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"Team Viktory"
Team Viktory

PLAYER 1: Молдовану "SELKOGRAF" Дмитрий

ARMY DESCRIPTION: Chaos Marines: Black Legion

HQ 1: Sorcerer (60), Veteran of the Long War (5) [65] - Warlord

Troops 1: 5x Chosen (90), Veterans of the Long War (10), 4x Plasma Gun (60) [160pts], Transport 1
Troops 2: 5x Chosen (90), Veterans of the Long War (10), 4x Plasma Gun (60) [160pts], Transport 2
Troops 3: 5x Chosen (90), Veterans of the Long War (10), 4x Plasma Gun (60) [160pts], Transport 3
Troops 4: 5x Chosen (90), Veterans of the Long War (10), 3x Meltagun (30) [130pts], Transport 4
Troops 5: 5x Chosen (90), Veterans of the Long War (10), 3x Meltagun (30) [130pts], Transport 5

Fast Attack 1: Helldrake, Baleflamer [170 pts]
Fast Attack 2: Helldrake, Baleflamer [170 pts]
Fast Attack 3: Helldrake, Baleflamer [170 pts]

HS 1: 5x Havocs (75), Veterans of the Long War (5), 4x Autocannon (40) [120 pts]
HS 2: 5x Havocs (75), Veterans of the Long War (5), 4x Autocannon (40) [120 pts]
HS 3: 5x Havocs (75), Veterans of the Long War (5), 4x Autocannon (40) [120 pts]

Transport 1: Rhino [35]
Transport 2: Rhino [35]
Transport 3: Rhino [35]
Transport 4: Rhino [35]
Transport 5: Rhino [35]

TOTAL [1850]

Player 2: Атамась Артем «Тема»


HQ 1: Farseer, Shard of Anaris, Runes of witnessing, Eldar jetbike [170] - Warlord
HQ 2: Farseer, Runes of witnessing, Eldar jetbike [130]

Elite 1: 5x - Wraithguard [160] [ Transport 1]

Troop 1: 5x Dire Avenger [65] [Transport 2]
Troop 2: 5x Dire Avenger [65] [Transport 3]
Troop 3: 6x Windrider Guardian, 2x Shuriken cannon [122]
Troop 4: 3x Windrider Guardian [51]

Fast attack 1: 6x Swooping Hawks[96]

Heavy support 1: Wraithlord, x2 Flamer, Ghostglaive, Bright lance, Scatter laser[165]
Heavy support 2: Wraithlord, x2 Flamer, Ghostglaive, Bright lance, Scatter laser[165]
Heavy support 3: Night Spinner, Holo-fields[130]

Transport 1: Wave Serpent, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Holo-fields [135]
Transport 2: Wave Serpent, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Shuriken cannon, Holo-fields [145]
Transport 3: Wave Serpent, Twin-linked scatter lasers, Shuriken cannon, Holo-fields [145]

Fortification: Aegis Defence Lines, Quad-gun [100]

TOTAL [1844]

PLAYER 3: Михаил "Balu"

ARMY DESCRIPTION: Blood Angels 1850

HQ 1:Librarian, Shield of Sanguinius; The Blood Lance,Terminator Armour,Storm Bolter [130] - Warlord

Elites 1: 5x Terminator Assault squad , 3 Thunder Hammer+Storm shield [215]

Troops 1: 5x Assault squad, Marines without jump packs, Melta Gun [110] [Transport 1]
Troops 2: 5x Assault squad, Marines without jump packs, Melta Gun [110] [Transport 2]
Troops 3: 5x Assault squad, Marines without jump packs [100]

Fast attack 1: Baal Predator,Twin-linked assault cannon,Heavy Bolters x2 [145]
Fast attack 2: Baal Predator,Twin-linked assault cannon,Heavy Bolters x2 [145]

Heavy support 1: Stormraven gunship,Twin Multi-melta,Twin Assault Cannon,2x Hurricane Bolters[230]
Heavy support 2: Stormraven gunship,Twin Multi-melta,Twin Assault Cannon,2x Hurricane Bolters[230]

Transport 1: Razorback, Lascannon & TL Plasmagun [55]
Transport 2: Razorback, Lascannon & TL Plasmagun [55]
Transport 3: Land Raider Crusader, Multi-melta [225]

Fortification: Aegis Defence Lines, Quad-gun [100]

TOTAL [1850]

Player 4: Алексей «Lewa» Балашов

Army description: Black templars with Imperial guard allies

HQ1: Chapter master[130]+ Terminator Armour[40]+ storm shield[5]+ claw[10]=185 - Warlord

ELITE 1: 5x Terminator Assault squad , 3 Thunder Hammer+Storm shield [215] [Transport 1]

TROOPS 1: 5-initiate, meltagun [80] [Transport 2]
TROOPS 2: 5-initiate, plasmagun [85] [Transport 3]

FAST 1: Land speeder, typhoon missile launcher [75]
FAST 2: Land speeder, typhoon missile launcher [75]

HS 1: Thunderfire cannon [100]

TRANSPORT 1: Land Raider Crusader, multimelta [260]
Transport 1: Rhino [35]
Transport 2: Rhino [35]

Allied Imperial guard

HQ 1: Command squad, vox-caster, autocannon [65]

ELITE 1: Guard Marbo [65 pt]

Troops 1:Infantry Platoon:
Troop1.1: Platoon Command Squad, Autocannon [40]
Troop1.2: Infantry Squad, lascannon [70]
Troop1.3: Infantry Squad, lascannon, vox-caster [75]

FAST 1: Vendetta [130]

HS 1: Mantikora [160]
Fortification: Aegis Defence Lines, Quad-gun [100]

TOTAL [1850]

Player 5: Алексей «Bersserker»

Army description: Necrons & Grey Knights

HQ 1: Overlord, Sempiternal Weave [105] - Warlord

Troop 1: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport1]
Troop 2: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport1]
Troop 3: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport1]

HS1: Annihilation Barge [90]
HS2: Annihilation Barge [90]
HS3: Annihilation Barge [90]

Transport 1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport 2: Night Scythe [100]
Transport 3: Night Scythe [100]

Grey Knights:

HQ1: Lord Caldor Draigo [275]

Troop 1:10x Grey Knights Paladins x10, 4x Nemesis Daemon Hammer, 6x Nemesis Force Swords,
6x Storm Bolters, 4x Psycannon,Apothecary[705]

TOTAL [1850]

"Последний Легион"
TEAM: Последний Легион

ARMY: Tyranids
PLAYER: Владислав «Noblesse Oblige» Павлов
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (170), 2 x TL Devourers (2x15); Wings (60); Leech Essence (o); Paroxism (o); ); Old Adversary (25) ; ); Hive commander (25) [310 pts] {warlord}

HQ2: Hive Tyrant (170), 2 x TL Devourers (2x15); Wings (60); Leech Essence (o); Paroxism (o); Old Adversary (25) ; Hive commander (25) [310 pts]

ELITE1: Doom of Malan'tai - 90 points (130 points) in Transport1
ELITE2: 3 hive guards – [150 pts]
ELITE3: 3 hive guards – [150 pts]

TROOPS1: 17 termagants (5), devourer (5), 170 points (210 points) in Transport2
TROOPS2: 16 termagants (5), devourer (5), 160 points (200 points) in Transport3
TROOPS3: Tervigon (160), Stinger Salvo (o), Toxin Sacs (10), Adrenal glands (10), Catalyst (15) [195 pts]
TROOPS4: Tervigon (160), Stinger Salvo (o), Toxin Sacs (10), Adrenal glands (10), Catalyst (15) [195 pts]

Transport1 : Mycetic spore - 40 points
Transport2 : Mycetic spore - 40 points
Transport3 : Mycetic spore - 40 points

Total: 1850

Ярослав "ZloYas" Подлисецкий


HQ1: Chaos Lord (65) - CCWeapon; Bolt Pistol; Mark of Nurgle (15) [80] Warlord
HQ2: Daemon Prince (145)- The Black Mace (45); Daemon of Nurgle(15); Power Armour (20); Wings(40) [265]

Troops 1: 4 Plague Marines, 1 Plague Champion (120),Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Meltagun (10x2) [140]
Troops 2: 4 Plague Marines, 1 Plague Champion (120),Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Meltagun (10x2) [140]
Troops 3: 4 Plague Marines, 1 Plague Champion (120),Plague Knife; Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Meltagun (10x2) [140]
Troops 4: 9 Chaos Cultists, 1 Cultist Champion (50), CCW; Autopistols; Flamer (5) [55]

FA1: Helldrake - Baleflamer [170]
FA2: Helldrake - Baleflamer [170]

HS1: Chaos Land Raider [230]
HS2: Chaos Land Raider [230]
HS3: Chaos Land Raider [230]

Total Army Cost: 1850

PLAYER 3: Fedor (Dajnard) Simonenko



HQ1: ELDRAD ULTHRAN(warlord),[205 Pts]
HQ2: Autarch Shuriken Pistol; Laser Lance [10]; Fusion Gun[10]; Mantle of the Laughing God[40]; Eldar Jetbike[15], [145 pts]

HS1 Night Spinner [115] Pts
HS2 Night Spinner [115] Pts

FA1: 6 Warp Spiders (19) [95] Pts
FA2: 5 Warp Spiders (19) [95] Pts
FA3: 5 Warp Spiders (19) [95] Pts

Troop 1 Windrider Jetbike Squad, 3 Jetbikes (17) , Shuriken Cannon (10) [61] Pts
Troop 2 Windrider Jetbike Squad, 3 Jetbikes (17) , Shuriken Cannon (10) [61] Pts
Troop 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad, 3 Jetbikes (17) , Shuriken Cannon (10) [61] Pts
Troop 4 Windrider Jetbike Squad, 3 Jetbikes (17) [51] Pts

TOTAL PRIMARY: [1099 pts]


HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun [135] Pts

Elite1 : XV104 RIPTIDE (180), ion accelerator (5), Early warning override (5), Twin-linked fusion blaster (free) [190 pts]

HS1: XV88 Broadside Team: 3 Broadsides, 3 Early Warning Overrides, 6 Missile Drones [282] Pts

FA1: 5 Marker Drones (14), [70] Pts

Troop 1: KROOT CARNIVORE SQUAD, 11 Kroots (66), Kroot Hound (5), [71 pts]

ALLIED TOTAL: [748 pts]
TOTAL [1847 pts]

Space Wolves Army
Кормич Lickan Максим

HQ1 : Rune Priest (100), Melta Bombs (5), Terminator Armour (20) Jaws of the World Wolf; Living Lightning[125 pts]
HQ2 : Rune Priest (100), Terminator Armour(20) Jaws of the World Wolf; Murderous Hurricane[120 pts]
HQ3 : Rune Priest (100), Terminator Armour (20), Chooser of the Slain (10) Fury of the Wolf Spirits; Jaws of the World Wolf[130 pts]
HQ4 : Rune Priest (100), Runic Armour (20) Jaws of the World Wolf; Storm Caller[120 pts]

Elites1: 8 wolf guards (18), 4 combimelta (5), 4 Combi-flamer (5) on transport 1 [184 pts]
Elites1: 8 wolf guards (18), 4 combimelta (5), 4 Combi-flamer (5) on transport 2 [184 pts]
Elites1: 5 wolf guards (18), 5 Combi-flamer (5),on transport 3 [115 pts]

Troop 1 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), 1 Plasma Pistol (15) on transport 4 [95 pts.]
Troop 2 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), 1 Plasma Pistol (15) on transport 5 [95 pts.]
Troop 3 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), 1 Plasma Pistol (15) on transport 6 [95 pts.]
Troop 4 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), 1 Plasma Pistol (15) on transport 7 [95 pts.]
Troop 5 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), 1 Plasma Pistol (15) on transport 8 [95 pts.]
Troop 6 : 5 Grey Hunters Pack (75), 1 Meltagun (5), on transport 9 [80 pts.]

Transport1 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport2 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport3 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport4 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport5 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport6 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport7 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport8 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]
Transport9 : Drop Pod, Storm Bolter (0x1) [35 pts]

TOTAL [1848 pts]

Александр "Looka" Лаз

HQ1: Tau Commander(warlord) (85) Command and Control Node(15); Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite(20); Puretide Engram Neurochip(15); XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit(25); Onager Gauntlet (5); Neuroweb System jammer (2);Vectored Retro-thrusters(5); Drone Controller(8); Stimulant Injector(15); Shield Generator(25); [220 Pts]
HQ1.1: Crysis Bodyguard Team, 1 Crisis Bodyguard(32), 2 Fusion Blasters (15x2=30) [62 Pts]

HQ2: Commander Farsight [165 Pts]
HQ2.1: Crysis Bodyguard Team, 6 Crisis Bodyguard(32x6=192), 12 Missile Pods (15x12=180), 6 Target Locks (5x6=30), 4 Marker Drones (12x4=48), 5 Shield Drones (12x5=60) [510 Pts]

Elites1: Crisis Team, 1 Crisis Shas'ui(22), 2 Fusion Blasters (15x2=30) [52 Pts]
Elites2: XV104 Riptide(180), Twin Smart Missile System(0); Ion Accelerator(5); Early Warning Override(5) [190 Pts]
Elites3: XV104 Riptide(180), Twin Smart Missile System(0); Ion Accelerator(5); Early Warning Override(5) [190 Pts]

Troops1: 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad(6x10) [60 Pts]
Troops2: 6 Fire Warrior Team (9x6) [54 Pts]

HS1: SKY RAY MISSILE DEFENCE GUNSHIP (115), Blacksun filter (1), [116 pts]
HS2: SKY RAY MISSILE DEFENCE GUNSHIP (115), Blacksun filter (1), [116 pts]

Total Army Cost: 1850

"Донная фауна"
TEAM: Донная фауна

Player1: Михаил Mitrius Митрофанов
Adepta Sororitas + Inquisition

HQ1: Saint Celestine [135](Warlord)
HQ2: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor: rad grenades, psychostroke grenades, psyker (hammerhand), force sword, 3*servoskulls, liber heresius [109]
HQ3: Inquisitor Coteaz [100]

Troops1: 5*Battle sisters, flamer, heavy flamer [75] (transport1)
Troops2: 5*Battle sisters, flamer, heavy flamer [75] (transport2)

FA1: 5*Dominion, veteran sergeant, 4*meltagun, combimelta [125] (transport3)
FA2: 5*Dominion, veteran sergeant, 4*meltagun [115] (transport4)

Elites1: 3*acolytes [12]
Elites2: 7*crusaders (power axe), 3* death cult assassins (power sword+ power axe)
2*ministorum priests [200] (transport5)
Elites3: 7*crusaders (power axe), 3* death cult assassins (power sword+ power axe)
2*ministorum priests (2*melta bombs) [210] (transport6)

Transport1: Sororitas Rhino [40]
Transport2: Sororitas Rhino [40]
Transport3: Sororitas Rhino [40]
Transport4: Sororitas Rhino [40]
Transport5: Land Raider Crusader: multimelta, psybolt ammunition, searchlight [266]
Transport6: Land Raider Crusader: multimelta, psybolt ammunition, searchlight [266]

TOTAL: 1848 pts

Player2: Дмитрий 'Ксеро' Власенков

HQ1: Hive Tyrant (170 pts) add 2 Twin Devourers with Brainleech Worms (15x2 pts); Wings (60 pts) ; Leech Essence(0); Paroxism(0); Old Adversary (25 pts) [285 pts]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (170 pts) add 2 Twin Devourers with Brainleech Worms (15x2 pts); Wings (60 pts) ; Leech Essence(0); Paroxism(0); [260 pts] - Warlord

Elite1: 1 Hive Guard (50 pts) add 2 Hive Guard (2x50 pts) [150 pts]
Elite2: The Doom of Malan'tai in transp1 [90 pts]

Troops1: Tervigon (160 pts) add Toxin Sacs (10 pts); Dominion (0); Catalyst (15 pts); Stinger Salvo(0) [185 Pts]
Troops2: 10 Termagants [50 pts]
Troops3: Tervigon (160 pts) add Toxin Sacs (10 pts); Dominion (0); Catalyst (15 pts); Stinger Salvo(0) [185 Pts]
Troops4: 10 Termagants [50 pts]

HS1: Carnifex (160 pts) add 2 Twin Devourers with Brainleech Worms (15x2 pts) in transp.2 [190 Pts]
HS2: Carnifex (160 pts) add 2 Twin Devourers with Brainleech Worms (15x2 pts) in transp. 3 [190 Pts]
Fortfication : Tyranid Bastion (75 pts) add Comms-relay (20 pts) [95 pts]

Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport2: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport3: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]

Total - 1850

Player3: Александр Frei Щелухин
Chaos Daemons

HQ1 Warlord: Lord of Change - 3 Mlvl, 2 x Greater reward, 1 x Lesser reward - 305
HQ2: Gerald of Tzeentch - 3 Mlvl, Exalted reward, Exalted locus, Disc of Tzeentch - 175
HQ3: Gerald of Khorne - Greater reward, Lesser reward, Exalted locus, Jaggernaut of Khorne - 155

Troops1: Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10- Allures - 95
Troops2: Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10 - 90
Troops3: Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10 - 90
Troops4: Daemonettes of Slaanesh x 10 - 90
Troops5: Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x 11 - 99

Fast1: Screamers of Tzeentch x 7 - 175
Fast2: Flesh Hounds of Khorne x 17 - 272

HS1: Soul Grinder - Daemon of Slaanesh - 150
HS2: Soul Grinder - Daemon of Slaanesh - 150
Total-1846 pts.

