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Особенности национальной механики.

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И так, что же такое слава? Слава - это универсальное мерило того, как ваш пацан идет к успеху персонаж достигает известности и богатства на планете. Чем больше показатель Славы, тем легче становится добывание товаров и услуг на планете, тем известнее становятся воплощения игроков в игре, даже сама Госпожа Удача становится более благосклонной к прославленным героям.

Использование первое: Очки Славы

Собственно, Очки Славы - прямой аналог очков Судьбы и Infamy. Если в описании талантов имеется ссылка на Fate points или Infamy points, то следует в процессе игры использовать именно Очки Славы. Каждый персонаж имеет количество Очков Славы, которое равно бонусу Славы. Их можно использовать, чтобы пользоваться уникальными и не очень талантами, ради получения бонусов "на месте" или даже в качестве валюты! Каждый персонаж начинает игру с значением Славы в 20. При этом, ОС восстанавливаются после в начале игровых суток. При этом общие для всех способы использования ОС становятся все более мощными с ростом показателя Славы:

0-20 Glory

Цена способностей: 1 ОС

• Игрок может мгновенно избавиться от всех накопленных Уровней Усталости

• Игрок мгновенно восстанавливает 1d5 ран или избавляется от 1d5 очков Критического урона, однако эффекты Критических ранений остаются в силе.

• Игрок перед броском может заявить бонус +10 к любому тесту.
21-60 Glory Цена способностей: 2 ОС
• Игрок мгновенно восстанавливает 1d5+1 ран и избавляется от 1d5 очков Критического урона, однако эффекты Критических ранений остаются в силе.

• Игрок может заявить переброс проваленного Теста.

• Игрок может добавить одну дополнительную степень успеха к пройденному тесту.
61-100 Цена способностей: 3 ОС
• Игрок мгновенно восстанавливает 1d10 ран и избавляется от всего Критического урона, однако эффекты Критических ранений остаются в силе.

• Игрок считается действующим на 10 ступени Инициативы.

• Игрок перед броском может заявить бонус +20 к любому тесту.

• Игрок может снять действие одного отрицательного эффекта на количество уровней, равное половине бонуса Славы.
Также персонаж может уменьшить значение своей характеристики на 20, чтобы спастись от гибели. Это можно сделать двумя способами: Первый - персонаж остается недееспособным до конца Боевой Встречи, однако он не может умереть окончательно. Второй - персонаж встает, избавившись от критического урона и восстановив 1d5 Ран, но ничего более. Он опять может быть ранен и убит по стандартным правилам.
"Приобретение нового снаряжения"
Вы скажете мне: "Ильич, но ведь персонажи не могут есть собственные почести и стрелять слухам о них! Мы хотим пушки!" И вы будете правы. Однако, все правила покупки вещей уже придуманы за меня и я лишь могу указать вам на рульбук Dark Heresy 2 и привести таблички для справки.
Table 5–1: Availability Modifiers
AVAILABILITY REQUISITION MODIFIER Ubiquitous: Simple (+40) Abundant: Easy (+30) Plentiful: Routine (+20) Common: Ordinary (+10) Average: Challenging (+0) Scarce: Difficult (–10) Rare: Hard (–20) Very Rare: Very Hard (–30) Extremely Rare: Arduous (–40) Near Unique: Punishing (–50) Unique: Hellish (–60)/GM's discretion
Table 5–2: Craftsmanship, Requisition, and Repair
Poor: +10 Common: +0 Good: –20 Best: –30

Single (1): +0

Minor (2-4): -10

Significant (5-10): -20

Vast (11-100): -30

Legion (101 - 1000): -50

Impossible(1001+): -70

Изменено пользователем Dart_Lenin
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  • 2 недели спустя...

Отлично, ваш персонаж стал крутым парнем (ну или девушкой) и неплохо укомплектовался. И вот, первая боевая операция. Вы спустились в джунгли, набили всем морды, а остальных пристрелили. Но тут ваш персонаж понимает, что хочется спать, в животе раздается какое-то непонятное урчание, а рука, которую сильно долбанул тот странный орк почему-то болит. Странно правда? И тут, разведя костер из трупов и палок, ваш герой замечает, что патроны при жарке лопаются, а не аппетитно шипят и распространяют приятный запах. Так вот, как же кормить вашего персонажа? Ответ прост и изложен под спойлером:

"Система питания"

Итак, прежде всего, вам необходимо узнать про такую характеристику, как порог сытости персонажа. Он обозначается шкалой от 0 до 100 и показывает, насколько ваш персонаж сыт и доволен жизнью. Каждый вид пищи имеет показатель удовлетворяемой сытости, питье же нельзя потррепродукциять напрямую, но оно прибавляет к принимаемой пище бонус в дополнение к стандартному показателю. Всего Сытость делится на 5 степеней, каждая из которых имеет свои бонусы или штрафы.


Все очень плохо. Персонаж начинает голодать. Каждые четыре часа он должен проходить Простой(+10) тест на Стойкость или получить уровень Усталости. Помимо этого, персонаж не может восстанавливать уже накопленные уровни усталости.
Приходится затянуть пояса. Его реакция и мышление замедляются, персонаж получает штраф (-10) при тестах на Awareness и тестах связанных с Интеллектом. Персонаж также получает в бою штраф в -3 к инициативе.
Персонажи в целом испытывают небольшую жажду и не прочь заморить червячка, да и просто отдохнуть бы неплохо. Персонажи получают уровень усталости. Легко отделались.
Персонаж не хочет есть, пить тоже особо не хочется. Никаких штрафов, в кои-то веки. Жизнь не такая уж и плохая штука.
Персонаж сыт и в хорошем настроении, даже щечки порозове..., позелене..., посине..., ну вы поняли. В течение следующих пяти часов, персонаж может пройти тест на Силу Воли (-10), чтобы уменьшить количество полученных уровней усталости на 1.
Все персонажи начинают игру с 80 уровнем сытости. Каждый час игрового времени, уровень сытости уменьшается на 3 единицы, вплоть до нуля. Активная деятельность может увеличить потребление пищи. Также, каждый полученный не из-за голода уровень усталости уменьшает уровень сытости на 5. Персонажи не могут употребить пищи на более чем 75 единиц сытости в сутки, исключая бонусы за питье. Всего персонажи могут принимать пищу до трех раз в день.
"Система сна и отдыха"
Как вы знаете, персонажи наши не заводные болванчики и тоже хотят спать. Сон - это хорошо, эмоциональная разгрузка, физический отдых и прекрасная возможность для отыгрыша снов ваших воплощений. А система очень проста. Ваш персонаж должен спать 15-Toughness Bonus- Willpower Bonus часов в сутки. Если же он этого не делает, то получает количество уровней усталости, равное количеству пропущенных часов сна. Если за трое суток ваш персонаж проспал количество часов менее двухсуточной нормы, то он получает эффект "Истощенный".
Персонаж сильно истощен, его мысли и движения медленны и нескоординированны, а любое усилие становится для него еще тяжелее. Персонаж получает удвоенное количество уровней усталости от всех источников, а также страдает от штрафа ко всем тестам. Величина этого штрафа равна удвоенному количеству уровней усталости персонажа.

Изменено пользователем Dart_Lenin
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Ну-с, товарищи, с талантами все просто и тут я опять же я лишь могу сослаться на FFG и дать вам полный список талантов, используемых в моей ролевой партии. (Внимание, так как часть персонажей сгенерированы по талантом из оригинальной ДХ2, то прошу вас пересчитать стоимость своих талантов.

