, even a small one, and deftly sews shut any open gashes in and around working to wrap burns, treat toxins, or set bones. Whenever this character succeeds on a Test to use the First Aid Special Use of the Medicae Skill, he also ends the Blood Loss Condition if the patient is suffering it. 50 экспы из 7500 осталось. "Инвентарь: леталка и личные вещи по ГОСТу"Буззард. Он должен переводиться как Канюк, но Асаетлин называет свою машину Детка. Профиль взят с messian outrider (стр. 49 Тома Крови) Выглядит примерно вот так Базовая ценность Scarce (взят бест крафтсманшип вариант Extremelly rare - убран трейт скретчбилд, установленное оружие может быть до категории Rare, и до типа Heavy включительно, броня увеличена до 15) Броня 15 Структурная целостность 15 3 точки под вооружение Manoeurability+20 Tactical Speed: 9/18/27/54 Cruising Speed: 100 kph Особенности: Open-topped The vehicle’s passenger or crew compartments are not sealed and are instead exposed to the open air around them. This limits their protection, but it does allow transported troops to fire their own weapons as the vehicle moves. Crew and passengers mounted on an Open-topped vehicle can be specifically targeted by those outside the vehicle via the use of the Called Shot Action. Additionally, passengers mounted in Open-Topped vehicles are struck by any Blast or Spray attacks which they would be in range of. Crew and passengers within an Open-topped may attack targets with their own personal weaponry. Skimmer The following rules apply to Skimmer Vehicles: • Skimmers move roughly 2 metres above the ground at all times, in much the same way as people and creatures with the Hoverer Trait, but can adjust that height slightly when moving over ground-based obstacles. Skimmers can also move to Low Altitude, as described in the rules for Flying in Chapter I: Playing the Game (see page 38). • Skimmers ignore all forms of Difficult Terrain (except those deemed appropriate by the GM). • Skimmers gain a +10 bonus on all Tests involving Manoeuvrability. • Skimmers are not true aircraft and therefore cannot fly at any significant altitude. Nevertheless, a sudden loss in motive power can be catastrophic to a skimmer as it ploughs into the ground, often at great speed. All Skimmers are subject to the rules for Crashing (see page 280). • Skimmers can make use of the Ram Action (see Vehicle Movement, page 272), but if the Operate Test is failed they are treated as having Crashed into their target. This is usually a bad thing. See page 280 for the full rules for Crashing. • Skimmers are often far more difficult to hit in melee combat than their ground-based counterparts and thus all Weapon Skill Tests made to attack a skimmer in Melee suffer a –10 penalty. • Vehicles with the Skimmer Vehicle Trait may turn as many times as they like when moving, regardless of how far they move. Integral Weapon Имеет три точки для установки вооружения. Ту, что у пилота, и по одной на каждую десантную ячейку. Scratchbuilt† В базовой комплектации имеет неприятную особенность. Sidecar (2) Может перевозить до двух человек десанта. Size (Hulking(5) Это довольно крупный аппарат. Weapons: Integral Twin-Linked Autogun (Basic; 100m; S/3/10; Dam 1d10+3 I; Pen 0; Clip 120; Reload 3 Full; Twin-Linked), заменён. (Sidecar) Pintle-Mounted Harvester Support Gun (Heavy; 120m; –/–/6; 1d10+5 R; Pen 0; Clip 200; Reload 2 Full; Crippling [2], Primitive [8], Tearing). †Scratchbuilt Outriders are built in a haphazard manner, and are both easier to destroy yet quicker to repair. When rolling Zealous Hatred against an Outrider roll 1d10 rather than 1d5, but Tests to repair an Outrider always gain +20. Модификации: "3 апгрейда за правило "Чтоб блестело""Дымовые гранатомёты (стр. 133 Щита Империума) Smoke Launchers Сложность установки/ремонта (+10) Устройство, восходящее ко временам юности Терры, укутывающее технику клубами дыма. Область задымления составляет круг с радиусом в 15 метров, где центром считается техника. Это одноразовое устройство и должно перезаряжаться после каждого запуска. Векторные двигатели (стр. 133 Щита Империума) Rough Terrain Modification Сложность установки/ремонта (-20) Созданные для уверенного управления в сложных погодных и рельефных условиях, векторные двигатели - ещё один привет из далёкого прошлого Терры. Дают 1 реролл теста на управление в ход при движении по трудной местности. Дополнительно, транспортные средства с трейтом "скиммер" получают +10 к манёвренности. Маршевые двигатели (стр. 188 корника дх2) Enhanced Motive Systems Сложность установки/ремонта (?) The vehicle has some way of gaining extra speed out of its engines, either via an enhanced form of promethium, ancient xeno-technology, or even a squig fuel injector. Vehicles with the Enhanced Motive Systems trait can move up to twice their Tactical Speed as a Half-Action rather than a Full Action, and can up to move three times their Tactical Speed as a Full Action. This applies to