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Пряник и Молот часть 3

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1) "Команда памяти Сиси Кэпвфэла" (Санкт-петербург)

Shinymetallass - Lizardmen Army

Slann Mage-Priest @ 445.0 General;BSB; Channeling Staff; Obsidian Amulet; Harmonic Convergence; Wandering Deliberations; Banner of Swiftness

Skink Priest @ 90.0 Magic Level 1; Lore of Beasts Dispel Scroll

Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 160.0 GW; LA;Dragonhelm; Dawn Stone;The Other Tricksters Shard; Cold One

Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 154.0 GW;Armour of Destiny; Cold One

Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 144.0 GW;Armour of Fortune;Dragonbane Gem; Cold One

10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Lustrian Javelin & Shield; Shield

10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Lustrian Javelin & Shield; Shield

10 Skinks Cohort @ 60.0 Lustrian Javelin; Shield; Musician

33+1 Saurus Warriors @ 404.0 FCG

24+1 Temple Guard @ 380.0 FCG

6 Cold One Cavalry @ 180.0

3 Ripperdactyl Riders @ 120.0

3 Ripperdactyl Riders @ 120.0

Total Army Cost: 2397.0


Spellweaver @ 250.0 Pts

General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Light; Longbow

Treeman Ancient @ 375.0 Pts

Annoyance of Netlings [25.0]

Cluster of Radiants [25.0]

Spellsinger @ 115.0 Pts

Magic Level 1; Lore of Light; Longbow

Dispel Scroll [25.0]

Spellsinger @ 125.0 Pts

Magic Level 1; Lore of Light; Longbow

Crown of Command [35.0]

Spellsinger @ 135.0 Pts

Magic Level 1; Lore of Light; Longbow

Obsidian Lodestone [45.0]

Noble @ 122.0 Pts

Battle Standard; Shield; Longbow

Hail of Doom Arrow [30.0]

20 Glade Guard @ 279.0 Pts


Standard of Discipline [15.0]

10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts


10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts


8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts

5 Treekin @ 325.0 Pts

5 Treekin @ 325.0 Pts

1 Great Eagle @ 50.0 Pts

1 Great Eagle @ 50.0 Pts

Models in Army: 66

Total Army Cost: 2499.0


Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: General, Light Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Cloak of Twilight, Dragonbane Gem, Ogre Blade, Enchanted Shield, 298

Supreme Sorceress: Level 4, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, 295

Master on Dark Pegasus: Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, BSB, Dawn Stone, Dragonhelm,The Other Tricksters Shard 209

Master on Dark Steed: Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Sword of Might, Potion of ST, Charmed Shield 135

34 Black Ark Corsairs: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 2ndWeapon 414

6 Dark Riders: 102

5 Dark Riders: 85

30 Har Ganeth Executioners: FCG,Gleaming Pendant, 395

2*5 Doomfire Warlocks: 125

2*1 Reaper Bolt Thrower: 70

5 Harpies @ 75.0 Pts

Total: 2398

WarChild - Vampire Counts Army

1 Vampire Lord @ 525.0 Pts


Lore of Vampires

Magic Level 4

Master of the Black Arts [75.0]

Aura of Dark Majesty [25.0]

Black Periapt [55.0]

Obsidian Lodestone [45.0]

1 Tomb Banshee @ 95.0 Pts

1 Tomb Banshee @ 95.0 Pts

1 Vampire @ 215.0 Pts

Battle Standard Bearer

Magic Level 2

Lore of Light

Forbidden Lore [25.0]

Book of Arkhan [25.0]

1 Necromancer @ 125.0 Pts

Magic Level 2

Lore of Death

Dispel Scroll [25.0]

1 Necromancer @ 65.0 Pts

Magic Level 1

Lore of Vampires

5 Dire Wolves @ 40.0 Pts

5 Dire Wolves @ 40.0 Pts

2 Fell Bats @ 32.0 Pts

2 Fell Bats @ 32.0 Pts

21 Zombies @ 68.0 Pts


20 Zombies @ 65.0 Pts


1 Spirit Hosts @ 45.0 Pts

1 Terrorgheist @ 225.0 Pts

37 Crypt Ghouls @ 390.0 Pts

1 Ghast @ [10.0] Pts

9 Crypt Horrors @ 342.0 Pts

Models in Army: 110

Total Army Cost: 2399.0

2) " Living Saints"

benge WoC (с)

Chaos Lord of Tzeentch; General; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Dragonhelm; Talisman of Preservation; Crown of Command; Soul Feeder; Flaming Breath; Daemonic Mount

@ 393.0 Pts

Chaos Sorcerer; Fire; Level 1; Chaos Armour; Dispel Scroll @ 135.0 Pts

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch; Shield; Battle Standard; Armour of Destiny; Scaled Skin; Daemonic Mount @ 253.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle @ 125.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle @ 125.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle @ 125.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds; Vanguard @ 40.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds; Vanguard @ 40.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds; Vanguard @ 40.0 Pts

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh; Flail; Throwing Axes; Musician @ 105.0 Pts

1 Chimera; Flaming Breath; Regenerating Flesh; @ 275.0 Pts

1 Chimera; Flaming Breath; Regenerating Flesh; @ 275.0 Pts

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Weapons @ 234.0 Pts

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Weapons @ 234.0 Pts

Models in Army: 34

Total Army Cost: 2399.0

аnglais (DoC)

Lord of Change: Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Metal; Lesser Gift. 495

Herald of Nurgle: Greater Locus of Fecundity; Greater Gift; Battle Standard. 210

Herald of Tzeentch:Lore of Tzeentch, Level 2, Wizard. 125

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch 130

10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch 130

23 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: Plagueridden; musician; standard bearer; Banner of Swiftness. 344

4 Beasts of Nurgle 240

5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Tzeentch. 70

5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Tzeentch. 70

5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Tzeentch. 70

Skullcannon of Khorne 135

3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: musician; Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis). 190

3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: musician; Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis). 190

2 399 points

Mr.Carloff (Emp)

1 Arch Lector; General; Prayers of Sigmar; Great Weapon; Heavy Amour; Obsidian Lodestone; Ironcurse Icon @ 159.0 Pts

1 Wizard Death; Level 4; Scroll of Shielding @ 215.0 Pts

1 Wizard Lord; Metal; Level 4; Dispel Scroll @ 225.0 Pts

1 Captain; GW; FPA; Battle Standard; Standard of Discipline @ 112.0 Pts

1 Captain; FPA; Pegasus; Sword of Might; Enchanted Shield; Dragonbane Gem; Potion of Foolhardiness; Swift as the Winds

@ 156.0 Pts

10 Archers @ 70.0 Pts

- 5 Archer @ 35.0 Pts

10 Archers @ 70.0 Pts

- 5 Archer @ 35.0 Pts

14 Archers @ 98.0 Pts

- 6 Archer @ 42.0 Pts

5 Knightly Orders; Musician; Preceptor @ 130.0 Pts

5 Knightly Orders; Musician @ 120.0 Pts

4 Demigryph Knights; Musician @ 242.0 Pts

5 Pistoliers; Musician @ 100.0 Pts

5 Pistoliers; Musician @ 100.0 Pts

1 Great Cannon @ 120.0 Pts

1 Great Cannon @ 120.0 Pts

1 Steam Tank @ 250.0 Pts

Hammer (DE)

Dreadlord: Giant Blade; Dragonhelm; Dawnstone; Ironcurse Icon; heavy armour; brace of repeater handbows; shield; Sea Dragon cloak. 267

Supreme Sorceress: Ring of Hotek; Dispel Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Beasts. 295

Death Hag: BSB; Banner of Swiftness; Witchbrew. 155

5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows. 100

5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows. 100

5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows. 100

24 Witch Elves: Hag; musician; standard bearer (Banner of Eternal Flame). 304

20 Shades: Bloodshade; musician; standard bearer; great weapons. 390

Reaper Bolt Thrower 70

Reaper Bolt Thrower 70

22 Har Ganeth Executioners: Draich Master; musician; standard bearer (Gleaming Pennant). 299

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

2.400 points

3) "Steadfast Brotherhood Vanilla style Team" (Москва)

TroR(С) – Emp

Arch Lector @ 264.0 Pts General; Prayers of Sigmar; Great Weapon; Heavy Amour; Charmed Shield; War Altar

Wizard Lord of the Light Order (Light) @ 245.0 Pts Magic Level 4; Lore of Light; Obsidian Lodestone

Battle Wizard of the Light Order (Light) @ 90.0 Pts Magic Level 1; Lore of Light; Dispel Scroll

Battle Wizard of the Light Order (Light) @ 80.0 Pts Magic Level 1; Lore of Light; Scroll of Shielding

Battle Wizard of the Light Order (Light) @ 65.0 Pts Magic Level 1; Lore of Light

Captain of the Empire @ 91.0 Pts Full Plate Armor; Battle Standard

39+1 Halberdiers @ 270.0 Pts Halberd; Light Armour; FCG

5 Knightly Orders @ 120.0 Pts Musician

5 Knightly Orders @ 120.0 Pts Musician

15+1 Spearmen @ 100.0 Pts Musician; Champion

4+1 Demigryph Knights @ 335.0 Pts FCG; Banner of Swiftness

Great Cannon @ 120.0 Pts

Steam Tank @ 250.0 Pts

Celestial Hurricanum @ 130.0 Pts

Luminark of Hysh @ 120.0 Pts

A095 – HE

High Elves Army

Prince on Star Dragon, General, Dragon Armour, Sword of Might, Charmed Shield, Golden Crown of Atrazar, The Other Tricksters Shard, 600

Noble, BSB, Great Weapon, Banner of the World Dragon, 149

Handmaiden of the Everqueen, Reaver Bow, Potion of Strength, 140

Mage, Magic Level 2, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Khaine's Ring of Fury, 170