APT	   T1	  T2	   T3		T4

Two   200 xp   300 xp   400 xp	  500 xp

One   300 xp   450 xp   600 xp	  900 xp

Zero  600 xp   900 xp   1,200 xp   1,500 xp
"Таланты 1, 2 и 3 тиров"
Abiding Resilience
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Toughness 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Whether driven by hatred for his enemies, loyalty to his allies, or sheer pride, the character refuses to die until a job is finished. When this character expends a Fate Point to regain Wounds (see page 33 of the Only War Core Rulebook), he regains a number of Wounds equal to 1d5 + his Toughness Bonus (instead of 1d5 Wounds as normal) and removes 1 level of Fatigue.
Accelerated repair
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Any Essential Repair Skill +20, Tech-Use +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The character may perform Repair Test at a swifter rate. When opting to perform, Repair Test as a Rush Job (p 282 OW CR) he suffers a -10 penalty instead normal -30. When electing to make Careful Repairs he increases the Repair Time by 25% instead of 50%
Ace Operator
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Operate (Any) +10 Aptitudes: Agility, Tech The character is known for maintaining masterful control of his vehicle through seemingly reckless manoeuvres, often astounding others with his daring and skill. Of course, such abilities are not earned without making some number of mistakes along the way. This character has survived making the common errors long enough to not only recognise them, but also maintain some amount of control even when they are unavoidable. Whenever the character fails an Operate Test, he may spend a Fate Point to reduce his Degrees of Failure on the Test by his Agility Bonus.
Аdamantium faith
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Jaded, Resistance (Fear), Willpower 45 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Acolyte has become inured to horrors that would cripple lesser men. This might come from years of facing incoming fire, staring down the terrors of the Warp, or simply his absolute faith in the Emperor. He can subtract his Willpower bonus from his degrees of failure on a failed Fear or Pinning test. If this reduces the result to zero or less, he counts as having passed the Fear test with 1 degree of success.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 50, Charm +10 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social The Heretic is a master of seduction and manipulation, and has ways of securing power over those who succumb to his wiles. The Heretic may attempt to seduce an NPC into his service, and ensure continued service by making the NPC dependent on something only the Heretic can offer. First, the Heretic must defeat the chosen NPC in a social confrontation. Should the Heretic succeed, he can take advantage of his victim’s demoralised state and introduce him to whatever addicting substance the Heretic offers. The NPC becomes a Minion of the Heretic, retaining their profile and gear, and gaining a Loyalty value and the Monodevotant Trait. This Talent is not effective on NPCs with a higher Infamy than the Heretic or the Touched by the Fates Trait, or NPCs categorised as Masters. Other NPCs may also be unaffected at the GM’s discretion, such as those with the From Beyond or Machine Traits. The Heretic may only have a single seduced Minion in his service, but may discard him at any time by cutting off his supply—although the NPC may cause problems for the Heretic once he has recovered his senses! The seduced Minion does not count toward the character’s limit. The GM and player should work together to determine the Minion’s addiction, though it does not necessarily need to be the same substance every time—some Heretics have much to offer.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character was born to command, either motivating or terrifying those under their charge. When making Command Skill Tests, the character may affect a number of targets equal to 100 times their Fellowship Bonus rather than just 10. If the character is giving an Order to his Squad, the order’s range is increased by 100 metres. This Talent has no effect on hostile targets and only affects NPCs.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill This talent does not represent true ambidexterity so much as sufficient training with both hands to make the distinction moot. When combined with Two-Weapon Wielder talent, the penalty for making attacks with both weapons in the same turn drops to –10.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Stealth Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The Tactica Imperialis teaches that a battle is easily won if the enemy does not know he is fighting. This character takes this maxim to heart, striving to always make the most of a the element of surprise and finish fights before they truly begin. This character’s attacks against Unaware Targets inflict 1 additional Damage for every 2 Degrees of Success on the Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill Test beyond the first.
Ancient Warrior
Tier:1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 35, Willpower 35 Aptitudes: General, Leadership. The character is either a Veteran of the Long War or has served with those that have fought in its many wars down the centuries. The character gains +10 to all Fellowship-based tests when dealing with such NPC. In addition, such NPC used as Minions gain +10 Loaylty. In addition, Legion, Astartes or Archeotech have one Availability category easier than normal.
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Intelligence 35, Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer) Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte is a skilled armourer, and constantly tinkers and improves his armour, or keeps it in pristine shape by repairing the slightest damage it sustains. With years of training, he has even learned to enhance the protection afforded by his armour and how to use it to its optimum. The character gains an extra amount of Armour points equal to his Intelligence bonus, which he can distribute to any locations that his armour would normally cover, as long as he has at least an hour each day to clean and repair it or make minor modifications. This bonus applies only to armour when the Acolyte is wearing it, as it combines his training with his skill at armoury.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Training (any two) Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill The character is a true master of weapons and there is practically nothing he cannot pick up and use with ease, from autoguns to plasma pistol or chainswords to shock mauls. When the character uses a weapon he is untrained in, he only suffers a –10 penalty, rather than a –20. The only exception to Arms Master are exotic weapons, which are so unusual or rare that they always require their own weapon training Talents to use without penalty, and gain no bonus when combined with this Talent.
Aspire to vengeance
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40; Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship; Offence Whenever player character or allied NPC within 50 meters is slain by an enemy this character enter a hateful fury. Until the end of encounter, he increases Critical Damage that he inflicts by +4.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Agility 40, Acrobatics Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Fieldcraft The character’s natural agility and graceful martial form turn him into a dervish of death on the battlefield. After making a melee attack, a successful Acrobatics Skill Test allows the character to move at half rate as a Free Action. The character’s opponent does not receive a free attack resulting from this move. The character may only make this move once per Round.
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Disturbing Voice, Intimidate+10 The character can sing an unnatural droning dirge which makes the skin of those nearby crawl and their minds shy away from its discordant notes. Singing the dirge takes some concentration and requires a Half Action each round to maintain. All creatures which can hear the character within a 30-metre radius must make a Willpower Test or suffer a –10 on their next roll. As long as the dirge is maintained, all those affected by it must test each turn to see if they suffer its effects. Once a creature passes a Willpower Test however, it has completely overcome the dirge and is not affected by it for the remainder of the encounter.
Bastion of iron Will
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker The Acolyte’s sheer willpower and psychic focus have become one and the same, over years of practice and training, such that their combined use is second nature. He adds 5 x his psy rating to any Opposed test he makes when defending against psychic powers.
Battlefield Tech-Wright
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Any Essential Repair Skill +10, Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech The character no longer suffers any penalties to Tech Test or Repair Test due to external distractions and reduces the penalties from poor tools or working conditions by a 10.
Battle rage
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Frenzy Aptitudes: Strength, Defence Long experience and indomitable will have allowed the character to master the beast within, directing its rage while keeping his head, despite the howling bloodlust in his mind. The Acolyte can Parry while Frenzied, and can re-roll a failed test to snap out of Frenzy or resist entering Frenzy if he so chooses.
Beloved Leader
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Charm, Fellowship 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Whether due to brainwashing, charisma, hypno-doctrination, or even a blessing from Slaanesh himself, this Heretic’s Minions are devoutly loyal. This Heretic’s Minions are extraordinarily dedicated to completing tasks to his satisfaction, whether through fear of punishment or a desire to please. The character increases the Loyalty of all his Minions by +10.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The character has learned to put the whole force of their momentum behind their weapon blows and when the character charges into combat, few can stand before them. If the character uses the Charge Action, his Weapon Skill Test is Easy (+30) instead of Routine (+20).
Aptitudes: Willpower, Social Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Cold Hearted, Intimidate The character has little regard for the lives of others should it advance his goals. Once per game session the character may kill either an allied NPC (i.e. an NPC which is openly friendly toward the PC and trusts him) or one of his own Minions. Such calculated cruelty boosts the Heretic’s reputation, granting him a +10 bonus on his next Infamy Test if the victim was an NPC and +20 if it was a Minion (and harder to replace). Killing NPCs and Minions usually has consequences as well which should be determined by the GM.
Binary Chatter
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Tier:1 Prerequisite: Linguistics(Techno-Lingua) The character has optimised his use of Techna-Lingua for controlling servitors. The character receives a +10 bonus to any attempt to instruct, program, or communicate with servitors.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character has mastered the difficult ability to wield a blade or other melee weapon in either hand, making expert simultaneous attacks as they weave a deadly pattern of steel. When armed with two single-handed melee weapons with the Balanced Quality, the character reduces the penalties for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0.
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30, Weapon Training (any melee) Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s mastery of bladed weapons and their martial disciplines has no peer. When attacking with any bladed weapon, including chainswords, axes, and power swords, he can re-roll one missed attack per round.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Psy Rating As a realm of coherent thought and tangible emotion, the warp is influenced by the minds of mortals. Using complex formulae and ritualistic incantations to focus and direct thoughts, a mortal mind can exert infl uence over the Immaterium more easily. However, the tiniest slip in focus and concentration, the slightest mispronunciation in the incantation, can result in the warp being unleashed in a dangerous and destructive manner. Using a power with an incantation increases the Focus Power Test by a Half Action, as the psyker requires a few moments to speak the required words. Powers for which the Focus Power Test takes a Reaction cannot be used with an invocation. Using a power with an invocation grants the psyker a +1 bonus to his Psy Rating, after determining Psychic Strength. This bonus to PR does not influence the Psychic Strength in any way; their benefit is applied after determining whether a power is used at the Unfettered, Fettered or Push level. However, the psyker must add +20 to any roll on the Psychic Phenomena table. Finally, any result of 91 or higher on the Focus Power Test is an automatic failure that results in Perils of the Warp.
Blessing Flame
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Willpower 45; Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed)+20 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Knowledge As a Full Action this character may make a Challenging (+0) Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) Test to bless a single weapon with the Flame Quality. A weapon so blessed (gains automatically sets Daemons aflame when it strikes them and gains the Sanctified Quality for a number of Rounds equal to this character’s Willpower Bonus or until the Clip is depleted (if it has one).
Blind fighting
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 30 Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Years of practice and development of his other senses allows the Acolyte to fight in close combat without the benefit of sight. He ignores all penalties for fighting with a melee weapon while suffering from obscured vision, permitting him to fight in fog, smoke, or darkness more effectively. See page 229 for a full list of normal penalties based on lighting and vision. Note this talent only improves his chances to hit with melee weapons, and has no effect on ranged weapon attacks.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Frenzy, Willpower 40 The character spends the time before battle armouring himself against the power of the warp by cursing the names of sorcerers and showing his fearlessness before his feeble power and all those who wield the power of the warp. This talent may be used at any time by a character as long as he has at least an hour to perform his ritual of contempt (a player may say his character has already performed the ritual before play begins if the GM agrees). The character must also spend one Infamy Point. During the game session whenever the character is the subject of the effects of a psychic power, daemonic power or other warp based power, he may make a Willpower Test (make this test before any tests he would normally be permitted to resist the effects of the power). If the Willpower test is passed the character is unaffected by the psychic power. If the test is failed then the psychic power affects him as normal and he becomes Frenzied in addition to any other effects (see page 124). The effects of this talent only apply to powers that directly affect the character (such as targeted powers or powers which catch him in their area of effect) and not powers which may harm him indirectly (such as attack from summoned daemons or falling or fl ung debris from a telekinetic). In addition, powers used by friendly psykers must also be resisted (and also cause Frenzy should he fail to resist them). A power that is resisted by a character using this talent is not nullified and others are affected by it as normal.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Tech-Use, Weapon Training (Launcher) Aptitudes: Offence, Tech Due to many years of training, and an obsession that squad mates might find unnerving, the character is an expert with explosive weapons and has an uncanny control over where projectiles land. This character may make ranged attacks with weapons with the Indirect Quality targeting locations he cannot see as a Half Action instead of a Full Action as normal. When firing a weapon with the Indirect Quality or throwing a grenade, this character rolls twice to determine the direction that his attacks scatters and may choose either result.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Training (Bolter), BS 40 The character is a master of the boltgun, either because of his training in the Space Marine Legions or because of long years of practise and copious amounts of ammo. The character can use bolters of all types to unleash devastating volleys of disciplined fire that can cut down his enemies like the sweep of a scythe. When firing any class of Bolt weapon on full or semi-auto the character may score one additional Degree of Success (provided the Test is successful) if he does not take a Move Action in his turn.
Brutal Charge
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Strength 45, WS 40. When the character makes a Charge Action, first make an unarmed attack against every opponent he is charging. This represents slamming into the enemy with the character’s armoured bulk. Once this attack has been resolved, the Battle-Brother may make his normal Charge Attack as normal. If the Battle-Brother charges a Horde, he may make d5+1 unarmed attacks against the Horde.
Brute of burden
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Strength 45 Aptitudes: Strength; General This Character adds an amount equal ti the value of his Size Trait to the total of his Strength Bonus and Toughness Bonus for the purposes of lifting, carrying, or pushing heavy loads. In addition, he gains a +20 bonus on Toughness Tests to avoid gaining Fatigue from forced march.
Bulging biceps
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Strength 45 Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Whereas a weaker man might be sent flying by the recoil of a heavy weapon, this Acolyte’s strong physique allows him to remain standing. He can fire a heavy weapon using Semi-Auto Burst or Full Auto Burst without bracing the weapon, and does not suffer the –30 penalty for failing to brace it. In addition, whenever he uses the Heft special use of the Athletics skill (see page 98) he can add +20 to his Athletics skill test to reflect his powerful musculature.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Gymnastic ability and natural balance enables the Acolyte to fall great distances without harm. He automatically reduces the effective distance of all falls by a number of metres equal to his Agility bonus, ignoring this distance as if it did not exist. He also adds +20 to his Acrobatics skill tests when using the Jump special skill use, as it pertains to reducing damage from falling.
Calculated Barrage
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 35 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Knowledge This character is exceptionally good at conceptualizing the battlefield and picking just the right place to drop vast amounts of explosives to maximum effect—not just on the enemies bodies, but also on their morale. Whenever this character or his Comrade fires a weapon with the Indirect Quality, if at least one hit lands within a number of metres equal to his Intelligence Bonus of an enemy, that target must make a Routine (+20) Pinning Test (see page 255 of the Only War Core Rulebook).
Chain Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Weapon Training (Chain) Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence From the chainswords wielded by officers and other leadership figures to the eviscerators favoured by the priests of the Adeptus Ministorum, chain weapons are a common sight amongst the armouries of the Imperial Guard. The character has extensive experience using chain weapons, and knows how to use them to full effect, ripping apart the bodies of the foes of humanity. When using a chain weapon with the Tearing Quality, this character rolls two additional dice for Damage (rather than the usual one die that the Tearing Quality grants) and discards the two lowest Damage dice results.
Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Psy Rating As a result of prolonged exposure to the warp and excessive use of psychic powers the character has become saturated with warp energy. This grants greater connection to the warp and increases the character’s Psy Rating by +1 when he chooses to Push (see Chapter VI: Powers of the Warp). The downside, however, is that the warp is always partially manifest in his presence and he generates constant psychic phenomena. At the start of each game session the character should roll 1d10 on Table 4-4: Child of the Warp to determine the nature of these persistent effects which follow him for the duration of the session. Alternatively, with the GM’s consent the player may select one phenomena from the following list that always effects him, eliminating the need to roll each session. Note that the character still suffers from Psychic Phenomena and Perils of the Warp as normal.
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Table 4-4: Child of the Warp Roll Effect 1 Warp Echo: All noises cause echoes regardless of the surroundings. 2 Unholy Stench: The air around the psyker is permeated with a bizarre and foul smell. 3 Hoarfrost: A thin coating of frost covers everything within 10 metres. 4 Aura of Taint: Animals within 30 metres become spooked and agitated. 5 Memory Worm: People who see the psyker forget something trivial. 6 Spoilage: Food and drink go bad in a 10-metre radius. 7 Haunting Breeze: Winds surround the psyker blowing light objects about within 10 metres. 8 Distorted Refl ections: Mirrors and other refl ective surfaces within 10 metres are distorted. 9 Unnatural Decay: Plant life within 10 metres of the psyker withers and dies. 0 Bloody Tears: Blood weeps from stone and wood within 10 metres of the psyker.
Cleanse and Purify
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Willpower 35, Weapon Training (Flame) Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower The character is a firm believer in the purifying power of fire—that the heretic, xenos, and witch must be incinerated lest their corruption spread. When this character hits an enemy with an attack from a weapon with the Flame Quality, that enemy suffers a –20 penalty on his Agility Test to avoid catching fire. Additionally, when this character inflicts Righteous Fury on an attack with a weapon with the Flame Quality, the target is automatically set on fire.
Clues from the Crowds
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: General, Social It is often difficult to extract information from groups such as hive gangs or Administratum scribes, as often numbers can bolster recalcitrance to questioning. A veteran Acolyte knows that such groups can hold critical information to complete an investigation, and can throw more effective nets when interrogating groups and reveal valued clues. Once per day, he can re-roll a test made to gather information from a group of people.
Cold Hearted
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Either chemical and surgical treatments or sheer will has rendered the character immune to most mundane temptations. Seduction attempts against him automatically fail and Charm Tests increase their Difficulty by one level. Taking this Talent causes one Insanity Point.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 40 Aptitudes: Leadership, Fieldcraft The character makes sure the Squad is constantly alert and prepared for danger, planning out their actions for many contingencies if attacked. All members of the Squad (including the character) add +1 to their Initiative rolls. Any member of the Squad may also choose to use the Intelligence Bonus of this character for their Initiative roll rather than their own Agility Bonus.
Combat master
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The Acolyte’s weapon seems to be everywhere at once, keeping many more opponents at bay in close combat than would seem possible. Opponents fighting him in hand-to-hand combat gain no bonuses for Ganging Up (see page 229).
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 30 Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft The character has the ability to consciously recognise the proddings of his subconscious as it reacts to his preternaturally sharp senses, giving him an edge that mere speed cannot match. The character may use his Perception Bonus in place of their Agility Bonus when rolling Initiative.
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Fellowship 35; Willpower 35; Ministorum Priest Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership The character may hear the confessions of his squad mates between missions, and grant them a reprieve from their concerns. Whenever a character in the Squad spends XP to remove Insanity Points, he may remove an additional Insanity Point for each 100 XP spent. Characters in the Squad still cannot reduce any Degrees of Madness gained prior to spending XP.
Constant vigilance
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Awareness +10, Intelligence 35 or Perception 35 Specialisations: Intelligence, Perception Aptitudes: Perception, Defence From years of surviving ambushes and surprise attacks, the Acolyte is always ready for battle. His subconscious is alert to the slightest footstep or activation of a lasgun pack, and he acts often before he is fully aware of the threat. When this talent is taken, the character selects the Specialisation that matches the prerequisite (Perception or Intelligence) used in purchase. He can use the characteristic that matches that Specialisation when rolling for Initiative instead of his Agility value, and rolls two dice for the roll. (picking the highest of the two for his score).