Player4: Олег Helg Блинов
Dark Angels

HQ1: Sammael on Corvex - 200 Pts (Warlord)
HQ2: Librarian: Auspex; Psyker LVL 2; SM Bike - 125 Pts
HQ3: RW Command Squad: add 2; Standard of Fortitude; RW Grenade Launcher - 285 Pts
HQ4: RW Command Squad: add 1 - 160 Pts

Troops1: RW Attack Squadron: Plasma Gun x2; add Attack Bike with Multi-melta - 165 Pts
Troops2: RW Attack Squadron: Plasma Gun x2; add Attack Bike with Multi-melta - 165 Pts
Troops3: RW Attack Squadron: Plasma Gun x2; add Attack Bike with Multi-melta - 165 Pts
Troops4: RW Attack Squadron: Plasma Gun x2; add Attack Bike with Multi-melta - 165 Pts

FA1: RW Black Knights:add 2; RW Grenade Launcher - 210 Pts
FA2: RW Black Knights:add 2; RW Grenade Launcher - 210 Pts

Total Army Cost: 1850

Player5: Владимир Чернов
Grey knights + Tau

HQ1: Inquisitor Coteaz [100] (Warlord)
HQ2: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor: psyker (psychic communion), force sword, 3*servoskulls [64]
HQ3: Tau commander: multi-spectrum sensor suite, command and control node, neuroweb system jammer, iridium battlesuit [147]

Troops1: 3*acolyte [12]
Troops2: 3*acolyte, 3*meltagun [42]
Troops3: 3*acolyte, 3*meltagun [42]
Troops4: 3*acolyte, 3*meltagun [42]
Troops5: 2*acolyte, 1*servitor, plasma cannon [28]
Troops6: 2*acolyte, 1*servitor, plasma cannon [28]
Troops7: 10*kroots [60]

Elites1: XV104 Riptide battlesuit: ion accelerator, early warning override [190]

FA1: Stormraven gunship: twin-linked multimelta, twin-linked lascannon [205]
FA2: Stormraven gunship: twin-linked multimelta, twin-linked lascannon [205]
FA3: Stormraven gunship: twin-linked multimelta, twin-linked lascannon [205]

HS1: Nemesis dreadknight: heavy incinerator [160]
HS2: Nemesis dreadknight: heavy incinerator [160]
HS3: Nemesis dreadknight: heavy incinerator [160]



TEAM: Promethium

PLAYER 1: Олег "Faceless" Пономаренко
Primary Detachmen - Chaos Space Marines
Allied Detachment - Chaos Daemons

Chaos Space Marines:
HQ1: Daemon Prince; The Black Mace; Daemon of Nurgle; Gift of Mutation; Power Armour; Wings [275] {Warlord}

Troop 1: 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
Troop 2: 10 Chaos Cultists; 9 Autoguns [59]

FA1: 5 Chaos Spawn; Mark of Nurgle [180]
FA2: Helldrake; Baleflamer[170]
FA3: Helldrake; Baleflamer[170]

HS1: 3 Obliterators; Mark of Nurgle; Veterans of the Long War [237]
HS2: 3 Obliterators; Mark of Nurgle; Veterans of the Long War [237]
HS3: 3 Obliterators; Mark of Nurgle; Veterans of the Long War [237]

Fortification: Aegis defence line; Comms relay [70]

Chaos Daemons:
HQ1: Herald of Tzeentch; Exalted Reward (x1); Psyker (Mastery Level 1) [75]

Troop 1: 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [90]

TOTAL [1850pts]

PLAYER 2: Александр "Shurick" Степанов
Primary Detachmen - ORKS
Allied Detachment - Tau Empire

HQ1: Warboss, Cybork Body, Mega Armour, bosspole [115] {Warlord}
Elite1: 10 x Lootas [150]
Elite2: 10 x Lootas [150]
Elite3: 10 x Lootas [150]

Troop1: 20 x Ork Boyz, Shootas, Nob, Big Choppa [135]
Troop2: 30 x Ork Boyz, Shootas, Nob, Power Klaw, bosspole [220]

FA1: Dakkajet, 3 x Twin Supa Shoota, Flyboss [130]
FA2: Dakkajet, 3 x Twin Supa Shoota, Flyboss [130]

Fortification: Aegis Defence Lines [50]

Tau Empire:
HQ1: Tau Commander, 2 x Missile Pod, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Target Lock, Early Warning Override [140]

Elite1: XV104 Riptide, Twin Fusion Blaster, Ion Accelerator, Early Warning Override, Velocity Tracker [210]

Troop1: 10 x Kroot Carnivore Squad [60]

HS1: 3 x Broadside Shas'ui, 3 x Twin High-yield Missile Pod, Twin Smart Missile System, Target Lock, 2 x Early Warning Override [210]

TOTAL [1850pts]

Player 3: Михаил "Caeazar" Степнов
Primary Detachment: Tau Empire
Allied Detachment: Eldar

Primary Detachment (Tau):
HQ1: Commander[85](Command and Control Node [15]; Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite [20]; Puretide Engram Neurochip [15]) [135] [Warlord]

Elites1: Riptide(Ion Accelerator [5]; TL Fusion blaster [0]; Early Warning Override [5]; Velocity Tracker [20]) [210]
Elites2: Riptide(Ion Accelerator [5]; TL Fusion blaster [0]; Early Warning Override [5]; Velocity Tracker [20]) [210]
Elites3: Riptide(Ion Accelerator [5]; TL Plasma rifle [0]; Early Warning Override [5]) [190]

Troops1: 6 Fire Warriors (Pulse Rifles) [54]
Troops2: 10 Kroots [60]

FA1: 5 Pathfinders [55]
FA2: 5 Pathfinders [55]

HS1: 3 Broadsides (3 x TL High-Yield Missile Pod [0]; 3 x TL SMS [0]; 3 x Early Warning Override [15]) [210]
HS2: 3 Broadsides (3 x TL High-Yield Missile Pod [0]; 3 x TL SMS [0]; 3 x Early Warning Override [15]) [210]

Allied Detachment (Eldar):
HQ1: Farseer (Eldar Jetbike [15]; Singing Spear [5]) [120]
Troops1: 3 Windriders (Jetbike Squadron) [51]
HS1: Wraithknight [240]

Aegis Defence Line [50]

TOTAL: [1850]

PLAYER 4: Роман "MegaVolt" Воронов


HQ1: Company Command Squad (50), Vox Caster (5), Mortar (5) [60 Pts]

Troop 1a: Platoon Command (30), 4 x Flamer(4x5) [50 Pts]
Troop 1b: Platoon Squad (50), Power Axe (10), Flamer (5), Autocannon (10), Vox Caster (5) [80 Pts]
Troop 1c: Platoon Squad (50), Power Axe (10), Flamer (5), Autocannon (10) [75 Pts]
Troop 1d: Platoon Squad (50), Flamer (5), Autocannon (10) [65 Pts]
Troop 1e: Platoon Squad (50), Flamer (5), Autocannon (10) [65 Pts]
Troop 1f: Platoon Squad (50), Flamer (5), Autocannon (10) [65 Pts]

Troop 2a: Platoon Command (30), 4 x Flamer(4x5) [50 Pts]
Troop 2b: Platoon Squad (50),Lascannon (20) [70]
Troop 2c: Platoon Squad (50),Lascannon (20) [70]
Troop 2d: Platoon Squad (50),Lascannon (20) [70]
Troop 2e: Platoon Squad (50), Vox Caster (5), Lascannon (20) [75]

Fast Attack1: Vendetta Gunship [130 pts]
Fast Attack2: Vendetta Gunship [130 pts]

Heavy Support1: Manticore (160), Heavy Bolter (0) [160 Pts]
Heavy Support2: Gryphon [75 Pts]
Heavy Support3: Gryphon [75 Pts]


Allied HQ1: Azrael [215 pts]
Allied Troops1: Scout Squad(60), 5 x Sniper Rifle (5x0) [60 Pts]


Inquisitorial HQ1: Warlord : Inquisitor Ordo Xenos (25), Psyker 1lvl(30), Force Sword (0), Liber Heresius (15), 3 x Servo-skull (3x3), Rad Grenades (15), Psychotroke grenades (15) [109]
Inquisitorial HQ2: Inquisitor Torquemada Coteaz [100 pts]

ARMY TOTAL: [1849 Pts]

PLAYER 5: Андрей "HiveTyrant" Каверин
HQ1: Hive Tyrant (170); 2 x TL Devourers (2x15); Wings (60); Leech Essence (0); Paroxism (0); Hive Commander (25) [285 pts] {warlord}
HQ2: Hive Tyrant (170); 2 x TL Devourers (2x15); Wings (60); Leech Essence (0); Paroxism (0); Old Adversary (25) [285 pts]

Elite2: 2 x Venomthrope; Transport 1 [110 Pts]
Elite2: Doom of Malan'tai; Transport 2 [90 Pts]

Troop 1: Tervigon (160); Stinger Salvo (0); Scything Talons (5); Toxin Sacs (10); Catalyst (15) [190 pts]
Troop 2: 10 x Termagant Brood; Transport 3 [56] [50 pts]
Troop 3: 10 x Termagant Brood; Transport 4 [50 pts]
Troop 4: 10 x Termagant Brood; Transport 5 [50 pts]

Fast Attack 1: 3 x Spore Mines [30 Pts]

Heavy Support 1: Mawloc [170 Pts]
Heavy Support 2: Mawloc [170 Pts]
Heavy Support 3: Mawloc [170 Pts]

Transport 1: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport 2: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport 3: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport 4: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]
Transport 5: Mycetic Spore [40 Pts]

TOTAL: [1850pts]


PLAYER1 : Сергей, MOSSAD, Осмоловский

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Space Marines + Grey Knights



HQ1 : Chapter Master; Terminator Armour; the Shield Eternal; Thunder Hammer [235] - Warlord

Elite1 : 5 Assault Terminators; 4 Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields [220]

Troop1 : 5 Scouts; ; Close Combat Weapons; Scout Veteran Sergeant; Combi-Melta; Melta Bombs; Transport1 [80]
Troop2 : 10 Scouts; Camo-Cloaks; 10 Sniper Rifles [140]

HS1 : 3 Centurion Devastators; 3 Grav-cannons and Grav-amps [250]
HS2 : Land Raider Redeemer; Multi-Melta [250]
HS3 : Stormraven Gunship; TL Lascannons; TL Multi-Melta [200]

Transport1 : Land Speeder Storm; Multi-Melta [55]


HQ1 : Ordo Malleus Inquisitor; 3 Servo-Skulls; Psyker (Mastery Level 1); Psychic Communion [64]

Troop1 : 5 Grey Knights; Transport1 [100]

FA1 : Stormraven Gunship; TL Lascannons; TL Multi-Melta [205]

Transport1 : Razorback; Psybolt Ammunition; Searchlight [51]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER2 : Евгений, Ferlim, Кунашов

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Adepta Sororitas + Inquisition


HQ1 : Saint Celestine [135]

Troop1 : 10 Battle Sisters; Flamer; Heavy Flamer; Veteran Sister Superior; Transport1 [145]
Troop2 : 8 Battle Sisters; Meltagun; Heavy Bolter; Veteran Sister Superior [126]

FA1 : 5 Dominions; 4 Meltaguns; Dominion Superior; Combi-Melta; Transport2 [125]
FA2 : 5 Dominions; 4 Meltaguns; Dominion Superior; Combi-Melta; Transport3 [125]
FA3 : 9 Seraphims; 2 Pairs of Hand Flamers [155]

HS1 : Exorcist [125]
HS2 : Exorcist [125]

Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino [40]
Transport2 : Immolator; TL Multi-Melta [60]
Transport3 : Immolator; TL Multi-Melta [60]


Fort1 : Imperial Bastion; Quad Gun [125]


HQ1 : Ordo Xenos Inquisitor; Power Armour; Rad Grenades; Psychotroke Grenades; The Liber Heresius; Psyker (Mastery Level 1); Hammerhand [108] - Warlord

Elite1 : Ministorium Priest; 3 Crusaders (Power Axes); 5 Death Cult Assassins (Power Axes + Power Swords); Transport1 [145]

Transport1 : Land Raider; Searchlight [251]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER3 : Вадим, N.Raxx, Грешников

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Dark Eldar + Eldar


HQ1 : Baron Sathonyx [105] - Warlord

Elite1 : 3 Kabalite Trueborn; 2 Splinter Cannons; Transport1 [56]
Elite2 : 3 Kabalite Trueborn; 2 Splinter Cannons; Transport2 [56]

Troop1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors; Transport3 [45]
Troop2 : 5 Kabalite Warriors; Transport4 [45]

HS1 : Ravager; Night Shields [115]
HS2 : Ravager; Night Shields [115]
HS3 : Ravager; Night Shields [115]

Transport1 : Venom; 2 Splinter Cannons [65]
Transport2 : Venom; 2 Splinter Cannons [65]
Transport3 : Venom; 2 Splinter Cannons; Grisly Trophies [70]
Transport4 : Venom; 2 Splinter Cannons; Grisly Trophies [70]


Fort1 : Imperial Bastion; Icarus Lascannon [110]


HQ1 : Farseer; Singing Spear; Eldar Jetbike [120]

Troop1 : 6 Dire Avengers; Transport1 [78]
Troop2 : 3 Windrider Jetbikes; Shuriken Cannon [61]

FA1 : Crimson Hunter [160]

HS1 : 3 Dark Reapers; Starshot Missiles; Exarch; Fast Shot; Transport2 [126]

Transport1 : Wave Serpent; TL Scatter Laser; Holo-Fields [135]
Transport2 : Wave Serpent; TL Scatter Laser; Holo-Fields [135]

TOTAL [1847]
PLAYER4 : Арсений, Сус, Каспарян

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Chaos Space Marines + Black Legion

PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Chaos Space Marines

HQ1 : Chaos Lord; Mark of Khorne; Axe of Blind Fury; Juggernaut of Khorne; Sigil of Corruption; Veteran of the Long War [175] - Warlord

Troop1 : 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
Troop2 : 10 Chaos Cultists [50]

FA1 : 5 Chaos Spawn [150]
FA2 : Heldrake; Baleflamer [170]
FA3 : Heldrake; Baleflamer [170]

HS1 : 3 Obliterators; Marks of Nurgle [228]
HS2 : 3 Obliterators; Marks of Nurgle [228]
HS3 : 2 Obliterators; Marks of Nurgle [152]


Fort1: Aegis Defence Lines; Comms Relay [70]


HQ1 : Chaos Sorcerer; Chaos Bike; Force Axe; Veteran of the Long War; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [135]

Troop1 : 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
Troop2 : 10 Chaos Cultists [50]

FA1 : Heldrake; Baleflamer [170]

TOTAL [1848]

PLAYER5 : Андрей, Belgarim, Акиньшин

ARMY DESCRIPTION : Chaos Daemons + Dark Eldar


HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver [300] - Warlord
HQ2 : Heralds of Chaos
HQ2.1 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [150]
HQ2.2 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Exalted Reward; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [150]
HQ2.3 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Exalted Locus of Conjuration; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [145]
HQ2.4 : Herald of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch; Psyker (Mastery Level 3) [120]

Troop1 : 10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle [90]
Troop2 : 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [108]
Troop3 : 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [108]
Troop4 : 11 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [99]

FA1 : 9 Screamers of Tzeentch [225]


Fort1 : Aegis Defence Lines [50]


HQ1 : Baron Sathonyx [105]

Troop1 : 5 Kabalite Warriors [45]

HS1 : Voidraven Bomber; Flickerfield [155]

TOTAL [1850]