Mage, Magic Level 2, Lore of Fire, Scepetre of Stability, 135

27 Archers, FCG, 300

3 x 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Spear, Normal Bow, Musician, 105

3 x 1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower, 70

2 x 5 Sisters of Averlorn, 70

1 Frostheart Phoenix, 240

Bash – Liz

Slann: BSB; Egg of Quango; Skavenpelt Banner; Obsidian Lodestone; Focus of Mystery; Reservoir of Eldritch Energy; Soul of Stone; Becalming Cogitation; DS: 595 Pts

Scar-Veteran: Light Armour; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation; Cold One: 156.0 Pts

Skink Priest: Level 1; Lore of Beasts; Cube of Darkness: 95.0 Pts

4x10 Skink Skirmishers: Javelin & Shield: 70.0 Pts

10 Skinks Cohort 60.0 Pts

2x14 Skinks Cohort: Musician; 1 Kroxigor: 130.0 Pts

28 Temple Guard: FC; Biting Blade: 432.0 Pts

3x3 Ripperdactyl Riders: 120.0 Pts

2x1 Salamander Hunting Packs: 3 Skink Handlers: 80.0 Pts

Алхок – Вампы

Vampire Lord @ 518 pts Level 3 Upgrade (Vampire); Nightmare (Barded); Heavy Armour; Shield; Ogre Blade; Talisman of Preservation; The Other Trickster's Shard; Quickblood; Red Fury; Beguile

Necromancer @ 125 pts Level 2 Upgrade (Vampire); Dispel Scroll

40 Crypt Ghouls @ 410 pts Champion

30 Skeleton Warriors @ 190 pts FCG; Banner of Eternal Flame

2 Fell Bats @ 32 pts

2 Fell Bats @ 32 pts

2 Fell Bats @ 32 pts

10 Hexwraiths @ 300 pts

7 Blood Knights @ 445 pts Musician; Standard Bearer; The Flag of Blood Keep

8 Crypt Horrors @ 314 pts Champion

4) "Пороховые обезьяны" (Рязань)


Droger (Александр Варывода) Капитан

1 Black Orc Warboss @ 253.0 Pts

General; Heavy Armour; Shield,Sword of Swift Slaying,Talisman of Preservation,Potion of Strength

1 Savage Orc Big Boss @ 204.0 Pts

Frenzy; Choppa; Great Weapon; Battle Standard,Mork's War Banner

1 Savage Orc Great Shaman @ 265.0 Pts

Frenzy; Magic Level 4; Big Waagh; Choppa,Crown of Command,Earthing Rod

1 Savage Orc Shaman @ 120.0 Pts

Frenzy; Magic Level 1; Big Waagh; Choppa,Lucky Shrunken Head

1 Goblin Big Boss @ 66.0 Pts

Light Armour; Shield,Tormentor Sword,Dragonhelm


1 Goblin Big Boss @ 61.0 Pts

Light Armour; Shield,Warrior Bane,Dragonbane Gem


1 Night Goblin Shaman @ 100.0 Pts

Magic Level 1; Little Waagh, Ruby Ring of Ruin,Dispel Scroll

2x5 Goblin Wolf Riders @ 50.0 Pts

Light Armour

32 Savage Big 'Uns @ 387.0 Pts

Frenzy; Second Choppa; Warpaint; FCG

21 Night Goblins @ 123.0 Pts

Shortbow; Musician

2 Fanatic

20 Night Goblins @ 120.0 Pts

Shortbow; Musician

2 Fanatic

2x1 Wolf Chariot(s) @ 50.0 Pts

4x1 Spear Chukka @ 35.0 Pts

2x1 Rock Lobber @ 85.0 Pts

2x1 Doom Diver @ 80.0 Pts

2x1 Mangler Squig @ 65.0 Pts

Монгол (Данила Зубок) Канонир

Arch Lector: General; War Altar; Heavy Amour; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation @ 304.0 Pts

Wizard Lord of the Light Order: Lvl 4; Sceptre of Stability; Obsidian Loadstone @ 260.0 Pts

Battle Wizard of the Light Order: Dispel Scroll @ 90.0 Pts

Battle Wizard of the Light Order: Scroll of Shielding @ 80.0 Pts

Battle Wizard of the Light Order @ 65.0 Pts

Captain of the Empire: BSB; Armour of Meteoric Iron; THW @ 141.0 Pts

41 Halberdiers: FCG @ 276.0 Pts

16 Spearman: Musician @ 90.0 Pts

5 Knightly Orders: Musician @ 120.0 Pts

5 Knightly Orders: Musician @ 120.0 Pts

4 Demigryph Knights: Musician @ 242.0 Pts

4 Demigryph Knights: Musician @ 242.0 Pts

Great Cannon @ 120.0 Pts

Great Cannon @ 120.0 Pts

Celestial Hurricanum @ 130.0 Pts

Bigfinger (Алексей) Штурвальный

1 Slann Mage-Priest General; 4 Discipline; Magic Level 4; Battle Standard;Wandering; Deliberations Soul of Stone; Becalming Cogitation; Harmonic Convergence; Channeling Staff; Standard of Discipline; Ironcurse Icon 470.0 Pts

Saurus Scar-Veteran Light Armour; Shield; Warrior Bane; Talisman of Preservation; Cold One 160.0 Pts

1 Saurus Scar-Veteran Great Weapon; Armour of Destiny; Cold One 154.0 Pts

1 Skink Priest Magic Level 1; Cube of Darkness; Dragonbane Gem; 100.0 Pts

39 Saurus Warriors Shield; Standard; Musician 449.0 Pts

3x10 Skink Skirmishers Blowpipe 70.0 Pts

27 Temple Guard Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; FCG; Banner of Swiftness; Halbred; Light Armour; Shield 437.0 Pts

1 Ancient Stegadon,Unstoppable Stampede; Sharpened Horns @ 260.0 Pts

2 Salamander Hunting Packs @ 160.0 Pts

Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Anarchist (Вячеслав Галкин) Юнга

Vampire Lord: General, 4 Level, Vampires, Gw, Ha, Red Fury, Talisman of Preservation, Nightshound, Aura of Dark Majesty, Beguile, The other Trickster's Shard; 531

Necromancer: 2 Level, Death, Dispell Scroll; 125

Necromancer: 2 Level, Death; 100

Vampire: BSB, 1 Level, Vampires, Book of Arkham, Dragonbane Gem, Warriorbane; 165

Tomb Banshee; 95

Cairn Wraith; 60

2*20 Zombies: Musician; 65

30 Zombies: FCG; 100

40 Crypt Ghouls: Champion; 410

8 Crypt Horrors; 304

3*6 Dire Wolves; 48

Terrorgheist; 225

5) "Нет, Сэм, кольцо моё" (Москва)

Следящий Во Тьме - Beastmen Army (С)

Beastlord @ 223.0 Pts

General; Shield; Sword of Might [20.0]; Trollhide Armour [50.0]; Dragonbane Gem [5.0];

Great Bray-Shaman @ 295.0 Pts

Lore of Beasts; Magic Level 4; Obsidian Lodestone [45.0]; Sceptre of Stability [15.0]

Bray Shaman @ 115.0 Pts

Lore of Beasts; Magic Level 1; Chalice of Dark Rain [40.0]

Bray Shaman @ 140.0 Pts

Lore of Death; Magic Level 2; Dispel Scroll [25.0]; Ironcurse Icon [5.0]

Wargor @ 206.0 Pts

Heavy Armour; Shield; Battle Standard; Beast Banner [75.0]; Gnarled Hide [15.0]

Wargor @ 139.0 Pts

2ndWeapon; Armour of Silvered Steel [45.0]; Luckstone [5.0]

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 35.0 Pts

Poison Attacks

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 35.0 Pts

Poison Attacks

50 Gor Herd @ 425.0 Pts

2ndWeapon; Standard; Musician; FCG

5 Ungor Raiders @ 30.0 Pts

5 Ungor Raiders @ 30.0 Pts

5 Ungor Raiders @ 30.0 Pts

1 Tuskgor Chariot @ 80.0 Pts

1 Tuskgor Chariot @ 80.0 Pts

14 Bestigor Herd @ 208.0 Pts

Standard; Musician

Banner of the Eternal Flame [10.0]

1 Gouge-horn @ [12.0] Pts

7 Minotaurs @ 409.0 Pts

2ndWeapon; FCG

Bloodkine: Warrior Bane [5.0]

4 Razorgors @ 220.0 Pts

Models in Army: 104

Total Army Cost: 2700.0

Граф Гришнак - Orcs & Goblins Army

1 Orc Warboss @ 350.0 Pts

General; Light Armour;Sword of Might [20.0];Charmed Shield [5.0];Talisman of Preservation [45.0];Ironcurse Icon [5.0]

1 Wyvern @ [160.0] Pts

1 Goblin Warboss @ 171.0 Pts

Light Armour; Shield;Wizarding Hat [100.0]

1 Goblin Big Boss @ 71.0 Pts

Light Armour; Shield;Dragonhelm [10.0];Potion of Foolhardiness [5.0];Warrior Bane [5.0]

1 Night Goblin Shaman @ 135.0 Pts

Magic Level 2; Little Waagh;Dispel Scroll [25.0];Ruby Ring of Ruin [25.0]

1 Black Orc Big Boss @ 150.0 Pts

Heavy Armour; Battle Standard;Enchanted Shield [5.0];Talisman of Endurance [30.0]