Contact network
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Cover-Up, Intelligence 35 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Acolytes rely on a web of relationships, favours, debts, and obligations that can range from within a hab-block to spanning an entire system. Developing and exploiting this network properly allows them to gain access to weapons, travel berths, personnel, and other resources when needed; those who maximise their connections can ensure they are well-armed and well-prepared as they face a new heresy. An Acolyte with this talent can use his Fellowship characteristic in place of his Influence when making Requisition tests (see page 142).
Coordinated Interrogation
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Clues from the Crowds, Strength 40 or Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social A trained Acolyte, especially when working in conjunction with fellow veteran Acolytes, can induce cooperation from even the most hardened of suspects and captured heretics. He gains a +10 bonus to all Interrogation tests, and gains an additional +5 for each other character participating in the interrogation who also has Coordinated Interrogation. This counts as test assistance, and thus also gains the standard assistance bonuses as per page 25.
Counter Attack
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The Acolyte’s lightning ripostes are things of deadly beauty; swift and invisible as the wind. Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent’s attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a –20 penalty on the Weapon Skill test for this attack.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Intelligence 35 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge Even the slightest whisper of the Inquisition’s presence can be enough to scatter suspected heretics and drive cults into hiding. To prevent the growth and spread of rumours, Acolytes use combinations of well-placed bribes, dire threats, and other means to keep their activities as secretive as possible. At the GM’s discretion, the character can reduce his Influence to increase his group’s Subtlety. For every point of Influence lost in this way, the Acolyte increases his warband’s Subtlety by 1d5.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 The character can place his shots where it inflicts more harm such as at creases, gaps or joints in armour. When the character’s ranged attack causes Critical Damage, add +2 to the Damage result.
Creative Killer
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Street Fighting Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence This character sees everything as a potential weapon, and can kill while wielding with almost anything he can get his hands on. Though his squad mates likely find this particular knack disconcerting at best, few of them are likely to comment on it for obvious reasons. When this character attacks with an improvised weapon, it uses the following profile instead of the default profile: Melee; 1d10–1 I; Pen 0; Ogryn-Proof, Unbalanced.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character can land their blows precisely where they will inflict the most harm, cutting into seams or hammering at weak points. When the character’s melee attack causes Critical Damage, add +2 to the Damage result.
Crushing Blow
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence The Acolyte has the ability to focus his entire body into close combat attacks. He adds half his Weapon Skill bonus (rounding up) to damage he inflicts with melee attacks.
Aptitudes: General, Knowledge Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Passed down through the ages, the character has come into possession of an ancient ancestral heirloom. The character may choose any weapon (melee or ranged) or armour from Chapter V: Armoury with an Availability of Very Rare or less without the need to make an Acquisition Test. He must, however, roll 1d5 once for the item on Table 4-5: Cursed Heirloom giving it a permanent curse. He is now bonded to the item and even if it is lost, destroyed, or stolen it always somehow turns up in its original condition at the start of the next game session. Such items also usually come with a history of their own and the GM should feel free to have the item’s past come back to haunt the character from time to time.
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Table 4-5: Cursed Heirloom Roll Effect 1 Bloodthirsty: The item has an unnatural taste for blood and can sense death with a lust that seems almost human. Whenever the character kills a living creature he must make a Willpower Test or use his next action to put another round into—or make another swing at—the corpse. 2 Unsettling: The sight of the item is unnerving to anyone with half a brain, and though the character can’t tell why people don’t like it everyone subconsciously avoids it. The fi rst time in each game session that the character makes a Fellowship Test or a Skill Test using the Fellowship Characteristic he must reroll the result if it is a success. 3 Jinxed: Something about the item seems to bring bad luck to those nearby, spreading its own misery to the character’s companions. If the item is a ranged weapon, whenever it Jams all nearby ranged weapons also Jam. If the item is a melee weapon, whenever the character rolls minimum Damage all other nearby melee weapons infl ict minimum Damage until the start of the characters next turn. If the item is a suit of armour whenever the character is hit by a weapon with a Pen equal or greater than his AP all other suits of armour nearby have their APs reduced by half (round up) until the start of his next turn. Jinxed affects items within 20 metres of the character whether they can see him or not. 4 Doomed: The item seems determined to kill its master and add him to the long list of previous owners now sleeping in the soil. The fi rst time in each game session the character spends an Infamy Point roll a die: on a result of 9 the Infamy Point has not effect but is still spent. 5 Toxic: Touched by the unhallowed hands of those dedicated to Nurgle in times past the item has taken on the taint of disease and decay which it passes on to the character while he carried it. The fi rst time in each game session that the character makes a Toughness Test or a Skill Test using the Toughness Characteristic he must reroll the result if it is a success.
Cybernetic Boost
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: One or more Cybernetic Limbs, Tech-Use Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Cybernetics are an important part of life for many members of the Imperial Guard, for soldiers often need to replace lost or crippled limbs and organs of vulnerable flesh and blood with assuredly superior appendages and devices of metal and oil. Though most Guardsmen know better than to tamper with these sacred devices, some enterprising (or foolish) individuals have been known to modify the baseline capacities of these devices, allowing them to get a short burst of power by overloading the device in a semi-controlled fashion. As a Half Action, this character may spend a Fate Point and make a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test. If he succeeds, he gains either the Unnatural Agility (X) or Unnatural Strength (X) Trait, where X is equal to one, plus one for every two additional Degrees of Success he scores on the Test (or increases existing versions of those Traits by X). These Traits persist for a number of Rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus. The character may end the effect at any time. At the end of each Round in which the character allows it to persist, he gains 1 level of Fatigue.
Cybernetic Calibrations
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Two or more Cybernetics, Tech-Use +10, Cybernetic Boost Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech This character, either through initiation into the mysteries of the Omnissiah or tinkering that would certainly attract negative attention from such individuals, has fine-tuned his cybernetic implants to a point of optimization. All of this character’s Cybernetics count as being one level of Craftsmanship higher than their base Craftsmanship (so, for instance, a Poor Craftsmanship bionic arm would become Common Craftsmanship, or a Good Craftsmanship limb would become Best Craftsmanship).
Dark Soul
Tier:1 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Prerequisite: Corruption 10 Your soul is darkly stained, making you resilient to the effects of Corruption. Whenever you are called to make a Malignancy Test, you take half the normal penalty. See Chapter VIII: The Game Master, page 238 for details on Corruption.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 30 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character’s rock-steady hand and hawk-like eyesight make him a dreaded marksman. No target, however agile or small, can escape his crosshairs. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) ranged attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead).
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 45 or Weapon Skill 45 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Aptitudes: Perception, Finesse The Acolyte can place his hits where they inflict maximum harm, such as gaps or joints in armour. When this talent is taken, the character selects the Specialisation that matches the prerequisite used in purchase (Melee with Weapon Skill, Ranged with Ballistic Skill). When the character’s attack in that combat type inflicts Critical damage, he adds his Perception bonus to the damage result.
Death From Above
Aptitudes: Agility, Offence Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Operate (Aeronautica) Many warriors use jump packs so that he might close quickly with his foes and rip them to pieces face to face. When the character makes a Charge Action using a Jump Pack his melee attack deals an extra d10 of Damage for every two Degrees of Success he scores on his Weapon Skill Test to a maximum of two extra d10.
Death Serves the Righteous
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50, Deadeye Shot, Sharpshooter Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence The character is a consummate killer, with focus such that time seems to slow down when he holds a target in his sights and the battlefield fades away except for his target. With a pull of the trigger, he delivers the Emperor’s redemption, devastating his foe with a precision attack. Once per Combat Encounter, this character may spend a Fate Point in order to change a result of 1 on a single Damage die from a ranged attack to a result of 10. This can inflict Righteous Fury as normal.
Tier:1 Aptitudes: General, Toughness Prerequisites: Toughness 30. Either through mental and physical conditioning or long years of abuse, your body has built up a tolerance to chemicals. When drinking alcohol or similar beverages, you do not pass out until you have failed a number of Toughness Tests equal to twice your Toughness Bonus. You also gain a +10 bonus to tests made to continue using drugs within 24 hours.
Delicate interrogation
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Coordinated Interrogation, Fellowship 50 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse Questioning suspects and witnesses is always a necessary part of any investigation. Such sessions must remain secretive or obscured, however, lest others learn of the Inquisition’s interest, and a variety of subterfuges, deceptions, and outright threats come into play to aid this effort. Whenever the Acolyte would decrease his warband’s Subtlety due to an interrogation, the amount of Subtlety lost is reduced by 1d5. If this results in a negative number, the Acolyte’s skilled efforts increase the warband’s Subtlety by 1.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Agility 50 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The character’s weapons move with such speed that they can deflect thrown weapons and shots fired from primitive weapons. When the character is armed with a readied melee weapon, they add their Weapon Skill Bonus to their Armour Points on all locations (even unarmoured locations) when calculating Damage from hits from ranged weapons with the Primitive Special Quality or Thrown weapons.
Deny the Witch
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Acolyte draws on his faith and mental fortitude to act as his shield against those tainted by the Warp. The character may use his Willpower characteristic when making an Evasion Reaction against ranged or melee attacks against him made with psychic powers. When successfully evading an attack with an area of effect, the character does not move but instead is simply unaffected by the psychic power.
Desperate Strength
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Toughness 50, Frenzy Aptitudes: Toughness; Defence While the character is Heavily Damaged, he gains the Unnatural Strength (1) and Unnatural Toughness (1) Traits (or increases the value of each of these Traits by 1 if he already possess them). While the character is suffering from Critical Damage, he increases the value of each of these Traits by an additional 1. The character still determines his threshold for being Heavily Damaged based on his Toughness Bonus before this Trait is applied.
Devastating assault
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence The Acolyte launches a furious attack on his foe, the rage of the Emperor powering his assault. Once per turn, after resolving an All Out Attack action that successfully hits, the character may make a second All Out Attack action against the same target as a Free Action, with the same bonuses and penalties as the first.
Die hard
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Through either mental resolve or sheer stubbornness, the Acolyte refuses to fall. When this character would suffer a level of Fatigue due to the Blood Loss condition, he makes a Challenging (+0) Willpower test; if he succeeds, he does not suffer a level of Fatigue.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Defence The Acolyte can wrest weapons from his opponents’ hands through practised technique or brute force. As a Full Action, the character may make an Opposed Weapon Skill test against one target with whom he is engaged. If the Acolyte wins the test, the enemy drops his weapon to the ground. Should the Acolyte score three or more degrees of success, he can take the enemy’s weapon from him.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social The character’s voice has particularly baleful or menacing qualities, causing others to quail before it. The character gains a +10 bonus to all Intimidate Skill Tests, but suffers a –10 penalty to Fellowship Tests when dealing with others in a non-threatening manner, such as animals, children, or the easily startled. In addition, the character is more adept as instilling fear in his followers and when using the Command Terrify Special Skill Use, and adds +10 to his Command Skill Test to counter the effects of Fear.
Divine Protection
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Finesse, Willpower When the character attacks using a weapon with the Spray quality, they damage only enemies, not their allies.
Don’t You Die on Me!
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Master Chirurgeon, Methodical Care Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge The character is an accomplished medic, refusing to accept the loss of a comrade-in-arms even against his better judgment or the pessimistic words of his squad mates. Whenever an ally dies from Blood Loss or due to a failed Characteristic Test, this character has a chance to bring the fallen comrade back from the brink for a number of Rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus. During this time, if he is close enough to treat his ”dead” ally, this character may spend a Fate Point make a Very Hard (–30) Medicae Test in an attempt to revive him. This Test requires a Full Action, and he must spend a Fate Point each time he wishes to attempt it. If he succeeds on one of these Tests within a number of Rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus, he manages to bring the fallen ally back from the edge. Resuscitating a character in this way does not reverse any other consequences of the injury that ”killed” the character, such as lost limbs or Characteristic Damage.
Double tap
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Wielder Aptitudes: Finesse, Offence The Acolyte is practiced in making dual attacks, and can almost subconsciously tell when his hits strike to best effect. When making a second ranged attack action in the same turn against the same target, he gains a +20 bonus to the attack test if his first attack scored one or more successful hits.
Double team
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: General, Offence The Acolyte has experience of fighting in paired teams that work together to take down their enemies. When Ganging Up on an opponent, he gains an additional +10 bonus to Weapon Skill tests. If both the characters that outnumber the enemy have this talent, then both gain an additional +10 bonus, for a total of +20. This bonus is in addition to the normal bonus gained from Ganging Up on an opponent (see page 229).
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Finesse, Weapon Skill Thanks to extensive practice in ritualised duels, years of fighting in impromptu rings, or other specific training, this character is particularly skilled at engaging single opponents on his own. While engaged in melee with only a single opponent who is not engaged in melee with anyone else, this character counts as scoring an additional two Degrees of Success on his successful Weapon Skill Tests.
Ears to the ground
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Commerce; Perception Aptitudes: Perception; Social The character has learned how to make the appropriate discreet inquiries to get involved in such trades. He gains +20 to Commerce Test when trading or bartering excess of gear (162 OW CR) Furthermore, the character has learned to avoid official attention from Commissars and other disciplinary bodies, and gains +10 to Deceive Tests to avoid or deflect such notice about these dealings.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Any listed in the sidebar The Powers of Askellon above, and others at GM’s discretion Aptitudes: General, Social The opposite of Peer (see page 130); the Acolyte is particularly despised and possibly hunted by a specific social group or organisation, heretical cult, or xenos race. He suffers an additional –10 penalty to Fellowship and Influence tests when dealing with this group, and the GM can use them to complicate his life from time to time. Unlike other talents, Enemy does not cost any xp to purchase and cannot be taken as an advance. Instead the GM and player can agree to award it when appropriate to the adventure or campaign. It can be removed with the approval of the GM, if the character has redeemed himself with the group in question. The Enemy talent can be awarded multiple times for the same group, in which case it should be listed as Enemy (X), with X equalling the number of times the talent has been awarded. This can be used to represent groups who particularly hate the Acolyte and want to see him dead. In game terms, the penalty to Fellowship tests increases to –10 times X.
Excellent Cook
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Trade (Cook) +10 Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, General Though the clerks of the Departmento Munitorum seemingly refuse to recognise the fact, a good meal can provide a great boost to morale for weary troops. A well-fed squad usually takes to the field in higher spirits. Additionally, simply having a good meal to look forward to can give a soldier the necessary drive to fight on, where others might lose all hope. Preparing a proper meal, of course, requires a minimum of certain ingredients, which can be procured legitimately or pilfered from the regiment’s larder. Once per game session, this character may make a Challenging (+0) Trade (Cook) Test. This Action requires at least several minutes. At the Game Master’s discretion, the character might gain a bonus to this Test for acquiring certain ingredients to truly enhance the meal. If he succeeds, all members of the Squad gain a +5 bonus to Willpower Tests to resist the effects of Fear and Pinning until the end of the next encounter. If the cook succeeds by five or more Degrees of Success, the first time each member of the Squad uses a Fate Point before the end of the next encounter, that character rolls 1d10. On a result of 10, that character still gains the benefit of using the Fate Point, but the Fate Point does not count as having been expended.
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Infamy 40 For whatever reason the character has more resources and hard currency than normal, perhaps because he have been granted a large boon by his secret masters, have found a cache of hidden supplies in the wastes of the Vortex, or he have simply stolen it. The character gains a +10 bonus to his Infamy whenever he makes an Acquisition Test representing his increased ability to buy goods.
Exotic Weapon training
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Each different exotic weapon Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse The Acolyte is trained to use a particularly obscure type of weapon, such as a graviton gun or needle pistol. Weapons requiring this unique talent are noted in their armoury descriptions. Unlike other kinds of weapons training, this talent applies only to a single weapon type and not a class of weapons. Note that an Exotic weapon with the Heavy class would also require the Weapon Training (Heavy) talent as well as Exotic Weapon Training in that specific weapon.
Eye of Vengeance
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence The Acolyte can focus his intent on where it is likely to do most damage to his enemy and then strike his foe down with a single shot. Before making a ranged Standard Attack action, he can spend a Fate point. If he does so, he adds the number of degrees of success scored on the attack test to both his damage and penetration for the hit.
Face in a Crowd
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Clues from the Crowds, Fellowship 35 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social A successful investigation often involves trailing suspects without their knowledge, the better to follow them to hidden dens of heretical worship or criminal activity. With training, the Acolyte can ensure none notice his presence, through careful replication of a crowd’s mannerisms or even joining gatherings while still keeping a careful eye on his quarry. When employing the Shadowing special use of the Stealth skill, he can use his Fellowship characteristic instead of his Agility.
Favoured by the Warp
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker Whenever this character rolls on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena (see page 196), so long as he does not receive the Perils of the Warp result, he may roll a second time and choose which result he receives.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Nerves of Steel Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Through hard experience with horrifying situations, fear no longer commands the character’s actions. The character is immune to the effects of Fear and Pinning, but disengaging from combat or backing down from a fight is difficult for them to stomach, and as such requires a successful Willpower Test.
Feat of Strength
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Strength 45, Bulging Biceps Aptitudes: Offence, Strength The character’s prodigious strength has seen them through numerous encounters. Where another soldier might seek to formulate a plan or find a clever, indirect solution, this character simply redoubles his brute efforts and pushes himself beyond his limits in the hopes of solving the problem with raw strength. This character may spend a Fate Point to gain the Unnatural Strength (X) Trait or increase his Unnatural Strength Trait by X until the end of his Turn, where X is a number up to his Strength Bonus. At the end of his Turn, he gains a number of levels of Fatigue equal to the amount he chose for X.
Ferric summons
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Ferric Lure Implants, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech The Acolyte has trained himself in better use of his Ferric Lure Implants (see page 182). He can summon to his hand an unsecured metal object weighing up to 2 kilograms per point of his Willpower bonus, and can summon such objects up to 40 metres distant.
Final Judgement