the Floor It! action as well, where vehicles with this trait move triple rather than double their Tactical Speed for the Full Action, and the Operate test for this action is treated as Ordinary (+10) rather than Difficult (–10) Вооружение на носу заменено на Heavy Stubber (Orthlack) Heavy 120m –/–/10 1d10+5 I 3 200 2 Full – 35 Average (стр. 118 Рогуе Трейдера) Качество Good, цена меняется на Rare, приобретаются качества Reliable, Tvin-linked. Получаем Тяжёлый стаббер (Новый урал) тяжёлое, дальность 120м, режимы огня –/–/10, урон 1d10+5, тип урона I, бронебойность 3, обойма 200, перезарядка 4 Full, свойства: Reliable, Tvin-linked, ценность Rare По правилу "Чтоб блестело" Комби-оружие Первым апгрейдом была установка соосного тяжёлого стаббера той же модели. Орки на коптах кричали "Моар дакка!". Асаетлин выполнил их просьбу. Targeter (стр. 165 дх-2, Rare) Heavy and precious, targeters are highly valuable devices that use a combination of guidance cogitators and sensors to improve accuracy. They are often linked directly into a gun’s machine spirit, and allow a greater bond between wielder and weapon. If there is a final penalty to a Ballistic Skill test when using a weapon with a targeter, it is reduced by ten. Thus, a Very Hard (–30) final penalty to hit becomes Hard (–20) for example. Upgrades: Any Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, or Heavy weapon. Motion Prediсtor (стр. 163 дх-2, Very Rare) The powerful cogitator within this device processes movement, and when the weapon is fired the machine spirit uses this data to follow its prey with a long, accurate burst. A motion predictor adds a +10 bonus to any Ballistic Skill test made as part of a Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst action. Upgrades: Any ranged weapon (except Low-Tech) capable of Semi-Auto or Full Auto fire. Сам буззард стоит 25. Чудовищная пушка к нему 30. Жуткая кошка - 15 Дальность 60, режимы огня 1/2/-, бронебойность 2, урон 1д10+5, обойма 5, перезарядка Половина. Весит 5 кило. Лазерный пистолет, найденный в одном из разграбленных убежищ. Он жрёт батарейки как не в себя, но это стоит того. Высокая прицельная дальность, серьёзный урон и отличная точность делают его опасным в руках опытного стрелка. Также это оружие выглядит настолько пугающе, что даёт дополнительную степень успеха при тестах на запугивание. (Щит Человечества, 126) Кастом грип +5 к баллистике, сделана под руку Асаетлина. ЛЦУ - классная подсветка прямо через ствол, активируется первым делением спускового крючка. Таргетер - массивный блок прицела, позволяющий целиться навскидку. (-10) к сложности выстрела. Триггер аджастмент (191 Онли вара) +1 ини с этой пистушкой МЯУ? МИУ! - 25 Майнд импульс юнит лучшего качества - единственная аугментация помешанного на совершенстве Асаетлина. Его Прелесть, его детка, его солнышко согласна открыть все свои тайны только когда разум её владельца напрямую связан с её Духом Машины. Также позволяет получать прямо в моск порнуху, психоделическую музыку и управлять дозатором наркотиков. +10 к тестам на управление и стрельбу, пока пилот связан с машиной. Шмотки - 2 (дх-2 корник) Перо острокрыла в волосах. Боевая раскраска клана Рыси - многолетняя привычка. Браслеты на запястьях и цепь с украшениями на шее. Жилетка на голое тело. Штанцы. Удобная обувь. Асаетлин не слишком заморачивается внешностью. Личные вещи (1) - предметы личной гигиены, инструменты для обслуживания птички (из разных комплектов). Прокинулось: 1) Тент (инквобук 154, common) - накрывать птичку. 2) Матюгальник - материться на тех, кто мешает взлёту, транслировать "Полёт валькирий". При встрече с ушанами крутить Стаса Михайлова. 3) Litany Micro-Beads Scarce - (74 охотника на демонов). Биться в экстазе, слушая психоделическую музыку. 4) Инъектор 5) Госпитальер медикал тулс - это такой нартеций, Ильич. Сразу с редуктором для ампутаций. (119 Крови Мучеников). Вот только ценность там не указана. Narthecium. A sophisticated wrist-mounted medi-pack, a narthecium includes three auto-injectors and a powerful, diamantinetipped saw for cutting through armour to provide emergency treatment to a wounded Guardsman. Consequently, narthecium are typically reserved for very well-supplied regiments, or medics attendant to an officer and his command squad. As well as providing all the benefits of a Good-Craftsmanship medi-pack, the user of a narthecium may administer a dose of a drug from one of the auto-injectors as a Free Action, when done in conjunction with a Medicae Test. Each auto-injector can be used to store a different type of drug. Though not authorised for such use, a narthecium may be used in melee with the profile of a chain knife (see page 116) with the Unwieldy Quality. "Копим на"Археотех блуршилд (139 инту зе шторма) Фицелин типпед раундс (60 Хостайл Аквизишена) - +3 урона к хэви оружию, тип урона эксплозив. Very Rare. Hyper-Density Penetrators (Ammo) 147 Инквобука Rare Famously nicknamed ”Lathe Body-Blowers” for