TEAM : Легион

PLAYER 1 (Captain) : Sergey "Aeris" Lebedev
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Primary Detachment : Tau Empire
HQ 1 : Commander Farsight (165), Warlord [165 pts]
HQ 1a : Crysis Bodyguard Team,
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), Drone Controller (8), Vectored Retro-thrusters (5), Command and Control Node (15), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15), XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit (25),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Missile Pods (30), Target Lock (5),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Missile Pods (30), Target Lock (5),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Plasma Rifles (30), Target Lock (5),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Plasma Rifles (30), Target Lock (5),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Fusion Blasters (30), Target Lock (5),
XV8 Crisis Bodyguard (32), 2 Fusion Blasters (30), Target Lock (5),
5 Shield Drones (60),
6 Marker Drones (72)
[654 pts]
HQ 2 : Commander Shadowsun [135 pts]
Elite 1 : XV104 Riptide (180), TL Fusion Blaster (0), Ion Accelerator (5), Early Warning Override (5) [190 pts]
Troop 1 : 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad [60 pts]
Troop 2 : 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad [60 pts]
Troop 3 : 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad [60 pts]
HS 1: 3 XV88 Broadside Team (195), 3 TL High-yield Missile Pod (0), 3 TL Smart Missile System (0) [195 pts]
HS 2: 2 XV88 Broadside Team (130), 2 TL High-yield Missile Pod (0), 2 TL Smart Missile System (0) [130 pts]
HS 3: 2 XV88 Broadside Team (130), 2 TL High-yield Missile Pod (0), 2 TL Smart Missile System (0) [130 pts]
Fortification: Aegis Defence Lines (50), Comms Relay (20) [70 pts]
TOTAL [1849 pts]

PLAYER 2: Petr "Петр Орлов" Orlov
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Primary Detachment : Necrons
HQ 1 : Nemesor Zahndrekh (185), Warlord [185 pts]
HQ 1a : Vangard Obyron [160 pts]
HQ 1b : Royal Court,
4 Necron Lords (140), 4 Warscythe (40), 4 Sempiternal Weave (60), 4 Mindshackle Scarabs (60),
1 Harbinger of Eternity (25), 1 Aeonstave (0), 1 Chronometron (15),
2 Harbinger of the Storm (50), 2 Voltaic Staff (0), 1 Lightning Field (10)
[400 pts]
HQ 2 : Destroyer Lord (125), Warscythe (0), Sempiternal Weave (15), Mindshackle Scarabs (20) [160 pts]
Troop 1 : 5 Necron Warriors (65) in Transport 1 [65 pts]
Troop 2 : 5 Necron Warriors (65) in Transport 2 [65 pts]
Troop 3 : 5 Necron Warriors (65) in Transport 3 [65 pts]
FA 1: 5 Canoptek Wraiths (175), 1 Particle Caster (5) [180 pts]
HS 1: Annihilation Barge (90), Tesla Cannon (0) [90 pts]
HS 2: Annihilation Barge (90), Tesla Cannon (0) [90 pts]
HS 3: Annihilation Barge (90), Tesla Cannon (0) [90 pts]
Transport 1 : Night Scythe (100) for Troops 1 [100 pts]
Transport 2 : Night Scythe (100) for Troops 2 [100 pts]
Transport 3 : Night Scythe (100) for Troops 3 [100 pts]
TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 3: Michail "Emperor Lei Shen" Kulebyakin
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Primary Detachment : Space Marines

HQ 1 : Rune Priest (100), 1 Runic Weapon (0), 1 Bolt Pistol (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Tempest's Wrath (0) [100 pts]
HQ 2 : Rune Priest (100), 1 Runic Weapon (0), 1 Boltgan (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Murderous Hurricane (0) [100 pts]
HQ 3 : Rune Priest (100), 1 Runic Weapon (0), 1 Bolt Pistol (0), 1 Meltabomb (5), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Living Lighting (0) [105 pts]
HQ 4 : Wolf Lord (100), 1 Runic armour (20), 1 Power Fist (25), 1 Storm Shield (30), 1 Thunderwolf Mount (45) [220 pts]

Troops 1 : 5 Grey Hunters (75), 1 Plasmagun (10) [85 pts]
Troops 2 : 5 Grey Hunters (75), 1 Flamer (0) [75 pts]

Allied HQ 1: Tigirius [165 pts]

Allied Elite 1 : 5 Legion of Damned Squad, 1 Multi-Melta (10), 1 Meltagun (10), 1 Combi-Meltagun (10) [155 pts]

Allied Troops 1 : 5 Space Marines (70), 1 Combi-Melta (10), 1 Meltagun (10) [90 pts] in Transport 1
Allied Troops 2 : 5 Scouts (55), 5 Bolt Pistols (0), 5 Sniper Rifles (5) [60 pts]

Allied HeavySupport 1 : 5 Centurion Devastators (310), 5 Grav Cannons + Grav-Amp (100), Omniscope (10) [420 pts]

Allied Transport 1 : Drop Pod (35), Storm Bolter (0) for Allied Troops 1 [35 pts]

Allied Inquisition HQ 1 : Ordo malleus inquisitor (25), Warlord, Terminator Armour with Daemon Hammer (40), Psycannon (15), Psyker (level 1) Hammerhand (30), 3 Servo-Skulls (9) [119 pts]

Allied Inquisition HQ 2 : Inquisitor Coteaz [100 pts]

Allied Inquisition Elites 1: Inquisitorial henchman warband, 5 Acolytes [20 pts]

TOTAL [1849 pts]

PLAYER 4: Sergey "Curator" Protasov
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Primary Detachment : Imperial Guard, Secondary Detachment : Dark Angels

HQ 1 : Lord Commissar (70), Warlord, 1 Power Fist (15), 1 Bolt Pistol(0) [85 pts]

Troop 1 : Infantry Platoon,
Platoon Command Squad (30), 5 CCW (0), 5 Laspistols (0)
Infantry Squad (50), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0), 1 Melta Bombs (5)
Infantry Squad (50), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0), 1 Melta Bombs (5)
Infantry Squad (50), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0), 1 Melta Bombs (5)
Infantry Squad (50), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0), 1 Melta Bombs (5)
Infantry Squad (50), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0), 1 Melta Bombs (5)
[305 pts]
Troop 2 : Penal Legion (80), 9 Lasguns (0), 1 CCW (0), 1 Laspistol (0) [80 pts]

FA 1: Vendetta Squadron, 1 Vendetta (130), 3 TL Lascannons (0) [130 pts]
FA 2: Vendetta Squadron, 1 Vendetta (130), 3 TL Lascannons (0) [130 pts]

HS 1: Leman Russ Squadron, 2 Leman Russ Eradicator (320), 6 Heavy Bolters (40) [360 pts]
HS 2: Leman Russ Squadron, 2 Leman Russ Executioner (380), 6 Heavy Bolters (40) [420 pts]
HS 3: Hydra Battery, 2 Hydras (150), 2 Heavy Bolters (0) [150 pts]

Allied HQ 1 : Librarian (65), 1 Force Axe (0), 1 Bolt Pistol (0), Power Field Generator (30), Psyker (Level 2) (35) [130 pts]

Allied Troops 1 : Scout Squad (60), 5 Combat Knifes (0), 5 Bolt Pistols (0) [60 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 5: Yury "Spirit" Solozhencev
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Primary Detachment : Eldar
HQ 1 : Farseer (100), Warlord, 1 Eldar Jetbike (15), Wichblade (0), Shard of Anaris (40) [155 pts]
HQ 2 : Farseer (100), 1 Eldar Jetbike (15), Singing Spear (5) [120 pts]
Troop 1 : 10 Eldar Jetbike, 2 Shurken Cannon (20) [190 pts]
Troop 2 : 5 Eldar Jetbike [85 pts]
Troop 3 : 5 Dire Avengers (65) in Transport 1 [65 pts]
FA 1: 8 Warp Spiders [152 pts]
FA 2: 6 Warp Spiders [114 pts]
FA 3: 6 Warp Spiders [114 pts]
HS 1: Wraithknight (240), 2 Heavy Wraithcannons (0) [240 pts]
HS 1: Wraithknight (240), 2 Heavy Wraithcannons (0) [240 pts]
HS 1: Wraithknight (240), 2 Heavy Wraithcannons (0) [240 pts]
Transport 1 : Wave Serpent (115), TL Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15) for Troops 1 [135 pts]
TOTAL [1850 pts]


TEAM : Казан-орда
Макаренко-Зенякин Николай Morpeh (капитан)
Imperial Guard, Grey knights allies.

HQ1: Yarrick [warlord] (185)
HQ2: Company HQ, 4 Meltaguns (90) in Dedicated Transport 1

Troops1: Platoon HQ, Chenkov, 4 meltaguns (120) in Dedicated Transport 2
2 Infantry squads (100)
30 Conscripts, Next wave (195)

Troops2: Platoon HQ, 4 meltaguns (70) in Dedicated Transport 2
2 Infantry squads, 2 flamers (110)
30 Conscripts, Next wave (195)

FA1: Vendetta (130)
FA2: Vendetta (130)

Dedicated Transport 1: Chimera, ML, HF (55)
Dedicated Transport 2: Chimera, ML, HF (55)
Dedicated Transport 3: Chimera, ML, HF (55)

GK Allies

HQ1: Malleus Inquisitor, 3 Servoskulls (34)

Troops1: 5 Grey knight Terminators (Halberds), Justicar Thawn (275)

Fortification: Aegis (50)

TOTAL (1849)


Артем Магданов
Chaos Space Marines

HQ1 : Tiphus (230) [warlord]

Troop 1 : 35 plague zombies (150)
Troop 2 : 35 plague zombies (150)
Troop 3 : 35 plague zombies (150)
Troop 4 : 34 plague zombies (146)
Troop 5 : 10 Chaos Cultists (Autoguns) (50)

Elite1 : 3 Chaos Terminators; 3 Combi-Melta, 2 Power Maul, Power Axe (112)
Elite2 : 3 Chaos Terminators; 3 Combi-Melta, 2 Power Maul, Power Axe (112)

FA1: Helldrake; baleflamer (170)
FA2: Helldrake; baleflamer (170)
FA3: 5 Chaos Spawn; Mark of Nurgle (180)

HS1: 3 Obliterators; Mark of Nurgle (228)

TOTAL (1848)


Михаил Володин БигГрыззли

HQ1: Hive Tyrant
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2); Wings; Leech Essence; Paroxism (Warlord)
@ 260 Pts
HQ2: Hive Tyrant
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2); Wings; Leech Essence; Paroxism;
Old Adversary @ 285 Pts

Elites1: The Doom of Malan'tai @ 90 Pts in Dedicated Transport 1
Elites2: 3 Hive Guard Brood @ 150 Pts

Troops1: Tervigon
Stinger Salvo; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst @ 185 Pts
Troops2: Tervigon
Stinger Salvo; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst @ 185 Pts
Troops3: 10 Termagant Brood
Fleshborers @ 50 Pts
Troops4: 10 Termagant Brood
Fleshborers @ 50 Pts

HS1: Carnifex
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2) @ 190 Pts in Dedicated Transport 2
HS2: Carnifex
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2) @ 190 Pts in Dedicated Transport 3

Dedicated transport 1: Mycetic Spore @ [40] Pts
Dedicated transport 2: Mycetic Spore @ [40] Pts
Dedicated transport 3: Mycetic Spore @ [40] Pts

Fortification: Bastion, Comm Relay (95)

TOTAL (1850)


Тимур Халиуллин

Space Marines (Salamanders)


HQ1: Vulkan Hestan (190) (Warlord)

HQ2: Command squad, 5 Plasmaguns (175) in Dedicated Transport 1

Elites1: 10 Sternguards, 5 Combi-melta, 5 Combi-plasma, MC Meltabomb (335) in Dedicated Transport 2
Elites2: 10 Sternguards, 5 Combi-melta, 5 Combi-plasma, MC Meltabomb (335) in Dedicated Transport 3
Elites3: 10 Sternguards, 5 Combi-melta, 5 Combi-plasma, MC Meltabomb (335) in Dedicated Transport 4

Troops1: Tactical squad, MC Crack grenade, Meltagun (80) in Dedicated Transport 5
Troops1: Tactical squad, MC Crack grenade, Meltagun (80) in Dedicated Transport 6
Troops1: Tactical squad, MC Crack grenade, Flamer (75) in Dedicated Transport 7

Dedicated transport 1: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 2: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 3: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 4: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 5: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 6: Droppod (35)
Dedicated transport 7: Droppod (35)

TOTAL (1850)


Оскар Саченков
Space Orks

HQ1: BigMek, Shock attack gun, ammo runt [98]
HQ2: WarBoss, bike, Power Klaw, Cybork body [135]

Elites1: 10 Lootas [150]
Elites2: 10 Lootas [150]
Elites3: 10 Lootas [150]

Troops1: 30 Ork Boys, shootas [180]
Troops2: 30 Ork Boys, shootas [180]
Troops3: 10 Grots, Runtherd [40]
Troops4: 6 Nobz, Warbikes, Painboy, 3 PowerKlaw, Bosspole, WAAAGH! banner, Cyborks [425]

FA1: DakkaJet, TL suppa shoota [120]
FA2: DakkaJet, TL suppa shoota [120]

FRT: Aegis DL, quad-gun [100]

TOTAL (1848)



PLAYER 1: Yaroslav "Yaroslav" Dmitriev
HQ 1: Сhapter Master (130),Bike (20), Thunder Hummer (30), The Shield Eternal (50), Artificer Armour (20) [250] (Warlord)
HQ 1: Сhapter Master (130),Bike (20), Power Fist (25), Storm Shield (15), Artificer Armour (20) [210]
Troop 1 : 5 Scouts (55), with shotguns [55]
Troop 2 : 5 Scouts (55), with bolt pistols and CCW [55]
HS 1: 3 Centurion Devastators (190), 3 Grav Cannons & Grav Amps (60) [250]
HS 2: 3 Centurion Devastators (190), 3 Grav Cannons & Grav Amps (60) [250]
HS 3: 3 Centurion Devastators (190), 3 Grav Cannons & Grav Amps (60) [250]
HQ 1: Сhapter Master (130),Bike (20), Power Fist (25), Storm Shield (15), Artificer Armour (20) [210]
Troop 1 : 5 Scouts (55), with bolt pistols and CCW [55]
HS 1 : Thunderfire Cannon [100]
HQ 1: Inquizitor Coteaz [100]
HQ 1: Inquizitor Ordo Malleus (25) , 3 Servo-skulls (9), Hammerhand (30), Force Sword (free) [64]
Army Total: [1849]

PLAYER 2: Yury "Warpstone" Anufriev
HQ1: Imotekh the Stormlord [225] - Warlord
HQ 2 royal court: Harbinger of despair (30), Veil of Darkness (30), nightmare shroud (10) [70]
Harbinger of Eternity (25), Chronometron (15) [40]
HQ3: Nemesor Zahndrekh [185]
HQ 4: Royal court: Harbinger of Eternity (25), Chronometron (15) [40]
Necron lord (35), resurrection orb (30), weave (15), mindshacle scarabs (15), warscythe (10) [105]
HQ5: Varguard Obyron [160]
Troops1: Necron immortals x5 gauss [85]
Troops2: Necron immortals x9 gauss [153]
Troops3: Necron immortals x9 gauss [153]
FA1: Canoptec Wraiths x5, particle caster (5) [180]
FA2: Canoptec Wraiths x5 particle caster (5) [180]
HS1: Annihilation barge, tesla [90]
HS2: Annihilation barge, tesla [90]
HS3: Annihilation barge, tesla [90]
Army Total: [1850]

PLAYER 3: Gennadiy "Ghost_kz" Babenko
HQ1: Inquisitor Coteaz [100] Warlord
HQ2: Malleus Inquisitor (25), 3 Servo-skulls (9), Psybolt Ammunition (5) [39]
Troops1: Inquisitorial henchmen warband, 3 Warrior acolytes [12]
Troops2: Inquisitorial henchmen warband, 7 Warrior acolytes [28]
Troops3: Inquisitorial henchmen warband, 4 Crusaders (power axe/ storm shield), 7 DC Assassins (power sword/power axe) [165]
FA1: Stormraven Gunship, TL Lascannons, TL Multimelta [205]
FA2: Stormraven Gunship, TL Lascannons, TL Multimelta [205]
HS1: Nemesis DreadKnight (130) with Heavy incinerator (30) [160]
HS2: Nemesis DreadKnight (130) with Heavy incinerator (30) [160]
HS3: Nemesis DreadKnight [130]
HQ 1: Necron Overlord (90), warscythe (10), sempiternal weave (15), mindshackle scarabs (15) [130]
HQ 1a: Harbinger of Storm (25), Harbinger of Destruction (35) [60]
Troops 1: Necron immortals x5 gauss[85] in transport 1
Troops 2: Necron immortals x5 gauss[85]
HS 1: Annihilation barge, tesla [90]
Transport 1: Night scythe [100]
Fortification: Imperial Bastion(75), Comms relay (20) [95]
Army Total: [1849]