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 45, Air of Authority, Deadeye Shot Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Leadership Discipline within the Imperial Guard is harsh and, often, terminal. The Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer lists 22 transgressions punishable by death, 14 of those by shooting. While field execution is most associated with the Commissars of the Departmento Munitorum, they are not the only officers to take such action—whether officially sanctioned or not. The commanders responsible for shepherding penal legions quite often must make the ultimate sanction against their men, often in large groups. It is not unheard of for the leaders of particularly savage—or disciplined—regiments to do the same. The character is experienced in meting out such terminal punishment, and has honed these skills for maximum effect on the battlefield, both to motivate his allies and dishearten the enemy. Once per Combat Encounter after killing a target with a Ranged Attack, this character may spend a Fate Point and make a Challenging (+0) Command Test. If he succeeds, each of his allies within 10 metres gains a bonus equal to 5 times his Degrees of Success to the next Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill Test he makes before the end of the encounter and each of his foes within 10 metres suffers a penalty equal to 5 times his Degrees of Success to the next Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill Test he makes before the end of the encounter.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Willpower 30 Aptitudes: Offence, Toughness As a Full Action, the character can inflict to himself 1d5-2 levels of Fatigue (to a minimum of 1). He then gains a +10 bonus on WP tests to resist Fear, Pinning, psychic powers, suffering Corruption, for one hour or until the end of current encounter. If the Acolyte also has the Frenzy talent, he can enter a Frenzied state as a Free Action while under the effects of this talent.
Flash of insight
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Contact Network, Coordinated Interrogation, Intelligence 40 Aptitudes: Perception, Knowledge Despite steady application of logic and careful analysis, some conundrums remain insoluble, but inspiration could come from outside sources, such as reading patterns from wisps of lho smoke or even making direct appeals to the Emperor for guidance. An Acolyte who has trained his mind to process such lateral data can leap to conclusions that direct thinking cannot provide, and thus quash even the most hidden of heresies. When stuck in an investigation, he can spend one Fate point to reveal a single clue or lead to aid in the progression of his efforts.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Intelligence 30 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge Logic and analysis do for the character what animal entrails and the bones claim to do for the superstitious masses. By careful consideration of all the possible consequences and examination of all evidence and information, the character can identify the best path for success. By spending ten minutes studying or analysing a problem, the character gains a +10 bonus to his next Intelligence Test or a Skill Test based on Intelligence.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The Acolyte’s temper and passion boil just below the surface of his psyche, mostly held in check by his rational mind, but easily released when needed. If he spends one full round fuelling his anger—by flagellation, drugs, or other means—on the next round, he goes into an uncontrolled rage, gaining a +10 bonus to Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Willpower, but suffering a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, and Fellowship. Note that characteristic penalties are different from characteristic damage (see page 188), and cannot reduce a characteristic below 1. While Frenzied, the character must attack the nearest enemy in melee combat if possible. If he is not engaged with the nearest enemy, he must move towards that enemy and engage it if possible. He will not take obviously suicidal actions such as leaping off a building in order to engage someone on the ground, but he will take any actions that offer a reasonable opportunity to engage in melee with the nearest enemy. While Frenzied, he is immune to Fear, Pinning, Stunning effects, and the effects of Fatigue; he cannot Parry, retreat, or flee. He remains Frenzied for the duration of the combat, and cannot use psychic powers while Frenzied. After combat ends, or if there are no more eligible enemy targets for the character to attack,he can make a Willpower test to snap out of his Frenzy. If he fails, he must continue to attack, favouring NPCs over PCs. Each successive round, however, he can make another Willpower test, with a cumulative +10 bonus to return to a stable state of mind and come out of Frenzy. After Frenzying, he cannot Frenzy again for at least an hour, as he recovers his mental and physical strength.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence The character’s speed and martial prowess allow him to land several blows where lesser combatants land one. If the character successfully hits his target using the All Out Attack Action, they may spend their Reaction (and thus cannot Parry or Dodge until their next Turn) to make an additional Attack using the same bonuses or penalties as the original attack.
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 50, The Bigger They Are Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Finesse When firing at target with Size Trait with value greater than his own, this character adds the difference in the values of their Size Traits to Damage of the attack
Tier:2 Prerequisite: Fellowship 55, Infamy 50 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Gain a Greater Minion
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Agility 40 Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Some guardsmen develop an almost fanatical sense of loyalty to their officers or squad mates, and are even willing to trade their own lives to protect others. As a Reaction, this character may spend a Fate Point and expend all of his Actions for the next Round to switch places with an ally within 2 metres, so long as there is no physical obstruction to prevent it. The character becomes the target of any attacks previously targeting the ally.
Gun Blessing
Tier:2 Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Tech Use +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Utilising his sacred ability to subtly affect ferrous materials,the character may un-jam a number of weapons equal to his Intelligence Bonus, so long as they are within a 10-meter radius. A successful Intelligence Test indicates the character has appeased the spirits of the weapons. This blessing requires a Full Action.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (Ranged) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character has trained with pistols for so long that they are like extensions of their own body, barely requiring conscious thought to aim and fire. When armed with two pistol class weapons that he can use single handedly, the character reduces the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to +0.
Halo of Command
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Fellowship 40, Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The Acolyte has trained himself to better to lead and sway others, either motivating or terrifying those around him to greater levels. When targeting friendly NPCs through skills that have either the Social or Leadership Aptitudes (such as Charm, Command, and Intimidate), he can affect those within 100 times his Fellowship bonus in metres rather than 10 times that number.
Hammer blow
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Crushing Blow Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The Acolyte strikes a single blow with such focus and force that it breaks armour and pulps flesh as it strikes. When he uses an All Out Attack action to make a single melee attack, he can add half his Strength bonus (rounded up) to the weapon’s penetration. The attack also counts as having the Concussive (2) weapon quality, to represent the shocking force of the blow’s impact.
Hard target
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Agility 40 Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Light on his feet, the Acolyte dodges and weaves as he moves, skills learned from long years in the line of fire. When he performs a Charge or Run action, opponents suffer a –20 penalty to Ballistic Skill tests made to hit him with ranged attacks. This penalty continues until the start of his next turn.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Toughness 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Acolyte’s constitution allows him to rebound quickly from shock or injury. When undergoing medical treatment or healing from injuries, he always recovers damage as if Lightly Damaged, regardless of the level of damage he sustained.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Chaos Space Marines, Daemons, Mutants, Psykers, Xenos (specific), others including groups from the sidebar The Powers of Askellon on page 94. Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Social A group, organisation, or race has wronged the character in the past, fuelling this animosity. When fighting opponents of that group in close combat, the Acolyte gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill tests made against them. He also finds it difficult to back down from a fight with his hated foe, and must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test to retreat or surrender when fighting them, unless suicidally outnumbered or outclassed.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Either genetics or augmetics have made one of the character’s senses superior to others. When the character gains this Talent, select one of the five senses: The character gains a +10 bonus to any Tests specifically involving this sense. Thus, Heightened Senses (Sight) would apply to an Awareness Test to see a distant flock of Shale Crows, but not to a Ballistic Skill Test or a Weapon Skill Test because the character is not just using their eyes. This Talent may be taken more than once, each time with a different specialisation.
Heroic Inspiration
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 35, Command Aptitudes: Leadership, Social This character is exceptionally skilled at knowing just what to say to bring out the best in his squad mates and keep them on task in the worst of situations, though whether this is through wise words, fiery rhetoric, or mild provocation depends on the individual and the situation. Once per Turn, this character can use the Inspire Special Use of the Command Skill as a Half Action instead of a Full Action (see page 119 of the Only War Core Rulebook).
Hip shooting
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Agility 40, Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s prowess with ranged weapons is such that he can still fire accurately without his eye behind the sights. As a Full Action, he can both move up to his Full Move rate and make a single attack with a ranged weapon. This attack can only be a single shot, and so cannot be a semi- or full-automatic ranged attack for example. Characters with the Two-Weapon Fighting talent can use this talent with Hip Shooting to make two single shots, if they are armed with a ranged weapon in each hand.
Horde Minion of Chaos
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 45, Infamy 50 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Through various means, the character has acquired a veritable Horde of servants. Though individually insignificant, when drawn together by the personal magnetism and dread reputation of the Heretic, these creatures pose a formidable threat. Horde Minions come in a variety of forms, such as crazed cultists, swarms of daemonic beetles, or misshapen clones of the Heretic. Whatever form they take, these creatures are together treated as a single Horde (see page 349 of the Black Crusade Core Rulebook). Rules for Horde Minions can be found on page 48. This Talent may be taken more than once, each time adding another Horde Minion to the character’s retinue.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Agility 40, Operate (any one) Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The character can pilot or drive vehicles as if they were extensions of his own body and has a natural understanding of anything that needs steering. The character counts as having all Operate Skills at Rank 1 (Known) (basically they can drive or fly anything). If they wish to later improve their Operate Skills, these Advances must be bought using Experience Points (from Rank 1) as normal. Such is their skill they also add one Degree of Success to any successful Operate Tests.
Hunter of aliens
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Hatred(Xenos) Specialisations: Any alien species. Aptitudes: Weapon skill, Offence Aliens are a foul and constant threat to the Imperium, and the character has taken a vow to rid the galaxy of their foul presence. Though he knows such a task is greater than his actions alone, the character hopes the vile xenos blood he spills goes some way to winning the Emperor’s war against this most terrible of foes. The character gains +10 to his Weapon Skill and +2 to melee weapon Damage when combating aliens.
Imperial Commander
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Fellowship 45; Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership The character never suffers penalties due to unfamiliar or outsider status to Interaction Tests with soldiers serving the Imperial Guard. This includes all auxiliary forces sent to the Imperial Guard from Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Ministorum and elsewhere. When commanding a combined force of multiple different elements (such as Guardsmen, Ogrins or Crimson Guard and Ministorum detachments) the character gains +20 bonus to any Command Tests to maintain order in the ranks.
Independent targeting
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte has developed his situational awareness to a point where he can fire in two directions within a split second. When firing two weapons as part of a single action (using the Two-Weapon Fighting talent, for example), the character does not need his targets to be within 10 metres of each other.
Inescapable attack
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 or Weapon Skill 40, Perception 35 Specialisations: Ranged, Melee Aptitudes:Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte can anticipate his opponent’s reactions, and ensures his hits strike no matter how a foe tries to avoid them. This talent applies to Melee or Ranged attacks, depending on the Speciality chosen. After making a successful attack test of the appropriate type as part of an All Out Attack, Called Shot, Charge, Standard Attack, or Stun action, the character imposes a penalty on all evasion attempts (Dodge or Parry tests) made against this attack equal to 10 times the total degrees of success scored on the attack test.
Infused knowledge
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Lore (any one) Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge The Acolyte has been imbued with a great breadth of lore, either through punishing noetic techniques or by arcane methods kept secret by the guardians of technology and learning. He counts as having all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore skills at rank 1 (Known)—basically, he knows something about everything. If he wishes to later improve his Lore skills, these advances must be bought using experience points (from rank 1) as normal. He also adds one degree of success to any successful Common or Scholastic Lore tests, due to his ingrained training.
Initiated Maintenance
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +10 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Tech Weapons this character wields only Jam on a result of 1 and weapons with Overheat Quality that he wields only overheat on a result of 96-100
Insanely Faithful
Tier:2 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Prerequisite: Willpower 30 You take refuge in your madness. When rolling to determine the effects of Shock, you may roll twice and take the better result.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Air of Authority Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character’s personal vitriol and bitter hatred is so ingrained in his being that he can inspire the same hate in others. As a Full Action, the character can make a Charm Test to grant the effects of the Hatred Talent to their Squad, or any people in their immediate vicinity. Success on the Test grants the Hatred Talent to the listeners (with the object of hate chosen by the character) for the duration of an encounter. Listeners can resist the effects of the character’s speech (and therefore not be burdened with his chosen hatred) by passing an Opposed Willpower Test against the character’s Charm Skill Test. Inspire Wrath affects a number of people up to 10 times the character’s Fellowship, which can be increased with the use of the Master Orator Talent as normal. Both players and GMs should bear in mind, however, that once a crowd has been inspired to hatred or mindless anger, the effects can be unpredictable and are seldom exactly as the character intends.
Integrated Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40, Implanted Potentia or Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Defence Whenever character succeeds on a Ballistic Skill Test with an Integrated Weapon, he may choose to gain 1 Level of Fatigue. If he does so, he scores an additional two Degrees Of Success on that Test.
Integrated Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Toughness 40; Willpower 40; Implanted Potencia or Mechanicus Implants, Integrated Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Defence As a Free Action, the character may choose to gain a number of Levels of fatigue up to his Toughness Bonus. For each level of Fatigue the character gains in this way, he increases the Damage and Penetration of each of his integrate weapon by 1 for a number of Rounds equal to his Willpower Bonus.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Iron sharpens iron. The character does not coddle his squadmates nor motivate them through kindness. The character’s stalwart example and stern leadership exhorts them with steel instead of praise. If the Player Character fails a Fear or Pinning Test, his Comrade only fails if the roll was a double.
Iron jaw
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Toughness 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Acolyte has taken blows from Orks and given back as good as he got, bouncing back from most strikes without ill effects. Whenever this character becomes Stunned, he may make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test as a Free Action to ignore the effects.
It Not So Dark
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Ogryn, Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Willpower; General The character no longer suffers a penalty to act in confident spaces from ”But it Dark in Dere!” Trait. In addition, the Ogryn may make a Hard (-20) Willpower Test to enter a confined space of his own accord if his duties demand it. If he fails, he must still be ordered into such place as normal.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Acolyte’s wide travels have shown him both wonders and horrors beyond the ken of most. The galaxy has thrown its worst at him and he has yet to flinch. Mundane events, from death’s horrific visage to xenos abominations, do not force him to gain Insanity points or make Fear tests. Daemons, Warp manifestations, and other unnatural effects still affect him normally.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 35 Aptitudes: Perception, Social The Acolyte has trained extensively to notice objects that seem out of place or hidden. This can bring the smallest irregularity to prominence, revealing the heresy festering beneath the surface. After failing an Awareness skill test, the character can re-roll the test with a –10 modifier.
Killing strike
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence With expert precision, the Acolyte can land blows which defy his opponent’s ability to counter, slicing through defences as surely as a powerblade cuts flesh. At the beginning of each of his turns, the character may spend a Fate point to make his melee attacks unavoidable with the Dodge and Parry skills until the end of the round. Other means of avoiding or stopping attacks (such as displacer fields or alien protective devices) are unaffected.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Weapon Training (Las), BS 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence Through years of practice drills and battlefield experience, the character has become a master of the lasgun. The character can use lasguns of all types to unleash devastating volleys of disciplined fire that can cut down his enemies like the sweep of a scythe. When firing any class of Las weapon on full or semi-auto, the character may score one additional Degree of Success (provided the Test is successful) if he does not take a Move Action in his Turn.
Lasgun Volley
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 30, Weapon Training (Las) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, General The character has trained extensively with his trusty lasgun, including endless drills with his fellow soldiers, ensuring that their shots are perfectly timed to inflict maximum damage upon the enemy. For each Comrade who is part of any Ranged Volley Order this character issues, this character deals +1 additional Damage (to a maximum of +3 Damage) with any attack he makes with a las weapon (such as a lasgun, lascarbine, laspistol, or lascannon) for that Round in addition to the normal benefit.
Last Man Standing
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Nerves of Steel Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The character has developed a sixth sense about hails of gunfire, allowing him to sense gaps and pauses in the lethal rain. The character is immune to Pinning by pistols and Basic Weapons, and he adds +1 AP to the value of any cover protecting him from ranged attacks.
Las Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35, Lasgun Volley Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, General Though all Guardsmen are expected to be proficient with their main weapon and for most this is the noble lasgun, some troopers exceed these baseline expectations and become incredible shots with their lasguns, turning them into the instruments of death that the Emperor most assuredly intended them to be. Whenever this character attacks with a las weapon (such as a lasgun, lascarbine, laspistol, or lascannon), he imposes a –5 penalty on Dodge Tests to avoid the attack for every Degree of Success he scores beyond the first (to a maximum of –30).
Las Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Las Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, General The character’s time spent training with las weapons is perhaps only exceeded by his time spent using them to kill the enemies of the God-Emperor in the fields of war. The character is an expert with las weapons, attuned as much to the weapon’s machine spirit as to its physical characteristics. Whenever this character makes an attack with a las weapon (such as a lasgun, lascarbine, laspistol, or lascannon), he deals +1 additional Damage for every two Degrees of Success he scores on the Ballistic Skill Test beyond the first.
Leap up
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Agility 30 Aptitudes: Agility, General A combination of athletic ability and speed allows the Acolyte to spring to his feet in virtually any circumstance. He can stand up as a Free Action.
Lesser minion
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Gain a Lesser Minion
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 30 Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft The slightest change in conditions or disturbance brings the character from sleep to full awareness, remaining alert even in slumber. The character is always assumed to be awake, even when asleep, for the purposes of Awareness Tests or surprise. Unfortunately, the character’s sleep is not deep and can be frequently interrupted, resulting in a less-than-cheery disposition when awake.
Lightning Attack
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Swift Attack Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s speed with weapons is unmatched, allowing him to launch flurries of attacks in melee. He can make the Lightning Attack action (see page 222).
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The character always expects trouble, even in the most innocuous situations, allowing them to act quickly when needed. When making an Initiative roll, the character may roll twice and add the higher of the two dice results to his Agility Bonus.
Litany of Condemnation
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Willpower 40, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +10 Aptitudes: Willpower; Social This character scores an additional three Degrees of Success whenever he succeds on a Command Test to use the Terrify Special Use of the Command Skill to counteract the presence of Daemons, mutants, and the unnatural effects of the Warp.
Little ‘Un
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Fellowship 30, Non-Ogryn Aptitudes: Fellowship; General The character scores an additional two Degrees of Success whenever he succeeds on Fellowship-based Test directed at an Ogryn. Furthermore, he is able to inspire a fience loyalty in the large abhumans, who may re-rolled any failed Test to resist coercion or other inducement to betray or turn against him.
Lock On
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Perception 40, Vigilant Aptitudes: Offence, Perception This character is known for a steely, unflinching gaze and an uncanny ability to hold a target in his sights even as he calmly sidesteps attacks, casually sliding the minimum distance required to evade a fatal blow without blinking. The character may make Dodge Reactions while maintaining an Aim Action or Overwatch Action without losing the benefits of the Action.
Logis Implant[/	code]


