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На BoLS был слух, что тактикалы получат новый спешал, игнорирующий кавер и кракен-болты.

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Есть слух что следующий кодекс Темплары. Тау задвинули.

Где можно прочесть и каковы сроки???

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Новость с BOLS:

в середине февраля выходят плюшки для нидов (4 пластиковых набора, 4 файнкаста)

конец февраля - некроны (4 пластиковых набора - шагалка, 2 самолета, пауки).


Изменено пользователем DenisV
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Если кого-то волнует судьба фильма по вахе Lord Inquisitor


"ВИДЕО для тех, кто не знаком с темой"
Изменено пользователем Dr Darog
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This was posted by Reecius of Frontline Gaming http://www.frontlinegaming.org/2012/01/13/6th-ed-40k-rumors/ :


- The leaked 6th edition rules are legit

- They want to get rid of edition cycle by releasing a core rule set valid for a long time

- These core set will be updated by FAQ's, erratas and supplements

- allows for expansions (30k, 41k?) and concentration on model making

(Thanks to Drachii for finding this and Reecius himself for posting them in another 6th edition thread )

So, we heard a doozy of a rumor today that I wanted to share with the community.

A source of ours who knows people who knows people, etc. often shares tidbits of juicy rumors. Today he and I were talking about 6th ed and whether or not the leaked rules were legit.

He told me that a friend of his who works for GW not only confirmed that this rule-set was legit, but that it was the culmination of a master plan, so to speak, that has been in the works for years.

Apparently, GW game design has wanted to get away from the edition cycle they’ve been in for the past 3 editions, and want to move towards a core rule set that they can rely on for a long period of time, updating with FAQ’s and Erratas as needed. They want to avoid sweeping changes that leave certain armies in the dust, and therefore with lagging sales.

This would allow them to focus on the model line to a greater degree, and to expand the game into different directions. They would be able to explore the game story both forwards and backwards, and a Warhammer 30K supplement was mentioned (which we’ve been hearing about multiple times). He also mentioned the possibility of progressing the story-line, which we have also been hearing from multiple sources.

The following are my thoughts on that information.

Forgeworld is already fleshing out the backstory with all of their preheresy and heresy era kits. It is not much of a stretch of the imagination to see FW doing a supplement for this period much as they did with the Badab War books, or at least making the models (Primarchs, anyone?).

This would allow GW to keep all books current, and to focus on the models, updating books as they need to.

Is this true? Who can say. Do I want it to be true? Yeah! It is criminal that GW has not made a game supplement for the most exciting part of the game background (Horus Heresy) and who wouldn’t want to use Primarchs and the Emperor and Horus in games? That would be awesome. Who wouldn’t want to see the story advance? That would be awesome, too!

And a lot of what we see in books that don’t make sense now, in the context of the new 6th ed rules we think are real, start to make sense. Maybe that is a case of fitting the system to the existing rules, or perhaps it was all part of a master plan. Who knows? Time will tell what we actually get, but all I can say is that I am very excited for what is to come.

What do you all think about this rumor? Would you like to see these things come true?

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On the 25th of February our beloved Warhammer 40,000 celebrates its 25th birthday, which leaves us thinking, where has the time gone? As we begin our preparations for this momentous occasion, we thought we’d go all the way back to the beginning and see just how far we’ve come.

In 1987, ‘Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader’, contained the first pieces of background about the war torn galaxy of the 41st Millennium and was responsible for introducing the world to Space Marines. Six years later, Ian Watson wrote Space Marine, cementing the reputation of the Adeptus Astartes as the towering, death-dealing, armour clad warriors of the Imperium that we know today. It seems that gene-bred, super-human warriors are everywhere in sci-fi now. Space Marine is an old novel and not exactly up to date with the current view on the Warhammer 40,000 universe, but if you want an insight into what got the ball rolling, check it out here.