PLAYER 4: Fedor "Fredya" Fomin
HQ 1: Farseer(100)Eldar jetbike(15) [115] Warlord
Troops 1: 5 Dire avengers (5*13) in transport 1 [65]
Troops 2: 5 Dire avengers (5*13) in transport 2 [65]
Troops 3: 5 Dire avengers (5*13) in transport 3 [65]
Troops 4: 5 Dire avengers (5*13) in transport 4 [65]
Troops 5: 5 Dire avengers (5*13) in transport 5 [65]
Troops 6: Jetbike squad(3*17) [51]
FA1: 6 Warp Spiders [114]
HS 1: Wraithknight [240]
HS 2: Wraithknight [240]
HS 3: Vaul's Wraith Support Battery 3 Shadow Weavers - [90]
Transport 1:Wave Serpent (115)Twin-linked scatter laser(5) Holo-fields (15) [135]
Transport 2:Wave Serpent (115)Twin-linked scatter laser(5) Holo-fields (15) [135]
Transport 3:Wave Serpent (115)Twin-linked scatter laser(5) Holo-fields (15) [135]
Transport 4:Wave Serpent (115)Twin-linked scatter laser(5) Holo-fields (15) [135]
Transport 5:Wave Serpent (115)Twin-linked scatter laser(5) Holo-fields (15) [135]
Army Total: [1850]

PLAYER 5: Paul "Paul" Perovich

HQ1 : Commander Shadowsun [135]
HQ2 : Tau Commander, burst cannon (10) , burst cannon (10), drone controller (8), vectored retro-thrusters (5), XV8-02 "Iridium" battlesuit (25), neuroweb system jammer (2) [145]

Elite1 : XV104 Riptide, twin-linked fusion blaster (0), ion accelerator (5), early warning override (5) [190]
Elite2 : XV104 Riptide, twin-linked fusion blaster (0), ion accelerator (5), early warning override (5) [190]
Elite3 : XV8 Crisis team [244];
#1 fusion blaster [15], fusion blaster [15], target lock [5];
#2 fusion blaster [15], fusion blaster [15], vectored retro-thrusters [5];
#3 Shas'vre [10], command and control node [15], Puretide engram neurochip [15], multi-spectrum sensor suite [20]
4 x marker drone [48]

Troop 1 : Kroot carnivore squad [65]
(10 x kroot, kroot hound [5])
Troop 2 : Kroot carnivore squad [65]
(10 x kroot, kroot hound [5])
Troop 3 : Kroot carnivore squad [60]
(10 x kroot)

FA1:5 Piranhas [200]
FA2:6 Pathfinders [66]

HS1: Sky ray mussile gunship [116];
(twin-linked smart missile system [0], blacksun filter [1])
HS2: Sky ray mussile gunship [116];
(twin-linked smart missile system [0], blacksun filter [1])
HS3: XV 88 broadside team [258];
#1 twin-linked smart missile system [0], twin-linked high-yield missile pod [0], early warning override [5];
#2 twin-linked smart missile system [0], twin-linked high-yield missile pod [0], early warning override [5];
#3 twin-linked smart missile system [0], twin-linked high-yield missile pod [0], early warning override [5];
4 x missile drone [48]
Army Total: [1850]


TEAM : Deathwatch

Player1: Yury "Grave" Velichkovskiy
Army Description: Tyranids

HQ1(Warlord): Hive Tyrant (170), Leech Essence (0), Paroxism (0), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (30), Hive Commander (25) Wings (60) [285pts]
HQ2: Tyrant (170), Leech Essence (0), Paroxism (0), 2 Twin-linked Devourers with Brainleech Worms (30), Old Adversary (25), Wings (60) [285pts]
Elite1: The Doom of Malan’tai [90pts] in Transport1
Elite2: 5 Ymgarl Genestealers [115pts]
Elite3: 5 Ymgarl Genestealers [115pts]
Troop1: Tervigon (160), Scything Talons (5), Adrenal Glands (10), Toxin Sacs (10), Cluster Spines (0), Catalyst (15) [200pts]
Troop2: Tervigon (160), Scything Talons (5), Adrenal Glands (10), Toxin Sacs (10), Cluster Spines (0), Catalyst (15) [200pts]
Troop3: 10 Termagaunts [50pts] in Transport2
Troop4: 10 Termagaunts [50pts] in Transport3
HS1: Mawloc [170pts]
HS2: Mawloc [170pts]
Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40pts] for Elite1
Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40pts] for Troop3
Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40pts] for Troop4

Total [1850pts]


Player2: Bogdan "Sentinel" Novikov
Army Description: Eldar

HQ1(Warlord): Farseer [100pts]
Troop1: 5 Dire Avengers [65pts] in Transport1
Troop2: 5 Dire Avengers [65pts] in Transport2
Troop3: 5 Dire Avengers [65pts] in Transport3
Troop4: 5 Dire Avengers [65pts] in Transport4
FA1: 7 Warp Spiders [133pts]
FA2: 7 Warp Spiders [133pts]
FA3: 6 Warp Spiders [114pts]
HS1: Vaul's Support Battery, 3 Shadow Weavers [90pts]
HS1: Wraithknight [240pts]
HS2: Wraithknight [240pts]
Transport1: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15) [135pts] for Troop1
Transport2: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15) [135pts] for Troop2
Transport3: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15) [135pts] for Troop3
Transport4: Wave Serpent (115), Twin-linked Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15) [135pts] for Troop4

Total [1850pts]


Player3: Denis "OraclOfTheDarkGods" Tarakanov
Army Description: Farsight Enclaves

HQ1(Warlord): Commander (85), 2 Plasma Rifles (30), Target Lock (5), Drone Controller (8) [128pts]

Elite1: XV104 Riptide (180), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (0), Ion Accelerator (5), Early Warning Override (5), Velocity Tracker (20) [210pts]
Elite2: XV104 Riptide (180), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (0), Ion Accelerator (5), Early Warning Override (5), Velocity Tracker (20) [210pts]
Elite3: XV104 Riptide (180), Earth Caste Pilot Array (30), Advanced Targeting System (3), Early Warning Override (5) [218pts]

Troop1: 3 XV8 Crisis Shas'ui (66), 6 Plasma Rifles (90), 3 Target Locks (15), 6 Marker Drones (72), Bonding Knife Ritual (3) [246pts]
Troop2: XV8 Crisis Shas'ui (22), 2 Flamers (10), Bonding Knife Ritual (1) [33pts]

HS1: 3 XV88 Broadside Shas'ui (195), Twin-linked High-yield Missile Pods (0), 3 Early Warning Overrides (15), 4 Missile Drones, Bonding Knife Ritual (3) (48) [261pts]

Allied Detachment: Eldar

HQ1: Farseer (100), Singing Spear (5) [105pts]
Troop1: 3 Windrider Jetbikes [51pts]
Troop2: 3 Windrider Jetbikes [51pts]
FA1: 6 Swooping Hawks [96pts]
HS1: Wraithknight [240pts]

Total [1849pts]


Player4: Arseniy "Arssil" Shchukin
Army Description: Space Wolves

HQ1(Warlord): Rune Priest (100), Living Lighting (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Chooser of the Slain (10) [110pts]
HQ2: Rune Priest (100), Murderous Hurricane (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Melta Bombs (5) [105pts]
HQ3: Rune Priest (100), Tempest's Wrath (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0), Bolter (0) [100pts]
HQ3: Rune Priest (100), Storm Caller (0), Jaws of the World Wolf (0) [100pts]
Elite1: 7 Wolf Guards (126), 6 Combi-plasmas (30), Terminator Armour (15), Power Sword (0), Heavy Flamer (5) [176pts] in Transport1
Elite2: 7 Wolf Guards (126), 6 Combi-plasmas (30), Terminator Armour (15), Power Sword (0), Heavy Flamer (5) [176pts] in Transport2
Elite3: 6 Wolf Guards (108), 6 Combi-meltas (30) [138pts] in Transport3
Troop1: 7 Grey Hunters (105), Meltagun (5), Wolf Standart (10) [120pts] in Transport4
Troop2: 7 Grey Hunters (105), Meltagun (5), Wolf Standart (10) [120pts] in Transport5
Troop3: 7 Grey Hunters (105), Flamer (0), Wolf Standart (10) [115pts] in Transport6
Troop4: 7 Grey Hunters (105), Flamer (0), Wolf Standart (10) [115pts] in Transport7
Troop5: 5 Grey Hunters (75), Meltagun (5) [80pts] in Transport8
Troop5: 5 Grey Hunters (75), Meltagun (5) [80pts] in Transport9
Transport1: Drop Pod [35pts] for Elite1
Transport2: Drop Pod [35pts] for Elite2
Transport3: Drop Pod [35pts] for Elite3
Transport4: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop1
Transport5: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop2
Transport6: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop3
Transport7: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop4
Transport8: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop5
Transport9: Drop Pod [35pts] for Troop6

Total [1850pts]


Player5: Mikhail "LLIyt" Ulitin
Army Description: Necrons

HQ1(Warlord): Nemesor Zahndrek [185pts]
HQ2: Vargard Obyron [160pts]
HQ3: Destroyer Lord (125), Sempiternal weave (15), Mindshackle scarabs (20), Resurrection orb (30) [190pts]
HQ4: Royal Court - Harbinger of Despair (30), Veil of Darkness (30), Nightmare Shroud (10); Harbinger of Eternity (25), Chronometron (15); Harbinger of the Storm (25), Lightning field (10) [145pts]
Troop1: 5 Necron Immortals [85pts] in Transport1
Troop2: 6 Necron Immortals [102pts]
Troop3: 10 Necron Immortals [170pts]
FA1: 6 Canoptek Wraiths (210), Whip Coil (10) [220pts]
FA2: 6 Canoptek Wraiths (210), Whip Coil (10) [220pts]
HS1: Annihilation Barge [90pts]
HS2: Annihilation Barge [90pts]
HS3: Annihilation Barge [90pts]
Transport1: Night Scythe [100pts] for Troop1

Total [1847pts]

"Неотвратимый ПеПелаЦ"

Team: Неотвратимый ПеПелаЦ
PLAYER 1: Dmitry (Comandor) Ivanov (Team Leader)


HQ1.1 : XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD TEAM (7 bodiguards, 8 drones = 639 pts)
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Command and Control Node (15), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20), Vectored retro-thrusters (5), Drone controller ( 8 ) [80 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Fusion blaster x2 (30), Target lock (5), Shield drone (12), Gun drone (12) [91 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Plasma rifle x2 (30), Target lock (5), Shield drone x2 (24) [91 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Plasma rifle x2 (30), Iridium armour XV8-02 (25), Neuroweb system jammer (2) [89 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Plasma rifle x2 (30), Target lock (5), Gun drone x2 (24) [91 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Missile pod x2 (30), Target lock (5), Gun drone x2 (24) [91 pts]
XV8 CRISIS BODYGUARD (32), Missile pod x2 (30), Target lock (5), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15), Gun drone x2 (24) [106 pts]
HQ2 : (warlord) COMMANDER SHADOWSUN [135 pts]

Elite1 : XV104 RIPTIDE (180), ion accelerator (5), Early warning override (5), Position relay (5), Twin-linked fusion blaster (free) [195 pts]
Elite2 : XV104 RIPTIDE (180), ion accelerator (5), Early warning override (5), Position relay (5). Twin-linked fusion blaster (free) [195 pts]

Troop 1 : FIRE WARRIOR TEAM [54 pts]
Troop 2 : KROOT CARNIVORE SQUAD [60 pts]
Troop 3 : KROOT CARNIVORE SQUAD [60 pts]

HS1: SKY RAY MISSILE DEFENCE GUNSHIP (115), Blacksun filter (1) [116 pts]
HS2: SKY RAY MISSILE DEFENCE GUNSHIP (115), Blacksun filter (1) [116 pts]

PRIMARY TOTAL : [1849 pts.]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

Player 2: Дмитрий Krondor Лехно

ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Space Marines (chapter tactic: Iron Hands)
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT DESCRIPTION: Space Marines (chapter tactic: Imperial Fists)

HQ1. CHAPTER MASTER (130), artificer armour (20), bike (20), thunder hammer (30), Eternal shield (50), auspex (5), [255 pts] (warlord)
HQ2. CHAPTER MASTER (130), artificer armour (20), bike (20), power fist (25), storm shield (15), [210 pts]

Troop 1. 5 SCOUT SUQAD (55), camo cloacks (10), bolter/bolt-pistol (free) [65 pts]
Troop 2. 5 SCOUT SQUAD (55), camo cloacks (10), bolter/bolt-pistol (free) [65 pts]

HS1. 3 CENTURION DEVASTATOR SQUAD (190), 3 grav cannon/grav amp (3x20), [250 pts]
HS2. 3 CENTURION DEVASTATOR SQUAD (190), 3 grav cannon/grav amp (3x20), [250 pts]

SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Space Marines (chapter tactic: Imperial Fists)

HQ1. CHAPTER MASTER (130), artificer armour (20), bike (20), power fist (25), storm shield (15), [210 pts]

Troop 1. 5 SCOUT SUQAD (55), CCW/shotgun (free) [55 pts]

HS1. 4 CENTURION DEVASTATOR SQUAD (250), 4 t-l lascannons (4x20), 4 missle launchers (4x10), [370 pts]

HQ1. Coteaz (100), [100 pts]

Elites1. 5 acolits (5x4), [20 pts]

TOTAL: [1850 pts]

PLAYER 3: Michael (FOX) Lisitsa


HQ 1: NEMESOR ZANDREKH (185) staff of light (o), resurrection orb (o), phase shifter (o), sempiternal weave (o), [185 pts]
HQ 1.1: Royal Court 1:
HARBINGER OF DESPAIR (30), abyssal staff (o), [30 pts]
HARBINGER OF DESPAIR (30), abyssal staff (o), [30 pts]
HARBINGER OF ETERNITY (25), aeonstave (o), chronometron (15), [40 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), lightning field (10), [35 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]

HQ 2: (WARLORD) IMOTEKH THE STORMLORD (225), bloodswarm nanoscarabs (o), gauntlet of fire(o), phase shifter(o), phylactery(o), sempiternal weave(o), Staff of the Destroyer(o), [225 pts]
HQ 2.2 Royal Court 2:
HARBINGER OF DESPAIR (30), abyssal staff (o), [30 pts]
HARBINGER OF DESPAIR (30), abyssal staff (o), [30 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]

Elites1: 5 DEATHMARKS, [95 pts] in Transport 1
Elites2: 5 DEATHMARKS, [95 pts] in Transport 2

Troop 1: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 3
Troop 2: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 4
Troop 3: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 5
Troop 4: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 6

Transport 1 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Elite 1
Transport 2 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Elite 2
Transport 3 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 1
Transport 4 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 2
Transport 5 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 3
Transport 6 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 4

FORTIFICATION: IMPERIAL BASTION (75), communicational relay (20), [95 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

Player 4: Konstantin "Stormtrooper" Kuzmin


HQ1: Inquisitor Coteaz (warlord) [100]

Troop1: Inquisitorial Henchmen warband, 3 warrior acolyte (3x4), [12 pts]
Troop2: Inquisitorial Henchmen warband, 3 warrior acolyte (3x4), [12 pts]
Troop3: Inquisitorial Henchmen warband, 3 warrior acolyte (3x4), [12 pts]
Troop4: Inquisitorial Henchmen warband, 3 warrior acolyte (3x4), [12 pts]
Troop5: Inquisitorial Henchmen warband, 3 warrior acolyte (3x4), [12 pts]

FA1: Stormraven gunship (205), Twin-linked assault cannon (o), Twin-linked multimelta (o), hurricane bolters (30), Psybolt ammunition (20), [255]
FA2: Stormraven gunship (205), Twin-linked assault cannon (o), Twin-linked multimelta (o), hurricane bolters (30), Psybolt ammunition (20), [255]
FA3: Stormraven gunship (205), Twin-linked assault cannon (o), Twin-linked multimelta (o), hurricane bolters (30), Psybolt ammunition (20), [255]

HQ1: Royal Court 1:
HARBINGER OF DESPAIR (30), abyssal staff (o), [30 pts]
HARBINGER OF ETERNITY (25), aeonstave (o), chronometron (15), [40 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]
HARBINGER OF THE STORM (25), voltaic staff (o), [25 pts]

Elites1: 5 DEATHMARKS, [95 pts] in Transport 1

Troop 1: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 2
Troop 2: 5 NECRON WARRIORS, [65 pts] in Transport 3

Transport 1 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Elite 1
Transport 2 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 1
Transport 3 - NIGHT SCYTHE, [100 pts] transporting Troop 2

FORTIFICATION: IMPERIAL BASTION (75), communicational relay (20), [95 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 5: Alexey Krolik Filatov



HQ1 : (Warlord) Autarh (70), Shuriken Pistol, Eldar Jetbike (15), Mantle of the Laughing God (40), Banshee Mask (5), Fusion Gun (10), Laser Lance (10) [150 pts]

Elite1 : 5 Fire Dragons in Transport1 [110 pts]
Elite2 : 5 Fire Dragons in Transport2 [110 pts]