Prerequisite: Cerebral Implant, Mechanicus Implants, Intelligence 45

Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech

The character’s logis processors work with preternatural speed,filtering sensory input and allowing the character to analyse and anticipate the actions of those around him. By using the character’s Reaction for the Round, the character may make a Tech-Use Test to make use of this Talent. The character gains a +10 bonus to all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests until the end of his next turn. The character must pass a Toughness Test when he uses this Talent or gain a level of Fatigue.

Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 40, Infamy 60, Air of Authority Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership Through dint of his fearsome reputation, prophesied destiny, or even a daemonic pact, the character can attract—and keep—a considerably larger retinue than his peers. The character may have a number of Minions equal to one and a half times his Fellowship Bonus, rounded down.
Loyal Demeanour
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Ogryn Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership This character never suffers penalties to Fellowship Tests for not being taken seriously or due to being an Ogryn, and may re-roll one failed Charm Test per game session.
Luminen Barrier
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Defence, Tech As a full action, the Acolyte may activate a Luminen Shield which remains active for a number of Rounds equal to the base Willpower Bonus. The shield has a rating equal to he Acolyte's Willpower. The shield has an overload roll of 01-05. When the shield collapses, the character must pass a Challenging(+0) or suffer a level of Fatigue. This shield can be used a number of times equal to the character's Willpower bonus every 24 hours, but each subsequent activation after the first grants the character 1 level of Fatigue.
Luminen blast
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Luminen Shock, Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Tech The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors can be expelled in a ranged attack. The character always counts as being equipped with a Pistol weapon with a 10m range. This can only be used in single shot mode, and deals 1d10 plus twice his Willpower bonus in Energy damage, with Pen 0 and the Shocking quality. The character always counts as having Weapon Training for this weapon and after making an attack with it, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 level of Fatigue.
Luminen Flare
Tier:3 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Tech Prerequisites: Luminen Blast, Mechanicus Implants The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors can be expelled in a ranged attack. The character always counts as being equipped with a Pistol weapon with a 20m range. This can only be used in single shot mode, and deals 1d10 plus twice his Willpower bonus in Energy damage, with Pen 0 the Shocking quality, and the Blast(X), where X equals the Acolyte's Willpower Bonus. The character always counts as having Weapon Training for this weapon and after making an attack with it, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 level of Fatigue.
Luminen Shield
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Defence, Tech As a full action, the Acolyte may activate a Luminen Shield which remains active for a number of Rounds equal to the base Willpower Bonus. The shield has a rating equal to half the Acolyte's Willpower rounded up. The shield has an overload roll of 01-04. When the shield collapses, the character must pass a Challenging(+0) or suffer a level of Fatigue. This shield can be used a number of times equal to the character's Willpower bonus every 24 hours, but each subsequent activation after the first grants the character 1 level of Fatigue.
Luminen shock
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Tech The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors can be expelled by touching a foe. The character always counts as being equipped with a melee weapon that inflicts 1d10 plus his WPB in Energy damage, with Pen 0 and the Shocking quality. He always counts as having Weapon Training for it and after making this attack, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 level of Fatigue.
Luminen Surge
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Luminen Capacitors, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Tech The energies charged in the Acolyte’s Luminen Capacitors can be expelled by touching a foe. The character always counts as being equipped with a melee weapon that inflicts 2d10 plus his WPB in Energy damage, with Pen 0 and the Shocking quality. Alternatively, the Acolyte can deliver the surge via Grappling. He always counts as having Weapon Training for it and after making this attack, he must pass a Toughness test or suffer 1 level of Fatigue.
Maglev transcendence
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Maglev Coils, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte has learned how to better use his implanted maglev coils, and can hover for a number of minutes equal to 1d10 plus twice his Toughness bonus. He can move his Run speed when making a Half Move action and suffers no damage from falling if the coils are active. Each use drains half the power stored in the coils (therefore he can use the coils twice before recharging them).
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s steady hand and eagle eye allow him to keep crosshairs steady on any target, regardless of range. Distance is no protection against the character’s marksmanship, and he suffers no penalties for making Ballistic Skill tests at Long or Extreme range.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Medicae +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft The character’s advanced medical skills enable him to knit flesh with deft mastery. The character’s exceptional education in use of the Narthecium, Med-Slate, and supplemental drugs give their patients an enormous advantage. The character gains a +10 bonus on all Medicae Skill Tests. If the character fails his Medicae Test while performing Extended Care, he reduces the amount of Damage suffered by his patience due to his failure by an amount equal to his Intelligence Bonus. If their patient is in danger of losing a limb from a Critical Hit (see Chapter VIII: Combat), the character provides the patient with a +20 bonus to the Toughness Test to prevent limb loss.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Tech Use +20, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The character’s knowledge of engines and their machine spirits surpasses all but the most venerable servants of the Machine-God. The character can feel the plasma pulsing through a reactor’s conduits as if it was in his own veins. The character gains a +10 bonus on Tech-Use Skill Tests. The character may spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed on a Tech-Use Skill Test for enhancement, repair, or upgrade of a machine’s system, taking the minimum amount of time possible on the task. In addition, at the GM’s discretion, the character may repair objects without all the parts to hand, jury-rigging a working device as good as the original.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Inspire Wrath Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The character has learned the techniques required to influence large audiences. When the character uses the Charm or Intimidate Skill to affect more than one person, they may affect a number of people up to a 100 times their Fellowship Bonus rather than just 10.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Rank 4 in selected skill Specialisations: Any skill Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge The Acolyte has mastered a single skill. He can spend a Fate point to automatically pass a skill test with his chosen skill, provided the final modifier to his skill test is Challenging (+0) or better. He scores a number of degrees of success equal to the characteristic bonus of the skill’s associated characteristic. This talent may be taken more than once, each time for a different skill.
Mechadendrite use
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants Specialisations: Weapon, Utility Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte is trained in the use of a particular kind of mechadendrite (see page 183) in much the same way as Weapon Training allows the use of weapons. Though there are many different types of mechadendrites, this talent divides them into two broad categories: • Weapon: Mechadendrites of this type end in either ranged or close combat weapons, and have the supplemental power supplies and mechanical support necessary for combat. • Utility: Including such varied types as Manipulator, Medicae, Utility, Optical, and countless others, these generally require less hardy mountings, but all function in a similar manner.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Willpower, Knowledge The character has mastered their body and its reactions by the practice of meditative techniques, shutting down unnecessary functions and enabling them to refresh both body and mind. Success on a Willpower Test and ten minutes without interruptions removes one level of Fatigue.
Melta Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Training (Melta) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence Meltaguns are extremely powerful and dangerous weapons, but also frequently require the firer to draw dangerously close to his target to use the weapon at full effectiveness. This character has learned to compensate for the disadvantages of these powerful weapons over the course of numerous and varied missions, keeping the blast focused over longer ranges with careful shots. When firing any melta weapon (such as an inferno pistol, meltagun, and multi-melta), this character counts its Range as being increased by a number of metres equal to two times his Ballistic Skill Bonus.
Melta Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50, Melta Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence When engaging vehicles or war engines of flesh and blood, Imperial Guardsmen look to special weapons such as the meltagun to bring down these behemoths that their lasguns cannot fell. As such, mastering the use of the meltagun can be critical to the survival of not only the individual Guardsman assigned to wield it, but to his entire squad. Whenever this character makes an attack with a melta weapon (such as an inferno pistol, meltagun, and multi-melta), he deals +2 additional Penetration for every two Degrees of Success he scores on the Ballistic Skill Test beyond the first. This bonus applies after the doubling of Penetration for the Melta Quality whenever that Quality takes effect.
Mental Fortress
Tier:3 Aptitudes: Willpower, Offence Prerequisites: Willpower 50, Strong Minded. You are trained to aggressively resist psychic attacks. Whenever you are the target of a psychic attack, you force the psyker to make a Willpower Test. On a failure, the psyker takes 1d10 points of Damage plus 1 Damage per point of your Willpower Bonus. This Damage isconsidered Impact Damage, directed at the head (more specifically, the face). The psyker can reduce this Damage by an amount equal to his Willpower Bonus. This Damage bypasses armour and any Toughness Bonus.
Mental Maze
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Intelligence 35, Strong Minded Aptitudes: Defence, Intelligence Through a harsh mental regimen, this character has developed a system of mental defence against mental intrusion that puts not only his strength of will but also his cunning to work, trapping his foe in a disorienting cage of memory and thought. Whenever this character succeeds on a Willpower Test made as part of an Opposed Test for a Psychic Power (either his opponent’s or his own), he may spend a Fate Point. If he does, he gains a number of additional Degrees of Success equal to his Intelligence Bonus.
Mental Rage
Tier:3 Prerequisites: Frenzy Aptitudes: Offence, Psyker The character’s madness and hate open his mind to the warp, allowing the character to use its power with little conscious thought. While in a Frenzied state, the character may use his Psychic Powers normally.
Methodical Care
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Intelligence 40, Swift Suture Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge This character does his utmost to make sure that his comrades do not die on the operating table. Though no medic can save every patient, this character’s drive to preserve every life possible is reflected in his rate of success. Whenever one of this character’s patients would suffer Damage from a failed Test made as part of the Extended Care Special Use of the Medicae Skill, this character may reduce that Damage by an amount equal to his Intelligence Bonus.
Mighty shot
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence The Acolyte knows the weak points in every type of armour and material, and has the skill to ensure that his shots land exactly where they can do the most damage. He adds half his Ballistic Skill bonus (rounded up) to damage he inflicts with ranged weapons.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Vox synthesisers, training, or innate abilities allow the character to accurately mimic the voice of another. For proper imitation, the character must study the voice patterns of their intended target for at least one hour and speak the same language. The character cannot accurately copy the voice of a xenos due to the difference in physiology and the subtle complexities of most alien languages. Listeners must succeed on a Scrutiny Skill Test with a –10 penalty to penetrate the deception. If the character’s study used vox recordings or comm-link conversations rather than in-person observation, then there is no penalty to the Scrutiny Skill Test to see through it. The character’s deception automatically fails if the listener can clearly see them.
Tier:2 Prerequisite: Fellowship 45, Infamy 30 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Gain a Minion
Minion Improvement
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Superior Minion of Chaos Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership The Heretic’s Superior Minion gains 500 xp to spend on Advancements, as detailed on page 50. This Talent may be selected any number of times, but the Superior Minion’s total xp can never exceed 50% of the Heretic’s total. Note additional purchases on the Heretic’s character sheet as Minion Improvement (X), where X is the number of times the Talent has been purchased.
Modify Payload
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Tech-Use Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech In many squads, there is one soldier who is always tinkering with the sacred munitions handed down by the Departmento Munitorum, tweaking their specifications so that they are as lethal to the enemies of the Emperor as possible. Though their squad mates frequently give them a wide berth, such individuals are usually quite skilled at this fine-tuning. After all, those who are insufficiently talented are quickly winnowed away by the consequences of their own meddling. When preparing a grenade, missile, or round that has the Blast or Smoke Quality (see pages 182–183 of the Only War Core Rulebook), this character may make a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test using the Demolitions Special Use of the Skill. If he succeeds, the weapon increases Damage (if it deals Damage normally) and its Blast or Smoke Quality by 1, plus 1 for every three additional Degrees of Success beyond the first that he scores on the Test. If he fails by a number of Degrees of Failure greater than his Intelligence Bonus, however, he accidentally triggers the device, causing it to detonate immediately
Mounted Warrior
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Rank 2 in any Operate skill or rank 2 in Survival skill, Ballistic Skill 30 or Weapon Skill 30 Specialisations: Melee, Ranged Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill, Offence When a character ppurchases this talent, he selects the specialisation than matches the characteristic and aptitude used in purchase. He then reduces any penalty for making corresponding attacks (Melee or Ranged) from moving a vehicle or a mount by 10 for each time the talent has been purchased in that specialisation. This applies both to ordinary attacks and vehicle combat actions, such as Hit and Run.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Только имперцы Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Whether through contacts in the Departmento Munitorum or simple fame amongst the ranks of the Imperial Guard, the character has an easier time acquiring equipment for his Squad. The acquisition bonus increases by +5. Purchasing this Talent costs an additional amount of XP equal to 5 times the Сharacter's current Glory.
Never die
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Willpower 50, Toughness 50 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Acolyte’s will or devotion to the Emperor can sustain him when his mortal body fails. He may spend one Fate point to ignore the effects of injury (such as those from Critical damage), Fatigue, and Stunning for a single combat, so long as they would not kill him immediately. This talent does not prevent the damage, but allows him to temporarily ignore its effects for the duration of the combat. Once the encounter ends, the effects trigger as normal.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Long years on the battlefield enable the character to remain calm as fire impacts all around them. The character may re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from Pinning. In addition, he is seldom impressed by the aggressive displays of his enemies and gains a +10 to Willpower Tests when resisting the effects of enemy Intimidation Skill attempts.
Nowhere to hide
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 30 Aptitudes: Perception, Offence The Acolyte’s keen eye ensures he can spot soft points even in the most impregnable of protective cover. When he damages cover (see page 229), the character adds his degrees of success from the attack to the reduction of the cover’s Armour value. If using a weapon that does not require a skill test, he adds 1 instead.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech Either part of the character’s brain has been removed or an inhibitor such as a reason inhibitor circuit has been implanted within the character’s skull, allowing him to ignore the mental strain that would affect a more “complete” person. The character receives a +20 bonus to Willpower Tests made to resist mind control or interrogation. However, he tends not to get jokes.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Perception 45, Bulging Biceps Aptitudes: Perception, Offence The character has spent enough time fighting the enemies of the Imperium to know that some creatures do not die when all sense says that they should expire, and that it is better to be safe than sorry when dealing with the unknown. When this character hits with a ranged attack, he may make a Challenging (+0) Perception Test as a Reaction. If he succeeds, he adds his Degrees of Success on this Perception Test to the Degrees of Success he scored on the original Ballistic Skill Test for the attack.
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Perception 35; Unremarkable Aptitudes: Perception; Defence Any enemy who this character has not already attacked this encounter must pass Routine (+20) Intelligence Test to attack this character so long as there is friendly character with Size Trait with higher value within 5 meters. If a foe fails this Test, he ignores this character in favor of a larger nearby target.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft The character knows that danger lurks behind every corner and that the galaxy will hit him as soon as he lets his guard down. The character gains a +2 bonus on Initiative rolls and the GM may secretly Test using the character’s Perception to notice hidden threats. The price of this eternal vigilance is a twitchy disposition and the inability to relax.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 30 Specialisations: Any listed in the sidebar The Powers of Askellon (see page 126), others at GM’s discretion Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social The Acolyte knows how to deal with a particular social group or organisation, or even xenos race. He gains a +10 bonus to all Fellowship and Influence tests when interacting with this chosen group, and at the GM’s discretion can sometimes call upon them for favours. The GM and player may agree to award this talent when appropriate to the adventure or campaign, though the character must still pay the experience cost for the Talent as normal. This talent can be awarded multiple times for the same group, in which case it should be listed as Peer (X), with X equalling the number of times the talent has been awarded. This can be used to represent groups who particularly like the character and may even be staunch allies. In game terms, the bonus to Fellowship tests increases to +10 times X. Additionally, when the character acquires this talent, he increases his Influence by 1.
Penitent psyker
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Psy rating, Strong minded, Willpower 40 Aptitudes: Psyker, Defence When the psyker or an ally becomes the target of a psyker power, the psyker can voluntary gain any number of levels of Fatigue. Each level gained grants the target a +10 bonus any Opposed test to resist the effects of psychic or Evasion test to avoid its effects. If the target's test results doubles, the psyker generates Psychic Phenomena, just if he had just used the Focus Power test.
Perfect Maintenance
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Common Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) +20; Initiated Maintenance Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Tech Jnce per game session, this character may make a Challenging *+0) Tech-Use Test as a Full Action to substantially improve the functioning of one piece of his personal equipment. If he succeeds, the chosen item counts as being one level of Craftsmanship higher to the end of the game session, plus one additional level per Degree of Success he scores beyond first (to max – Best CR)
Persuasive Charm
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Fellowship 35, Charm Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Those individuals tasked with distributing supplies amongst the regiments of the Imperial Guard are notoriously taciturn when faced with requests for additional equipment, harried as they are by countless requests from countless soldiers, many of which are simply not within their power to fulfil. This character, however, is a master at convincing such individuals to help his case, and he can sometimes convince even the most foul-tempered bureaucrats to work a miracle for his squad. Once per game session, before the Squad makes a Logistics Test, this character can make a Difficult (–10) Charm Test in an attempt to convince the regimental quartermaster or other distributor of supplies to assist the Squad. If he succeeds, the Squad gains a +5 bonus on the Logistics Test for every Degree of Success this character scores on the Charm Test, to a maximum of +30. At the Game Master’s discretion, the Charm Test might be harder, especially if the Squad has earned the ire of this particular representative in the past.
Aptitudes: Strength or Willpower, Social Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Strength 35, Willpower 35 Despised are the weak for they cannot stand alone against the power of the gods. The character has nothing but contempt for those less powerful than himself and gains a +10 on Command, Commerce, Deception, and Intimidation Skill Tests when opposed by someone with either a Strength or Willpower Characteristic lower than themselves. Unfortunately, the character also has trouble hiding his contempt from such people and suffers a –10 to Charm Skill Tests when dealing the same people.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 40, Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social The character has an innate ability to derive meaning from unknown languages and can make himself understood using this intuitive grasp. The character can make untrained Skill Tests with the Linguistics Skill even though it is a Specialist Skill. Being a Polyglot is not the same as having a true knowledge of a language, and characters must make a Linguistics Skill Test (with the –20 for being untrained) to have more than the most basic conversations or exchanges of ideas.
Potentia Coil Induction
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Implamted Potentia or Mechanicus Implants; Toughness 35 Aptitudes: Toughness; Tech The character has learned to feed additional power to his potentia coil through electro inductors and eliminate any weariness or strain he suffers from. When in the presence of a suitable power source, such as a portable generator or the power plant of his regiment’s fighting vehicles, he may make Ordinary (+10) Toughness Test and recover from number of levels of Fatigue equal to the Degrees of Success achieved on the Test.
Plasma Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Weapon Training (Plasma) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Tech Plasma guns are incredibly lethal weapons, but are also somewhat notorious for getting their wielders killed. Though it is a great honour to be assigned to use a plasma gun, it is a somewhat dubious one, as the user risks the weapon overheating and burning him each time he opens fire with it. Though the user can frequently drop his weapon to avoid the fiery exhaust it sometimes expels, doing so leaves him disarmed, which can be far more dangerous than even plasma burns on the field of battle. Those soldiers experienced with such weapons learn various techniques to avoid being harmed by their arms without discarding them and thus risking the wrath of their foes and their Commissars alike. Whenever this character wields a plasma weapon (such as a plasma pistol, plasma gun, or plasma cannon) with the Overheats Quality, that weapon only Overheats on a roll of 96 or higher or on a Jam.