their appalling effect of ploughing through vulnerable flesh, these bullets are cast from a unique dense metal alloy only made possible by exploiting the strange gravitational forces within the Lathe System. Because of their great mass, they must be propelled by a far more powerful explosive charge than a normal round, and so are limited only to the sturdiest firearms capable of handling them. Effects: Reduce the base range of the weapon by half. Increase its Penetration by 2. The weapon gains the Tearing Quality. Finally, an average man-sized target hit by one of these rounds must succeed on an Ordinary (+10) Toughness Test or be knocked off its feet from the impact. Weapons: Hand cannon, hunting rifles, shotguns (lose the Scatter effect), bolt pistols and boltguns (weapon Damage type changes from X to I). "Навыки для будущей прокачки"Catfall - 200 Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Gymnastic ability and natural balance enables the Acolyte to fall great distances without harm. He automatically reduces the effective distance of all falls by a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus, ignoring this distance as if it did not exist. He also adds +20 to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling. DEADEYE SHOT Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 30 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character’s rock-steady hand and hawk-like eyesight make him a dreaded marksman. No target, however agile or small, can escape his crosshairs. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) ranged attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). Deathdealer Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45 or Weapon Skill 45 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Aptitudes: Perception, Finesse The Acolyte can place his hits where they inflict maximum harm, such as gaps or joints in armour. When this talent is taken, the character selects the Specialisation that matches the prerequisite used in purchase (Melee with Weapon Skill, Ranged with Ballistic Skill). When the character’s attack in that combat type inflicts Critical damage, he adds his Perception bonus to the damage result. Tank Hunter Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character has faced enemy war machines on numerous occasions, whether the corrupted battle tanks of rebels and traitors or the strange grav vehicles of the xenos. From these experiences, the character has learned where to place his shots to inflict the most damage, targeting fuel reserves, weak points in armour, or firing slits. Making a ranged attack against a vehicle, the character adds his Ballistic Skill Bonus to the Penetration value of his weapon. Hip shooting Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Agility 40, Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s prowess with ranged weapons is such that he can still fire accurately without his eye behind the sights. As a Full Action, he can both move up to his Full Move rate and make a single attack with a ranged weapon. This attack can only be a single shot, and so cannot be a semi- or full-automatic ranged attack for example. Characters with the Two-Weapon Fighting talent can use this talent with Hip Shooting to make two single shots, if they are armed with a ranged weapon in each hand. Target selection Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s dread gaze marks out his chosen victim, and not even the riotous confusion of close combat interferes. He can shoot into melee with no penalty. If he also makes an Aim action beforehand, he prevents any chance of hitting friendly targets as well. Vigilant Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 35 Aptitudes: Offence, Perception This character has a keen eye, and can hold details in his vision without losing sight of the whole picture, even in tense situations. Thanks to this focus, he can prepare himself to strike at the slightest hint of movement and often catches more dexterous adversaries off guard. When using the Overwatch Action, this character may use his Perception Characteristic instead of his Agility Characteristic when determining whether he or his triggering target takes an Action first, as well as for any Opposed Agility Tests that Overwatch calls for him to make. Ace Operator Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Operate (Any) +10 Aptitudes: Agility, Tech The character is known for maintaining masterful control of his vehicle through seemingly reckless manoeuvres, often astounding others with his daring and skill. Of course, such abilities are not earned without making some number of mistakes along the way. This character has survived making the common errors long enough to not only recognise them, but also maintain some amount of control even when they are unavoidable. Whenever the character fails an Operate Test, he may spend a Fate Point to reduce his Degrees of Failure