51 Night Goblins @ 218.0 Pts

Netters; Shield; Standard; Musician

34 Savage Big 'Uns @ 409.0 Pts

Frenzy; Second Choppa; Warpaint; FCG

1 Wolf Chariot(s) @ 50.0 Pts

1 Wolf Chariot(s) @ 50.0 Pts

8 Trolls @ 280.0 Pts

1 Trolls @ 35.0 Pts

1 Arachnarok Spider @ 290.0 Pts

1 Arachnarok Spider @ 290.0 Pts

Models in Army: 103

Total Army Cost: 2499.0

Грима Гнилоуст - Skaven Army

Grey Seer: General on Screaming Bell [200.0] Pts, Fencer's Blades [35.0], Skalm [30.0], Dragonbane Gem [5.0] @

510.0 Pts


1 * Assassin: Weeping Blade [30.0], Potion of Strength [20.0] @ 170.0 Pts

1 * Chieftain: Great Weapon, Shield, Battle Standard, Standard of Discipline [15.0] @ 91.0 Pts

1 Warlock Engineer: Magic Level 1, Dispel Scroll [25.0], Ironcurse Icon [5.0] @ 95.0 Pts

1 Warlock Engineer: Magic Level 2,Doom Rocket [30.0], Warp-Energy Condenser [20.0]

@ 150.0 Pts


32 Clanrats: FCG, Spear, shields @ 180.0 Pts

50 Skavenslaves: music, champion @ 106.0 Pts

40 Skavenslaves: music, champion @ 86.0 Pts

30 Skavenslaves: music, champion @ 66.0 Pts

35 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner @ 320.0 Pts


2x5 Gutter Runners: Poisoned Attacks; Sling @ 90.0 Pts


1 Plague Claw Catapult @ 100.0 Pts

2x Doomwheel @ 150.0 Pts

2x5 Giant Rats and 1 Packmasters [8.0] Pts @ 23.0 Pts

Models in Army: 217

Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Король-чародей Ангмара - Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord (501)

Ogre Blade; Talisman of Preservation; Charmed Shield; Red Fury; Quickblood; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of the Vampires;

hand weapon; heavy armour; The Hunger; Undead; Vampiric.

Tomb Banshee (95)

hand weapon; Ghostly Howl.

Necromancer (125)

Dispel Scroll; Level 2 Wizard; Lore of Death; hand weapon. Infantry (Character); Undead.

Vampire (161)

Obsidian Lodestone; Ironcurse Icon; Level 1 Wizard; Lore of the Vampires; hand weapon; shield; heavy armour, The

Hunger; Undead; Vampiric.

40 Skeleton Warriors (245)

FCG; Banner of Swiftness; hand weapons; light armour; shields

23 Zombies (79)

5 Dire Wolves (40)

24 Crypt Ghouls (250)

Crypt Ghast

5 Dire Wolves (40)

1 Spirit Host (45)

5 Hexwraiths (160)


3 Fell Bats (48)

3 Fell Bats (48)

4 Crypt Horrors (162)

Hand weapons; Poisoned Attacks; Regeneration (5+); Crypt Haunter

Varghulf (175)

hand weapon. Monster; Bestial Fury; Hatred; Regeneration; Terror; Undead; Vampiric.

Terrorgheist (225)

Monster; Death Shriek; Fly; Large Target; Regeneration (6+); Terror; Undead.

Total Army Cost: 2399

6) "Оголтелые" (Ростов-на-Дону)

Rondebar–Иван Ситьков(С)

Slaughtermaster: General, 4lvl, Lore of the Great Maw,Ironcurse Icon, Talisman of Preservation, Tricksters Helm, gw – 396;

Bruiser: BSB, Armour of Destiny, gw - 191;

Butcher:2lvl, Lore of the Heaven, Hellheart, gw - 194;

9 Ironguts: FCG, look-¬‐out-¬‐gnoblar, Standart of Discipline - 437;

8 Ironguts: champion – 354;

5 Mournfangs: heavy armour, ironfists, standartbearer, Dragonhide banner, musician -¬ 420;

Ironblaster - 170;

1 Sabretusk–21;

1 Sabretusk–21;

1 Sabretusk–21;

4 Leadbelchers - 172.


1 Grey Seer @ 325. General; Magic Level 4, Talisman of Preservation [45.0], Power Scroll [35.0], Ironcurse Icon [5.0]

1 Warlord @ 193.Heavy Armour; Shield,The Fellblade

1 * Assassin @ 170. Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength

1 Chieftain @ 117. Halberd; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard, Obsidian Lodestone

1 Warlock Engineer @ 65.Brass Orb

1 Warlock Engineer @ 120.Magic Level 2,Warp-Energy Condenser

1 Warlock Engineer @ 90. Magic Level 1, Dispel Scroll

5 Giant Rats @ 23

5 Giant Rats @ 23

37 Skavenslaves @ 82, Musician, champion

37 Skavenslaves @ 82, Musician, champion

37 Skavenslaves @ 82, Musician, champion

40 Stormvermin @ 355,FCG,Storm Banner

1 Doomwheel @ 150

1 Hellpit Abomination @ 235

1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon @ 90

5 Gutter Runners @ 90

6 Gutter Runners @ 108

Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Phantom - WoC

1 Chaos Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch @ 465.0 Pts

Mark of Tzeentch; General; Lore of Tzeentch; Magic Level 4; Chaos Armour

Enchanted Shield [5.0]

Talisman of Endurance [30.0]

Crown of Command [35.0]

Dispel Scroll [25.0]

Daemonblade [50.0]

1 Daemonic Mount @ [0.0] Pts

1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch @ 256.0 Pts

Mark of Tzeentch; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour; Battle Standard; Barding

Talisman of Preservation [45.0]

Soul Feeder [10.0]

1 Daemonic Mount @ [0.0] Pts

1 Exalted Hero of Tzeentch @ 226.0 Pts

Mark of Tzeentch; Great Weapon

Armour of Destiny [50.0]

Scaled Skin [20.0]

1 Disc of Tzeentch @ [0.0] Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

Mark of Slaanesh

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

Mark of Slaanesh

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

Mark of Slaanesh

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 85.0 Pts

Mark of Slaanesh; Flail

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 85.0 Pts

Mark of Slaanesh; Flail

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds @ 30.0 Pts

7 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch @ 360.0 Pts

Mark of Tzeentch; Barding; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield;

Standard; Musician

Blasted Standard [25.0]

3 Skullcrushers @ 244.0 Pts

Frenzy; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Musician

3 Skullcrushers @ 244.0 Pts

Frenzy; Ensorcelled Weapons; Chaos Armour; Shield; Musician

Большой–Александр Маркувинас –TheLegionofAzgorhArmy.

1 Sorcerer-Prophet @ 600.0 Pts

General; Lore of Death; Magic Level 4; Darkforged Weapon; Blackshard


Potion of Speed [5.0]

Charmed Shield [5.0]

Talisman of Preservation [45.0]

Power Stone [20.0]

1 Bale Taurus @ [0.0] Pts

1 Dark Castellan @ 145.0 Pts

Blackshard Armour; Battle Standard

Luckstone [5.0]

Enchanted Shield [5.0]

Warrior Bane [5.0]

1 Bull Centaur Taur'ruk @ 235.0 Pts

Great Weapon; Blackshard Armour

Dragonhelm [10.0]

Dawn Stone [25.0]

The Other Tricksters Shard [15.0]

1 Daemonsmith Sorcerer @ 120.0 Pts

Lore of Fire; Magic Level 1; Ensorcelled Hand Weapons; Blackshard Armour

Dispel Scroll [25.0]

24 Chaos Dwarf Inferal Guard @ 407.0 Pts

Great Weapons; Blackshard Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician

1 Deathmask @ [12.0] Pts

Blackshard Armour

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats @ 104.0 Pts

Bow; Throwing Knives; Light Armour; Musician

20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats @ 104.0 Pts

Bow; Throwing Knives; Light Armour; Musician

2 Bull Centaurs Renders @ 150.0 Pts

Heavy Armour; Shields; Musician

1 Ba'hal @ [10.0] Pts

Heavy Armour

1 K'daai Destroyer @ 325.0 Pts

1 Hellcannon @ 210.0 Pts

3 Chaos Dwarf Crew @ [0.0] Pts

7) "FireFoxes" (Москва)

Захаров Константин©

Total Roster Cost: 2398

Daemon Prince of Nurgle, Magic Level x4 (death) Chaos Armour Charmed Shield, The Other Trickster's Shard, Chaos Familiar Soul Feeder, 460

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch Battle Standard Bearer Mark of Tzeentch Great Weapon Daemonic Mount, Armour of Destiny, Scaled Skin, 256

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch Halberd Disc of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield Talisman of Preservation, Burning Body, 216

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle, 125 pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle, 125 pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Nurgle, 125 pts

5 Chaos Warhounds, Vanguard 40

5 Chaos Warhounds, Vanguard 40

5 Chaos Warhounds, Vanguard 40

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh, 75

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh, 75

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne, Ensorcelled Weapons 234

4 Skullcrushers of Khorne Ensorcelled Weapons 312

Chimera Flaming Breath Regenerating Flesh 275

Захаров Антон

Total : 2399

Slann Mage-Priest 560

Slann Mage-Priest Battle Standard Bearer,Cube of Darkness, Obsidian Amulet, The Egg of Quango, Razor Standard, The Becalming CogitationSoul of StoneWandering Deliberations, Reservoir of Eldritch Energy

Saurus Scar-Veteran Cold One Great Weapon Light Armour Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard, 160

Saurus Scar-Veteran Cold One Great WeaponArmour of Destiny,154

Saurus Scar-Veteran, Cold One Great Weapon Light ArmourCharmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation 160

Skink Priest, Lore of Beasts, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon 95