Plasma Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50, Plasma Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Tech This character has not only learned to minimise the risk to himself with a plasma gun, but has become exceptionally adept at directing its lethal fury while firing it on its optimal setting. When this character fires a plasma weapon (such as a plasma pistol, plasma gun, or plasma cannon) with the Maximal Quality on the Maximal setting, the weapon adds an additional +2 bonus to Damage, its Penetration, and its Blast Quality (to a total of an additional 1d10+2 Damage, +4 Penetration, and +4 to its Blast Quality).
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Sure Strike Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character’s eye, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). If combined with Sure Strike, this reduces the penalty to 0
Preternatural speed
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 40, Agility 50 Aptitudes: Agility, Offence The Acolyte is a swift-moving bringer of death, a living, bloody scythe before whom foes die like corn before the reaper. When making a Charge action, he doubles his normal Charge movement (for instance, if he has an Agility bonus of 3 and thus a Charge movement of 9 metres, his movement is then doubled to 18 metres with this talent).
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Autosanguine Implants, Mechanicus Implants Aptitudes: Toughness, Tech Through the Acolyte’s iron will, he is able to speed the function of his Autosanguinator. He must spend 10 minutes in meditation and make a Tech-Use test. If he succeeds, he removes 1d5 points of damage. If he rolls a 96 or higher, he loses the ability to use his Autosanguinator for one week.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Strength 30 Aptitudes: Offense, Strength When facing down the terrible foes of the Imperium, most soldiers prefer to be standing behind the largest guns available. Though this is perhaps wise, it is rarely the case for the vast majority of Guardsmen. As such, many Guardsmen become adept at fighting with other weapons, including their bare hands. This character may make a Feint Action as a Free Action when making an unarmed All-Out Attack Action or Standard Attack Action. Additionally, he may make Called Shot Actions as a Half Action when making unarmed attacks.
Purity of hatred
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Hatred(Any) Specialisations: Any group for which the character has the Hatred talent Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower When selecting this talent,the character chooses one specific group for which he posseses the Hatred talent. Against opponents of this group, the character's attacks gain the Vengeful(9) quality or decrease the value of this quality by one (to a minimum of 1).
Push the Limit
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Operate (Any One), Technical Knock Aptitudes: Agility, Tech This character has devised a method for operating the controls of a vehicles that falls somewhat outside the standards of operation meticulously set forth in the doctrinal manuals of the Departmento Munitorum, to say nothing of the august tech-rites of the Enginseers responsible for maintaining the vehicle. Though it can sometimes put unnecessary strain on the vehicle, many operators nonetheless find that such methods can mean the difference between life and death, especially in the deadly battles between armoured units. Once per Round as part of a Vehicle Movement Action (see pages 272–273 of the Only War Core Rulebook), the character may choose to add a +10 bonus to the associated Test. However, if he fails the Test, his vehicle loses 1 point of Structural Integrity (ignoring Armour) per Degree of Failure.
Quick draw
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse The Acolyte has practised so frequently with his weapons that they practically leap into his hands in response to a simple thought. As a Free Action, the character may draw and ready a Pistol or Basic weapon, or a one-handed Melee weapon.
Rabbit Punch
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Agility 35; Weapon Skill 35 Aptitudes: Agility; Finesse This Character has learned how to match finesse with brutality and hit any any enemy exactly where it hurts the much. When making an Unarmed Attack this character adds his Agility Bonus to Damage instead of his Strength Bonus.
Ranged Weapon Expert
Tier: 3 Specialisations: Bolt, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Low Tech, and Solid Projectile Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50, Weapon Training (Chosen Group) Aptitudes: Finesse, Ballistic Skill Though capable with a variety of ranged weapons, the character has honed his training to become particularly lethal with a certain, specific kind of arm. His experience with this weapon is so expansive that he treats it less as a separate object and more as a part of his own body. As such, he can be extremely accurate with it, taking careful aim even under the worst stresses that the battlefield can throw at him. Once per combat encounter, this character may take an Aim Action as a Free Action before making an attack with a weapon of the chosen group. A character must possess the corresponding Weapon Training in order to select this Talent. A character can select this Talent more than once, each time with a different specialisation.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Fellowship 40 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership There is something strong and inspiring about the character, the way he holds himself and the look in his eyes, that puts people at ease, filling them with confidence. Everyone within 20 metres that can see the character feels inspired just by being near them and suffers lessened effects from things that would upset or distress them. Those affected gain a +10 to Willpower Tests to resist Fear or against Intimidation attempts. This ability affects all allies close to the character, though not the character himself.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Agility 40 Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The character has honed his reactions to a razor’s edge, allowing him to act while most stand dumbfounded. When surprised or ambushed, a successful Agility Test allows the character to act normally.
Rapid reload
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The firing ranges and weapon drill chambers are the Acolyte’s constant abode. Hours of reloading countless magazines or power cells means that he can replace them without looking and without thinking, even in the middle of combat. He halves all reload times, rounding down. Thus, a Half Action reload becomes a Free Action, a Full Action reload becomes a Half Action, and so on.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers, Radiation, Vacuum, Other Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Acolyte’s background, experience, training, exposure, or plain stubbornness has developed a resistance within him. Each time he selects this talent, choose one area of resistance. He gains a +10 bonus when making tests to resist effects of this type. The GM can require approval for certain choices, or justification based on the Acolyte’s past.
Ratling Requisitions
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Agility 45; Ratling Aptitudes: Agility; Social When making Requisitions during after receiving Mission Assignment Gear, the character may spend a Fate Point to automatically acquire any single small item of Rare availability or less that might be reasonably held in the regiment stores, The item must be approximately the size of laspistol or smaller, although larger items may be acquires with a plan or Agility Test at the GM’s discretion. The character is subject to severe punishment if his theft is discovered, but the GM should remember that quartermasters are busy men who can rarely find time to take complete inventory (and so many authority figures may assume the character requisitioned the item normally). If character wishes to return the item to stores after the mission, it can be assumed the return is just as successful as acquisition.
Relic Bearer
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Logistics Rating +40, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 Aptitudes: Fellowship; Social While character displays his relic. All allies within 30 meters gain a +20 bonus on Tests to resist Fear and Pinning as well as any Tests to avoid gaining Corruption or Insanity Points. However, the loss of a relic is a deep and terrible shame. If character loses the relic or allows it to be destroyed, he immediately loses all remaining Fate Points for the session, and ceases to gain any benefit from this Talent. In order to benefit this Talen again, the character must recover or restore relic.
Righteous Blow
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45 or Weapon Skill 45 or Willpower 45 Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower The character is an instrument of divine wrath, bringing the Emperor’s judgment to the enemies of Mankind. He strikes without hesitation, crushing his foes utterly in the name of the God-Emperor. In battle, doubt has no place in his mind and mercy holds no sway over his heart, for those who have fallen from the light of the God-Emperor find redemption only in annihilation. When the character inflicts Righteous Fury with an attack or Psychic Power for which he achieved three or more Degrees of Success on the attack roll or Focus Power Test, he rolls twice to determine the amount of Critical Damage he inflicts with Righteous Fury and takes the higher result.
Ripper Charge
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Strength 45; Bulging Biceps Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Offence The character may spend a Full Action to make a Charge Move directly towards a distant enemy. As long as the Charge Move does not bring the character into melee range of enemy, he may Immediately make a Full Auto Burst Action with ranged weapon as a Free Action. The difficulty of this attack is Challenging(+0) instead of Difficult (-10) as with normal Full Auto Burst.
Rite of Awe
Tier:2 Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants, One or more Cybernetic limbs, Tech-Use +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The augmetic blessing of the Omnissiah on the character’s voice box allows him to recite infrasonic liturgies that trigger awe and fear. All humans, regardless of their ability to hear, within a 50-meter radius feel a sense of dread and take a –10 penalty to their next Skill Test (including Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests). Player characters may ignore these effects with a successful Willpower Test. Whilst incanting the rite, the character may not talk or communicate with others. The rite requires one-Half Action speaking the litany in Techna-Lingua, and it is considered very bad form to break off the recitation before completion. Humans without auditory implants cannot hear infrasonic sounds, and though still affected do not know the character is speaking.
Rite of Fear
Tier:2 Prerequisites: Mechanicus or Techmarine Implants Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The character’s infrasonic dirges cause terror in the weak. All humans, regardless of their ability to hear, within a 50-meter radius treat the character as if he had a Fear Rating of 1. While incanting the dirge, the character may not communicate in any other way. The rite requires one-Half Action chanting in Techna-Lingua, and most would not consider halting the incantations prior to their completion. Humans without auditory augmentation cannot hear infrasonic sounds, and though still affected do not know the character is speaking.
Rite of Sanctioning
Prerequisites: Psy Rating The character has been trained to resist the dangers of the warp: his resistance has been weighed and measured and found to be sufficient for his power to be sanctioned. This ceremony changes a psyker, and the character bears these physical changes along with a Sanctioning Mark. Choose one result on the Psychic Phenomena chart on page (other than Perils of the Warp). When rolling for Psychic Phenomena, the character may substitute the specified result for the effect rolled on the table, so long as the character did not roll Perils of the Warp.
Rite of Static Overload
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: One or more Cybernetic limbs, Tech-Use +10, Linguistics(Techno-Lingua) Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Cybernetic limbs and mechadendrites are typically designed to be insulated against any loss of control over the energies within, thus protecting their users from the risks associated with powerful electric currents running through the body. However, some users of such cybernetic appendages learn to unleash the energies that control these limbs, in a more or less controlled fashion depending on whether or not the Omnissiah smiles upon their efforts. This character may make a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use Test as a Half Action to attempt to channel the energies within one or more of his cybernetic limbs outward. If he succeeds, for a number of Rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus, his attacks with these limbs (be they unarmed attacks with a bionic arm or leg, attacks with an inbuilt weapon, or attacks with a mechadendrite of some sort) gain the Shocking Quality. After a number of Rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus or if he fails the Test by four or more Degrees of Failure, the cybernetic appendage shuts down until he can dedicate several minutes to fixing it with a Routine (+20) Tech-Use Test.
Раскрывающийся текст
Talent Groups: Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Titanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Chartist Captains, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Inquisition, Navigators, Officio Assassinorum, PDF, Planetary Governors, Rogue Trader, Schola Progenium, Scholastica Psykana
This Talent represents aggressive competition and some animosity with a particular social group or organisation. The character suffer a –10 penalty to all Fellowship Tests when interacting with the group in question. The GM and player may agree to award this Talent when appropriate to the storyline. This Talent may be removed with an Elite Advance and the approval of the GM if the character has taken suitable actions to earn the trust of the group.
Sacred Flame
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Cleanse and Purify Aptitudes: Offence, Willpower Fire is a strong metaphor for piety to the God-Emperor of Mankind; it sears away all impurities, leaving only that which was ordained to survive. Some clerics of the Adeptus Ministorum describe strong rhetoric as “fiery,” as it burns away the sin of the pious listeners. This character takes this metaphor to a rather literal extreme, honing his skill with fire in a way that his squad mates might well see as a pure expression of his love for the God-Emperor, a dangerous obsession with flammable substances, or sometimes both. This character inflicts Righteous Fury on a result of 9 or 10 on Damage Rolls from weapons with the Flame Quality.
Aptitudes: Knowledge, Psyker Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Psy Rating The Chaos Gods are said to demand blood and sacrifice from their followers, and those on the path to glory are always eager to offer such things in exchange for greater power. For sorcerers in particular, the offering of blood and life allow more ambitious use of their powers. A psyker with the Sacrifi ce Talent may ritually prepare and slay a sacrificial victim (which must be a human or intelligent xenos). It takes a Forbidden Lore (Warp) Skill Test, taking 2d5 minutes to prepare and anoint a bound and helpless sacrifi cial victim. Once prepared, it takes a Full Round action to slay the victim. In the subsequent turn, the psyker gains a +5 bonus to his Focus Power Test for every Degree of Success scored on Forbidden Lore (Warp) Skill Test. In addition, should any Psychic Phenomena or Perils of the Warp occur, the effects are focused through the dying victim. Any effects that would normally affect the psyker instead cause the body to burn to ash in a blaze of iridescent warp-fl ame, dealing 1d10 Energy Damage to anyone within three metres of the victim (gaining the Warp Weapon trait and increasing the area to a five-metre radius if it was caused by Perils of the Warp).
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40, Deadeye Shot Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character’s steady hand and eagle eye allow him to place shots or strikes exactly where he wants. When making a Called Shot (see page 244), the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead). When combined with Deadeye Shot, this reduces the penalty to 0.
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: WS 40, BS 40, Two Weapon Wielder (Ranged and Melee) Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill Many Sergeants among the ranks of the Imperial Guard favour fighting with both blade and pistol. When armed with a pistol in one hand and melee weapon in the other (both of which the character could normally use single-handed), the character reduces the penalty for Two-Weapon Fighting by 10 (so –20 would drop to –10). If taken with the Ambidextrous Talent, this drops the penalty to 0.
Skilled Rider
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Survival +10 Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The character is an accomplished rider, as home in the saddle as on his own two feet. As such, he long ago learned how to stay in the saddle—and when to get out as quickly as possible. If the character would be thrown from his Mount for any reason, he may make an Ordinary (+10) Survival Test. If he succeeds, he may either remain on his Mount or fall safely to the ground, landing on his feet. Additionally, this character can perform the Mount/Dismount Mounted Special Action as a Half Action.
Slayer of Daemons
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Hatred(Daemons) Aptitudes: Weapon skill, Offence Vowing to battle the beyond, the character has marked the warp-spawned for death. The character gains a +10 to his Weapon Skill and +2 to melee weapon Damage when combating daemons.
Solid Projectile Weapon Expertise
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 35, Weapon Training (Solid Projectile) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Though most Guardsmen wield some variant of the redoubtable lasgun, which many representatives and propaganda parcels from the Departmento Munitorum assure them is the most potent weapon available for use in the field, some regiments or individuals prefer to use solid projectile weapons, despite their relative ammunition limitations. Troopers can learn to overcome this weakness, however, and become extremely adept at clearing jams without sacrificing all of their ammunition. When this character clears a jam from any Solid Projectile weapon (such as an autopistol, a shotgun, an autogun, or a vanquisher battle cannon), he may also reload the weapon as a Free Action as part of the Action to unjam it. Additionally, only one Round from the weapon’s current clip is lost instead of the entire clip.
Solid Projectile Weapon Mastery
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Solid Projectile Weapon Expertise Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Some troopers hone their skills with solid projectile weapons despite their apparently primitive construction, becoming as well-versed in their use as their most adept lasgun-wielding counterparts are with their own firearms. When this character fires a Solid Projectile weapon (such as an autopistol, a shotgun, an autogun, or a vanquisher battle cannon), it gains the Proven (X) Quality, where X is equal to half of his Ballistic Skill Bonus (rounded up).
Sound Constitution
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: None Aptitudes: Toughness, General The Acolyte gains an additional wound. He can purchase this talent additional times up to twice his Toughness bonus. When he gains this talent multiple times, note the number of times it has been taken after the talent, such as Sound Constitution (3).
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft The Acolyte moves at great speeds, and when taking a Full Move action can move an extra number of metres equal to his Agility bonus. Additionally, whenever he takes a Run action, he may move double the normal distance. If he did so in the previous round, however, he suffers 1 level of Fatigue.
Stalwart Defence
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The character may spend a Fate Point as a Full Action to adopt a Stalwart Defence. While adopting this condition, the character may not move and may not Dodge. He may make a Parry reaction againstall successful strikes against him, and all Damage he suffers is reduced by –2. Furthermore, the character’s enemies gain no benefits for outnumbering the Battle-Brother in close combat. These effects last until the Battle-Brother chooses to end his Stalwart Defence or until he is rendered incapable of fighting.
Stealth Sniper
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Stealth +10 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Fieldcraft This character knows the value of staying hidden even after battle has been joined, and has learned to time his shots so that he is extremely difficult to pinpoint, even after opening fire into a group of foes. Whenever this character makes a Standard Ranged Attack Action or Ranged Called Shot Action against an enemy while he is in Cover or otherwise Concealed, he may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Stealth Test, opposed by the Awareness Skill of any foes who might hear or see the shot. If he succeeds, he remains hidden from his enemies. The GM should adjust the Difficulty of the character’s Stealth Test or the enemy’s Awareness Test depending on the noise made by the weapon the character uses and any other environmental factors.
Step aside
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Agility 40, Dodge or Parry Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Swaying his body out of the path of an attack, the Acolyte causes the shot to pass through thin air, or turns his blade mid-swing to deflect a blow. He can make an additional Evasion attempt (either a Dodge or a Parry) once per round. In effect, this gives him a second Reaction that can only be used for Dodge or Parry attempts, allowing two Dodges, two Parries, or a Dodge and a Parry in each turn. However, he can still only attempt a single Dodge or Parry against each individual attack.
Stirring Rhetoric
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 45, Heroic Inspiration Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social This character can make a direct and personal appeal to the squad to strive on, not merely ordering them to fight but calling upon the shared bonds of camaraderie that soldiers share and truly inspiring them. Once per game session when using the Inspire Special Use of the Command Skill, this character may spend a Fate Point. If he does, the each character affected by his Command Test gains an additional +5 bonus to his next Skill or Characteristic Test for every Degree of Success this character scores on the Command Test (to a maximum of a +30 bonus in total).
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Weapon Training (any ranged) Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence When facing massed enemies on the battlefield, the character lays down a storm of firepower that even the most foolhardy cannot push through. When the character deals Damage to a target with a semi-auto burst or a full-auto burst, the character may allocate his extra hits to any other target within five metres, instead of the usual two metres.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence The character is adept in close and dirty fighting, favouring small weapons or even his bare hands to take down his foes. When armed with a knife (powered, chain or otherwise), similar small weapon, or simply armed with his bare hands, he adds half his Weapon Skill Bonus to any Critical Damage he inflicts.
Strength in the creed
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Ministorum Priest or 10+ Insanity Points Aptitudes: Willpower; Offence Whenever character spends a Fate Point to gain a +10 bonus on a test before rolling, he gains additional +20 (+30 max) instead
Strong minded
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Resistance (Psychic Powers), Willpower 30 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Acolyte’s mind acts as a fortress against psychic attacks. He can re-roll failed Willpower tests to resist any psychic powers that affect his mind. This talent does not affect psychic powers that have a physical effect, such as Smite or Assail.
Suffer Not the Work of Heretic
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Hatred (any one); Ministorum Priest or 10+ Insanity Points Aptitudes: Willpower; Offence When attacking an enemy for whom he possesses an appropriate Hatred Talent or a vehicle, structure or object crafted by such an enemy, he increases the Penetration of all attacks by amount equal to his Willpower Bonus If the character possesses the Inspire Wrath Talent he passes this benefit along with any Hatred Talents when using it, Character so affected gain benefits based on the Willpower Bonus of the character who inspired them.