on the Test by his Agility Bonus. Excellent Cook Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Trade (Cook) +10 Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, General Though the clerks of the Departmento Munitorum seemingly refuse to recognise the fact, a good meal can provide a great boost to morale for weary troops. A well-fed squad usually takes to the field in higher spirits. Additionally, simply having a good meal to look forward to can give a soldier the necessary drive to fight on, where others might lose all hope. Preparing a proper meal, of course, requires a minimum of certain ingredients, which can be procured legitimately or pilfered from the regiment’s larder. Once per game session, this character may make a Challenging (+0) Trade (Cook) Test. This Action requires at least several minutes. At the Game Master’s discretion, the character might gain a bonus to this Test for acquiring certain ingredients to truly enhance the meal. If he succeeds, all members of the Squad gain a +5 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning until the end of the next encounter. If the cook succeeds by five or more Degrees of Success, the first time each member of the Squad uses a Fate Point before the end of the next encounter, that character rolls 1d10. On a result of 10, that character still gains the benefit of using the Fate Point, but the Fate Point does not count as having been expended. Inescapable attack (ranged) - 300 Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 or Weapon Skill 40, Perception 35 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Aptitudes:Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte can anticipate his opponent’s reactions, and ensures his hits strike no matter how a foe tries to avoid them. This talent applies to Melee or Ranged attacks, depending on the Speciality chosen. After making a successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack, or Stun action, the character imposes a penalty on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the attack test. Marksman - 300 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s steady hand and eagle eye allow him to keep crosshairs steady on any target, regardless of range. Distance is no protection against the character’s marksmanship, and he suffers no penalties for making Ballistic Skill tests at Long or Extreme range. Mighty shot - 400 Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence The Acolyte knows the weak points in every type of armour and material, and has the skill to ensure that his shots land exactly where they can do the most damage. He adds half his Ballistic Skill bonus (rounded up) to damage he inflicts with ranged weapons. Deathdealer - 400 Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45 or Weapon Skill 45 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Aptitudes: Perception, Finesse The Acolyte can place his hits where they inflict maximum harm, such as gaps or joints in armour. When this talent is taken, the character selects the Specialisation that matches the prerequisite used in purchase (Melee with Weapon Skill, Ranged with Ballistic Skill). When the character’s attack in that combat type inflicts Critical damage, he adds his Perception bonus to the damage result. GUNSLINGER - 1000 (включает пререквизиты) Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (Ranged) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character has trained with pistols for so long that they are like extensions of their own body, barely requiring conscious thought to aim and fire. When armed with two pistol class weapons that he can use single handedly, the character reduces the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0. CRACK SHOT - 300 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 The character can place his shots where it inflicts more harm such as at creases, gaps or joints in armour. When the character’s ranged attack causes Critical Damage, add +2 to the Damage result. SHARPSHOOTER (включает пререквизиты) - 500 Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Deadeye Shot Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character’s steady hand and eagle eye allow him to place shots or strikes exactly where he wants. When making a Called Shot (see page 244), the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). When combined with Deadeye Shot, this reduces the penalty to 0. Изменено 30 июля, 2015 пользователем Miralynx Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Kargath_Bladefist Опубликовано 25 июля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 25 июля, 2015 (изменено) Имя: Свен Хоффман Возраст: 38 лет Родной мир: Feral World Бэкграунд: Adeptus Mechanicus Роль: Warrior Характеристики Распределение WS 25 +5=30 BS 25 +15=40 S 25+5=30 T 25+5+10=40 A 25 I 25+15=40 Per 25 Wp 25+15=40 Fel 25-5=20 Буст за экспуWS 30+10=40 [350] BS 40+10=50 [750] S 30+15=45 [850] T 