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coming: Orcs & Goblins

For years uncounted, before even the Empire existed, and Men were little more than barbarous and primitive cave-dwellers, the Orcs & Goblins have haunted the mountains and deep forests of the world. Extremely aggressive and savage creatures, Orc & Goblin tribes rarely suffer a peaceful moment in their unending lust for battle and inexplicable urge to pillage and despoil.

Once roused to war by a powerful or charismatic leader, a greenskin Waaagh! on the march can rapidly snowball into a seemingly endless tide of rowdy Orc and Goblin warriors, scuttling creatures and lumbering monsters as neighbouring tribes flock to join the gathering masses, or capitulate in defeat. The haphazard nature by which Orc & Goblin armies are mustered results in a huge variety of unruly mobs of squabbling warriors and a wide selection of creatures both great and small. Such huge diversity ensures that greenskin armies are by far the most unpredictable to face in battle.

March 2011 will see the release of Warhammer: Orcs & Goblins, an essential guide to fielding a greenskin host on the tabletop, and a veritable font of knowledge detailing the complete rules, background, artwork and enormous range of miniatures available to a budding Warboss.

To support this exciting release, we will also be unveiling a genuine feast of new miniatures that would sate even the most ravenous Troll. All will be revealed in time, but keep up to speed on developments by checking out White Dwarf and the What's New Today blog on the website. If you haven't already done so, make sure you sign up to the Games Workshop newsletter to learn of any news as soon as it is released.

With this in mind, if you have ever fancied starting your own legion of greenskins, or are looking to ensure that your tribe is the biggest and nastiest around, remember that the Orcs & Goblins are already blessed with a plethora of multi-part plastic kits. The selection of fantastic sets below are the best way to get your army up and running, safe in the knowledge that they will not be replaced in March. So, gather up some Boyz and grab your favourite choppa because now is the time for WAAAGH!

здесь я буду пускать слюни на грядущий кодекс и рассуждать о том какими читерскими станут орки и как они всех будут рвать))

ну короче как кирыч с дарками))

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Хм, мне тут недавно такое же письмо пришло по рассылке от ГВ. Токма с картинками. Поздравляю всех орководов. Внимание, писк сезона, шлемы из терминаторов! )


Изменено пользователем dmitriy_grechishkin
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...покуришь кодекс, поймешь, что он уныл и забьешь на ваху совсем :D

А если серьезно, то интересно посмотреть, что поменяют в кодексе орков :)

Изменено пользователем DarkChromer
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нее)) это новые пластиковые чорки с боссом, мну играет винтажными-металлическими

олдфаги рулят)

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  • 2 месяца спустя...

И естесственно на все это добро можно оформить предзаказ с сайта www.games-workshop.com

Пик рилейтед:




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Паук шикарен.

Дикие орки тоже ничо так.

Кабаны снова альфы.

Клево :) Только надо было тебе это запостить в Ромину тему про орков.

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