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Форумы портала WARFORGE > Компьютеры, консоли, коммуникации, игры > Игры по вселенным Warhammer > Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning > Вопросы и ответы, советы и подсказки > Технический раздел
Собственно постоянно при запуске игры приходится принудительно пролистывать и соглашаться, в варике такое было только после патчей. здесь же каждый раз- вопрос как убрать?
Zaknafeein Do'Urden
This is intentional for legal reasons. Each time you play WAR, you're actively using a service and must therefore agree to the terms of that service. Adhering to the EULA and COC is not a once-off flare; it is a continuous commitment. So why not make the procedure of accepting these terms more user-friendly, such as having the 'agree' box checked by default? One answer to this is that the less effort required to agree to something, the less is its juridical weight.

Whereas being annoyed about this feature is understandable, it may be useful to put things into perspective. It takes me some two seconds to scroll down, check the box and press the button. Repeating this for both the EULA and COC is a five second procedure. Repeating this a couple of times a day and even crashing a few times still only adds up to half a minute of your day. A small price for hours and hours of glorious WAR I'd say.


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