40+10=50 [350] A 25 I 40 Per 25 Wp 40 Fel 20 Переносимый вес: Carry: 900kg Lift: 1800kg Push: 3600kg АптитудыWS BS Offense Defense Strength Toughness Tech УменияAthletics [100] Awareness Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) Logic Medicae [200] Secure [200] Tech-Use +10 [400] Parry+10 [300] Linguistic (Low Gothic) Trade (Armourer) Таланты Armour-Monger [450] Brute of Burden [200] Bulging Biceps [0] Combat Master [300] Cybernetic Boost [450] Cybernetic Calibration [600] Devastation Assault [300] Iron Jaw [0] Jaded [300] Luminen Shield [300] Potentia Coil Induction [200] Rapid Reload [0] Sprint [0] True Grit [400] The Flash is Weak (5) [400] The Old Ways [0] Weapon Trainig: Power Weapons Weapon Training: Solid Projectile Mechadendrite Use (Utility) [0] Replace the Weak Flash [0] Инвентарь Autocannon - [15] +2 free clip, Backpack Ammo Supply, Motion Predictor, Targeter, Custom Grip (40кг) Powerfist - [15], Custom Grip, Reinforced, Discharge Pack (13кг) Augmetic Engine-Plate - [10], Deflective Construction, Impact Gel Cells, Reflec Coating (20кг) Survival Suit - [3] Аугметика (качество фактическое) good MIU [5] common MIU Weapon Interface [4] best Syntmuscle [10] good Bionic Hand x2 [0] good Bionic Legs x2 [8] good Bionic Respirator System [5] common Luminen Capacitor [5] common Blackbracing Bones [5] common Gastral bionics [4] common Autosanguine [5] good Bionic Eye [5] остаток - 100 экспы и 1 реквизиция Изменено 30 июля, 2015 пользователем Kargath_Bladefist Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Temeluchas Опубликовано 28 июля, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 28 июля, 2015 (изменено) Гуманитарная помощь Макару Урлок Безумный Background: Mutant Devotion: Khorne Role: Fanatic Mark of Khorne Weapon Skill: 50 Ballistic Skill: 25 Strength: 50 Toughness: 50 Agility: 50 Intelligence: 20 Perception: 25 Willpower: 40 Fellowship: 20 Glory: 25 Wounds: 12 Corruption: 27 Insainty: 0 OC: 0/2 "Аптитуды"Strength Offence Defence Agility (за Offence) Leadership, Ballistic Skill (за еще один Offence) Toughness, Weapon Skill, Willpower "Навыки"Athletics Awareness Common Lore (War) Dodge Forbidden Lore (Mutants, Warp) Intimidate +10 Linguistics (Low Gothic) Parry +30 Psyniscience Survival Trade (Cook) "Трейты"Быстрый или Мертвый: Все Еретики получают бонус +2 к броскам на Инициативу. BRUTAL CHARGE (3) A creature with this trait deals an extra (X) points of damage per attack when it charges in the same round Death to All Who Oppose Me!: In addition to the normal uses of Fate points (see page 293 of the DARK HERESY Core Rulebook), a Fanatic character may spend a Fate point to count as having the Hatred talent against his current foe for the duration of the encounter. Should he choose to leave combat against a Hated foe in that encounter, however, he gains 1 Insanity point. Twisted Flesh: A Mutant character can always choose to fail any test associated with resisting malignancy or mutation. Whenever he would gain a malignancy, he may roll on Table 8–16: Mutations to gain a mutation instead. Unnatural Strength (4) (2 за марку, 1 за синтемускулы) Unstoppable Wrath: During combat, a Khorne Follower may spend a Glory Point to either make an Opposed Strength Test to ignore a successful Parry made against one of his attacks or make a single Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to ignore the effects of Injury, Stunning, Fatigue, or even Death for a single Round. This Trait may only be used to ignore a Critical Result of Death once per combat encounter. "Таланты"Ambidextrous This talent does not represent true ambidexterity so much as sufficient training with both hands to make the distinction moot. When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder talent, the penalty for making attacks with both weapons in the same turn drops to –10. Battle rage Long experience and indomitable will have allowed the character to master the beast within, directing its rage while keeping his head, despite the howling bloodlust in his mind. The Acolyte can Parry while Frenzied, and can re-roll a failed test to snap out of Frenzy or resist entering Frenzy if he so chooses. BERSERK CHARGE The character has learned to put the whole force of their momentum behind their weapon blows and when the character charges into combat, few can stand before them. If the character uses the Charge Action, his Weapon Skill Test is Easy (+30) instead of Routine (+20). BLADE DANCER The character has mastered the difficult ability to wield a blade or other melee weapon in either hand, making expert simultaneous attacks as they weave a deadly pattern of steel. When armed with two single-handed melee weapons with the Balanced Quality, the character reduces the penalties for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0. Brutal Charge When the character makes a Charge Action, first make an unarmed attack against every opponent he is charging. This represents slamming into the enemy with the character’s armoured bulk. Once this attack has been resolved, the Battle-Brother may make his normal Charge Attack as normal. If the Battle-Brother charges a Horde, he may make d5+1 unarmed attacks against the Horde. Brute of burden This Character adds an amount equal ti the value of his Size Trait to the total of his Strength Bonus and Toughness Bonus for the purposes of lifting, carrying, or pushing heavy loads. In addition, he gains a +20 bonus on Toughness Tests to avoid gaining Fatigue from forced march. Counter Attack The Acolyte’s lightning ripostes are things of deadly beauty; swift and invisible as the wind. Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack. Combat master The Acolyte’s weapon seems to be everywhere at once, keeping many more opponents at bay in close combat than would seem possible. Opponents fighting him in hand-to-hand combat gain no bonuses for Ganging Up Crushing Blow The Acolyte has the ability to focus his entire body into close combat attacks. He adds half his Weapon Skill bonus (rounding up) to damage he inflicts with melee attacks. Frenzy The Acolyte’s temper and passion boil just below the surface of his psyche, mostly held in check by his rational mind, but easily released when needed. If he spends one full round fuelling his anger—by flagellation, drugs, or other means—on the next round, he goes into an uncontrolled rage, gaining a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, and Fellowship. Note that characteristic penalties are different from characteristic damage (see page 188), and cannot reduce a characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the character must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat if possible. If he is not engaged with the nearest enemy, he must move towards that enemy and engage it if possible. He will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off a building in order to engage someone on the ground, but he will take any actions that offer a reasonable opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy. While Frenzied, he is immune to Fear, Pinning, Stunning effects, and the effects of Fatigue; he cannot Parry, retreat, or flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of the combat, and cannot use psychic powers while Frenzied. After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy targets for the character to attack,he can make a Willpower test to snap out of his Frenzy. If he fails, he must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each successive round, however, he can make another Willpower test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, he cannot Frenzy again for at least an hour, as he recovers his mental and physical strength. Deny the Witch The Acolyte draws on his faith and mental fortitude to act as his shield against those tainted by the Warp. The character may use his Willpower characteristic when making an Evasion Reaction against ranged or melee attacks against him made with psychic powers. When successfully evading an attack with an area of effect, the character does not move but instead is simply unaffected by the psychic power. Preternatural speed The Acolyte is a swift-moving bringer of death, a living, bloody scythe before whom foes die like corn before the reaper. When making a Charge action, he doubles his normal Charge movement (for instance, if he has an Agility bonus of 3 and thus a Charge movement of 9 metres, his movement is then doubled to 18 metres with this talent). Resistance (Psychic Powers) Step aside Swaying his body out of the path of an attack, the Acolyte causes the shot to pass through thin air, or turns his blade mid-swing to deflect a blow. He can make an additional Evasion attempt (either a Dodge or a Parry) once per round. In effect, this gives him a second Reaction that can only be used for Dodge or Parry attempts, allowing two Dodges, two Parries, or a Dodge and a Parry in each turn. However, he can still only attempt a single Dodge or Parry against each individual attack. Tireless Through brute force of will or extreme physical resilience, this character is capable of carrying on through extreme adversity and exhaustion without losing significant efficiency. This character ignores the –10 penalty to all Tests from Fatigue. He still suffers any other effects of Fatigue as normal. Two-Weapon Wielder Intensive training allows the Acolyte to use a weapon in each hand when needed. When armed with two one-handed weapons (ether melee or ranged weapons), after making a Half Action attack (this can be a Single Attack, a Swift Attack, or a Lightning Attack with a melee weapon, or it can be a single shot, semi-auto burst, or full auto burst with a ranged weapon), he can make a single additional Half Action attack following the same restrictions with the other weapon as a Free Action. In effect, this allows him to attack twice in a round, once from