10 Skink Skirmishers,Javelin & Shield; Shield 70

10 Skink Skirmishers,Javelin & Shield; Shield 70

10 Skink Skirmishers,Javelin & Shield; Shield 70

10 Skink Skirmishers,Javelin & Shield; Shield 70

27Saurus Warriors Musician Mus Standard Bearer Spawn Leader 327

27 Temple Guard Temple Guard, Musician Mus Revered Guardian, Banner of Swiftness, 423

3 Ripperdactyl Rider, 120

3 Ripperdactyl Rider, 120

Самойлов Кирилл

Total Roster Cost: 2399

Sorcerer-Prophet Level 4 Upgrade Enchanted Shield, Earthing Rod,

Talisman of Preservation (металл) 375

Dark Castellean Shield Battle Standard Bearer Dragonhelm, Luckstone, 147

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2;death, Upgrade Dispel Scroll, 155

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2;death, Upgrade 130

Hobgoblin Khan Wolf Light Armour Charmed Shield, 59

Hobgoblin Khan Wolf 52

Hobgoblin Khan Wolf 52

27Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard Great Weapon Deathmask, Banner of Swiftness 442

16 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard 192

Hellcannon, 210

K'daai Destroyer, 325

5 Hobgoblin Wolf Riders, 60

1 Deathshrieker Death Rocket, 100

1 Deathshrieker Death Rocket, 100

Хнычкин Сергей, (cblp), Daemons of Chaos

Total: 2400

Lord of Change: General, LVL 4, Metal, Exalted Gift, Lesser Gift, 570

3 x 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: 130

15 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Banner, Gleaming Pennant, 210

2 x 5 Chaos Furies of Tzeentch: 70

5 Chaos Furies: 60

5 Flesh Hounds of Khorne: Ambushers, 165

2 x 4 Beasts of Nurgle: 240

6 Flamers of Tzeentch: Champion, 250

Skull Cannon of Khorne: 135

8) "Combat Wombats" (Москва)

(с)старый гном (ОК)

Slaughtermaster;General; lvl 4; Maw; Sceptre of Stability; Tormentor Sword; Armour of Destiny; Dragonbane Gem @ 360.0 Pts

Bruiser; BSB; Great Weapon; Rune Maw Banner @ 201.0 Pts

Firebelly; lvl 2; Great Weapon; Hellheart @ 214.0 Pts

9 Ironguts; FCG; LOG; Standard of Discipline @ 437.0 Pts

3 Ogres; 2ndWeapon; Mus; Champ @ 113.0 Pts

2x10 Gnoblars @ 2x25.0 Pts

6 Maneaters; Stubborn; Swiftstride; LA; FCG; GW (Mus, Standard); 2ndWeapon (Champ +1); Banner of Swiftness @ 371.0 Pts

5 Mournfang Cavalry; Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician; Dragonhide Banner @ 420.0 Pts

3x1 Sabretusk Pack @ 3x21.0 Pts

Ironblaster @ 170.0 Pts

Total Army Cost: 2399

Guu (HE)

Archmage; Magic Level 4; Lore of High Magic; Golden Crown of Atrazar; Earthing Rod; Ironcurse Icon @ 260 Pts

Loremaster of Hoeth; General; Sword of Anti-Heroes; Shield of Merwyrm; The Other Tricksters Shard; Dispel Scroll; Dragonbane Gem @ 320 Pts

Lothern Sea Helm; Battle Standard; Reaver Bow; Potion of Strength; Charmed Shield @ 175 Pts

10 Archers; Musician @ 110 Pts

10 Archers; Musician @ 110 Pts

5 Ellyrian Reavers @ 80 Pts

5 Ellyrian Reavers @ 80 Pts

21 Archers; Musician @ 220 Pts

28 White Lions of Chrace; FCG; Banner of the World Dragon @ 444 Pts

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower @ 70 Pts

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower @ 70 Pts

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower @ 70 Pts

7 Sisters of Averlorn @ 98 Pts

Great Eagle @ 50 Pts

Frostheart Phoenix @ 240 Pts

Total Army Cost: 2397


Black Orc Warboss, General; Heavy Armour; Talisman of Preservation; Crown of Command - 240

Savage Orc Great Shaman, Level 4; Big Waagh; Dispel Scroll - 230

Night Goblin Great Shaman, Level 3; Little Waagh - 140

Savage Orc Big Boss; Great Weapon; Battle Standard, Mork's War Banner - 204

Savage Orc Shaman; Level 1; Big Waagh; Lucky Shrunken Head - 120

Goblin Big Boss on Wolf; LA; Shield; Dragonhelm; Warrior Bane - 66

Goblin Big Boss on Wolf; LA; Shield; Tormentor Sword; Dragonbane Gem - 61

2x20 Night Goblins; Shortbow; 2 Fanatics; 2x110

34 Savage Big 'Uns; Second Choppa; FCG - 409

2x1 Trolls - 2x35

8 Trolls - 280

2x1 Rock Lobber -2x85

2x1 Doom Diver - 2x80

2x1 Mangler Squig - 2x65

Total Army Cost: 2500

William (DE)

Supreme Sorceres,General, Metal, Dispel Scroll, Ring of Hotek, Ironcurse @ 300

Master on Pegasus, BSB, lance, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, Shield, Cloak of Twilight @ 213

Master on Dark Steed, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Sword of Might, Potion of Strength @ 140

Master on Pegasus, great weapon, heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, Dawnstone, Dragonhelm, Other Trickster Shard @ 184

2x5 Dark Riders, shields, RCB, @ 2x100

20 Witches, fcg, Banner of Eternal Flame @ 260

15 Bleakswords, fcg, Standard of Discipline @ 198

30 Executioners, fcg, Wailing Banner @ 440

5 Harpies @ 75

2 RBT @ 2x70

2x5 Warlocks @ 2x125

Total Army Cost: 2400

9) "iGor 19s" (Москва)

ЧК© WoC:

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Mark of Nurgle; General; Chaos Armour; Charmed Shield; Scaled Skin; Dragonbane Gem; Warrior Bane @ 300.0 Pts

Daemon Prince of Nurgle: Mark of Nurgle; Chaos Armour; Soulfeeder; Dragonhelm; Sword of Striking @ 300.0 Pts

Sorcerer: Lore of Shadow; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Dispel Scroll @ 170.0 Pts

Sorcerer: Lore of Shadow; Magic Level 2; Chaos Armour; Sceptre of Stability; Ruby Ring of Ruin@ 185.0 Pts

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch: Mark of Tzeentch; Chaos Armour; Battle Standard, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, Disc of Tzeentch, Burning Body @ 235.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

1 Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh @ 115.0 Pts

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 75.0 Pts

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh @ 75.0 Pts

10 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh: Musician @ 80.0 Pts

5 Chaos Warhounds: Vanguard @ 40.0 Pts

4 Trolls @ 140.0 Pts

1 Hellcannon @ 210.0 Pts

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne: Ensorcelled Weapons;Musician@ 244.0 Pts

Locksly, Bretonnia

Bretonnian Lord @ 234.0 Pts Knight’s Vow; General; Shield; Virtue of Heroism; Sword of Swift Slaying;

Gromril Great Helm; Dragonbane Gem; Barded Warhorse;

Prophetess of the Lady @ 300.0 Pts Magic Level 4; Dispel Scroll (Lore of Life); Crown of Command; Warhorse;

Paladin @ 130.0 Pts Knight’s Vow; Battle Standard; Lance; Shield; Warrior bane; Dragonhelm; DawnStone;

Gauntlet of the Duel; Barded Warhorse;

Paladin @ 109.0 Pts Knight’s Vow; Lance; Enchanted Shield; Luckstone; Potion of foolhardiness; Barded Warhorse;

Paladin @ 134.0 Pts Knight’s Vow; Lance, Shrieking Blade; Charmed Shield;

Royal Pegasus;

Paladin @ 120.0 Pts Knight’s Vow; Shield; Virtue of Duty; The Wyrmlance; Barded Warhorse;

11 Knights of the Realm @ 303.0 Pts FCG; Banner of Discipline;

14 Knights of the Realm @ 385.0 Pts FCG; War Banner;

3*5 Mounted Yeomen @ 225.0 Pts;

5 Pegasus Knights @ 280.0 Pts Musician;

2*1 Field Trebuchet @ 180.0 Pts

Total: 2400.0 Pts

BigCat, O&G

1 Goblin Warboss: General; Great Weapon; Armour of Destiny @ 121 Pts

1 Goblin Great Shaman: Magic Level 4; Earthing Rod @ 205 Pts

1 Night Goblin Shaman: Magic Level 2; Dispel Scroll; Ruby Ring of Ruin @ 135 Pts

1 Night Goblin Big Boss: Battle Standard; Standard of Discipline @ 70 Pts

1 Goblin Big Boss @ 56 Pts

49+1 Night Goblins: Netters; Spear; FCG; 2 Fanatics @ 275 Pts

49+1 Night Goblins: Netters; Spear; FCG; 2 Fanatics @ 275 Pts

22+1 Goblins: Spear; Light Armour; Shields; FCG; Nasty Skulker@ 132 Pts

5 Goblin Wolf Riders

5 Goblin Wolf Riders

10 Trolls @ 350 Pts

1 Wolf Chariot(s) @ 50 Pts

30 Squig Herd @ 270 Pts

10 Night Goblin Herders

1 Doom Diver @ 80 Pts

1 Doom Diver @ 80 Pts

1 Rock Lobber @ 85 Pts

1 Rock Lobber @ 85 Pts

1 Mangler Squig @ 65 Pts

1 Mangler Squig @ 65 Pts

Total Army Cost: 2499

(sTaRuXa), Lizardmen

Slann Mage-Priest: General, Level 4, BSB, Wandering Deliberations, Becalming Cogitation, Obsidian Lodestone, Ranger's Standard, Egg of Quango, 505