Troop1 : 5 Dire Avengers in Transport3 [65 pts]
Troop2 : 5 Dire Avengers in Transport4 [65 pts]
Troop3 : 5 Dire Avengers in Transport5 [65 pts]
Troop4 : 5 Dire Avengers in Transport6 [65 pts]
Troop5 : 3 Windrider Guardians (51), Shuriken Cannon (10) [61 pts]
Troop6 : 3 Windrider Guardians (51), Shuriken Cannon (10) [61 pts]

FA1 : 5 Warp Spiders [95 pts]
FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders [95 pts]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spiders [95 pts]

Transport1 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Elite1 [135 pts]
Transport2 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Elite2 [135 pts]
Transport3 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Troop1 [135 pts]
Transport4 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Troop2 [135 pts]
Transport5 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Troop3 [135 pts]
Transport6 : Wave Serpent (115), Twin Shuriken Catapult, Twin Scatter Laser (5), Holo-fields (15), transporting Troop4 [135 pts]

PRIMARY TOTAL : [1847 pts]

TOTAL : [1847 pts]
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TEAM : Kowabunga
Player: Vitek ЗiToochka
Army: Description: TAU Empire with allied Eldar
HQ1: Commander (warlord), command and control node 15, Multi-spectrum sensor suite 20, puretide engram chip 15, vectored retro-thrusters 5, flamer 5) [145 pts]
HQ2: Ethereal [50 pts]
HQ3: Farseer, Eldar Jetbike 15 [115 pts]
Elite1: XV104 Riptide, twin-linked fusion blaster, ion accelerator 5, Early warning override 5, Velocity Tracker 20 [210 pts]
Elite2: XV104 Riptide, twin-linked fusion blaster, ion accelerator 5, Early warning override 5, Velocity Tracker 20 [210 pts]
Troops1: Kroot carnivore squad, includes Kroot hound*1 5 [65 pts]
Troops2: Kroot carnivore squad, includes Kroot hound*1 5 [65 pts]
Troops3: Kroot carnivore squad, includes Kroot Hound*1 5 [65 pts]
Troops4: Kroot carnivore squad [60 pts]
Troops5: Wind Rider Jetbike Squad [51 pts]
FA1: Pathfinder team, includes 2 additional pathfinders [66 pts]
HS1: XV88 Broadside Team, includes 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui 130, Broadside Shas'vre upgrade 10 [290 pts]
XV88 Broadside Shas'ui (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, early warning override 5, missile drone*2 24)
XV88 Broadside Shas'ui (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, early warning override 5, missile drone*2 24)
XV88 Broadside Shas'vre (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, Advanced Targetting system 3, shield drone*2 24)
HS2: XV88 Broadside Team, includes 2 additional Broadside Shas'ui 130, Broadside Shas'vre upgrade 10 [218 pts]
XV88 Broadside Shas'ui (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, early warning override 5)
XV88 Broadside Shas'ui (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, early warning override 5)
XV88 Broadside Shas'vre (twin-linked high-yield missile pod, twin-linked smart missile system, Advanced Targetting system 3)
HS3: Wraithknight [240 pts]

Total: 1850 pts

Player: Evgeniy Aaz13 Rigo
Army: description Grey Knights with allied Necrons

HQ1: Inquisitor Coteaz [100 pts] (warlord)

Troops1: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband [113 pts]
- 3x Jokaero Weaponsmith, 3*35
- 2x Warrior Acolyte, 2*4

Troops2: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband [120 pts]
- 3x Crusader, 3x15
- 3x Death Cult Assassin, 3x15

FA1: Stormraven Gunship, Searchlight [206 pts]
FA2: Stormraven Gunship, Searchlight [206 pts]

HS1: Nemesis Dreadknight [130 pts]
HS2: Nemesis Dreadknight [130 pts]
HS3: Nemesis Dreadknight [130 pts]

Allied detachment Necrons [620 pts]
HQ1: Destroyer Lord 125, Sempiternal Weave 15, Mindshackle Scarabs 20 [160 pts]

Troops1: Immortals [85 pts]
Troops2: Immortals [85 pts]

HS1: Annihilation Barge [90 pts]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100 pts] for Troops1
Transport2: Night Scythe [100 pts] for Troops2

Imperial Bastion 75 , Comms Relay 20 [95 pts]

Total: [1850 pts]

Player: Tinkivinki
Army: Eldar

HQ1: Farseer (100), bike(15), : [115 pts] [warlord]
HQ2: Spiritseer (70) : [70 pts]

Troops1: 5xdire avenger (65) in transport 1: [65 pts]
Troops2: 5xdire avenger (65) in transport 2: [65 pts]
Troops3: 5xdire avenger (65) in transport 3: [65 pts]
Troops4: 5xWrathguard (160) in transport 4: [160pts]
Troops5: 3xWindrider Jetbike squad (51) : [51 pts]

Transport1:Wave Serpent (115), scatter laser(5),:[120 pts]
Transport2:Wave Serpent (115), scatter laser(5),:[120 pts]
Transport3:Wave Serpent (115), scatter laser(5),:[120 pts]
Transport3:Wave Serpent (115), scatter laser(5), halo-fields (15):[135 pts]

Fast attack:
FA1: 5 Warp Spiders : [95 Pts]
FA2: 5 Warp Spiders : [95 Pts]

Heavy support:
HS1: 3xVaul's wrath support battery (90): [90 pts]
HS2: Wraithknigh (240): [240 pts]
HS3: Wraithknigh (240): [240 pts]

TOTAL [1846]

PLAYER: Alexander "F9SSS" Loginov

HQ1 : Kairos Fateweaver - Warlord [300 Pts]
HQ2a : Herald of Khorne (55), Lesser Reward (10), Lesser Reward (10), Greater Locus of Fury (20), Juggernaut of Khorne(45)[140 Pts]
HQ2b : Herald of Tzeentch Exalted Reward (30), Psyker (Mastery Level 3)(50), Disc of Tzeentch (25) [150 Pts]
HQ2c : Herald of Tzeentch Exalted Reward (30), Psyker (Mastery Level 3)(50), Disc of Tzeentch (25) [150 Pts]
HQ2d : Herald of Tzeentch Lesser Reward (10), Psyker (Mastery Level 3)(50), Disc of Tzeentch (25) Exalted Locus of Conjuration (25) [155 Pts]

Troop1: 10x Daemonettes of Slaanesh [90 Pts]
Troop2: 14x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (36), Blasted Standard(20), Indescent Horror (14)[160 Pts]
Troop3: 14x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (36), Blasted Standard(20), Indescent Horror (14)[160 Pts]

Fast Attack 1: 20 Flesh Hounds of Khorne [320 Pts]
Fast Attack 1: 9 Screamers of Tzeentch [225 Pts]

Player: Alexander ЗSkivИ Dynkin
Army: Space Marines (Ultramarines) with allied Imperial Guard

Primary Detachment Р Ultramarines

HQ1 Tigurius (warlord) [165]
HQ2 Chapter Master (bike(20); artificer armour(20); shield eternal(50); thunder hummer(30)) [250]

TROOPS1 5 Tactical Squad (flamer(5); combiflamer(10);DEDICATED TRASPORT1) [85]
TROOPS2 5 Tactical Squad (melta(10); combimeta(10) DEDICATED TRANSPORT2) [90]

HS1 StormRaven Gunship (multimelta; lascannon) [200]
HS2 3 Devastator Centurions (3*gravgun w grav amplifier (60)) [250]
HS3 Thunder Fire Cannon [100]


Secondary Detachment Р Imperial Guard
HQ1 Company Command Squad (lascannon(20); vox(5); regimental standard(15)) [90]

TROOPS1 Infantry Platoon
TROOPS1.1 Platoon Command Squad (3*flamer (15)) [45]
TROOPS1.2-1.5 4xIinfantry Squad (4 lascannon(80); 3 melta bomb(15); vox(5)) [300]

FA1 Vendetta [130]

Bastion [75]




Player1: Евгений "Arsanar" Климов
Primary Detachment: Chaos Daemons
HQ1: Kairos Fateweaver (300) [300] (warlord)

HQ2: Heralds of Chaos (0)
Herald of Tzeentch(45) with Exalted Reward (30);Psyker(Mastery Level 3)(50);Disc of Tzeentch(25) [150]
Herald of Tzeentch(45) with Exalted Reward (30);Psyker(Mastery Level 3)(50);Disc of Tzeentch(25) [150]
Herald of Tzeentch(45) with Greater Reward (20);Lesser Reward (10);Exalted Locus of Conjuration(25);Psyker(Mastery Level 3) (50); Disc of Tzeentch(25) [175]
Herald of Tzeentch(45) with Greater Reward (20);Lesser Reward (10);Psyker(Mastery Level 3) (50); Disc of Tzeentch(25) [150]

Fast Attack1: 9 Screamers of Tzeentch (9x25) [225]

Troops1:10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (9x10) [90]

Troops2:10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (9x10) [90]

Allied Detachment: Dark Eldars
HQ1: Baron Sathonyx (105) [105]

Elite1: 3 Kabalite Trueborn (3*12) with plasma grenades(3) in Transport1 [39]

Troops1: 5 Kabalite Warriors (45) in Transport2 [45]

Transport1: Venom (55) with Splinter Cannon (10) transport Elite1 [65]
Transport2: Venom (55) with Splinter Cannon (10) transport Troops1 [65]

Fort.: Firestorm redoubt [200]
Total Army Cost: 1849

Player2:Вячеслав "Amarok" Анохин
Primary Detachment: Eldar

HQ1: Eldrad Ulthran (205) [205] (warlord)
HQ2: 5 Spiritseer (5*70) [350]

Troops1: 10 Wraithblades with Ghostaxes and Forceshields in Transport1 (10*32) [320]
Troops2: 5 Dire Avengers in Transport2 (5*13) [65]
Troops3: 5 Dire Avengers in Transport3 (5*13) [65]

Transport1: Wave Serpent with Holo-fields (15) and Twin Scatter Laser (5) [135]
Transport1: Wave Serpent with Holo-fields (15) and Twin Scatter Laser (5) [135]
Transport1: Wave Serpent with Holo-fields (15) and Twin Scatter Laser (5) [135]

Allied Detachment: Tau Empire

HQ1: Tau Commander (85) with XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit (25), Vectored Retro-thrusters (5), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15), Stimulant Injector (15), Shield Generator(25) [170]

Troops1: 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad (10*6) [60]

Elite1: XV104 Riptide (180) with Twin Fusion Blaster, Ion Accelerator (5), Early Warning Override (5), Velocity Tracker (20) [210]

Total Army Cost: 1850

Player3:Виктор "Cka304huk" Андреев
Primary Detachment: Necrons

HQ1a: Nemesor Zahndrekh (185) [185] (warlord)

HQ1b: Vangard Obyron (160) [160]

HQ1c: Royal Court (0) [520]
Harbinger of Eternity(25) with Chronometron(15)
Harbinger of Destruction(35) with Gaze of Flame(10)
Harbinger of the Storm(25)
Harbinger of the Storm(25) with Lightning Field(10)
5 Necron Lord (175) with 5 Warscythe(50); 5 Mindshackle Scarabs(75); 5 Sempiternal Weave(75)

HQ2: Destroyer Lord (125) with Warscythe(0); Mindshackle Scarabs(20); Sempiternal Weave(15) [160]

TROOPS1: 5x Necron Warriors (5*13) in Transport1 [65]
TROOPS2: 5x Necron Warriors (5*13) in Transport2 [65]
TROOPS3: 5x Necron Warriors (5*13) in Transport3 [65]
TROOPS4: 5x Necron Warriors (5*13) in Transport4 [65]
TROOPS5: 5x Necron Warriors (5*13) in Transport5 [65]

TRANSPORT1: Night Scythe transport TROOPS1 [100]
TRANSPORT2: Night Scythe transport TROOPS2 [100]
TRANSPORT3: Night Scythe transport TROOPS3 [100]
TRANSPORT4: Night Scythe transport TROOPS4 [100]
TRANSPORT5: Night Scythe transport TROOPS5 [100]

Total Army Cost: 1850

PLAYER4: Максим "Rassiel" Корнильев
Primary Detachment: Tyranids

HQ1: The Parasite of Mortrex (Warlord) [160]

Elite1: The Doom of Malan’tai [90] in transport1 [40]

Troops1: Tervigon Stinger Salvo(0) Catalyst(15) [175]
Troops2: 10 Termagant Brood [50] in transport2 [40]
Troops3: 10 Termagant Brood [50] in transport3 [40]
Troops4: 10 Termagant Brood [50] in transport4 [40]
Troops5: 10 Termagant Brood, toxin sacs(10) [60] in transport5 [40]
Troops6: 11 Termagant Brood [55] in transport6 [40]

Fast1: 9 Ravener Brood Rending Claws(45); Scything Talons(0) [315]

Heavy1: Mawloc [170]
Heavy2: Mawloc [170]
Heavy3: Mawloc [170]

Fort: Imperial Bastion(75) with Comms relay(20) [95]

transport1: Mycetic Spore [40]
transport2: Mycetic Spore [40]
transport3: Mycetic Spore [40]
transport4: Mycetic Spore [40]
transport5: Mycetic Spore [40]
transport6: Mycetic Spore [40]

Total Army Cost: 1850

Player5:Михаил "Слепой инвалид" Севостьянов
Primary Detachment:Grey Knights

HQ1: Lord Kaldor Draigo [275 pts] (warlord)

HQ2: Inquisitor Coteaz [100 pts]

Troop 1: Paladin Squad:10 Paladins(550); 4 Nemesis Force Swords; 5 Nemesis Daemon Hammers; 4 Psycannons(80); Psybolt Ammunition (20); Brotherhood Banner(25); Apothecary(75) [750]

Troop2: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband:3 Warriors acolytes(3*4) [12]

HS1: Nemesis Dreadknight(Nemesis Greatsword[25]; Heavy Incinerator[30]) [185]
HS2: Nemesis Dreadknight(Nemesis Greatsword[25]; Heavy Incinerator[30]) [185]
HS3: Nemesis Dreadknight(Heavy Incinerator[30]) [160]

Allied Detachment: Inquisition

HQ3: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor[25](Null Rod[25]; Psyocculum[25] Liber Heresius[15]; Power Armour[8]) [98]
HQ4: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor[25](Psychotroke grenades[15]; Rad grenades[15]; The Tome of Vethric[20]; Power Armour[8]) [83]

Total Army Cost: 1848


PLAYER 1: Leonid «Klaivex» Monchinskiy


HQ 1: Commander: Puretide Engram Neurochip Command and Control Node; Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite; Vectored Retro-thrusters (140)(Warlord)
НQ 2: Etherial [50]

Elite 1: XV104 Riptide: Ion Accelerator , twin linked fusion blaster, early warning override velocity tracker: [210]
Elite 2: XV104 Riptide: Ion Accelerator , twin linked fusion blaster, early warning override velocity tracker: [210]
Elite 3: XV104 Riptide: Ion Accelerator , twin linked fusion blaster, velocity tracker: [205]

Troop1: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60)
Troop2: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60)
Troop3: Kroot Carnivore Squad (60)

FA 1: 5 Pathfinders: [55]
FA 2: 5 Pathfinders: [55]

HS 1: 3 XV88 Broadsides (195): 3 High Yield Missile Pods (0), 3 early warning overrides (15), 3 Smart Missile Systems (0) [210]
HS 2: 3 XV88 Broadsides (195): 3 High Yield Missile Pods (0), 3 Smart Missile Systems (0), 3 Advanced Targeting System [204]


HQ 1: Eldrad Ulthran [205]

Troop 1: 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad [51]

FORTIFICATION: Imperial Bastion [75]

ARMY TOTAL: [1850pts]

PLAYER 2: Natalya «Evil Fox» Rogoznaya

HQ1 Hive Tyrant (170), 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (30), Wings(60), Old dversary(25),Leech Essence(0), Paroxism(0); [285] Pts
HQ2:Hive Tyrant (170), 2xTwin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (30), Wings(60),Leech Essence(0), Paroxism(0), Old dversary(25),Warlord; [285] Pts

Elite1: The Doom of Malan'tai in transport 1; [90]
Elite2: Zoantrope Brood in transport 2 [120]

Troops1: Tervigon(160),Cluster Spines(0),Adrenal Glands(10),Toxin Sacs(10), Catalyst(15); [195]
Troops2: Tervigon(160),Cluster Spines(0),Adrenal Glands(10),Toxin Sacs(10); Catalyst(15); [195]
Troops3: 10 Termagant Brood, Devourers in transport 3; [100] Pts
Troops4: 10 Termagant Brood [50]

Heavy Support 1: Mawlock [170]
Heavy Support 2: Mawlock [170]

Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40]
Transport2: Mycetic Spore [40]
Transport3: Mycetic Spore [40]