each of his weapons. Both of these attacks count as being part of the same Half Action, and both tests made to attack with the weapons suffer a –20 penalty. This talent can be taken twice, each time with a different specialisation (melee or ranged). If he possesses both talents, then he can fight with one melee and one ranged weapon. When this talent is taken with the melee focus it counts as having the Weapon Skill and Finesse aptitudes, and when it is taken with the ranged focus it counts as having the Ballistic Skill and Finesse aptitudes. Wild Charge Whenever this character makes a Charge Action against a target with a Size Trait with value smaller than his own, he may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Strength Test against the target as a Free Action. If he wins the Opposed Test, his target suffers a -30 penalty to Test to Dodge or Parry his attack. Weapon Training (Chain, Unarmed, Low-Tech) "Мутации"Cursed Fleshmetal This character’s armour and cybernetic implants become fused with his flesh, and even regenerate. Removing any of these items requires a Challenging (+0) Medicae test; if the test fails, he suffers 1d5 Rending damage to a randomly selected limb that ignores Armour. He can make an Ordinary (+10) Toughness test to repair items merged with him, in the same manner as a Tech-Use test to repair the same equipment, but suffers 1 Corruption point. Warp Regeneration Corruption seethes through this character’s flesh, sewing his body back together time and time again whether he wills it or not. Whenever this character suffers damage, he makes a Challenging (+0) Toughness test. If he succeeds, he gains the Regeneration (CB) trait for 1 round and gains 1d5 Corruption points. Eye of Chaos The character gains the Psyniscience Skill or, if he already possesses the Skill, advances it by +10. Khorne: The rage of the Blood God himself radiates from the champion’s eyes. The character gains the Intimidation Skill or, if he already possesses the Skill, advances it by +10. "История изменений"Khorne +5 S, +5 WS, -5 Int 60 на распределение +10 WS +10 S +15 T +15 Ag +10 WP 7500 начальной экспы Статы - 2050 +10 WS 350 (Un) +10 S 350 (2xKh) +10 T 350 (2xN) +10 Ag 750 (2xS) +5 WP 250 (Tz) Навыки - 1100 Parry +30 1000 (4xKh) Dodge 100 (S) Таланты - 4350 Frenzy 200 (Kh) Battle rage 300 (Kh) Step aside 400 (Un) Ambidextrous 200 (Un) Two-Weapon Wielder 450 (Un) BLADE DANCER 600 (Un) Counter Attack 300 (Un) Preternatural speed 400 (S) BERSERK CHARGE 200 (Kh) Brutal Charge 300 (Kh) Wild Charge 300 (Kh) Combat master 300 (Kh) Crushing Blow 400 (Kh) 500 за пролог Brute of burden 200 (N) Tireless 300 (N) Итого адвансов: Unaligned 6 Khorne 13 Nurgle 4 Slaanesh 4 Tzeench 1 Инвентарь. "Броня"Harness of Rage: Локации: All; AP: 7; Weight: 11 kg. 10 очков. "Правила"The Harness of Rage is a full suit of Heavy Carapace that has the Spikes upgrade on each of its arms. The Heretic wearing the Harness of Rage can use the Frenzy Talent as a Free Action, assuming they have that Talent. The Harness grants the Regeneration (X) Trait, where the number in parenthesis is equal to 1 for every full 5 points of Damage the Heretic caused in the previous turn. This value automatically returns to zero at the end of combat, or if the wearer ever leaves an ongoing melee voluntarily. Only Heretics dedicated to Khorne may wear the Harness of Rage. "Апгрейды"0. Spikes (обе руки, встроенный). 1. Lathe-wrought (15 очков) 2. Skinhidden plate 3. Deflective construction Sickle Sword: Melee; 1d10+2 R; Pen 5; Balanced, Tainted, Extremely Rare (25 очков) Спецрулы +10 к тесту на парирование (в дополнение к Balanced) При трех степенях успеха при парировании - тест Disarm противника (выбивается то оружие, атака которым парировалась). Апгрейды Custom Grip Lathe-blade Chainsword: Melee; 1d10+4 R; Pen 5; Balanced, Tearing; 6kg; Average (5 очков) Апгрейды Custom grip Lathe-blade (Very Rare, 10 очков) Кибернетика и импланты Synthmuscle (Average, 5) Subskin Armour (Scarce, 7) Cranial armour (Broken) (Common, 4) Good Craftsmanship Cybernetic Senses (Rare, 10) SKELETAL PETRIFACTION (Broken) (Average) (прокинуто) Прочее Long Duration Ration Pack (common, 4) Backpack (plentiful, 3) Вертел, котелок, фляжка, зажигалка (аналогично рейнжеру - 1 очко) Изменено 18 августа, 2015 пользователем Temeluchas Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