The first ever Black Library novel released was Dan Abnett’s First and Only, way back in 1999. In fact, the name of the book was a bit of a joke, as we weren’t sure that it would be popular enough to warrant a second one! Thankfully that wasn’t the case and since then, we’ve released two hundred and seventeen Warhammer 40,000 titles, featuring every race in the game (and more besides) and spanning ten thousand years of war. We thought it would be cool to find out how many words that would be, so we set to work, and after scouring every book, we can confidently say that this makes up a total of seventeen billion, three hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and three words (give or take a fairly huge amount)!

We mentioned earlier that we were planning something special to mark the birthday. By order of the Inquisition, we can’t tell you much about it at the moment, but we have managed to sneak this preview past the guards. Let us know what you think it might be on our Facebook page.

We mentioned earlier that we were planning something special to mark the birthday. By order of the Inquisition, we can’t tell you much about it at the moment, but we have managed to sneak this preview past the guards. Let us know what you think it might be on our Facebook page.

Join us here on the 25th when we will announce what’s coming out and make sure you bring cake!

Ой, ссыль забыл!! http://www.blacklibrary.com/Blog/In_the_grim_Darkness.html

ТАм БТ на арте.

Изменено пользователем 4x_Runa
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http://darogscompany.blogspot.com/2012/01/6_21.html Правда о 6ке и слухи о хсм Изменено пользователем Dr Darog
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here's what i have:

-Its a Thunderhawk.

-Release in Mid Feb.

-Limited Edition (1500-3000 available worldwide). Similar distribution pattern as space hulk/dreadfleet

-Price - GBP200-300.

take it with lotsa salt ppl. but thats what i have.

and where did you place your order?

from my local store.

Owner was told each store worldwide will be allocated in limited numbers. So i just reserved 1 in case its really a limited edition boxset.

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Анонсирована миниатюра посвященная 25-летию ВХ40к. Выйдет она 25 февраля :) Это кримсон фист с обложки Роуг Трейдера.

В общем как говорится "стоит статУй рука поднята, а вместо сабли в ней граната". Наслаждайтесь:


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So I think with this little rumor gift from GW I want to reiterate something I have been reporting for the last year or so. Along with knowing now that the 6th box set is done and in production I want to clearly state what has not changed since the release of the Grey Knights.

The release schedule for 40k 2012 is…

April-May: Dark Angels/Fallen

June-Aug: 6th Ed

Oct-Nov: Chaos Space Marines

There is no Tau, no Black Templars, no Eldar. I want this on the record so strike me down if I am wrong! I am only re-reporting this schedule because I think people have been lead astray by all the false talk of other codices.

I also want to go on the record saying that the Chaos Space Marine codex will not be two books. That was an old rumor from about 5 years ago that got resurrected last year for some infernal reason.

As well another reminder that 6th ed leak pdf is a not the real deal!

ну вот еще вдогоннку , дабы натролить поболее

Изменено пользователем 4x_Runa
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I couldn't see this mentioned in the news section anywhere. Apologies if I missed it:

A new set of boxed sets are being released this week, offering a saving of nearly £10, which is nice to see. Otherwise not terribly exciting stuff, as its just reboxing. Interesting to see no Tau or Eldar box there though.

Space Marines & Drop Pod

Imperial Guard Cadians & Chimera

Chaos Space Marines & Chaos Rhino

Ork Boyz & Trukk

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ДАшные терминаторы не доступны для заказа.

Таким же образом каким были недоступны аспекты перед переизданием в файнкасте.

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http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/427874.page краски от ГВ

И пачка како слухов

I've been told the following:

no BT in the near future

DA are "in progress"

Eldar and Tau are being worked on, with Eldar further along than Tau

Concerning Chaos:

the book is done and almost at the printers

an Iron Warriors character (?) has been seen, with a huge servo harness

possible new Obliterators (plastic or Finecast?)

painted versions of all 4 cult terminators have been sighted - could be conversions though

plastic Plaguebearers on round bases have been sighted

The already "known" Necron wave was confirmed: 2 flyers, the big walker, the jet bikes, Wraiths and Spiders. I quote: "The wraiths and spiders did NOT look like a dual kit".

Another interesting quote:

There ware also a few Nids ready to go, the Tervigon/Tyranofex dual kit and a flyer that I wasn't familiar with, looked about lictor sized but more resembled a winged zoanthrope.