FORTIFICATION: Aegis Defence Line Commis Ray 70

Total Roster Cost: 1850

PLAYER 3: Andrey "Gatades" Zheldochenko

HQ1: Vangard Obyron [160] [warlord]
HQ2: Destroyer Lord: warscythe,mindshackle scarabs, sempiternal wave [160]

Troops1: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport1]
Troops2: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport2]
Troops3: 5x Necron Warrior [65] [transport3]
Troops3: 10x Necron Immortals: gauss blaster [170]

FA1: 6x Canoptek Wrights [210]
FA2: 6x Canoptek Wrights [210]
FA3: 5x Canoptek Wrights [175]

HS1: Annihilation barge [90]
HS2: Annihilation barge [90]
HS3: Annihilation barge [90]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100]
Transport3: Night Scythe [100]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER 4: Roman " Schulz" Shinkarenko

HQ1:Kairos Fateweaver Warlord [300 pts]
HQ2: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, Mastery level 3 (50pts), Exalted Reward (30pts), Exalted Locus of Conjuration (25pts) [175 pts]
HQ2: Herald of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, Mastery level 3 (50pts), Exalted Reward (30pts) [150 pts]
HQ2 : Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut (45 pts), Greater Reward (20pts), Lesser Reward (10pts) Greater Locus of Fury [150 pts]
HQ2 : Herald of Khorne, Juggernaut (45 pts), Greater Reward (20pts), Lesser Reward (10pts) [130 pts]

Troop 1 : 11 Horrors of Tzeentch, [99]
Troop 2 : 11 Horrors of Tzeentch, [99]

FA1: Flesh Hounds of Khorne, 15x16 pts [240 pts]

FA2: Flesh Hounds of Khorne, 16x16 pts [256 pts]

Screamers of Tzeentch, 7x25 pts [175 pts]

FORTIFICATION: Imperial Bastion [75]



PLAYER 5: Sergey "Obama" Andreenkov

HQ 1: Daemon Prince (160):The Black Mace; Daemon of Tzeentch; Power Armour; Wings (Warlord) [265 pts]
Troop 1: 10 Chaos Cultists :[50]
Troop 2: 10 Chaos Cultists:[50]

FA 1: Heldrake: Bale Flamer - [170]
FA 2: Heldrake: Bale Flamer - [170]
FA 3: Heldrake: Bale Flamer - [170]

TOTAL: 875


HQ 1: Overlord(90): Warscythe, Mindshakle Scarabs, Ressurection orb [145]

HQ 1a: Royal Court: Cryptek Harbinger of Despair (30): Veil of Darkness [60]

Elite 1: 5 Deathmarks: [95] in Transport 1

Troop 1: 5 Necron Warriors: [65] in Transport 2
Troop 2: 5 Necron Warriors: [65] in Transport 3

HS1: Doom Scythe [175]

Transport 1: Night Scythe - [100],
Transport 2: Night Scythe - [100],
Transport 3: Night Scythe - [100],


FORTIFICATION: Aegis Defense Line (50), Comms Relay (20): [70]

"Разящая Клешня!"

TEAM : Разящая Клешня!
PLAYER 1: Мандрыка Algelion Кирилл(Капитан)
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Eldar + allied detachment Dark eldar

HQ1 : Farseer(warlord)(100) + jetbike(15) [115]

HQ 1.1 : 10 Warlocks(10x35) + jetbikes(10x15)+ 1 singing spear(5) [505]

HQ2 : Farseer(100) + jetbike(15) [115]

Troop 1 : 5 dire avengers [65] [Transport 1]
Troop 2 : 5 dire avengers [65] [Transport 2]
Troop 3 : 5 dire avengers [65] [Transport 3]

FA1: Crimson hunter Exarch [180]

Allied detachment Dark Eldars:

HQ1: Baron Satonyx [105]

Troops 1: Kabalite warriors [45] [Transport 4]

HS1 : Ravager + flicker field [115]

Transport 1 : Wave serpent + T-L scatter lasers + holo-fields [135]
Transport 2 : Wave serpent + T-L scatter lasers + holo-fields [135]
Transport 3 : Wave serpent + T-L scatter lasers + holo-fields [135]
Transport 4 : Venom +splinter cannon + gristy trophies [70]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER2 : Andrii, Voron, Tatarynov
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Space Wolves with Space Marines(Raven Guard) ally.

HQ1 : Wolf Lord Ajnar Swoopingraven (warlord)
+runic armor + thunder hammer + storm shield + thunder wolf mount+ saga of bear +wolf tail talisman + wolf tooth neklace [275 pts]
HQ2 : rune Priest Oleg soothsayer
+runic armor+bike + jaws of the world wolf + living lightning [155 pts]

Troop 1 : grey hunter pack (5 models) [75 pts]
Troop 2 : grey hunter pack (5 models) [75 pts]

FA1: Thunder wolf cavalry (5 models) + thunder hammer + storm shield
+ storm shield [340 pts]

HQ1 : Chapter Master Andilar Corvinus +Artificer Armour + space marine bike
+thunder hammer + Shield Eternal [250 pts]

Elite1 : Vanguard Veteran squad (10 models) + 10x jump packs
Serg.: Thunder Hammers + Storm Shield + 3x Storm Shield + 2x lightning claws + 2x Power axe [350 pts]

Troop 1 : Space marines bike squad(7 models) + veteran sergeant with power fist +2x grav-gun
+Attack Bike with multi-melta [246 pts]

FA 1: Space marines bike squad (3 models) + 2x meltagun = [83]

TOTAL [1849pts]

PLAYER 3: Сергей Орк Мороз
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Space marines White scars + allied detachment Dark Angels
HQ1 : (warlord)Kor'sarro Khan (125) Power armour; Bolt Pistol; Moonfang; Frag grenades; Krak grenades; Iron Halo; moondrakkar(25) [150pt]

HQ2 : Space marine Chapter Master(130) Iron halo; Artificer armour(20); Frag grenades; Krak grenades; thunder hammer(20); The Shield Eternal(50); Space Marine Bike(25); auspex(5) [250pt.]

HQ1.1: Command squad(100) + bikes(35) + Apothecary(15) + 3xstorm shield(3x10) + 3 grav guns (3x15) + power fist (25) + 2 power weapons (2x15) + company champion (15)[295]

Troop 1 : 5x - Bike Squad(105) + Combi-grav(10) + Gravgun(2x15) [145pt.]
Troop 2 : 5x - Bike Squad(105) + Combi-grav(10) + Gravgun(2x15) [145pt.]
Troop 3 : 5x - Bike Squad(105) + Combi-grav(10) + Gravgun(2x15) [145pt.]

FA1: Attack bike (45) + multi melta(10) [55]

HS1: Storm raven gunship + T-L multi melta(0) + hurricane bolters(30) [230]

Allied detachment Dark Angels

HQ 1: Samael – 200

Troops 1: Scout squad(60) + sniper rifle[60]

Fast attack 1: Ravenwing Attack Squadron (80) + plazmagun (2x15) + melta bomb(5)+ attck bike(45) + multi-melta(10)[175]

TOTAL [1850pts]

PLAYER 5: Грановский Моргомир Дмитрий
HQ1 : Necron Overlord (warlord) (90) + warscythe (10) + mindshacke scarabs (15) + sempiternal weave (15) + resurrection orb (30) [ 160 pts ] [Transport 1]
HQ1.1 : Royal court [85 pts]
* Harbynger of despair (30) + abyssal staff (0)
* Harbynger of despair (30) + abyssal staff (0)
* Harbynger of the storm (25) + voltaicl staff (0)
HQ2 : Necron Overlord (90) + warscythe (10) + mindshacke scarabs (15) + sempiternal weave (15) + resurrection orb (30) [ 160 pts ] [Transport 2]
HQ2.1 : Royal court [85 pts]
- Harbynger of despair (30) + abyssal staff (0)
- Harbynger of despair (30) + abyssal staff (0)
- Harbynger of the storm (25) + voltaicl staff (0)
Elite1 : 5 deathmarks [95 pts] [Transport 3]
Elite2 : 5 deathmarks [95 pts] [Transport 4]
Troop 1 : 5 necron warriors [65 pts] [Transport 5]
Troop 2 : 5 necron immortals [85 pts] [Transport 6]
Troop 3 : 5 necron immortals[85 pts] [Transport 7]
HS1: Annihilation barge [90 pts]
HS2: Annihilation barge [90 pts]
HS3: Annihilation barge [90 pts]
Transport1 : Catacomb command barge (80) + gauss cannon (0) [80 pts]
Transport2 : Catacomb command barge (80) + gauss cannon (0) [80 pts]
Transport3: Night scythe [100pts]
Transport4: Night scythe [100pts]
Transport5: Night scythe [100pts]
Transport6: Night scythe [100pts]
Transport7: Night scythe [100pts]

TOTAL [1845pts]

PLAYER 4: (Николай, Лысый, Матийченко)
HQ1 : (Bel'Akor) [350 pts]
HQ2 : (Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, Wings, Power armor, 3 mastery levels, Black mace)[340 pts]
Troop 1 : 11x Cultists, 9x Autogun, Heavy stubber, Shotgun [70pts]
Troop 2 : 11x Cultists, [54pts]
FA1: Helldrake, baleflamer [170pts]
FA2: Helldrake, baleflamer [170pts]
FA3: Helldrake, baleflamer [170pts]
HS1: Havocs, 4xAutocannons [115 pts]
HS2: 2x Obliterators, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War. [158 pts]
HS3: 2x Obliterators, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War. [158 pts]
Fortification: Bastion with comms relay [95 pts]
TOTAL [1850 pts]


TEAM: Tidehunters

Игрок 1 - Андрей "{T}Анфариус" Анферов
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Imperial Guard+Grey Knights
HQ 1: Company Command Squad (50), 3 plasmaguns (15x3=45), 1 bolt pistol (1x2), 1 flamer (1x5)[102 pts] in Transport 1 - Warlord
HQ 2: Inquisitor Coteaz [100];

Troops 1: Veteran squad (70), 3 plasmaguns (15x3=45) [115 pts] in Transport 2
Troops 2: Veteran squad (70), 3 plasmaguns (15x3=45) [115 pts] in Transport 3
Troops 3: Veteran squad (70), 3 meltaguns (10x3=30) [100 pts] in Transport 4
Troops 4: Inquisitorial Henchnen Warband: 3 Acolytes (3x4=12), with 3 plasmaguns (3x10=30) [42 pts] in Transport 5

Fast attack 1: Vendetta gunship: add Vendetta (130) [260 pts]
Fast attack 2: Vendetta gunship: [130 pts]
Fast attack 3: Vendetta gunship: [130 pts]

Heavy Support 1: Manticore (heavy bolter) [160 pts]
Heavy Support 2: Manticore (heavy bolter) [160 pts]
Heavy Support 3: Nemesis Dreadknight (130), heavy incinerator (30) [160 pts]

Transport 1: Chimera Armoured Transport (multilaser,heavy flamer): [55 pts]
Transport 2: Chimera Armoured Transport (multilaser,heavy flamer): [55 pts]
Transport 3: Chimera Armoured Transport (multilaser,heavy flamer): [55 pts]
Transport 4: Chimera Armoured Transport (multilaser,heavy flamer): [55 pts]
Transport 5: Chimera Armoured Transport, searchlight (1) (multilaser,heavy flamer): [56 pts]

Total: [1850 pts]

Игрок 2 - Иван "{T}Адмирал Свегдог" Титов
HQ1: Imotekh the stormlord (warlord) [225]
HQ2: 4 crypteks, 4 harbingers of the storm, 4 voltaic staff [100]

Troops1: 5 necron warriors [65], mount in Transport1
Troops2: 5 necron warriors [65], mount in Transport2
Troops3: 5 necron warriors [65], mount in Transport3
Troops4: 5 necron warriors [65], mount in Transport4

FA1: 6 Canoptek Wraiths [210]
FA2: 6 Canoptek Wraiths [210]
FA3: 5 Canoptek Wraiths [175]

HS1: Annihilation barge [90]
HS2: Annihilation barge [90]
HS3: Annihilation barge [90]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100]
Transport3: Night Scythe [100]
Transport4: Night Scythe [100]

Total 1850

Игрок 3 - Сергей "Lot {T}" Мхитарян
Primary Detachment: Chaos Daemons

HQ1 : Lord of Change - Warlord, Greater Reward (2х20), 1 Lesser Reward (10), Mastery Level 3 (25) [305pts]
HQ2 : Lord of Change - 2х Greater Reward (2х20), 1 Lesser Reward (10), Mastery Level 3 (25) [305pts]

Troop 1: 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (15x9), Alluress (5) [140]
Troop 2: 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (15x9), Alluress (5) [140]
Troop 3: 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (15x9), Alluress (5) [140]
Troop 4: 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh (15x9), Alluress (5) [140]
Troop 5: 11 Horrors of Tzeentch (11x9), Indescent Horror (5)[104]
Troop 6: 11 Horrors of Tzeentch (11x9) [99]

FA1: 7 Screamers of Tzeentch (7x25) [175]

HS 1: Soulgrinder (135), Daemon of Slaanesh (15) [150]
HS 2: Soulgrinder (135), Daemon of Slaanesh (15) [150]

ARMY TOTAL [1848pts]

Игрок 4 - Егор "{T}Ghost_from_warp" Нечаев


HQ 1: Commander Farsight [165] (Warlord)
HQ 2: Crysis Bodyguard Team, 7 Crysis [224], 12 Missile Pod [180], 6 Target Lock [30],
Repulsor Impact FIeld [10], Puretide Engram Neurochip [15], Neuroweb System Jammer [2],
Command and Control Node [15], Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite [20], 5 Gun Drones [60] —-- [556]
HQ 3: Commander Shadowsun [135]

Troops 1: Kroot Carnivore Squad, 11 Kroots [66], Kroot hound [5] —-- [71]
Troops 2: Kroot Carnivore Squad, 10 Kroots [60], Kroot hound [5] —-- [65]

Elite 1: XV104 Riptide [180], Twin Smart Missile System [0], Ion Accelerator [5], Early Warning Override [5] —-- [190]

Heavy Support 1: XV88 Broadside Team, 3 Broadside [195], Shas'vre [10], 3 Twin High-yield Missile Pod [0], 3 Velocity Tracker [60], 6 Missile drone [72] —-- [337]

Fast Attack 1: Pathfinder Team, 5 Pathfinders [55] —-- [55]
Fast Attack 2: Pathfinder Team, 5 Pathfinders [55] —-- [55]

ALLY DETACHMENT: Space marines [220]

HQ 1: Chief Librarian Tigurius [165]

Troops 1: Scout Squad, 4 Scouts [44]. Sergeant [11], 5 CC Weapons [0], 5 Bolt Pistol [0] —- [55]

Total [1849]

Игрок 5 - Юрий "{T}Юстас" Сташевский
Army - Space marines + dark angels

HQ1: Kor'Sarro Khan: Moondrakkan (warlord) (150)
HQ2: Dark Angels librarian: auspex, bike, mastery level 2 (125)
HQ3: Ravenwing command squad: 3 bikes, ravenwing grenade launcher, apothecary (150)

Troops1: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops2: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops3: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops4: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops5: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops6: 5 bikers, 2*grav-gun, combi-grav (145)
Troops7: 5 DA scouts, 5 sniper rifles (60)

FA1: 4 Ravenwing black knights, 1 ravenwing grenade launcher (168)
FA2: 2 attack bikes, 2 multimelta (110)
FA3: 2 attack bikes, 2 multimelta (110)

HS1- Thunderfire canon (100)


"Redneck Rampage"

TEAM : Redneck Rampage

PLAYER: Сергей “Arisk” Матвеев


HQ1: Imotekh the Stormlord [225] [Warlord]
HQ2.0: Royal Court
HQ2.1: Harbinger of the Despair with Abyssal Staff [30 pts]
HQ2.2: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]
HQ2.3: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]
HQ2.4: Harbinger of the Eternity with Aeonstave and Chronometron [40 pts]
HQ3: Overlord (90) with Warscith(10), MindScarabs(15), Phase Shifter (45), Orb(30) and Sempiternal Weave(15) - 205 Pts
HQ4: Royal Court
HQ4.1: Harbinger of the Despair with Abyssal Staff [30 pts]
HQ4.2: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]
HQ4.3: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]

Elite1: 5 Deathmarks (19*5) in Transport 1 [95 pts]

Troops1: 5 Necron Warriors(13*5) in Transport 2 [65 pts]
Troops2: 5 Necron Warriors(13*5) in Transport 3 [65 pts]
Troops3: 5 Necron Warriors(13*5) in Transport 4 [65 pts]
Troops4: 5 Necron Warriors(13*5) in Transport 5 [65 pts]

HS1: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon [90 pts]
HS2: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon [90 pts]
HS3: Annihilation Barge with Tesla Cannon [90 pts]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport3: Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport4: Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport5: Night Scythe [100 pts]