Ardi Опубликовано 27 сентября, 2015 Жалоба Поделиться Опубликовано 27 сентября, 2015 (изменено) Фио'Уи Бор'кан Ро'Доран "Ро'Доран"Bor’kan Earth Caste Sage 1)Wounds: 8+5 = 13 2) Characteristics: Weapon Skill: 20 Ballistic Skill: 25+15 Strength: 20+10 Toughness: 30 Agility: 25+5 Intelligence: 35+5+10 (350) Perception: 25+10 Willpower: 25+10 Fellowship: 25 Influence: 25+5 (500) Glory: 20 850 exp 3) Background bonuses: Adept Machinist Whenever a Tau Character assists an allied Tau character with a Tech-Use Tests, he grants a +20 rather than the normal +10 bonus. Sage Персонаж может назначить любой навык с предрасположенностью Intelligence как свою специальность. Персонаж не получает штрафов, когда взаимодействует с помощью этого навыка с представителями, оружием и технологиями других рас - Tech-Use. FOR THE GREATER GOOD! The Tau value the group over the self, and further trust their comrades and commanders to always choose the best course of action. This enables every Tau to follow orders without hesitation or doubt. Once per encounter, a Tau Explorer may gain a +10 bonus to a Test made while directly following an order from another Tau character. Additionally, if this order places the Explorer into substantial danger to benefit the group as a whole, this bonus increases to +30 (GM’s discretion). NON-IMPERIAL This character was not raised among humans, and knows little about the culture and history of the Imperium. The laws, traditions, religion, and superstitions of Mankind are unfamiliar and alien to characters with this trait. The character suffers a –10 penalty on all Common Lore, Forbidden Lore, and Scholastic Lore Tests relating to the Imperium of Man. SPEAK NOT UNTO THE ALIEN This creature is a member of an alien species that is viewed with a mixture of fear and loathing, and different enough in form and thought as to make any kind of social interaction a greater challenge. This creature suffers a –20 penalty on all Fellowship-based Tests when dealing with humans, and imposes the same penalty on humans. These penalties do not apply when dealing with individuals who have become familiar with him. Finally, the presence of any xenos aboard a human vessel is unsettling for the crew. The continued presence of one or more xenos Explorers aboard a human ship reduces its morale by 2. Единая цель, Единая судьба Персонаж может сжечь два Очка Славы, чтобы спасти своего [ну уж нет]одящегося при смерти товарища, который не может сжечь очко Славы для своего спасения. 4) Aptitudes: Intelligence Knowledge Perception Tech Willpower Toughness Ballistic Skill Fieldcraft 5) Skills: Common lore (Tau Empire) Common lore (Tech)+20 (500) Charm Operate (Surface) Operate (Aeronautica) Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Logic+10 (200) Security Tech-Use+20 (500) Linguistics (Tau) (100) Linguistics (Techna-Lingua) (100) Linguistics (Low-Gothic) (100) Trade (Armourer) (100) Medicae (100) Survival (100) 1800 exp 6) Talents: Clues from the Crowds Deadeye Shot Takedown Constant Vigilance Weapon Training (Tau weapons) Weapon Training (Las) Minion x 4 (1200) (Characteristic Intelligence, Aptitudes Intelligence, Tech) Accelerated Repairer (300) Master Enginseer (400) Foresight (300) Battlefield Tech-Wright (300) 2700 exp 7) Inventory: Pulse Carbine – 10 Drone Controller – 10 Micro-bead – 5 Clothes – 2 Knife – 3 Ration Pack – 3 Backpack – 2 Combi-Tool – 10 Good Medikit – 10 Field Suture – 5 Power Field (personal) – 40 (на JFND-0392) "и его дроны" 4 drones 1) ACP-3014: Wounds: 12 Characteristics: Weapon Skill: 01 Ballistic Skill: 35 Strength: 01 Toughness: 35 Agility: 35 Intelligence: 01 Perception: 35 Willpower: 31 Fellowship: 01 Traits: Dark Sight Hoverer (6) Machine (4) Size (Scrawny) Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness) (3) Skills: Awareness (+10) Dodge (+10) Stealth (+10) Talents: Nerves of Steel Marksman Lighting Reflexes Light Sleeper Weapon Training (Tau) Stealth Sniper Ambush Wargear: Twin-linked pulse carbine 2) DRL-2136: Wounds: 12 Characteristics: Weapon Skill: 01 Ballistic Skill: 35 Strength: 01 Toughness: 35 Agility: 35 Intelligence: 01 Perception: 35 Willpower: 31 Fellowship: 01 Traits: Dark Sight Hoverer (6) Machine (4) Size (Scrawny) Unnatural Characteristic (Toughness) (3) Skills: Awareness (+10) Dodge (+10) Stealth (+10) Talents: Nerves of Steel Marksman Lighting Reflexes Light Sleeper Weapon Training (Tau) Rapid reload Paranoia Wargear: Twin-linked pulse carbine 3) ORK-3042: Wounds: 6 Characteristics: Weapon Skill: 01 Ballistic Skill: 35 Strength: 01 Toughness: 35 Agility: 35 Intelligence: 01 Perception: 35 Willpower: 31 Fellowship: 01 Traits: Dark Sight Hoverer (6) Machine (4) Size (Scrawny) Sonar Sense Skills: Awareness (+10) Dodge (+10) Survival (+10) Talents: Nerves of Steel Marksman Lighting Reflexes Light Sleeper Weapon Training (Tau) Unremarkable Overlooked Wargear: Market-light 4) JFND-0392: Wounds: 13 Characteristics: Weapon Skill: 01 Ballistic Skill: 01 Strength: 11 Toughness: 30 Agility: 35 Intelligence: 35 Perception: 30 Willpower: 31 Fellowship: 01 Traits: Dark Sight Hoverer (6) Machine (4) Size (Scrawny) Unnatural Toughness (3) Skills: Awareness (+10) Dodge (+10) Navigate (Surface) (+10) Talents: Nerves of Steel Marksman Lighting Reflexes Light Sleeper Weapon Training (Tau) Surefoot wayfinder Sound Constitution Wargear: Power Field (personal) Изменено 27 сентября, 2015 пользователем Ardi Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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