Skink Priest: Level 2, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, 125

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Great Weapon, Light Armour, Dawn Stone, The Other Tricksters Shard, Dragonhelm, Cold One, 160

Saurus Scar-Veteran: Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Cold One 154

10 Skink Skirmishers, 70

10 Skink Skirmishers, 70

10 Skink Skirmishers, 70

14 Skink Cohort: Musician, 80

37 Saurus Warriors: FCG, Hand Weapon, Shield, 437

28 Temple Guard: FCG, Halberd, Light Armour, Shield, Banner of Swiftness, 437

8 Cold One Riders: spears, Musician, Pack Leader, 292

Total: 2400

10) "Panzer division" (Пенза)

Демин Никита – Gazon (Ogre Kingdoms) (С)

Slaughtermaster @ 395.0 Pts

General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Heaven; Great Weapon, Gruts Sickle, Armour of Destiny, 395

Bruiser, Great Weapon; Battle Standard, Crown of Command, Talisman of Protection, 191

Butcher, Magic Level 1; Lore of the Great Maw; Great Weapon, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Dispel Scroll, 159

3 Ogres, Light Armour, 90

3 Ogres, Light Armour, 90

9 Ironguts, Look-Out Gnoblar; FCG, Standard of Discipline, 437

Sabretusk Pack, 21

Sabretusk Pack, 21

4 Leadbelchers, Light Armour; Musician, 182

4 Leadbelchers , Light Armour, 172

6 Maneaters , Light armour; Poisoned Attacks; Sniper; Musician, 6 x Brace of Ogre Pistols, 382

Gorger, 90

Ironblaster, 170

Total Army Cost: 2400.0

Абрамов Алексей – Datur (Warriors of Chaos)

Chaos Lord of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, General; Great Weapon; Chaos Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Scaled Skin, 323

Sorcerer Lord; Magic Level 3; Lore of Death, Chaos Armour, Dispel Scroll, 260

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch, Daemonic Mount, Flail; Barding; Chaos Armour; Shield; Battle Standard, Talisman of Endurance, Third Eye of Tzeentch,Soul Feeder, 253

Exalted Hero of Tzeentch, Daemonic Mount; Flail; Barding; Shield, Armour of Destiny, 228

Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh, 115

Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh, 115

Chaos Chariot of Slaanesh, 115

15 Chaos Marauders of Slaanesh, 105

5 Marauder Horsemen of Slaanesh; Flail; Light Armour; Shield, 95

5 Chaos Warhounds, 30

5 Chaos Warhounds, 30

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Weapons; Standard; Musician, Gleaming Pendant, 259

Hellcannon, 210

5 Chaos Knights of Tzeentch; Ensorcelled Weapons; Standard, Blasted Standard, 260

Total Army Cost: 2398.0

Демин Илья (С)- Gora88 (Wood Elves)

Spellweaver, General; Magic Level 4;Heavens ;Longbow, Sceptre of Stability, Talisman of Preservation, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways, 345

Noble, Battle Standard, Hail of Doom Arrow, Asyendi's Bane, 130

Noble on Great Eagle, Great Weapon; Longbow; Light Armour, Amaranthine Brooch, Dragonhelm, 176

Noble, Alter, Great Weapon; Longbow; Light Armour, Stone of the Crystal Mere, Charmed Shield, 141

Spellsinger, Magic Level 1; Lore of Metall; Longbow, Dispel Scroll, 115

20 Glade Guard; Standard; Musician, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 268

12 Glade Guard, Longbow; Musician, 150

12 Glade Guard, Longbow; Musician, 150

12 Glade Guard, Longbow; Musician, 150

12 Glade Guard, Longbow; Musician, 150

6 Treekin, 390

Great Eagle, 50

Treeman, 285

Total Army Cost: 2500.0

Власов Евгений – Argento (Lizard)

Slann Mage-Priest; General; 1 Discipline Wandering Deliberations ; Magic Level 4; Battle Standard 355

Saurus Oldblood; Great Weapon; Light Armour;Talisman of Preservation; Charmed Shield;Cold One 235

Saurus Scar-Veteran; Great Weapon; Light Armour; Dawn Stone; Dragonhelm; Ironcurse Icon; Cold One,150

Saurus Scar-Veteran; Great Weapon; Armour of Destiny; Cold One 154

Skink Priest; Magic Level 1; Lore of Heaven; Dispel Scroll 90

24 Temple Guard; FCG; Banner of Swiftness 381

33 Saurus Warriors, FCG, 393

10 Skink Skirmishers; blowpipe, 70

10 Skink Skirmishers; blowpipe, 70

10 Skink Skirmishers; blowpipe, 70

2 Salamander Hunting Packs; 8 Skink Handlers 168

7 Chameleon Skinks; blowpipe 91

8 Chameleon Skinks; blowpipe 104

1 Razordon Hunting Packs; 4 Skink Handlers 69

11) "Команда пряник" (Тула)

Andrey Alehin ©, Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord: General, Level 4, Vampire, Curse of the Revenant, Quickblood, Heavy armour, Shield, Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, 519

Necromancer: Level 2, Vampire, Book of Arkhan, 125

Necromancer: Level 2, Vampire, Dispel Scroll, 125

Cairn Wraith: 60

Cairn Wraith: 60

5 Dire Wolves: Champion, 50

21 Zombies: Standard, Musician, 73

20 Zombies: Musician 65

41 Crypt Ghouls: Champion, 420

9 Crypt Horrors: 342

3x2 Fell Bats: 32

1 Terrorgheist: 225

1 Mortis Engine e: Blasphemous Tom 240

Total: 2400

Yaroslav Pavlov, Skaven

Grey Seer: General, Level 4, Ruin/Plague, Skalm, Obsidian Lodestone, 315

Walord: Shield, Fellblade 193

Chieftain: BSB, Shield, Banner of Verminous Scurrying, 82

Assassin: Weeping Blade, Potion of Strength, 170

Assassin: Sword of Anti-Heroes, The Other Tricksters Shard, Charmed Shield, 170

Warlock Engineer: Level 1, Ruin, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 95

Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb, 65

Warlock Engineer: 15

50 Stormvermin: FCG, Storm Banner, 425

3x 5 Giant Rats and 1 Packmaster: 23

60 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 126

59 Skavenslaves: Champion, Musician, 124

1 Hell Pit Abomination: Warpstone Spikes, 250

1 Doomwheel: 150

1 Doomwheel: 150

Total: 2399

Stanislav Timohin, Orcs&Goblins

Black Orc Warboss: General, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Crown of Command, 240

Savage Orc Great Shaman: Level 4, Big Waagh, Lucky Shrunken Head, Obsidian Amulet, 285

Savage Orc Big Boss: BsB, Great Weapon, Armour of Silvered Steel, Luckstone, 154

Night Goblin Shaman: Level 1, Little Waagh, Dispel Scroll, 75

Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Light Armour, Shield, Tormentor Sword, Dragonhelm, 66

Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Light Armour, Shrieking Blade, Enchanted Shield, 64

35 Savage orc Big'Uns: FCG, Second Choppa, 420

40 Goblins: Light Armour: Shields and 1 Nasty Skulker: 2ndWeapon, 150

5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Shield, 55

9 Trolls: 315

8 Trolls: 280

2x1 Rock Lobber: 170

2x1 Doom Diver: 160

1 Mangler Squig: 65

Total: 2499

Zlotsky Semyon, Daemons of Chaos

Great Unclean One,lvl4,death,exalted gift,lesser gift 480

Herald of Nurgle,greater locus,greater gift 135

16 Bloodletters,champ,mus 244

31 Plaguebearers,FCG,banner of swiftness 410

4 Beasts of Nurgle, 240

1 Beasts of Nurgle, 60

1 Beasts of Nurgle, 60

1 Soulgrinder,nurgle,claw 265

1 Soulgrinder,nurgle,claw,baleful torrent 315

Total Roster Cost: 2397

12) "Команда молот" (Тула)

Игорь ©

1 Slann Mage-Priest (Wandering Delibiration, Ironcurse Icon, general) - 335

1 Saurus Oldblood (Arabian Carpet, Armor of Destiny, great weapon, shield) - 251

1 Skink Priest (2 lvl, heaven, Dispel Scroll) - 125

1 Saurus Scar-Vet (Cold One, Potion of Foolhardiness, Dawn Stone, Dragonhelm, great weapon, light armor) - 150

1 Saurus Scar-Vet (Cold One, Talisman of Endurance, Sword of Might, light armor, shield) - 160

1 Saurus Scar-Vet (BSB, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield, light armor) - 161

33 Saurus Warriors (FCG) - 393

10 Skink Skirmisher - 70

10 Skink Skirmisher - 70

10 Skink Skirmisher - 70

10 Skink Cohort0 Musician, - 56

8 Chamelion Skink - 104

3 Terradon Riders - 105

3 Terradon Riders - 105

3 Salamanders – 240


1 Firebelly (2 lvl, Dispell Scroll, Sword of Striking, Ironcurse Icon, general) - 200

1 Firebelly (2 lvl, Scroll of Shielding, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 2hw) - 197

1 Bruiser (BSB, Rune Maw, Great Weapon) - 201

9 Ironguts (FCG, Look-out Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline) - 437

10 Gnoblars - 25

10 Gnoblars - 25

10 Gnoblars - 25

3 Ogres (2hw)- 93

1 Gorger - 90

7 Meaneaters (7 brace of Ogre pistols, musician, poison, stubborn) - 444

1 Sabretusk - 21

1 Sabretusk - 21

1 Sabretusk - 21

1 Gnoblar Scraplaunhcer - 130

1 Gnoblar Scraplaunhcer - 130

1 Ironblaster - 170

1 Ironblaster – 170















1 Dwarf Lord @ 251.0 Pts.General; Shieldbearers; Great Weapon; Gromril Armour.Master Rune of Spite.Rune of Resistance.Rune of Stone