Fortification: Imperial Bastion(75) with Comms relay(20) [95 pts]

Total Army Cost: 1850


PLAYER: Никита "Спирт" Епанчинцев

Space Marines (White Scars) + Dark Angels allies

SM detachment:
HQ1: Korsarro Khan (Moondrakkan) - 150 [warlord]
HQ1.1: Command Squad (4xGrav-gun; 2xStorm Shiels; Power Fist; Apothecary; Space marines Bikes) - 255
HQ2: Chapter Master (The Shield Eternal; Thunder Hammer (x1); Digital Weapons; Artificer Armour; Space Marine Bike) - 260

Troops1: Bike Squad: 4xBikes (2xGrav-gun)+Attack Bike (Multi-melta) - 169
Troops2: Bike Squad: 4xBikes (2xGrav-gun)+Attack Bike (Multi-melta) - 169
Troops3: Bike Squad: 5 bikes (2xFlamer) - 115

FA1: 1xAttack Bike (Multi-melta) - 55
FA2: 1xAttack Bike (Multi-melta) - 55

HS1: Thunderfire Cannon - 100

DA allies:

HQ1: Librarian ( Auspex; Displacer Field; Force Axe; Space Marine Bike; Psyker (Level 2)) - 150
HQ1.1 : Ravenwing Command Squad: 5xBikes (Ravenwing Grenade Launcher; Apothecary) - 230

Troops1: Scout Squad - 60

FA1: Ravenwing Darkshroud - 80

Total - 1848 pts


PLAYER: Андрей "Lord Konstantine" Коньков

Chaos Space Marines + Necron Allies

CSM detachment

HQ1: Daemon Prince (armour; wings; The Black Mace; Daemon of Tzeentch) [265] [warlord]

Troops1: 10 Cultists (50)
Troops2: 10 Cultists (50)

FA1: Heldarke (baleflamer) [170]
FA2: Heldarke (baleflamer) [170]
FA3: Heldarke (baleflamer) [170]

Necron allies

HQ1: Necron Overlord (Warscythe) [100]
HQ2.0: Royal Court
HQ2.1: Harbinger of the Despair with Abyssal Staff [30 pts]
HQ2.2: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]
HQ2.3: Harbinger of the Storm with Voltaic Staff [25 pts]

Troops1: 5 Necron Warriors in Transport1 [65]
Troops2: 5 Nercon Warriors in Transport2 [65]

Elite1: 5 Necron Deathmarks in Transport3 [95]

Heavy Support1: Doom Scythe [175]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100]
Transport3: Night Scythe [100]

Fortifications: Bastion; Comms Relay [95]

Total: 1850 pts


PLAYER: Вячеслав "Зл00й Усениц" Скоробогатов


HQ1: Eldrad Ulthran 205
HQ2: Autarch (Shuriken Pistol; Laser Lance; Fusion Gun; Mantle of the Laughing God;
Eldar Jetbike) 145

Troop1: 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad (Shuriken Cannon) 61
Troop2: 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad (Shuriken Cannon) 61
Troop3: 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad (Shuriken Cannon) 61
Troop4: 3 Windrider Jetbike Squad (Shuriken Cannon) 61

FA1: 7 Warp Spider (Warp Spider Exarch with Fast Shot) 153
FA2: 7 Warp Spider (Warp Spider Exarch with Fast Shot) 153

HS1: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (Shadow Weavers) 90
HS2: War Walker Squadron 3x War Walkers (Scatter lasers; Starcannon) 210

Tau allies

HQ1: Tau commander 'deathrain' (Missle Pod x2; Puretide Engram Neurochip; XV8-02
Crisis Iridium Battlesuit; Target Lock; Velocity Tracker) 180

Troop1: 6 Fire warrior team 54

Elites1: XV104 Riptide (Twin Fusion Blaster; Ion Accelerator; Early Warning Override; Velocity
Tracker) 210

HS1: XV88 Broadside Team (Heavy Support) 3x Broadside Shas'ui (
Twin High-yield Missile Pod; Twin Smart Missile System; 2x Target Lock) 205



PLAYER: Александр "Пластун" Пластун

Imperial Guard+Space Marines (Ultramarines) allies+ Inquisition Detachment

Imperial Guard

HQ1: Company Command Squad (Regimental Standart; Vox Caster; Officer of the Fleet) in Transport 1 [100] [warlord]

Elites1: Guardsman Marbo [65]

Troops1: Infantry Platoon:
Troops1.1: Platoon Command Squad (4x Flamer) [50]
Troops1.2: Infantry Squad (Lascannon; Power Axe; Krak Grenades) [90]
Troops1.3: Infantry Squad (Lascannon; Power Axe; Krak Grenades) [90]
Troops1.4: Infantry Squad (Lascannon; Power Axe) [80]
Troops1.5: Infantry Squad (Lascannon; Krak Grenades; Vox Caster)[85]
Troops1.6: Special Weapons Squad (3x flamers) [50]
Troops2: Veterans Squad (3x Meltagun) [100]

FA1: Vendetta Gunship [130]
FA2: Vendetta Gunship [130]
FA3: Vendetta Gunship [130]

Transport 1: Chimera Armoured Carrier [55]

Fortification: Bastion; Comms Relay [95]

Space Marines (Ultramarines) Allies:
HQ1: Chief Librarian Tigurius [165]
Trooops1: 5x Scouts [55]
HS1: 3x Centurion Devastator Squad (3xGrav Cannons; Omniscope; Missle Launcher) [270]

Inquisition Detachment
HQ1: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (Psyker 1 lvl; Rad grenades; Psychotroke Greandes; 3x Servo Skulls; Liber Heresius) [109]

Total Army Cost:1849

"Тлен и безысходность"

TEAM : (Тлен и безысходность)
PLAYER 1: (Сергей Starrok Стажило-Алексеев)

HQ1: 1 Farseer (Singing Spear) [105]
HQ2: 1 Spiritseer [70]
Troop1: Dire Avengers [65] in Transport 1
Troop2: Dire Avengers [65] in Transport 2

FA1: (1 Crimson Hunter (Exarch) [180])

HS1: 6 Dark Reapers (Starshot Missiles, 1 Exarch (Fast Shot, Starshot Missiles)) [250] in Transport 3
HS2: 3 Vaul's Wraith Support Battery (D-cannons) [165]

Transport1 : Wave Serpent (Holo-fields; Twin Shuriken Catapult; Twin Scatter Laser) [135]
Transport2 : Wave Serpent (Holo-fields; Twin Shuriken Catapult; Twin Scatter Laser) [135]
Transport3 : Wave Serpent (Holo-fields; Shuriken Cannon; Twin Scatter Laser) [145]

HQ1: Tau Commander (Command and Control Node; Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite; Puretide Engram Neurochip; XV8-02 Crisis Iridium Battlesuit; Stimulant Injector) [175]

Troop 1: 10 Kroot Carnivore Squad [60]

Elite 1: XV104 Riptide (Twin Plasma Rifle; Ion Accelerator; Early Warning Override) [190]


Imperial Bastion (Icarus Lascannnon) @ [110]

TOTAL [1850]

TEAM : (Тлен и безысходность)
PLAYER 2: (Сергей Servius Абалакин)
ARMY DESCRIPTION : (Chaos Space Marines Supplement - Black Legion)

HQ1: Daemon Prince - Warlord (CCWeapon; Daemon of Tzeentch; Power Armour; Skull of Ker'ngar; Spell Familiar; The Eye of Night; The Spineshiver Blade; Wings; Psyker (Mastery Level 3)) - [455]
HQ2: Chaos Lord (CCWeapon; Bolt Pistol; Mark of Nurgle; Power Armour) [85]

Troop1: 7 Plague Marines (Meltagun (x1) [185] in Transport 1
Troop2: 7 Plague Marines (Meltagun (x1) [185] in Transport 2

FA1: 1 Helldrake (Baleflamer) [170]
FA2: 1 Helldrake (Baleflamer) [170]
FA3: 1 Helldrake (Baleflamer) [170]

HS1: 1 Obliterator (Mark of Tzeentch) [81]
HS2: 1 Maulerfiend (Magma Cutters (x2)) [125]
HS3: 1 Maulerfiend (Magma Cutters (x2)) [125]

Transport1: 1 Chaos Rhino (Havoc Launcher) [47]
Transport2: 1 Chaos Rhino (Havoc Launcher) [47]

TOTAL [1845]

TEAM : (Тлен и безысходность)
PLAYER 3: Андрей Savokus Савченко
ARMY DESCRIPTION : Space marine/inquisition

HQ1 : ORDO XENOS INQUISITOR,(Psyker (Mastery Level 1),The Grimoire of True Names, 3 servo-skulls, power armour ) [77] - Warlord

Elite1 : 10x Sternguard Veteran Squad (4xCombi-plasma, 4xCombi-melta, 2xmelta) [330] In transport 1

Troop 1 : 10xTACTICAL SQUAD (Veteran Sergeant, Flamer, Heavy bolter, Power sword) [180] In transport 2
Troop 2 : 10xTACTICAL SQUAD (Flamer, Missile launcher) [160] In transport 3
Troop 3 : 5х SCOUT SQUAD (Sniper rifle) [65]

HS1: 3xCenturion Devastator Squad (Grav-Cannons &Grav Amps, Hurricane Bolters, Omniscope) [260]
HS2: Stormraven Gunship (Twin Plasma Cannon; Typhoon missileLauncher, Hurricane Bolters (x2),Stormstrike Missiles (x4) [255]
HS3: Stormraven Gunship (win Lascannon, Twin Multi-melta, HurricaneBolters (x2),Stormstrike Missiles (x4) [230]

Transport1 : Drop Pod [35]
Transport2 : Drop Pod [35]
Transport3 : Drop Pod (Deathwind Launcher)[50]
TOTAL [1842]

TEAM : (Тлен и безысходность)
PLAYER 4: Александр Abberat Рогулин

HQ1: Imotekh the Stormlord [225] [warlord]
HQ 1.1: 2x Cryptek: harbinger of destruction [70]
HQ 1.2: 1x Cryptek: harbinger of storm [25]
HQ 1.3: 1x Cryptek: harbinger of despair, veil of darkness [60]
HQ 1.4: 1x Cryptek: harbinger of eternity, chronometron [40]
HQ 1.5: 1x Necron Lord: warscythe, resurrection orb, sempiternal weave, mindshackle scarabs [105]
HQ 1.6: 1x Necron Lord: warscythe, sempiternal weave, mindshackle scarabs [75]
HQ2: Nemesor Zahndrekh [185]
HQ 2.1: Vargard Obyron [160]
HQ 2.2: 1x Cryptek: harbinger of eternity, chronometron [40]

Troops1: 7x Necron Immortals: gauss blasters [119] [transport1]
Troops2: 5x Necron Warriors [65] [transport2]

FA1: 6x Canoptek Wraiths [210]

HS1: Annihilation Barge: tesla cannon [90]
HS2: Annihilation Barge: tesla cannon [90]
HS3: Annihilation Barge: tesla cannon [90]

Transport1: Night Scythe [100]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100]

TOTAL [1849]

TEAM : (Тлен и безысходность)
PLAYER 5: Иван "Vanfred Blood" Филипчиков

HQ1 : Commander Farsight [165] [warlord]
HQ2 : Commander: fusion blaster, cyclic ion blaster, stimulant injector, target lock, 2x shield drone, neuroweb system jammer, onager gauntlet, puretide engram neurochip, XV8-02 crisis 'Iridium' battlesuit [206]

Elite1 : XV-8 Crisis Team
Elite1.1: Crisis Shas'vre: vectored retro-thrusters, 2x shield drones, command and control node, multi-spectrum Sensor Suit [96]
Elite1.2: Crisis Shas'ui: 2x plasma rifle, target lock, 2x gun drone [81]
Elite1.3: Crisis Shas'ui: 2x plasma rifle, target lock, 2x gun drone [81]
Elite2 : XV-104 Riptide: ion accelerator, twin-linked fusion blaster, early warning override, velocity tracker [210]
Elite3 : XV-104 Riptide: ion accelerator, twin-linked plasma rifle, early warning override, stimulant injector [225]

Troops1 : 10x Kroot Carnivore squad [60]
Troops2 : 6x Fire Warrior team: Pulse rifle [54]

FA1 : 6x Pathfinder team [66]
FA2 : 7x Pathfinder team [77]
FA3 : 7x Pathfinder team [77]

HS1 : Hammerhead: submunition rounds, twin-linked Smart missile system, disruption pod [145]
HS1.1: Longstrike [45]
HS2 : Sky Ray: twin-linked Smart missile system, disruption pod [130]
HS3 : Sky Ray: twin-linked Smart missile system, disruption pod [130]

TOTAL [1848]



PLAYER 1: Михаел zoRGe Агапитов
ARMY: Dark Angels Ravenwing

HQ1 : Sammael [200 pts] - Warlord
HQ2 : Ravenwing command squadron [120], two additional[80], ravenwing grenade launcher [0], ravenwing company banner [15] [215 pts]
HQ3: Librarion [65], psiker level 2 [35], auspex[5], space marines bike [20], displacer field[25]
[150 pts]
HQ4: Ravenwing command squadron [120], two additional[80], ravenwing grenade launcher [0],
standart of fortitude[85][285 pts]

Troop 1 : Ravenwing attack squadron [80] 2X plasmagun [30], attack bike[45], multi-melta[10]
Troop 2 : : Ravenwing attack squadron [80] 2X plasmagun [30], attack bike[45], multi-melta[10]
Troop 3 : Ravenwing attack squadron [80], 2X meltagun [20 ], comby-melta [10], attack
bike[45] multi-melta[10], auspex[5] [170pts]

FA1: Black knights [126], two additional[84], ravenwing grenade launcher [0] [210 pts]
FA2: Black knights [126], two additional[84], ravenwing grenade launcher [0] [210 pts]

FA3: Darkshroud [80 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 2: Олег, RaptoR, Андреев
ARMY: Orcs

HQ1 : Warboss [60], Power Klaw [25]; Cybork Body 10]; Warbike 40]; Bosspole [5];
Stikkbombz [0] [ 140 pts] - Warlord
HQ2 : Big Mek [35], Choppa 0]; SAG [60]; 3XGrot ammo runt [9] [104 pts]

Elite1 : 10 Lootas [150 Pts]
Elite2 : 9 Lootas [ 135 Pts]
Elite 3 : 9 Lootas [ 135 Pts]

Troop 1 : 26 OrkBoyz [156], 1 Nob [10], Power Klaw[25]; Slugga[0]; Bosspole[5] [196 pts]
Troop 2 : 30 Ork Boyz [180], 26XShoota [0]; 3X Big Shoota [15], 1 Nob [10], Power Klaw [25];
Slugga[0]; Bosspole[5] [ 235pts]
Troop 3 : 9 Nobz [180], 8XSlugga [0]; 5X Choppas [0]; 3X Power Klaw [75];Waaagh! banner
[15]; 9X Warbike[225]; Bosspole [5]; 9X Cybork Body [45], Painboy [30][ 575 pts]

FA1: 1 Dakkajet [130 Pts]

FORT: Aegis defense line [50 Pts]

TOTAL [1850pts]

PLAYER 3: Сережа “я_вовсе_не_пониёб” Клочков
ARMY: Тематичные Блады и Союзные Некронсы

HQ1: Librarian (100), Shield of Sanguinius (0), Unleash Rage (0), Terminator Armour+Storm Shield (45) [145 pts]

Elite1: Brother Corbulo (105) [105 pts]
Elite2: Terminator Assault Squad (200), 2 Thunder Hammer+Storm Shield (10) [210 pts]

Troops1: Scout Squad (75), add 5 Scouts (65), 10 Shotguns (0), Meltabombs (5) [145 pts]
Troops2: Scout Squad (75), Sniper Rifles (0) [100 pts]

HS1: Stormraven (200), Multi-melta (0), Lascannon (0) [200 pts]
HS2: Stormraven (200), Multi-melta (0), Lascannon (0) [200 pts]
HS3: Whirlwind [90 pts]

Necrons Detachment:

HQ1: Overlord (90), Warscythe (10), Phase Shifter (45), Sempiternal Weave (15) [160 pts] in Transport1

Troops1: Necron Warriors [65 pts] in Transport2
Troops2: Necron Warriors [65 pts] in Transport3

Transport1: Catacomb Command Barge (80), Gauss Cannon (0) [80 pts]
Transport2: Night Scythe [100 pts]
Transport3: Night Scythe [100 pts]

Fortification: Bastion (75), Icarus Lascannon (35) [110 pts]