Superior Chirurgeon
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Rank 2 in the Medicae skill Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft The Acolyte’s advanced medical training enables him to knit flesh with deft mastery, essential for treating combat casualties. His exceptional education in use of the Narthecium, Med-Slate, and supplemental drugs give his patients an enormous advantage. He gains a +20 bonus on all Medicae skill tests. When providing first aid, he ignores the penalties for Heavily Damaged patients and only suffers a –10 penalty for those suffering Critical damage.
Superior Minion of Chaos
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 55, Infamy 60 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Through various means, the character has acquired a Superior Minion. Such a Minion may be almost as powerful as the character, and is capable of improving as its abilities are tested in the pursuit of the character’s dark designs. The character must be wary, for such creatures may be loath to accept orders. For details on creating a Superior Minion, see page 50.
Surefoot wayfinder
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Survival +10 Aptitudes: Perception; Fieldcraft The character ignores penalties to his Movement Rate due to thick terrain, although particularly dangerous environments, such as burning buildings, can still penalize him at GM’s discretion. He may also re-roll one failed Test for Tracking Special Use for Survival Skill per Game Session.
Tier: 1 Category: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The character’s eyes, hand, and weapon act seamlessly together, placing his blows where he intends. When making a Called Shot (see page 244) melee attack, the character reduces the penalty by 10 (so a –20 becomes a –10 instead).
Swift Attack
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Weapon Skill 30 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s ability with weapons is legendary, allowing him to attack with amazing speed in melee. He can make the Swift Attack action (see page 225).
Swift Suture
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Medicae Aptitudes: Finesse, Intelligence This character knows the deleterious effects of letting blood seep from an injury too long, even a small one, and deftly sews shut any open gashes in and around working to wrap burns, treat toxins, or set bones. Whenever this character succeeds on a Test to use the First Aid Special Use of the Medicae Skill, he also ends the Blood Loss Condition if the patient is suffering it.
Tainted Psyker
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Psy Rating, Rank 2 in Psyniscience skill, 10 corruption Aptitudes: Knowledge, Psyker When maikng a Focus Power test, the character can gain a number of corruption points up to his psy-rating. For each point gained in that way, he gains a +10 bonus to Focus Power test, but adds +5 to rolls on the Psychic Phenomena table.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence When making a Standard Attack or Charge action, the Acolyte can declare that he is attempting a takedown his target. He then rolls to hit (using his Weapon Skill) as normal, applying all the regular modifiers for the attack action. If the character hits and would have done at least 1 point of damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), no wounds are caused. Instead, the opponent must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or be Stunned for 1 Round and knocked Prone. In addition, when performing a Stun Action, the character does not suffer the normal –20 penalty to his Weapon Skill.
Tank Hunter
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The character has faced enemy war machines on numerous occasions, whether the corrupted battle tanks of rebels and traitors or the strange grav vehicles of the xenos. From these experiences, the character has learned where to place his shots to inflict the most damage, targeting fuel reserves, weak points in armour, or firing slits. Making a ranged attack against a vehicle, the character adds his Ballistic Skill Bonus to the Penetration value of his weapon.
Target selection
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse The Acolyte’s dread gaze marks out his chosen victim, and not even the riotous confusion of close combat interferes. He can shoot into melee with no penalty. If he also makes an Aim action beforehand, he prevents any chance of hitting friendly targets as well.
Tear ‘em ter Bits!
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Strength 50; Ogryn Aptitudes: Strength; Offence Once per encounter, when character inflicts Critical Damage on an enemy by dealing Damage in excess of the enemy Wounds, he may spend a Fate Point to instantly skay his foe in an exceptionally gruesome manner. He gains Fear (2) Trait against all foes who witnessed this savage display until the end of encounter.
Technical knock
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 30 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Either through the ease of long practice, or the proper ritual to appease a weapon’s machine spirit, the Acolyte can clear stoppages with a simple knock or solid smack of his hand to a weapon. Once per round, he may attempt to unjam a gun (see page 224) as a Half Action rather than a Full Action. He must touch the weapon to make use of this talent.
The Bigger They Are
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Ballistic Skill 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill; Finesse When making a single-shot ranged attack against target with size trait with value greater than his own, the character may modify his Hit Location result by an amount up to twice the value of the target’s Size Trait.
The Flesh is Weak
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Two or more Cybernetics, Tech-Use +10 Aptitudes: Tech, Toughness The character’s body has undergone significant bionic replacement, trading frail flesh for unyielding metal. The character is more machine than man now, and has the resilience to prove it, though his squad mates might look somewhat sceptically upon his bionically enhanced form. This character gains the Machine (X) Trait, where X is equal to half of the number of Cybernetics he possesses (rounded up), to a maximum of an amount equal to his Toughness Bonus. If he gains a new Cybernetic, the value of the Trait increases to reflect the new Cybernetic. Note that this only applies to Cybernetics such as bionic replacement limbs and organ replacements, sub-systems, and mechadendrites (see page 204 of the Only War Core Rulebook), and not to Traits and Talents that grant similar effects.
Thunderous Castigation
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Command +20; Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) +20 Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership The character may choose to orate against his enemies as a Free Action immediately after rolling for Initiative by making a Hard (-20) Command Test. If he succeeds, enemy treat the character as if he possess the Fear (1) Trait for the remainder of the combat. The value of the Fear Trait granted to the character is increased by 1 for every tree degrees of success scored on the Command Test beyond the first, to max Fear (3)
Thunder Charge
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Strength 50 Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The Acolyte charges into combat using his body as an additional weapon. Driven by his rage and momentum, the impact of such a charge can knock foes flying or bring them to their knees. When he makes a Charge action, he can barrel through enemies to get to his target. The character makes an Opposed Strength test against each foe in his way (those who his movement would take him past or through). Each foe that loses the Opposed test is knocked Prone. After resolving these Opposed tests, the character’s Charge action resolves against his original target as normal.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Toughness 40, Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Defence, Willpower Through brute force of will or extreme physical resilience, this character is capable of carrying on through extreme adversity and exhaustion without losing significant efficiency. This character ignores the –10 penalty to all Tests from Fatigue. He still suffers any other effects of Fatigue as normal.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Intelligence 30 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge Mental conditioning or cranial augmentation enables the character to record and recall great amounts of information, effectively granting them a perfect memory. The character can automatically remember trivial facts or pieces of information the character might feasibly have picked up in the past. When dealing with more detailed, complex, or obscure facts, such as the exact layout of a defence network, the GM may require a successful Intelligence Test to recall the information.
Trademark Item
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Fellowship 40, Command +10 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social The character possesses a certain item for which he is well known, such as a decorative cap, a pipe, or even a particular weapon. While this item is likely against regulation, such is the character’s bravado, charm, or reputation that his superiors only rarely berate him for possessing it. When this Talent is taken, the character must select an item to be his trademark item. This can be an item already in the character’s possession, or, with the GM’s permission, the character can obtain a new item of otherwise trifling significance with no Logistics Test required. As long as the character’s Trademark Item is prominently displayed, he gains an additional Degree of Success all successful Interaction Tests when dealing with members of his regiment, and possibly with other Imperial forces, at the GM’s discretion. If the character is able to issue Sweeping Orders, once per encounter, he may make Difficult (–10) Command Test to issue one additional Sweeping Order during his Turn. The second Sweeping Order must be a different Order from the first. The character is quite attached to his Trademark Item, and must pass a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test in order to willingly abandon it, even in the face of life-threatening danger. If the character’s Trademark Item is somehow lost or destroyed, the character can select a new Trademark Item after a suitable mourning period, as determined by the GM.
True grit
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Toughness 40 Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence The Acolyte is able to shrug off wounds that would fell lesser men. Whenever he suffers Critical damage (after reduction for Armour and Toughness), reduce the amount by his Toughness bonus (to a minimum of 1 damage).
Two-Weapon Wielder
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: None Specialisations: Melee, Ranged Aptitudes: Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill, Finesse Intensive training allows the Acolyte to use a weapon in each hand when needed. When armed with two one-handed weapons (ether melee or ranged weapons), after making a Half Action attack (this can be a Single Attack, a Swift Attack, or a Lightning Attack with a melee weapon, or it can be a single shot, semi-auto burst, or full auto burst with a ranged weapon), he can make a single additional Half Action attack following the same restrictions with the other weapon as a Free Action. In effect, this allows him to attack twice in a round, once from each of his weapons. Both of these attacks count as being part of the same Half Action, and both tests made to attack with the weapons suffer a –20 penalty. This talent can be taken twice, each time with a different specialisation (melee or ranged). If he possesses both talents, then he can fight with one melee and one ranged weapon. When this talent is taken with the melee focus it counts as having the Weapon Skill and Finesse aptitudes, and when it is taken with the ranged focus it counts as having the Ballistic Skill and Finesse aptitudes.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Any Minion of Chaos Talent, Fellowship 35 Aptitudes: Fellowship; Leadership The Heretic ensures Loyalty through a fearful reputation and the actions to back it up. The base Loyalty of the Heretic’s Minions is equal to the Heretic’s Infamy, rather than his Fellowship. This value can be modified by Traits and Talents as usual.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 45, Agility 40, Unarmed Warrior Aptitudes: Strength, Offence The character possesses unparalleled mastery of unarmed combat. He counts as having the Deadly Natural Weapon Trait (see page 155).
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 35, Agility 35 Aptitudes: Strength, Offence After extensive training, the character has gained the Natural Weapon Trait (see page 156), improving all his unarmed attacks from 1d5-3 to 1d10, and meaning he counts as armed even when facing opponents with weapons while bare handed.
Underfoot Assault
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Agility 40; Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill; Finesse When making melee attack against a foe with a Size Trait with value greater than his own, this character imposes penalty to any Parry or Dodge Tests made to avoid his melee attacks equal to ten times the difference in the value of the Size Trait
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Aptitudes: General, Social Something about the character’s face just doesn’t stick in people’s memories. The character can more easily blend into crowds or pass themselves off as a nobody. Any attempts to recall the character’s face or spot him in a crowd suffer a –20 penalty. In addition, the character gains a +20 when using the Deceive Skill to either convince someone they have never seen or met him before or if he is trying to appear harmless and ordinary. Naturally, this Talent doesn’t work if the character wears distinctive clothes, armour, or carries unique weaponry.
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Willpower 35 Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence The Guardsman’s faith in the Emperor and his abilities is so strong that he can face any danger. The character may re-roll any failed Willpower Tests to avoid the effects of Fear.
Unstoppable Charge
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40, Survival +10 Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Weapon Skill Experienced Rough Riders are true masters of mounted warfare, often able to end a battle with a single, decisive charge. These deadly riders fully leverage not only their own considerable skill at arms to impale their enemies, but also the raw might of their mounts to shatter their foes with a brutal impact and trampling hooves, talons, or paws. When the character makes a melee attack as part of a Charge Action or a Crushing Charge Mounted Special Action, his attack gains the Felling (X) Quality, where X is equal to half of his Weapon Skill Bonus (rounded up) (see Mounted Combat on page 132). In addition, whenever this character makes a melee attack as part of a Crushing Charge Mounted Special Action, he deals additional Damage equal to his mount’s Strength Bonus.
Unusual Companion
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Fellowship 30 Aptitudes: General; Social Whenever this character receives a Comrade, he can choose for that Comrade to be a standard human Comrade or an Ogryn Comrade, Ratling Comrade or Servitor Comrade. Other requrer** for acquiring the Servitor Comrades still apply as normal.
Urge the Penitent
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Command +10, Scholastic Lore (Imperial Creed) Aptitudes: Fellowship; Social The character gains a +10 bonus whenever he re-rolls Test with Fate Point after failing his initial attempt. He may spend a Reaction to pass this benefit ti any ally spending a Fate Point to re-roll a Test, as long as ally is within line of sight and communication range.
Vengeful Protector
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Strength 45; Weapon Skill 45 Aptitudes: Strength; Offence Whenever ally within 10 meters suffers Critical Damage because of an enemy, this character increases the Damage he inflicts with melee attacks by +X until the end of the encounter, where X is equal to the value of his Size Trait
Versatile Shooter
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Sharpshooter, Target Selection Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse This character has honed his ability with single-shot weapons to the point that he can fire almost any precision weapon nearly as accurately as a rifle. When firing a single shot from a single Pistol, Heavy, or Vehicle weapon with the Accurate Quality and while benefitting from an Aim Action, this character treats that weapon as if it was a Basic weapon for the purposes inflicting additional Damage for additional Degrees of Success on his Ballistic Skill Test (see the Accurate Quality on page 169 of the Only War Core Rulebook).
Veteran Comrade
Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Character Speciality that includes a Comrade Aptitudes: General, Leadership This character’s Comrade is particularly experienced or otherwise talented, and fights at a level above the average soldier in the regiment. This Comrade is also more capable of employing advanced tactical manoeuvres, and has trained to work smoothly with a partner, even in the chaos and confusion of the battlefield. When a character selects this Talent, he must select one of his Comrades. That Comrade grants the character an additional +5 bonus to Ballistic Skill Tests when he participates in the Ranged Volley Order and an additional +5 bonus to Weapon Skill Tests when he participates in the Close Quarters Order. Additionally, this Comrade can participate in Veteran Orders (see New Orders on page 106). If the original Comrade for whom the character purchased this Talent perishes, its effects can be applied to another Comrade (be that a new Comrade or a current one) when the character has a chance to request reinforcements and observe a suitable period of mourning.
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: Perception 35 Aptitudes: Offence, Perception This character has a keen eye, and can hold details in his vision without losing sight of the whole picture, even in tense situations. Thanks to this focus, he can prepare himself to strike at the slightest hint of movement and often catches more dexterous adversaries off guard. When using the Overwatch Action, this character may use his Perception Characteristic instead of his Agility Characteristic when determining whether he or his triggering target takes an Action first, as well as for any Opposed Agility Tests that Overwatch calls for him to make.
Vitality Coils
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Implanted Potentia or Mechanicus Implants, Potentia Coil Induction, Toughness 45 Aptitudes: Toughness; Tech The character has learned to feed additional power to his potantia coil through electro inductors, and can supercharge it to maximum capacity to restore lost Wounds. Once per game session when in the presence of a suitable power source/ such as a portable generator or the power plant of one of his regiment’s fighting vehicle, he may take a Challenging Toughness Test (+0) as a Full Action. If he succeeds, he removes 1d5 Wounds, plus 1 Wound per additional Degree of Success he scored on the Test. He cannot remove Critical Damage this way. However, the restoration process is potentially volatile, and any irregularities in power feed can have deadly consequences. If he fails the Test, he suffer 1 Damage ignoring armor and Toughness Bonus, plus 1 additional Damage for every three Degrees of Failure he scores on the Test.
Aptitudes: Strength, Social Tier: 3 Prerequisite: Strength 50, Willpower 50, Disturbing Voice There is something supernatural about the character’s bellowing voice, its tones filled with the wails of daemons and its words repellent to the mind, causing terror in the weak. The character may declare at the start of any of his turns that he is making a war cry as a Free Action. All creatures within a 50-metre radius treat the character as if he had a Fear Rating of 1 provided they can hear him (though they do not need to be able to see him) until the start of his next turn. While screaming his bloodcurdling war cry, the character may not communicate in any other way. Making a war cry is taxing however and at the end of any encounter in which it is used (even if only for a single turn) the character suffers a level of Fatigue.
Warp Conduit
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 50 Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker The sheer power of the Acolyte’s mind allows him to channel vast amounts of Warp energy when he chooses. When Pushing (see page 194), before rolling his Focus Power test the character may spend one Fate Point to add an additional 1d5 to the effective psy rating of the power. Channelling such vast amounts of power is dangerous, however, and so he adds +30 to rolls on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena when he makes as a result of this talent.
Warp lock
Tier: 3 Prerequisites: Psy rating, Strong Minded, Willpower 50 Aptitudes: Willpower, Psyker The Acolyte has learned to swiftly cut himself off from the Warp to protect himself from harm. Once per game session, he may ignore the Psychic Phenomena he has rolled (including the Perils of the Warp result on Table 6–2: Psychic Phenomena, see page 196), completely negating its effects. Such rapid dislocation from the Warp, though, is stressful and traumatic to his mind. He suffers 1d5 Energy damage to the Head location (not reduced by Armour or Toughness) as a result, and cannot make any Focus Power tests or sustain other psychic powers until the beginning of his next turn.
Warp sense
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Perception 30, Psy rating, Psyniscience Aptitudes: Perception, Psyker The Acolyte’s senses have evolved to perceive the Warp in parallel with the physical world. The character can use the Psyniscience Skill as a Free Action instead of as a Half Action. He can also passively detect psychic effects and entities without the need to actively seek them out. Whenever the character could detect such a Warp signature or a creature, the GM can allow him to make a Psyniscience skill test to detect it, in the same way he could use Awareness to spot an ambush without knowing it is there.
Tier:2 Prerequisites:Weapon Training(Any) When this Talent is taken, a type and class of weapons must be specified, such as ranged(bolt) or melee (chain). This Talent may be taken multiple times for different types and classes of weapons. When using the specified type of weapon, the Battle-Brother never suffers a penalty greater than –30 when using the weapon.
Tier: 1 Prerequisites: Intelligence 40, Tech Use +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech The Acolyte calls upon the blessings of the Omnissiah, channelling his faith into his weapon and performing armament rituals to more readily smite his foes. Once per combat encounter, as a Free Action, this character may enhance any Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic weapon he is personally wielding. This increases the weapon’s damage and penetration by an amount equal to the character’s Intelligence bonus until the end of the round.
Weapon training
Tier: 1 Prerequisite: None Specialisations: Bolt, Chain, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Power, Low-Tech, Shock, and Solid Projectile Aptitudes: General, Finesse The Acolyte can use all weapons with Class: Pistol, Basic, Melee, Throwing, and Vehicle within the group he has selected with this talent. When a character attempts to use a weapon he does not have the correct Weapon Training talent for, he suffers a –20 penalty to any relevant Weapon Skill or Ballistic Skill test. The character can only use weapons with Class: Heavy without suffering the –20 penalty if he has both Weapon Training in the appropriate group and Weapon Training (Heavy). This talent can be taken more than once, each time with a different Specialisation. Note that a character without the Weapon Training (Low-Tech) talent operating a weapon that functions as a Low-Tech weapon in certain circumstances does not suffer this penalty, so long as he has the applicable Weapon Training talent for the weapon (Power for a power sword, for example).
Whirlwind of death
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 40 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse When facing massed opponents in close quarters, the Acolyte becomes a streak of blows, moving, hacking, gutting, and beheading his enemies with ceaseless fury. As a Half Action, the character may make one Standard Attack action (see page 224) with a melee weapon against a foe, plus one additional Standard Attack action with the same weapon targeting each other foe also engaged in melee combat with the character beyond the first (to a maximum number of attacks up to his Weapon Skill bonus).
Wild Charge
Tier: 2 Prerequisites: Strength 45; Berserk Charge Aptitudes: Strength; Offence Whenever this character makes a Charge Action against a target with a Size Trait with value smaller than his own, he may make a Challenging (+0) Opposed Strength Test against the target as a Free Action. If he wins the Opposed Test, his target suffers a -30 penalty to Test to Dodge or Parry his attack.
Witch Finder
Tier: 2 Prerequisite: Rank 2 in Forbidden Lore(Psykers) skill, Willpower 45 Aptitudes: Knowledge, Perception The character counts as possessing psyniscience skill at Rank 1, even though he is not a psyker. He can not spend additional XP to gain additional Ranks in this skill.