1 Runelord @ 348.0 Pts.Anvil of Doom; Gromril Armour; Shield.Rune of Spellbreaking.Rune of Stone.

1 Thane @ 130.0 Pts.Gromril Armour; Battle Standard,Master Rune of Gromril,Rune of Preservation,GW

1 Dragon Slayer @ 55.0 Pts,Rune of Fire

29 Longbeards @ 445.0 Pts,Great Weapon; FCG,Ancestor Rune,Rune of Determination

10 Thunderers @ 155.0 Pts,Dwarf Handgun; Light Armour; Shield; Musician

29 Hammerers @ 440.0 Pts,Great Weapon; FCG,Master Rune of Grugni

1 Grudge Thrower @ 150.0 Pts,Engineer,Rune of Accuracy,Rune of Burning,Rune of Penetrating

1 Grudge Thrower @ 170.0 Pts,Engineer,Rune of Accuracy,Rune of Penetrating (x2)

1 Cannon @ 140.0 Pts,Engineer,Rune of Forging

5 Miners @ 55.0 Pts

5 Miners @ 55.0 Pts

13) "Golden Glory" (Москва)

White Boy ©

1 Lord, General, Royal Pegasus, Sword of Swift Slaying, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, The Other Trickster's Shard, Virtue of Heroism, 250

1 Prophetess of the Lady, Warhorse, lvl 4, Heavens, The Silver Mirror, Crown of Command, 315

1 Damsel of the Lady, lvl 2, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, 140

1 Paladin, BSB, Warhorse, Shield, The Wyrmlance, Gromril Great Helm, 126

1 Paladin, Warhorse, Lance, Shield, Dawnstone, The Mane of the Purebreed, 130

1 Paladin, Warhorse, Lance, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, 128

11 Knights of the Realm, FCG, Standard of Discipline, 303

11 Knights of the Realm, FCG, War Banner, 313

3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Musician, 175

3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, Musician, 175

3 Pegasus Knights, Champion, 165

1 Field Trebuchet, 90

1 Field Trebuchet, 90

Total: 2400

DM Crew

1 Great Unclean One, Level 4, Nurgle, 2 Greater Gifts, 580 pts

1 Herald of Nurgle, BSB, Greater Locus of Feeundity, 160 pts

25 Plaguebearers of Nurgle, FCG, Standard of Discipline, 370 pts

2*10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch, 2*130 pts

3 Screamers of Tzeentch, 120 pts

3*1 Beasts of Nurgle, 3*60 pts

3*5 Chaos Furies of Nurgle, 3*70 pts

2*3 Plague Drones of Nurgle, 2*190 pts Plague Proboscis, Musician

1 Skull Cannon of Khorne, 135 pts

Total: 2395

Noblesse Oblige

1 Vampire Lord, General; Lore of Vampires; Level 4, Heavy armour, Shield, Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, Quickblood, Red Fury, @ 514 Pts

1 Cairn Wraith @ 60 Pts

1 Tomb Banshee @ 95 Pts

1 Necromancer, Level 2; Death, Dispel Scroll @ 125 Pts

1 Necromancer, Level 2; Death, Obsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shielding @ 145 Pts

1 Vampire, BSB; Level 1; Vampires, Book of Arkhan, Charmed Shield, Ironcurse icon @ 165.Pts

3*5 Dire Wolves, Champion @ 3*50 Pts

42 Skeleton Warriors, Shield, FCG, Banner of Swiftness @ 255 Pts

22 Zombies, Musician @ 71 Pts

22 Zombies, Musician @ 71 Pts

21 Zombies, Musician @ 68 Pts

8 Crypt Horrors, Champion @ 314 Pts

3*2 Fell Bats @ 3*32 Pts

1 Spirit Hosts @ 45 Pts

1 Terrorgheist @ 225 Pts

Total: 2399


Slautermaster @385; General;Lore of great maw, lvl4, Fencers blades, Glittering scales, Greedy fist

Bruiser @ 210; BSB, rune maw banner; GW; HA; LOG

Bruiser @ 170; Talisman of preservation; HA; Ironcurse icon; GW

Firebelly @209; lvl 2,Lore of fire; Hellhart; AHW

9 Ironguts @ 417; FCG

2x3 Ogres@ 2x93; AHW

3x1 Sabertusck @63

7 Maneaters @ 449; FCG, Standart of discipline, 2AHW, 2GW,HA, stabborn, ITP

2 Mournfang @ 140; IF; HA

Ironblaster @ 170

Total: 2396

14) "Sons of Steadfast" (Москва)


1 Savage Orc Warboss, General, Armour of Silvered steel, Gold Sigil Sword, Crown of command - 245pts

1 Savage Orc Great Shaman, 4 level, Lucky shrunken head, Fencers blades, Obsidian Trinket

1 Black Orc Big Boss, BSB, Talisman of Preservation, Enchanted Shield - 165pts

1 Night Goblin Shaman, 2 level, Dispell Scroll - 110pts

1 Goblin Big Boss, Wolf, Charmed Shield, Rubby Ring of Ruin - 77pts

37 Savage Orcs, Big-Un's, FCG - 442pts

5 Goblin Wolf Riders, Musician, Shields, Spears - 70pts

20 Night Goblins , Short bow, Musician, 2 Fanatics - 120pts

1 Orc Boar Chariot - 85pts

1 Orc Boar Chario - 85pts

1 Goblin Wolf Chariot - 50pts

1 Goblin Wolf Chariot - 50pts

1 Goblin Spear Chukka - 35pts

1 Goblin Spear Chukka - 35pts

1 Goblin Rock Lobber, Orc Bully - 95pts

1 Mangler Squigs - 65pts

1 Doom Diver Catapult - 80pts

1 Doom Diver Catapult - 80pts

1 Arachnarok Spider - 290pts

Игого: 2499


Warlord on Bonebreaker; General; GW; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation; Skalm; 241

Grey Seer; Obsidian Lodestone; Power Scroll; 320

Chieftain; BSB; Storm Banner; 120

Assassin; Weeping Blade; Potion of Strenght; 170

Engineer; 1 lvl; Dispell Scroll; 90

Engineer; 1 lvl; Shielding Scroll; Ironcurse Icon; 85

Engineer; Doom Rocket; 45

60 Clanrats; Shields; FC; 290

60 Slaves; Shields; FC; 156

60 Slaves; Shields; FC; 156

5+1 Giant Rats; 23

5+1 Giant Rats; 23

5+1 Giant Rats; 23

6 Gutter Runners; Poison; Slings; 108

Doom Wheel; 150

Doom Wheel; 150

Hell Pit Abomination; Spikes; 250

"MoonShade - Dark Elves"

1 Supreme Sorceress (295pts) - General, Lv4 Dark, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Talisman of Preservation

1 Master (213pts) - BSB, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Cloak of Twilight, Dark Pegasus, Lance

1 Sorceress (165pts) - Lv2 Metal, Ring of Hotek

1x20 Black Ark Corsairs (250pts) - FCG, Add.HW

2x5 Dark Riders (85pts) - Shield

1x20 Darkshards (300pts) - FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame

1x25 Black Guard of Naggarond (450pts) - FCG, Razor Standard

2x5 Harpies (75pts)

4x1 Reaper Boltthrower (70pts)

1x5 Doomfire Warlocks (125pts)

"Cpt Svarog - 2400 Pts - Empire Roster"

Templar Grand Master, Runefang, Charmed Shield, Luckstone, Potion of Foolhardiness ( 255 pts)

Wizard Lord, Level 4 Lore of Light, Warhorse, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcurse Icon ( 293 pts)

Captain of the Empire (BSB) Warhorse, Barding, FPA, Shield, Talisman of Preservation (161 pts)

Captain of the Empire, Imperial Pegasus, Heavy Armour, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone (162 pts)

Battle Wizard, Level 1 Lore of Beast, Scroll of Shielding ( 92 pts)

16 Inner Circle Knights, FCG, Standard of Discipline (445 pts)

5 Knightly Orders, Musicant (5#, 120 pts)

10 Archers, 70 pts

7 Demigryph Knights, Musician, Standard, Gleaming Pennant ( 431 pts)

1 Steam Tank, 250 pts

1 Great Cannon, 120 pts

Total Roster Cost: 2399

15) "Бордюр у подъезда или поребрик у парадной" (Москва\Санкт-петербург)

FanatKa ©

1 Slann Mage-Priest @ 360.0 Pts General;Lvl 4; Lore of Light; BSB Ironcurse Icon, Unfathomable Presence.

10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts Blowpipe

10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts Blowpipe

10 Skink Skirmishers @ 70.0 Pts Lustrian Javelin & Shield; Shield

31+1 Saurus Warriors @ 393.0 ts Shield;FCG

3 Ripperdactyl Riders @ 120.0 Pts Spear; Shield Frenzy

1 Bastiladon @ 150.0 Pts Solar Engine

1 Stegadon @ 215.0 Pts Giant Bow

1 Saurus Oldblood @ 235.0 Pts Great Weapon; Light Armour Talisman of Preservation,Potion of Foolhardiness,Cold One.

1 Skink Priest @ 125.0 Pts Lvl 2; Lore of Heaven Dispel Scroll

1 Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 154.0 Pts Great Weapon Armour of Destiny,Cold One.