Confirms the usual suspects - but the other beasty sounds like the Parasite of Mortex to me, not the Harpy.

And last, but definetely not least: more flyers seem to be in the works, including an Ork Fighter! It seemed to be very similar to the FW version. No specific mention of a timeframe was given - expect it sometime the next six months.

The usual disclaimer: while I trust my birdies, you don't have to. Please don't take any of this as gospel.

Изменено пользователем 4x_Runa
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A little Dark Angels something... maybe Templar something...

Well, I was busy on the GW website, changing root numbers and I changed this:


Into this:


.... if you did that now you see a Dark Angels screen. However, Dark Angels are filed under Space Marines, and they have a page:


So I checked the date on the Picture of the Dark Angel shown:


Look at the date: m1121255... so instantly, I was like... well this is old. Dang. So I went and looked at Grey Knight's pic:


and Necrons


And BA


Seems the date is just when the picture was made. The Sanguinor being the newest model in this set. So that only tells us GW likes to reuse its artwork.

I went all the way through to 440354, and found no Black Templar's main page (to my own sadness)


But on another link I did find this:


Army Landing Intro?????? That is Helbrecht isn't it?

Enjoy regardless


**update** Striking similarities with Side of White Dwarf pics (note the Skull step):

Originally Posted by ThePope

A mate just pointed this out, Deamon hunters http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/ca...tCatGameStyle= and http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/ca...tCatGameStyle= pages still exist as data mined links, they have always been there even thought the armies no longer exist as those named entities.

I how ever have pointed out (right or wrong) that where this is true, WH/DH links have complete product links such as "featured product" and "View entire army product range" where as the DA links do not show the range even though they clearly have a model range to link to.

This is a good point. This means that if it was an OLD DA page, then it would be populated.

Image for the DA and BT pics are .png, something being used more often nowadays, and the others are all JPEG format.

Originally Posted by Fluxeor

Your Black Templars landing page would be


and thier "product list"


================================================== ==================================

Another update **

There are two files listed under :

www games-workshop.com/gws/images/

There is this one



and this one



One depicts the Empire, and the other Templars. Both due out this year. I am guessing, according to this, that Templars are going to be due out first, as well as Empire, while DAngels are due out later.

Another reason is the Black Templar Launch Page is filled in with SM units, and the DA Launch Page is not finished.

Вода, конечно, но мало ли.

http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/...atId=cat440171a - забавная ссылочка.

Here's what I find curious:

If you take the BT link....


And change it to the fantasy version....


You get new image for Empire. Which is supposedly due next for release.

Evidence for BT being the next codex? Maybe not, but curious nonetheless.

С варсира. За наводку благодарить Xero. ;)

[ Добавлено спустя 13 минуты 39 секунд ]

Ссылка на оригинальный тред http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.p...mplar-something

Изменено пользователем Niramartlu
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Yet more talk on where 2012 will take us Warhammer 40,000 fanatics. Here's the latest from the rumormill.

via Straightsilver (who is nice and reliable)

- Q1-2 Necron and Tyranid 2nd waves

- Q2-3 6th edition with Dark Angels vs Chaos in the boxed set.

- Chaos Legions codex ~via multiple sources - said to be the first 6th Edition codex.

- Dark Angels codex ~contradictory, with other codices as a possibility in its place (Space Marines or Tau commonly named)

- No Eldar in 2012, still much to be done.

- Tau are still strong contenders for a full codex release, with many models finished and on ice for months now - but most probably 2013.

- Q4 this year will be dominated by the Hobbit so expect Q2 and Q3 to be 40K centric, but don't expect too much.

- Then Q1 2013 will be more Hobbit, Q2 2013 may see a new Codex but it's more likely to be wave releases, so if Eldar or Tau were coming I would say Q3.

1. Слухи с колокола. http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/02/40k...-way-ahead.html

2. /3. Кто знает, как оно сочетается и кто/ что пишет... нашел, поделилсяЮ, знайте ))

Изменено пользователем Костоглот
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