TOTAL: 1850

PLAYER 4: Сергей Мароченков
ARMY: Necron

HQ1: 1 Imotekh the Stormlord - Warlord [225 Pts] - Warlord
HQ2: Necron Overlord, Warscythe; Mindshackle Scarabs; Phase Shifter; Phylactery;
Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weave [220 Pts] in Transport1
HQ3: 1 Royal Court : 1 Harbinger of Eternity, Aeonstave; Timesplinter Cloak; Chronometron
[70 Pts]
HQ4: 1 Royal Court: 1 Necron Lord, Warscythe; Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weave; 1
Necron Lord, Warscythe; Resurrection Orb; Sempiternal Weave [180 Pts]

Troop 1 : 10 Necron Immortals, Tesla Carabines [170 Pts]
Troop 2 : 10 Necron Immortals, Tesla Carabines [170 Pts]

FA1: 7 Canoptek Scarabs [105 Pts]
FA2: 6 Canoptek Scarabs [90 Pts]
FA3: 6 Canoptek Scarabs [90 Pts]

HS1: 3 Canoptek Spyder @ 150 Pts
HS2: 3 Canoptek Spyder @ 150 Pts
HS3: 3 Canoptek Spyder @ 150 Pts

Transport1 : Catacomb Command Barge Tesla Cannon [80 Pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 5: Михаил Fion Ястреб
ARMY: Sisters of Battles

HQ1 : Uriah Jacobus [100 pts] - Warlord
HQ2 : Ministorum Priest [25], Litanies of Faith [15], bolt pistol [1] [41 pts]

Troop 1 : Sisters of Battle squad, 5 sisters [60], meltagun [10], heavy flamer[10], combi-
melta[10] [90 pts] in transport 1
Troop 2 : Sisters of Battle squad, 5 sisters[60], meltagun[10], heavy flamer[10], combi-melta[10]
[90 pts] in transport 2
Troop 3 : Sisters of Battle squad, 5 sisters[60], meltagun[10], heavy flamer[10], combi-melta[10]
[90 pts] in transport 3
Troop 4 : Sisters of Battle squad, 5 sisters[60], meltagun[10], heavy flamer[10], combi-melta[10]
[90 pts] in transport 4
Troop 5 : Sisters of Battle squad, 5 sisters[60pts]

FA1: Dominion Suad, 5 sisters[65], 4*meltagun[40] [105 pts] in transport 5
FA2: Dominion Suad, 5 sisters[65], 4*meltagun[40] [105 pts] in transport 6
FA3: Dominion Suad, 5 sisters[65], 4*meltagun[40] [105 pts] in transport 7

HS1: Exorcist [125 pts]
HS2: Exorcist [125 pts]
HS3: Exorcist [125 pts]

Transport1 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport2 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport3 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport4 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport5 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport6 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]
Transport7 : Immolator [60], twin-linked multimelta[0] [60 pts]

Inquisitorial detachment

HQ1 : Ordo Xenos Inquisitor, 3*servo-skulls] [34 pts ]
Elite1 :Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband: 5XDeath Cult Assassin (power axe + power sword),
4*Crusader (power axe), 2*Acolyte (ccw +las pistol) [143 pts]

TOTAL [1848 pts]

"Сотрудники фирмы"

TEAM: Сотрудники фирмы
Alexey Bakun
Imperial Guard

HQ1:Company Command Squad (Plasma Gun x4)Transport1 [110]
HQ2:Company Command Squad (Meltagun x4) [90]

Elite1:3 Ratling Squad [30]

Troop1:Veteran Squad (Plasma Gun x3)Transport2 [115]
Troop2:Veteran Squad (Plasma Gun x3)Transport3 [115]
Troop3:Veteran Squad (Plasma Gun x3)Transport4 [115]
Troop4: Infantry Platoon:
Troop4.1:Platoon Command Squad(Meltagun x4)Transport5 [70]
Troop4.2:Infantry Squad(Flamer) [55]
Troop4.3:Infantry Squad(Flamer) [55]

FA1:Vendetta (x1) [130]
FA2:Vendetta (x1) [130]
FA3:Vendetta (x1) [130]

HS1:Manticore (Heavy Flamer) [160]
HS2:Leman Russ Exterminator (Heavy Bolter x3) [170]

Transport1:Chimera (Heavy Bolter x1, Multi Laser) [55]
Transport2:Chimera (Heavy Bolter x1, Multi Laser) [55]
Transport3:Chimera (Heavy Flamer x1, Multi Laser) [55]
Transport4:Chimera (Heavy Flamer x1, Multi Laser) [55]
Transport5:Chimera (Heavy Bolter x1, Multi Laser) [55]

Fortification:Aegis Defence Lines (Quad-gun) [100]

Total [1850]

Pogorelov Nikolay
Grey Knight + Tau Empire allies


HQ1: Inquisitor Coteaz [100]
HQ2: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor; Chainsword; Bolt Pistol; Carapace Armour; Hammerhand [55]

Troop1: 9 Warrior Acolytes, 3 Jokaero Weaponsmith [141]
Troop2: 9 Warrior Acolytes, 3 Inquisitorial Servitors, Plasma Cannon (x3) [96]
Troop3: 10 Warrior Acolytes, Boltgun (x10), 2 Jokaero Weaponsmith [120]
Troop4: 6 Warrior Acolytes, Boltgun (x2), Meltagun (x1) Transport1 [36]
Troop5: 12 Warrior Acolytes, Boltgun (x10), Meltagun (x2) Transport2 [78]
Troop6: 12 Warrior Acolytes, Boltgun (x10), Meltagun (x2) Transport3 [78]

HS1: Dreadnought, Twin Autocannon (x2), Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight [136]
HS2: Dreadnought, Twin Autocannon (x2), Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight [136]
HS3: Dreadnought, Twin Autocannon (x2), Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlight [136]

Transport1: Razorback; Twin Heavy Bolter; Psybolt Ammunition; Searchlight [51]
Transport2: Inquisitorial Chimera; Heavy Bolter (x1); Multi Laser; Searchlight [56]
Transport3: Inquisitorial Chimera; Heavy Bolter (x1); Multi Laser; Searchlight [56]


HQ1: Tau Commander; Command and Control Node; Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite; 1 Shield Drone [132]

Elite1: XV104 Riptide; Twin Smart Missile System; Ion Accelerator; Early Warning Override; Velocity Tracker; 1 Shielded Missile Drone [235]

Troop1: 12 Fire Warrior Team; Pulse Rifles [108]

Fortification:Aegis Defence Lines (Quad-gun) [100]

TOTAL [1850]

Ilya Zharovtcev

HQ1: The Swarmlord [280]
HQ1.1: 1 Tyrant Guard; Scything Talons [60]
HQ2: Hive Tyrant Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2); Wings; Leech Essence; Paroxism [260]

Elite1: 3 Hive Guard Brood [150]
Elite2: 2 Hive Guard Brood [100]
Elite3: The Doom of Malan'tai; Transport1 [90]

Troop1: 16 Termagant Brood; Devourers; Transport2 [160]
Troop2: 10 Termagant Brood; Fleshborers [50]
Troop3: Tervigon; Cluster Spines; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst [185]
Troop4: Tervigon; Cluster Spines; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst [185]

HS1: Trygon Prime; Toxin Sacs [250]

Transport1: Mycetic Spore [40]
Transport2: Mycetic Spore [40]

TOTAL [1850]

Михаил Колпащиков, Reinmar
ARMY DESCRIPTION : (Space marines (Imperial Fists - Sentinels of Terra))
HQ1 : Captain - Warlord. Combi-grav; Bolt Pistol; Artificer Armour; Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades; Space Marine Bike; Twin-linked Boltgun; [140]

Elite1 : Centurion Devastator Squad #3 Twin Lascannons; Missile Launchers; Omniscope [290]
Elite2 : Legion of the Damned #5 Multi-melta; Meltagun; Combi-melta [155]

Troop 1 : Scout #5 Squad Sniper Rifles; Camo Cloaks; [70]
Troop 2 : Bike Squad #5 Bolt Pistols; Grav-gun (x2); Combi-grav; [145]

FA1: Stormtalon Gunship Skyhammer Missile Launcher; [125]

HS1: Thunderfire Cannon [100]
HS2: Thunderfire Cannon [100]
HS3: Stormraven Gunship Twin Assault Cannon; Twin Multi-melta; [200]

Allied detachment: (Adepta sororitas)
HQ1: Canoness Combi-melta (x1); [75]
Troop 1 : Battle Sister Squad #5 Boltguns, Bolt Pistols, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades; Heavy Bolter; [70]
FA1: Dominion Squad #5 Meltagun (x4); Combi-melta in Transport1[115]
HS1: Exorcist [125]
Transport1 : Sororitas Rhino [40]

Inquisitorial detachment:
HQ1: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor Psyk-out Grenades; Force sword; Bolt Pistol; Carapace Armour; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Hammerhand; Psyker (Level 1); [70]
Elite1 : Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband #3 Boltgun (x3); Laspistols / Chainswords [15]
Elite2 : Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband #3 Boltgun (x3); Laspistols / Chainswords [15]

TOTAL [1850pts]

Andrey "Wood" Baturin


Farseer[100], singing spear[5], Eldar jetbike[15], Mantle of the Laughing God[40] [160]


5 Dire Avenger [200] Transport 1
5 Dire Avenger [200] Transport 2
3 Windrider Jetbike Squad Shuriken cannon[10] [61]


5 Fire Dragons [245] Transport 3
5 Fire Dragons [245] Transport 4

Fast Attack

7 Warp Spiders [133]
7 Warp Spiders [133]
5 Warp Spiders [95]

Heavy Support

Nightspinner [115]
Nightspinner Holo-fields[15] [130]
Nightspinner Holo-fields[15] [130]


Transport 1:Wave Serpent TL Scatter laser[5] Holo-fields[15] [135]
Transport 2:Wave Serpent TL Scatter laser[5] Holo-fields[15] [135]
Transport 3:Wave Serpent TL Scatter laser[5] Holo-fields[15] [135]
Transport 4:Wave Serpent TL Scatter laser[5] Holo-fields[15] [135]

Point 1847


PLAYER1: Lev "Dale Cooper"
HQ1: 1xHive Tyrant WARLORD [280]
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x1); Bonesword; Lash Whip; Regeneration [20]; Toxin Sacs [10]; Leech Essence; Paroxism; Old Adversary [25]; Armoured Shell [40]
1xTyrant Guard [60]
Scything Talons

HQ2: 1xTervigon [200]
Cluster Spines; Scything Talons; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst

ELITE1: 2xVenomthrope Brood [110]

ELITE2: 2xHive Guard Brood [100]

ELITE3: 2xHive Guard Brood [100]

TROOP1: 1xTervigon [190]
Cluster Spines; Scything Talons; Toxin Sacs; Catalyst

TROOP2: 10xTermagant Brood (Troops) [100]

TROOP3: 10xGenestealer Brood [200]
1 Broodlord

TROOP4: 15xHormagaunt Brood (Troops) [150]
Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs

HS1: 1xMawloc [170]

HS2: 1xCarnifex [190]
Twin Devourer with Brainleech Worms (x2)

Models in Army: 48
Total Army Cost: 1850

PLAYER2: Max "Angelizer"

HQ1: 1xKeeper of Secrets - Warlord [235]
Greater Reward (x2); Psyker (Mastery Level 2)

HQ2: 1xHerald of Slaanesh #1 @ [95] Pts
Exalted Reward (x1); Greater Locus of Swiftness
HQ3: 1xHerald of Slaanesh #2 @ [75] Pts
Exalted Locus of Beguilement

TROOP1: 18xDaemonettes of Slaanesh [162]

TROOP2: 10xBloodletters of Khorne [100]

FA1: 4xPlague Drones of Nurgle [168]

ELITE1: 3xFlamers of Tzeentch [69]

HS1: 1xDaemon Prince [330]
Daemonic Flight; Warp-forged Armour; Greater Reward (x2); Daemon of Slaanesh; Psyker (Mastery Level 3)

HS2: Daemon Prince [305]
Daemonic Flight; Warp-forged Armour; Greater Reward (x2); Daemon of Slaanesh; Psyker (Mastery Level 2)

HS3: Daemon Prince [305]
Daemonic Flight; Warp-forged Armour; Greater Reward (x2); Daemon of Slaanesh; Psyker (Mastery Level 2)

Total Army Cost: 1844

PLAYER3: Pavel the Irbin


HQ1 : Baron Sathonyx - [105 pts] - Warlord

Elite1 : Kabalite Trueborn (x3) with Splinter Cannon (x2) [20 pts] in Transport 1 - [56 pts]
Elite2 : Kabalite Trueborn (x3) with Splinter Cannon (x2) [20 pts] in Transport 2 - [56 pts]

Troop1 : Kabalite Warriors (x5) with Blaster (x1) [15 pts] in Transport 3 - [60 pts]
Troop2 : Kabalite Warriors (x5) with Blaster (x1) [15 pts] in Transport 4 - [60 pts]

FA1 : Beastmasters (х5) with Khymerae (х10) [120 pts], Razorwing Flocks (х6) [90 pts] - [270 pts]
FA2 : Beastmasters (х5) with Khymerae (х9) [108 pts], Razorwing Flocks (х6) [90 pts] - [258 pts]

HS1 : Ravager with Dark Lance (х3), Night Shields [10 pts] - [115 pts]
HS2 : Ravager with Dark Lance (х3), Night Shields [10 pts] - [115 pts]
HS3 : Ravager with Dark Lance (х3), Night Shields [10 pts] - [115 pts]

Transport1 : Venom with Splinter Cannon (x2) [10 pts] - [65 pts]
Transport2 : Venom with Splinter Cannon (x2) [10 pts] - [65 pts]
Transport3 : Venom with Splinter Cannon (x2) [10 pts], Grisly Trophies [5 pts] - [70 pts]
Transport4 : Venom with Splinter Cannon (x2) [10 pts], Grisly Trophies [5 pts] - [70 pts]

Eldar allies:

HQ3 : Farseer with Eldar Jetbike [15 pts], Singing Spear [5 pts] - [120pts]

Troop3 : Rangers (x5) - [60 pts]

FA3 : Warp Spiders (x10) - [190 pts]

TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER4: Alex "Khornach"

HQ1: Ahriman [230] WARLORD
HQ2: Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (Power Armor, Wings, Chaos Reward - Gift of mutation, Chaos Artefact - The Black Mace) [275]

Troop1: 10 Chaos Cultists [50]
Troop2: 10 Chaos Cultists [50]

FA1: Heldrake, Baleflamer [170]
FA2: Heldrake, Baleflamer [170]

HS1: 3 Obliterators, Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War [237]
HS2: 3 Obliterators, Veterans of the Long War [219]
HS3: 6 Havocs, 4 Autocannons [128]

Alies-HQ: Herald of Tzeentch (Psyker-3 master level, Exalted Reward, Exalted Locus of Conjuration ) [150]
Alies-Troops: 19 Pink Horrors [171]

TOTAL: 1850

PLAYER5: Stas "John Doe"

HQ1: Wolf Lord [270] - WARLORD
runic armour; thunder hammer; storm shield; Thunderwolf mount; wolftooth necklace; Saga of the Bear

HQ2: Wolf Priest [110]
Wolf Amulet; Crozius Arcanum; Fang of Morkai; power armour; bolt pistol; Saga of the Hunter

HQ3: Rune Priest [100]
Thunderclap; Living Lightning; power armour; runic weapon; bolt pistol; Psyker (Mastery Level 1)

ELITE1: Lone Wolf in Terminator Armour [85]
Terminator armour; thunder hammer; storm shield. Acute Senses; Counter-attack; Fearless; Pack fo One; A Glorious Death; Beastslayer.

ELITE2: 6 Wolf Guard [288]
6? Terminator armour; 2? storm bolter; combi-melta; wolf claw; storm shield; cyclone missile launcher; 3? power axes; wolf claw; power fist; chainfist

TROOP1: 10 Grey Hunters [200]
plasma gun; plasma gun; power axe; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen; close combat weapons; boltguns; bolt pistols

TROOP2: 10 Grey Hunters [200]
plasma gun; plasma gun; power axe; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen; boltguns; bolt pistols;

TROOP3: 10 Grey Hunters [195]
meltagun; meltagun; power axe; Wolf Standard; Mark of the Wulfen; power armour; close combat weapons; boltguns; bolt pistols

HS1: Land Raider [260]
twin-linked heavy bolter; 2 twin-linked lascannons; smoke launchers; searchlight; multi-melta

HS2: 6 Long Fangs [140]
5? missile launcher; power armour; close combat weapons;
Squad Leader: close combat weapon; bolt pistol; power armour
Изменено пользователем Yawgmoth
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Minks & Dice 5 Tidehunters

Promethium 6 Viktory

Redneck Rampage 7 ZBS Team

Анклав 8 Донная фауна

Казан-орда 9 Легион

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"Сотрудников фирмы" посмотрели, кого воевать, знаем. А вот кем воевать - не понятно :-)))

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