1 Salamander Hunting Packs @ 84.0 Pts

23 Temple Guard @ 352.0 Pts FCG, Halberd; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician

Models in Army: 96

Total Army Cost: 2398.0


Supreme Sorceress 300.0 Pts,General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Shadow,Sacrificial Dagger,Ring of Hotek,Ironcurse Icon

Supreme Sorceress 245.0 Pts,Magic Level 4; Lore of Metal,Dispel Scroll

Master 213.0 Pts,Lance; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield; Battle Standard,Cloak of Twilight,Dark Pegasus

5 Dark Riders 85.0 PtsSpear; Light Armor; Shield

5 Dark Riders 85.0 PtsSpear; Light Armour; Shield

19+1 BleakSwords 225.0 Pts Spear; Light Armour; Shield; FCG,Standard of Discipline

29+1 Black Ark Corsairs 370.0 Pts2ndWeapon; FCG,Banner of the Eternal Flame

3 Reaper Bolt Thrower 70.0x3 Pts

29+1 Har Ganeth Executioners 390.0 Pts FCG

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125.0 Pts

2x5 Harpies 75x2 Pts

Total Army Cost: 2398.0


Vampire Lord @ 395pt.General, Lore of the vampires (1 lvl.), Enchanted Shield, Ogre Blade,Armour of Destiny, Red Fury, Quickblood

Master Necromancer @ 200pt.Lore of the vampires (4 lvl.)

Vampire @ 156pt.Lore of the vampires (1 lvl.), HA, Shield,Talisman of Preservation

Necromancer @ 125pt. Lore of the Death (2 lvl.), Book of Arkhan

Necromancer @ 125pt. Lore of the Death (2 lvl.), Dispelscroll

2 x Cairn Wraith @ 60pt.

48 Skeleton Warriors @ 285pt.FCG, Banner of swiftness

2 х 20 Zombies @ 65pt.Musician

21 Zombies @ 68pt.Musician

3 x 5 Dire Wolves @ 40pt.

8 Crypt Horrors @ 314pt.Crypt Haunter

3 x 2 Fell Bats @ 32pt.

Spirit Host @ 45pt.

Mortis Engine @ 220pt.


1 General Grey Seer, Talisman of Preservation,Ironcurse Icon @ 290.0

1 Warlord.Heavy Armour; Shield,The Fellblade @ 193

1 Chieftain. Heavy Armour;Shield;Battle Standard, Storm Banner @ 122

1 Warlock Engineer. PtsMagic Level 1, Dispel Scroll @ 90

1 Warlock Engineer. PtsMagic Level 1,Doom Rocket @ 95.0

5 Giant Rats,1 Packmasters @ 23.0 Pts

25 Clanrats.FCG, Light Armour; Shields; Warpfire Thrower @ 202

40 Skavenslaves. FCG, Shields @ 106

31 Stormvermin. FCG,Poisoned Wind Mortar @ 307.0

6 Gutter Runners. Poisoned Attacks; Sling @ 108.0

6 Gutter Runners. Poisoned Attacks; Sling @ 108.0

30 Plague Monks. FCG, Plague Banner @ 265.

1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon @ 90.0 Pts

1 Hellpit Abomination. Warpstone Spikes @ 250.0

1 Doomwheel @ 150.0

Total Army Cost: 2399.5

16) "Квартет Ы" (Омск-Екат-Тверь-Пермь)


Grey Seer @ 505.0 Pts General; Magic Level 4; Fencer's Blades; Rival Hide Talisman; Scroll of Shielding,Screaming Bell

1 Chieftain @ 75.0 Pts Heavy Armour; Battle Standard; Charmed Shield

1 Warlock Engineer @ 85.0 Pts Magic Level 1; Warp-Energy Condenser

1 Warlock Engineer @ 65.0 Pts; Brass Orb

1 Plague Priest @ 129.0 Pts Magic level 1; Frenzy; Flail ; Dispel Scroll

39 Skavenslaves @ 99.5 Pts Shields; Slave Musician

39 Skavenslaves @ 99.5 Pts Shields; Slave Musician

40 Skavenslaves @ 102.0 Pts Shields; Slave Musician

5 Giant Rats @ 23.0 Pts Packmasters

5 Giant Rats @ 23.0 Pts Packmasters

2 Rat Swarms @ 50.0 Pts

22 Stormvermin @ 229.0 Pts Halberd; Heavy Armour; FCG ; Storm Banner,Warpfire Thrower; Warpfire Thrower Misfire Chart

30 Plague Monks @ 265.0 Pts Frenzy; 2ndWeapon; FCG ; Plague Banner

5 Gutter Runners @ 90.0 Pts 2ndWeapon; Poisoned Attacks; Sling; Throwing Stars

1 Doomwheel @ 150.0 Pts

1 Hellpit Abomination @ 250.0 Pts

1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon @ 90.0 Pts

John Silver

Chaos Lord; General. Sword of Swift Slaying, Enchanted Shield, Flaming Breath, Soul Feeder,Steed of Slaanesh, Mark of Slaanesh: 310

Chaos Lord; Dragonhelm,Potion of Strength,Luckstone,Steed of Slaanesh,lance,shield,Mark of Slaanesh: 288

Exalted Hero; Dawnstone,The Other Trickster's Shard,Scaled Skin,Steed of Slaanesh,Mark of Slaanesh,halberd,Battle Standard: 231

Exalted Hero; Helm of Many Eyes,Sword of Striking,Dragonbane Gem,Steed of Slaanesh,Mark of Slaanesh,shield: 188

Chaos Sorceror;Shadow,Dispel Scroll,Charmed Shield,Warrior Bane,Steed of Slaanesh,Mark of Slaanesh: 175

6 Marauder Horsemen,musician,standard bearer,Mark of Slaanesh,flails:= 122

6 Marauder Horsemen,musician,standard bearer,Mark of Slaanesh,flails:= 122

6 Marauder Horsemen,musician,standard bearer,Mark of Slaanesh,flails:= 122

Chaos Chariot,Mark of Slaanesh:115

Chaos Chariot,Mark of Slaanesh:115

6 Chaos Warhounds,Vanguard: 48

6 Chaos Warhounds,Vanguard: 48

6 Chaos Warhounds,Vanguard: 48

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne,ensorcelled weapons: 234

3 Skullcrushers of Khorne,ensorcelled weapons: 234

Cергей Шарафудинов / ImqT

Grand Master on Barded Warhorse: General, Runefang, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Speed, 255

Wizard Lord on Warhorse: Level 4, Heavens, Obsidian Lodestone, Ironcurse Icon, 268

Battle Wizard on Warhorse: Level 1, Beasts, Dispel Scroll, 102

Captain of the Empire on Barded Warhorse: BSB, Full-plate Armour, Shield, Lance, Talisman of Preservation, 161

Warrior Priest on Barded Warhorse: Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, 93

5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120

5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120

15 Knights of the Inner Circle: FCG, 405

1 Great Cannon: 120

6 Demigryph Knights: Musician, Standart Bearer, Gleaming Pendant, 373

1 Celestial Hurricanum: 130

1 Steam Tank: 250

Total: 2397


Savage Orc Great Shaman, General, Magic Level 4, Big Waagh, Power Stone, Opal Amulet @ 240

Black Orc Big Boss, BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Standard of Discipline @ 132

Night Goblin Shaman, Magic Level 2, Little Waagh, Dispel Scroll @ 110

Night Goblin Shaman, Magic Level 2, Little Waagh @ 85

2xGoblin Big Boss, Giant Spider, Spear @ 104

60 Night Goblins, Musician, Shield, Spear @ 190

39 Savage Big 'Uns, Standard, Musician, Second Choppa @ 449

35 Black Orcs Standard, Musician, Banner of the Eternal Flame @ 450

8 Trolls @ 280

2xRock Lobber @ 170

2xDoom Diver @ 160

2xMangler Squig @ 130

Total Army Cost: 2500

17) "Киев" (киев)

Евгений Запольский ©, Orcs & Goblins

Orc Great Shaman: General, Magic Level 4, Big Waagh, Earthing Rod, Talisman of Preservation, 270

Goblin Great Shaman: Magic Level 4, Little Waagh, Dispel Scroll, 205

Goblin Big Boss: BSB, Short Bow, Light Armour, Shield, Spider Banner, 151

Goblin Big Boss on Wolf: Light Armour, Enchanted Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Tormentor Sword, 64

28 Savage Big 'Uns: Standard, Musician, Normal Bow, 328

30 Orc Arrer Boys: Standard, Musician, Bow, 230

2x 5 Goblin Wolf Riders: Light Armour, Shield, 55

13 Black Orcs: Standard, Musician, Standard of Discipline, 191

9 Trolls, 315

1 Troll, 35

1 Wolf Chariot(s), 50

2x 1 Spear Chukka, 35

2x 1 Mangler Squig, 65

2x 1 Doom Diver, 80

2x 1 Rock Lobber: Bully, 95

Total: 2499

Данила Киевский, Bretonia

Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus: General, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Dragonhelm, Sword of Swift Slaying, Dawn Stone, Virtue of Heroism, 263

Prophetess of the Lady on Warhorse: Level 4, Heaven, Dispel Scroll, Crown of Command, 300

Damsel of the Lady: Level 2, Beasts, The Silver Mirror, 155

Paladin on Warhorse: BSB, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Wyrmlance, Gromril Great Helm, 126

Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Heavy Armour, Knightly Vow, Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, 119

Paladin on Warhorse: Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Knightly Vow, Virtue of Confidence, Gauntlet of the Duel, Golden Sigil Sword, 130

11 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 303

11 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Banner of the Eternal Flame, 298

3x 3 Pegasus Knights: Musician, 175

2x 1 Field Trebuchet, 90

Total: 2398

Константин Волохин, Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord: General, Level 4, Vampires, Red Fury, Beguile, Aura of Dark Majesty, Great Weapon, Heavy armour, Shield, Nightshroud, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, 531