Tier: 1

Prerequisite: Strength 30, Athletics

Aptitudes: Strength, General

The character is a practiced grappler, adept at wrestling his foes to the ground and keeping them there. Regardless of how he acquired his skills, they give him a considerable advantage both in brutal melee combat and when having friendly competitions with squad mates between assignments. The character use his Athletics Skill in place of his Strength Characteristic for any Strength Test he is called to make as part of a Grapple. When he successfully uses the Damage

Opponent Grapple Option, he deals additional Damage equal to the number of Degrees of Success by which he won the Opposed Test (see Controller Grapple Options on page 245–246 of the Only War Core Rulebook).

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Итак, у вашего персонажа вроде все хорошо. Он надавал всем таким же персонажам, получил шикарное снаряжение, а на вертеле костра рядом с ним шкворчит вкусный кусок сочного мяса. Но тут соседние кусты начинают подозрительно трястись и трясет их явно не ваш успешный персонаж и не его наложница, даже не они вместе. Вдруг на него выбегает, понимаешь ли, белка. Размером с холодильник. И улыбается во все 32 зуба. Все 32 зуба размером с саблю. Причем на этих [ну уж нет]одится зубах что-то подозрительно похожее на клюквенный морс. И тут вы вполне обоснованно должны нестись ко мне и говорить: "Ильич, Ильич, а какие у нее статы?" На что я отвечу вам: "А пусть персонаж сам определяет, хардкор же!"

И тут ваш персонаж хватает винтовку и начинать чесать репу одновременно, не зная, что с этим делать. Итак, как же определить характеристики неизвестного противника?

"Все очень просто. "
Прежде всего, необходимо помнить, что существует девять основных характеристик: Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, Strength, Toughness, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, Fellowship.

Таким образом существует девять неизвестных значений, которые доступны для определения. Однако вам совершенно необязательно выискивать их все по циферке. Достаточно определить четыре из них и я раскрою карты и характеристики всего существа, вплоть до последнего талантишки.

Итак, как же определять характеристики? А давайте поглядим базовые способы, которые предлагает Ильич. Однако вы всегда сможете предложить свои методы определения различных параметров врагов, начиная от получения информации через чтение различных игровых документов и вплоть до ме... вопроса к диману.

WS - автоматически выясняется при получении пяти и более степеней успеха на тесте парирования удара от противника с неизвестной характеристикой.

BS - тяжело выясним классическими методами, однако возможно понять уровень навыка при вражеском выстреле с дальнего расстояния, если пройти тест на Awareness(-60) и бонусе, равном значению характеристики BS вашего персонажа.

S - возможно выяснить через три степени успехе при любом успешном Opposed тесте на силу. При этом персонаж игрока получает штраф в (-10) так как он пытается нащупать предел возможностей оппонента.

Toughness - определяется по тесту на Survival(-30) или Common Lore(War) (-20) при нанесении урона противнику, либо через полное вскрытие тела и тест на Medicae(-30).

Agility - когда существо с неизвестной характеристикой предпринимает тест на Dodge, но при этом он проваливается на три и более степени, игроку становится доступно значение этой характеристики.

Intelligence - Интеллект определяется через тест на Scrutiny(+0), когда персонаж игрока становится свидетелем речи или реализации планов существа с неопределенной характеристикой.

Perception - когда персонаж игрока заваливает тест, который основан на собственном Perception или который противопоставляется вражескому восприятию, он может проанализировать, на чем провалился и с некоторой вероятностью определить насколько внимателен противник Отыгрывается это тестом на Survival(-20) или Logic(-30).

Willpower - Каждый раз, когда персонаж игрока становится причиной проверки существа с неизвестной характеристикой на WP, он может добавить +10 к тесту на нее для оппонента, чтобы понять, насколько сильны самоконтроль и сила воли существа.

Fellowship - когда персонаж игрока видит социальное взаимодействие неизвестного существа, он может предпринять тест на Logic(-30), чтобы определить социальные навыки и манеру речи осматриваемого.

Изменено пользователем Dart_Lenin
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Прелестно! Прелестно! У вас могучий персонаж, весь из себя шикарный, раздает всем направо и налево, держа в одной руке шампур с шашлыками из своих врагов, а в другой любимую винтовку. И вдруг он понимает, что в последнее время винтовка перестает выгибать все и вся, вроде пора бы ее менять... А не хочется! Вот тут-то вам на помощь и приходят механика Легендарного Оружия или Legacy Weapons!

Здесь я лишь могу снова отвесить поклон сотрудникам FFG и отправить вас читать дополнение для системы Black Crusade под названием The Tome of Blood. Ах, да, и чуть-чуть переработать дополнительные таблицы из Daemon Hunter, их вы можете лицезреть здесь!

Изменено пользователем Dart_Lenin
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