Vampire: BSB, Level 1, Vampires, Heavy armour, Enchanted Shield, Book of Arkhan, 164

Necromancer: Level 2, Death, Dispel Scroll, 125

Necromancer: Level 2, Death, Obsidian loadstone, 145

Tomb Banshee, 95

Cairn Wraith, 60

49 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Light Armour, Shield, Banner of Swiftness, 280

2x 20 Zombies: Musician, 65

25 Zombies: Musician, 80

3x 5 Dire Wolves, 40

3x 2 Fell Bats, 32

8 Crypt Horrors, 304

1 Spirit Hosts, 45

1 Terrorgheist, 225

Total: 2400

Дмитрий Безверхний, The Empire

Arch Lector on War Altar: General, Prayers of Sigmar, Heavy Armour, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 264

Wizard Lord: Level 4, Life, 200

Battle Wizard: Level 2, Light,100

Battle Wizard: Level 2, Light, Dispel Scroll, 125

Captain of the Empire on Imperial Pegasus: BSB, Full Plate Armor, Dawn Stone, Enchanted Shield, 173

3x 5 Knightly Orders: Musician, 120

30 Halberdiers: FCG, 210

D1: 5 Archers, 35

5 Demigryph Knights: Standard, Musician, 310

2x 1 Great Cannon, 120

1 Celestial Hurricanum, 130

1 Steam Tank, 250

Total: 2400

18) ""Неудержимые""(Новомосковск-Калуга-Тула-Москва)

Jendis (С)

Chaos lord,tzeench,disc of tzeench, hellfire sword, talisman of 5 ward, charmed shield, third eye of tzench 360

Chaos sorcerer lord, lore of metall 235

Exalted hero,bsb, tzeench, cw, daemonic mount, talisman of preservation, scaled scin, potion of dewesting chardth 256

Chaos sorcerer, lore of firel,dispel scroll, iron icon 140

20 warriors,fgg,halberds,shields,nurgle,baner of switness 445

Chaos chariot, nurgle 125

5 warhound 30

5 dragon ogres,GV 340

3 skullcrushers of khorne, ensorcelled weapon 234

3 skullcrushers of khorne, ensorcelled weapon 234

Итог; 2399


Bretonnian Lord.General; Heavy Armour; Shield; Grail Vow; Virtue of Heroism; Sword of Swift Slaying; Gromril Great Helm,Royal Pegasus

Prophetess of the Lady,Magic Level 4;Heavens Dispel Scroll,Warhorse

Paladin Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armour; Shield; Knightly Vow; Virtue of Duty, Sword of Might

Damsel of the Lady,Magic Level 2; Beast;Mane of the Purebreed,Warhorse

9 Knights Errant:FCG; Errantry Banner

8 Knights of the Realm: FCG

13 Peasant Bowmen Skirmishers

7 Knights of the Realm: FCG

3 Pegasus Knights: FCG

8 Grail Knights: Standard; Musician; War Banner

2 Field Trebuchet

Lasthobbit Wood Elves

Смирнов Вячеслав\Lasthobbit

Highborn @ 269.0 Pts General; Longbow; Light Armour; Shield,Bow of Loren,Arcane Bodkins,Glamourweave,Dragonhelm,Elf Steed

Spellweaver @ 300.0 Pts Magic Level 4;Heavens ;Longbow,Moonstone of the Hidden Ways,Opal Amulet

Spellsinger @ 120.0 Pts Magic Level 1; Lore of Metal; Longbow; Miscast Table,Dispel Scroll,Ironcurse Icon

11 Glade Guard @ 166.0 Pts,Longbow;FCG,Banner of the Eternal Flame

10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts Longbow; Musician

10 Glade Guard @ 126.0 Pts Longbow; Musician

5 Glade Riders @ 129.0 Pts Spear; Longbow; Musician

8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts

8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts

8 Dryads @ 96.0 Pts

6 Treekin @ 390.0 Pts

5 Wild Riders @ 130.0 Pts Spear; Light Armour; Musician

1 Treeman @ 285.0 Pts

1 Great Eagle @ 50.0 Pts

5 Waywatchers @ 120.0 Pts.2ndWeapon; Longbow


Антон Ogre Kingdoms

1 * Slaughtermaster @ 348.0 Pts General; Magic Level 4; Lore of the Great Maw; Iron Fist. Armour of Destiny,Warrior Bane,Ironcurse Icon

1 Bruiser @ 189.0 Pts Look-Out Gnoblar; Heavy Armour; Battle Standard.Talisman of Preservation,Enchanted Shield

1 Firebelly @ 179.0 Pts. Magic Level 1; Lore of Fire; Great Weapon.Hellheart

8+1 Ironguts @ 432.0 Pts.Great Weapon; Heavy Armour;FCG.Standard of Discipline

4 Ironguts @ 172.0 Pts. Great Weapon; Heavy Armour

5 Mournfang Cavalry @ 420.0 Pts.Iron Fist; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician.Dragonhide Banner

8 Maneaters (light armour) @ 427.0 Pts Poisoned Attacks; Stubborn. Musician;1хGreat Weapon,3х2ndWeapon

1 Sabretusk Pack @ 21.0 Pts

1 Sabretusk Pack @ 21.0 Pts

1 Sabretusk Pack @ 21.0 Pts

1 Ironblaster @ 170.0 Pts

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Надо [ой!]ить капитанов за такие форматы листов. Такое чувство, что все первый раз играют или еще хуже.

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Антон - респект за оперативность.

Форматы ряда листов - пи**ец, конечно.

С другой стороны, понимаешь, какая огромная просветительская работа была проделана за 2013.

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ЧК- твоя правда.

Демин Илья (С)- Gora88 (Wood Elves)

Spellweaver, General; Magic Level 4; Longbow, Sceptre of Stability, Talisman of Preservation, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways, 345

Лора магии?

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Демин Илья (С)- Gora88 (Wood Elves)

Spellweaver, General; Magic Level 4; Longbow, Sceptre of Stability, Talisman of Preservation, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways, 345

Не указана лора у мага.

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1) Хаос-броня

2) Сол[гомосек]

3) Демон Нургля

4) Уровни мага

5) Лора смерти


Итог: как-то невалидно выходит ;)

Играем по ограничениям которые висят в ветке.

• Scaled Skin/Soul Feeder/Dragonhelm/Dragonbane Gem/Wizard level(s)/Daemon of Nurgle/Flying, max 3 on the same Daemon Prince
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1 Savage Orc Great Shaman, 4 level, Lucky shrunken head, Fencers blades, Obsidian Amulet - 320pts

Маг. шмот превышает 100 очков

Дмитрий Безверхний, The Empire

Wizard Lord: Level 4, Light, 200

Battle Wizard: Level 2, Light,100

Battle Wizard: Level 2, Light, Dispel Scroll, 125

5 Demigryph Knights: Standard, Musician, 310

2x 1 Great Cannon, 120

1 Steam Tank, 250

Total: 2400

Each 3 (or fraction) Demigryph models after the first 2/Hellblaster Volleygun/Great Cannon/Seam Tank (counts as 2)/3rd Light Wizard, max 5

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У Рондебара 2 демоника на экзольтидах и 2 джаги. Печалька.

Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Skullcrusher unit/Daemon Prince/Core Chaos Chariots present in the army (max 3), max 4
Акелла промахнулся ;) Изменено пользователем Ph@ntom
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Акелла промахнулся ;)

Смотрим пост ЧК и видим, что Акелла не промахивается.

• Exalted Hero on Daemonic Mount/Skullcrusher units, max 3

Изменено пользователем benge
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А в первом посте ссылка на текущий драфт... Антон, скажи, пожалуйста, по каким-таки ограничениям играем? По последним (на 30.12) или по тем, что в теме?

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А в первом посте ссылка на текущий драфт... Антон, скажи, пожалуйста, по каким-таки ограничениям играем? По последним (на 30.12) или по тем, что в теме?

Играем по тем рестриктам которые висят в 2 посте на межклубных.

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Играем по тем рестриктам которые висят в 2 посте на межклубных.

Ок, тогда сейчас откорректирую ростер, сорри.

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"Команда молот" (Тула)

Игорь ©

1 Saurus Oldblood (Arabian Carpet, Armor of Destiny, great weapon, light armor, shield) - 261

Два армора на завре.

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Самойлов Кирил

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2 Upgrade Dispel Scroll, 155

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2 Upgrade 130

аnglais (DoC)

Herald of Tzeentch: Level 2 Wizard. 125

John Silver

Chaos Sorceror

+ Dispel Scroll,Charmed Shield,Warrior Bane,Steed of Slaanesh,Mark of Slaanesh: 175


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Демин Илья (С)- Gora88 (Wood Elves)

Spellweaver, General; Magic Level 4; Longbow, Sceptre of Stability, Talisman of Preservation, Moonstone of the Hidden Ways, 345

у моего мага хевен, просмотрел, сорри!..

Изменено пользователем Gora88
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Самойлов Кирилл

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2 Upgrade Dispel Scroll, 155

Daemonsmith Sorcerer Level 2 Upgrade 130

школа death

Захаров Антон

У приста Lore of Beasts У скинков Javelin & Shield; Shield

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У англэ герольд Тзинча знает лору Биста. Тоха разрешил! :)

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У сланов маг лора указывается или нет? У некоторых не указана.

У сланнов могут быть взяты все сигнатуры или вся хай мэджик школа.

Хотя, вот, у "Пороховых обезьян" ни того, ни другого, а лора не указана.

А у Фанатки взята вся хай лора, а указан лайт О_о

У англэ герольд Тзинча знает лору Биста.

Есть вариант с металлом, если что.

Изменено пользователем Бернхард
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